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Understanding Camallanus: A Detailed and Comprehensive Guide to the Treatment and Biology of these Parasitic Nematodes

Understanding Camallanus: A Detailed and Comprehensive Guide to the Treatment and Biology of these Parasitic Nematodes
Feel free to correct me or add more info on this guide, trying to help others as much as I can in eradicating these nasties so the more accuracy and advice, the better. Please, if you have info to help update parts of this guide, comment or shoot me a dm! I have put placeholders for info I just can't find enough reliable anecdotes on as "**NEED INFO**", so look out for that on the data table if you know a bit about this!
I know this guide is massive, (sorry! haha) bio major here and I just did like four 7-10 pg research papers a few weeks back so I ended up getting into that writing mode when I started citing sources here.
I've had a prolonged and terrible experience with multidrug-resistant camallanus parasites, and during this time I had to look up and research by myself many things about them. Unfortunately most of this info was not localized in one place, or was based on experience rather than backed by scientific studies, so I would like to share my findings here with both these factors to assist anyone else struggling with these particularly nasty parasites, and educate other fish owners with more useful information than just "hey, try this random drug!".

Part 1: The Biology of Camallanus

General Info and Theories
Camallanus is a genus of internal parasitic roundworms (nematodes) in which nine species exist. Species doesn't matter hugely if it's alive and actively infecting your fish, because only two kinds infect fish this rapidly and are found in the aquarium trade; C. cotti and C. lacustris, C. cotti being the most common. Moravec and Justine (2006) state that in aquarium fish cultures, this nematode may be found in Europe, North America (Canada specifically), South America (Brazil specifically), the West Indies (Puerto Rico), and Australia. It is in all these countries the parasite is frequently imported with exotic fish from Asia, especially Singapore. This was the case with my fish, as my parasite problems started after I bought an adult Gardner's Killifish from the pet store, from which the vast majority of this species is bred in Singapore. Bettas are another common species found with this parasite, and the fancier varieties all come from Singapore. Camallanus is extremely common among guppies, which seem to have an affinity for the nematode. Guppies are bred worldwide, but this statement from a fishkeeping magazine article on guppies pretty much summarizes why many new guppy owners may find themselves dealing with this parasite; "stock from a retailer will generally have been bred on fish farms in South-East Asia or from Sri Lanka" (Practical Fishkeeping, 2016).
Interestingly enough, all 3 species are in the same order; Cyprinodontiformes, which includes labyrinth fishes, livebearers, and killifish. However, I can confirm without doubt (along with the many other studies that exist) that it can most definitely infect fish outside this order, as one of my Peacock Gudgeons (Order Gobiiformes) came down with the worms. But it does seem to be more infectious towards Cyprinodontiformes in particular. In my tank I had a roughly equal population ratio of gudgeons to killifish, and all fish were of similar size and age. During the 2+ months dealing with this, all but 2 of my killies got worms, while only one gudgeon caught them. Additionally, none of my otocinclus catfish appeared to have been infected. I suspect fish with highly specialized intestines like this may be immune to Camallanus, as the structure is simply too different to figure out or even thrive in.
Life Cycles
Camallanus have two methods of reproduction. The first involves using live microscopic invertebrates like cyclops, tubifex worms, copepods, or daphnia as a secondary host for larvae, which are eventually killed and/or eaten by a fish (also known as heteroxeny). In most aquarium infections, species that reproduce through heteroxeny alone are quite rare because this is highly inefficient as far as parasites go, and rarely infects more than one fish, making this strategy far less infective (Levsen and Jakobsen, 2002). According to Levsen and Jakobsen (2002), species that can reproduce via both methods are pressured to spread through live larvae rather than heteroxeny in aquariums, as the parasite can face up to several generations in copepod-free tanks, or experience a bottleneck due to a low availability of copepod hosts. Generally the only way you'd get a strain like this would be if your fish has been fed aquatic invertebrates that were live or weren't freeze-dried/processed in a method that removes any and all possible germs/parasites, and again, infections from this is rare even then. I've seen forum posts before where people state Camallanus is spreading by using their mystery snails or ramshorns, or even shrimp as an intermediate host, but this is impossible for 2 reasons. 1: because the infected fish would have to eat the large inverts, and 2: in general snails and other large inverts are MUCH too big to be a useful host for heteroxeny. Camallanus infects copepods and other small hosts by wiggling around as a microscopic larvae on the substrate, which is then eaten by the hungry, miniscule invertebrates that can SEE it. They are far to small to be seen and targeted by larger invertebrates, and if they are by chance then they will just be digested by the far stronger stomach acids of a large host. It's simply not realistic. Just because you have any type of invert in the tank does not mean that Camallanus can use it as a host and spread through it, because only the tiny, insectlike "feeder" invertebrates can be hosts for it.
The other method of infection spreads live larvae into the water column (also known as monoxeny). I've seen people say both that they spread live larvae in the water, or drop eggs into the substrate (more often about eggs), but most people have heard about these nematodes from little to no research or anecdotes from others, so I'll clear up the confusion here. Don't bother to worry and read what people write about Camallanus eggs, because if more than one of your fish has come down this parasite then this is a 99.9% confirmation that you have a species that reproduces via monoxeny (LIVE LARVAE, and NOT EGGS), and is most likely C. cotti. Untergasser's Handbook of Fish Diseases (1989) makes this distinction the most clear and well-understood:
"Most Camallanus species reproduce by means of an intermediate host . . . These bring the larval worms into the aquarium, but the probability of infection even with live food from ponds is extremely small. The species Camallanus lacustris and C. cotti, probably from Asia, can multiply in an aquarium because they produce live larvae. They do not need an intermediate host for at least several generations." (Untergasser, pg. 106).
These species are the ones that are going to spread in your aquarium, and a lot of people talk about eggs but this is literally not what happens biologically with highly infectious C. cotti, because those species do not need to reproduce with intermediate hosts and eggs. This concern with eggs likely stems from a misunderstanding as the majority of anti-parasitic fish meds mention eggs, however these meds are also intended to treat multiple species/genus of parasites, some of which do produce eggs. What lands on the substrate instead of eggs are larvae, and as Rogowski et al. (2020) describes, the life cycle from gut larvae to adult worms takes about 30 days.
Reproduction and Attachment
After this, mature females emerge from the vent and live larvae are deposited to the substrate, where " they can survive for up to 3 wks" (p. 8). These larvae are produced in the ovoviviparous (eggs hatch in the mother and are born live, like garter snakes) female, and released motile and able to directly infect fish or copepods immediately after birth. After feeding and maturing in the gut of their host, they become sexually mature and latch onto the tissue of the host's gut using a ridged or spiked sclerotized structure specific to predatory nematodes, known as the Buccal Capsule. The Buccal Capsule functions as a "mouth" for parasitic worms, which don't have a fully developed oral structure. The Buccal Capsule does not fully sclerotize (harden) until the worm becomes sexually mature (Levsen and Berland, 2002). After attachment, the worms feed on the blood and tissue fluid of their host, giving them their red color (Rogowski et al., 2020). As soon as you see adult worms coming out a fish's anus, consider the rest in the tank infected.

Microscopic view of Camallanus cotti. Image 5. Cross-section view of the buccal capsule attached to the intestinal wall of the rectum. 6. Anterior (head-facing) ventral (underside) view of an adult female C. cotti. 7. Mouth of adult female Camallanus, with fully sclerotized ridges of buccal capsule visible, front view. 8. Buccal capsule of mature female Camallanus, side view. The three prongs show a lateral view of a chitinous structure that functions like lips for Camallanidae, called tridents (Hetherington, 1922). Menezes et al., 2006 (see works cited for full entry).
These worms infect two parts of the body; the females cling to the inside of the rectum or intestinal lining and stick out as a red thread about 2 or more mm out of the fish, spreading eggs or larvae. They go in and out of the anus of the fish, and I've only ever seen a maximum of 2-3 females in a fish at a time, but more severe infections could have more. Females are the hardest to kill. When they are removed, because they bite into the intestines to stay anchored they can end up tearing out tissue, leading to bacterial infections or necrotic tissue. This is more often the cause of death than the worms themselves.
Not visible from the outside are the male Camallanus, which I have read somewhere (but can't seem to find the source; virtually no articles mention the location of the males in their host for some reason) live in the intestines somewhere. Males are much smaller than females, with a smaller buccal capsule (Menezes et al., 2006). From what I can tell, males are FAR easier to kill than females (I had fish ejecting small, lighter-colored worms after some treatments, but the red female worms sticking out the anus would not die, so I assume these were either male or younger worms). An orally administered strongish anthelmintic (will get to this later, but basically this is the class of drug that all treatments of Camallanus- with the exception of a few- have as an active ingredient) will wipe out the male population in one go generally.
Please note that these worms, depending of the species of the infected, take a while to kill their host. This does not mean you should leave it, but for robust fish at least they can easily survive for at least 2 months with adult worms sticking out. Or they did in my case. I haven't lost a fish yet just using mostly ineffective treatments. However, the longer you wait the larger the risk you run of bacterial infections after the parasite is removed, as the buccal capsule damages the tissues and mucous membrane of the host's intestines.
The nastiest part about Camallanus, apart from their resistance to many commonly used drugs to treat them, is the fact that they can take up to a month or more to become visible, and by then it's too late. I had a single fish with active Camallanus floating in a container that escaped into the tank (with no prior exposure to the nematode) at some point that night, and though I immediately removed it, weeks later a fish in that same tank had an infection of adult worms.
Hetherington, D.C. 1922. Comparative studies on certain features of nematodes and their significance. In: Illinois Biological Monographs (Forbes, S.A., Trelease, W., Ward, H.B., eds.), Vol. VIII. University of Illinois, IL, p. 35.
Levsen, A., Berland, B. 2002. The development and morphogenesis of Camallanus cotti Fujita, 1927 (Nematoda: Camallanidae), with notes on its phylogeny and definitive host range. Systematic Parasitology, 53: 29-37.
Levsen, A., Jakobsen, P.J. 2002. Selection pressure towards monoxeny in Camallanus cotti (Nematoda, Camallanidae) facing an intermediate host bottleneck situation. Parasitology, 124(6): 625-629.
Menzes, R.C., Tortelly, R., Tortelly-Neto, R., Noronha, D., Pinto, R.M. 2006. Camallanus cotti Fujita, 1927 (Nematoda, Camallanoidea) in ornamental aquarium fishes: pathology and morphology. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 101(6):683-687.
Rogowski, E.L.B., Alst, A.D.V., Travis, J., Reznick, D.N., Coulson, T., Bassar, R.D. 2020. Novel parasite invasion leads to rapid demographic compensation and recovery in an experimental population of guppies. PNAS, 117(36): 22580-22589.
Rundle, J. (Article Writer unknown, Rundle was interviewed for article). The Guppy: First loves never die [Internet]. UK. Practical Fishkeeping; 2016 June [cited 2021 Jan 8]. Available from
Untergasser, D., trans. Hirschhorn, H.H. 1989. Handbook of fish diseases. Beptune City, NJ: TFH Publications. Link.

Part 2: Drugs and Treatment

General Info
All but a couple of the deworming medications for Camallanus that are available or recommended are a class of drugs known as anthelmintics. Anthelmintics used to treat fish most often work on these worms by paralyzing them so they can be passed out through the anus. Some people say certain (weaker) drugs can kill adult female worms at higher doses but I would say this is a mistaken assumption based off seeing the internal male worms dying, and would not recommend it. I kept trying more and more meds with the first fish out of sheer desperation and they ended up killing her (and this was with fenbendazole, a dewormer with one of the largest safety margins out there). Some anthelmintics DO kill nematode worms, but most are not safe for fish or have an extremely low margin of safety (ie: Ivermectin). The (safe) drugs are not easily metabolized by the bodies of fish, so when ingested the drug will pass through the GI tract and out the anus, where it makes contact with the worms and paralyzes them.
In North America at least, Camallanus worms are apparently so frequently treated with the most commonly-recommended medications (fenbendazole and levamisole) that most are completely resistant to them (I have no official research articles on this as this topic is, unfortunately, highly understudied). Though I can only find anecdotes from fellow aquarists to confirm this, I can confirm 100% that in my case the worms I encountered were resistant, because I treated my fish with multiple meds, both normally and with much larger-than-recommended doses, as well as administered both orally and externally, and for longer periods of time*. Neither Fenbendazole or Levamisole worked.
*Note that you shouldn't do this unless your fish are extremely robust like my killifish and peacock gudgeons. If it's not working, don't keep pushing because from what I've found, chances are more will not help. Also note that the less stress you can put on your fish during treatment, the longer they will last. I found my killifish all became stressed and very pale when they were isolated in containers in the tank. Due to this I chose to just let them stay in the tank because it was probably all infected anyways. However I only have a 20G so for others this might not be a good idea. But less stress is very important because it lets your fish survive for much longer and reduces the chances of the fish dying from intestinal damage later when the nematodes are finally removed.
While few parasitic nematodes, and especially Camallanus, have been studied for resistance, other related Helminths (parasitic worms) have been, and their resistance towards Anthelmintics has grown much like antibacterial resistance has to antibiotics. As Abongwa et al. (2017) states, "The repeated and improper use of currently available anthelmintics has led to the development of resistance in numerous veterinary parasite species worldwide", and as a result of the mechanism of action for the majority of drugs in this class being similar, resistance to one mechanism is likely to work on multiple drugs, also known as side resistance. Additionally, according to Abongwa, the development of resistance can be rapid as some parasites were found to be resistant to the livestock dewormer thiabendazole only 3 years after the drug's release. The strategies parasitic worms use to develop resistance to dewormers are the exact same that bacteria use to resist antibiotics; mutation or deletion of genes, modifying the receptor target of the drug to decrease affinity, decreasing or removing the enzymes that catalyze reactions with the drug, and more (Abongwa et al., 2017).
Abongwa, M., Martin, R.J., Robertson, A.P. 2017. A brief review on the mode of action of antinematodal drugs. Acta veterinaria, 67(2): 137–152.
What works?
The best treatment I know of that can be used on Camallanus, is used rarely enough (and virtually never in NA because you can only get it from the UK or EU) that the chances of resistance is virtually none, and is highly effective against nematodes in specific, and safe to treat fish with, is Nematol by Sera, the active ingredient of which is Emamectin Benzoate, a common pesticide for parasitic nematodes in plant roots. This medication, as a pesticide, is much more effective on the worms and actually fully kills or paralyzes worms (it can be hard to tell which when they're hanging out). Best of all, it's not just a general dewormer but a nematode-specific killer. The largest downside is the difficulty in obtaining it. If you ordered from a German ebay vet while in Canada in mid-November like I did, it might take over 2 months to randomly show up at your house squashed and with an $18 customs fee.
ALSO: NEVER GIVE UP TRYING, no matter how many drugs these worms might be resisting, they cannot possibly be resistant to every one out there, because some treatments are WAY less common than others!! Keep using new drugs until one happens to work!! I believe in you, and your fish do too. Give them a good, long happy life and don't let these shitty worms win!!!
Data Table Notes:
Here is a table of medications that may or may not work on Camallanus, and their various pros and cons. This is based on my experience and observations which may not be the same case for everyone, and some I have not tried, but read about other peoples' experiences or knowledge on forums posts, or found studies on. Certain info is not confirmed to be entirely accurate or known (ie: effectiveness on males) because of how little studies exist on Camallanus treatment, so this info is based on accounts and statements by aquarists in forum posts I've come across in the past. If certain info is not mentioned (ie: whether it's safe for inverts), this means it's the same as the other entries, and the opposite of mentioned info (ie: if it's mentioned one drug isn't safe for inverts, others where this isn't mentioned means safe for inverts).
Note that Anthelmintics NOT mentioned in this table I have already looked into and found to be unsafe for aquatic life and fish, or are NOT EFFECTIVE FOR INTERNAL ROUNDWORM PARASITES, and therefore should definitely NOT be used in the treatment of Camallanus, or in aquariums at all. Some are for external parasites only (ie: Metronidazole) or just ineffective against Camallanus (ie: Praziquental). See a list of these other drugs and their effectiveness here. Also note some drugs (Ivermectin, other livestock dewormers safe for fish) may not obviously label the main ingredient on the front, but it is very easy to obtain this information with a quick google search as they are likely legally obliged to provide it (search "medicine name" active ingredient). Any medicines with a form of copper in them should not be used in the presence of invertebrates period. Goat dewormers are, for the most part, unsafe for fish. Also note that vast amounts of so-called "medicine" that are sold on online vendors like amazon are herbal snake oil bs that will do NOTHING to help your fish. Onion oil and thistle extract does not cure Camallanus. Beware of this.
Also, it is possible that given time and a robust biology, a fish can overcome Camallanus on its own, however reinfection chances are extremely high. I could not kill female worms with Levamisole alone, yet one of my fish at some point suddenly had no more adult females sticking out its vent. I suspect this was because the tissue the worm was attached to eventually necrotized, causing it to fall off. Or it might have just not inherited resistance. Weeks later this fish is still active and healthy, so it was likely able to overcome any possible secondary infections from the removal, or perhaps the worm(s) just weren't very well attached to begin with.
Effectiveness on larvae/eggs isn't included in this as I have no way of confirming it. Regardless, every treatment for Camallanus recommends to dose again after 3 weeks when any intermediate-host-generation worms would have hatched or reached the limit of their lifespan on the substrate, or when any still-infected fish would have almost mature worms. So even if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter because you just kill off the worms after they've possibly "hatched" or infected but before they've sexually matured and can spread more.
One very useful source I found that actually tested multiple medications in laboratory conditions on C. cotti is this info sheet. Unfortunately, the original pdf is in German but since the google patent had a transcript in english for it I decided to make a translated version of the pdf myself for easier reading:
Mehlhorn, H., Schmal, G., Schmidt, J. Use of avermectin with derivation of epi-methylamino group (emamectin) or epi-acetylamino group (eprinomectin) and/or salts, for treatment of fish against parasites, nematode, Acanthocephala or Crustacea. Alpha-Biocare GmbH Patent no. DE102007002872A1. Available at: (Accessed: 8 Jan 2021)
Data Tables:
Drug Name & Family Kills or Removes Male Worms/Younger Worms? Kills or Removes Adult Female Worms? Easy to Obtain? Safety Margins Best Administered Resistance Common?
Fenbendazole (Common Dog/Cat dewormer). Benzimidazole family. Not IME Not IME Very easy High [1] Orally [2] Common resistance and side resistance
Levamisole (Fish and Bird dewormer).Imidazothiazole family. Yes IME Not IME Moderately; banned from vet use in Canada, but can be found here High [3] Orally [4] most effective, water column may or may not work Common resistance
Ivermectin (Horse dewormer). Avermectin family. Yes, may not kill entire population [5] Yes Easy to moderate; depends on form [6] Low [5] Orally Resistance can occur but far less common as it's rarely used for fish
Flubendazole. Benzimidazole family. Side Resistance likely if resisting a "-dazole" medication[7]
Mebendazole. Benzimidazole family. Side Resistance likely if resisting a "-dazole" medication [7]
And more, virtually all the same medications and far more difficult to find and dose than the ones listed above...
[1] On Fenbendazole safety margins: In much higher quantities than recommended in the water column, this can have a detrimental effect to fish. I doubt anyone does/will try the same thing I did, but be aware that a large amount of this in a smallish amount of water causes a great deal of stress on the body of a fish and can cause them to stop eating and eventually die in less than a week. This is probably true of any anthelmintic or fish meds, so don't repeat my mistakes and kill an innocent fish; don't put a large, unknown quantity of meds into a container with your fish, no matter how desperate you are.
[2] On Fenbendazole administration: Easiest to come by as most vets have it, it was what my vet recommended at well. It's one of the weaker Anthelmintics. Apparently only effective orally, however I was told by my vet to add it to the water. I did both and neither worked well.
[3] On Levamisole safety margins: The LC50 (lethal concentration) for fish is 250 mg/L (0.94 g/Gal) for 24 h in the water. I have yet to find a lethal dose for oral administration, fish seem to be able to easily tolerate food soaked in large quantities of this med, even having eaten it before the food has come into contact with the tank water.
[4] On Levamisole administration: I didn't find adding it to the water worked very well, but adding a small amount of water to the powder to make a pastelike substance then dipping food in it wiped the internal worms out greatly at least. Note that this med dissolves very easily in water so for oral administration to be effective you want your fish eating it almost the second it hits the water, or even before. My fish are aggressive and will attack my hands and the medicinal dropper I use so this method worked well for me as they ate it rapidly.
[5] Collymore, C., Watral, V., White, J.R., Colvin, M., Rasmussen, S., Tolwani, R.J., Kent, M.L. 2014. Tolerance and efficacy of emamectin benzoate and ivermectin for the treatment of Pseudocapillaria tomentosa in laboratory zebrafish (Danio rerio). Zebrafish, 11(5): 490-497.
This study and multiple treatment reports online confirm a low safety margin for this drug. It can easily cause neurological issues with fish and it is hard to calculate dosage as it's not made for aquarium use and the paste often sold for horses can result in unexpectedly high concentrations in food, causing deaths.
[6] Easily found as a paste for deworming horses on amazon, but this is not a "pure" form and thus it may be very difficult to accurately calculate a safe dosage. Additionally, a paste form will come with additional chemicals/additives which may have unexpected or negative side effects towards aquatic life. Non-paste forms of ivermectin are not nearly as easy to find and may have to be ordered from a pharmaceutical or industrial chemicals vendor.
[7] Flubendazole and Mebendazole have extremely similar molecular structures, and belong to the same "family" of drugs in the anthelmintics class, known as Benzimidazoles. The Benzimidazoles group includes Thiabendazole, Fenbendazole, Flubendazole, Mebendazole, Febantel, Netobimin, and many more types of livestock dewormers. If your worm strain is resistant to one type of "-dazole" it's highly likely it's resistant to others, if not all in that group. The only difference between Mebendazole and Flubendazole is that Flubendazole has a fluoride attached at the end of a benzene ring.
Non-Anthelmintic Dewormers:
Drug Name & Family Kills or Removes Male Worms/Younger Worms? Kills or Removes Adult Female Worms? Easy to Obtain? Safety Margins Best Administered Resistance Common?
Piperazine (Chicken dewormer). Piperazine family. Same drug class as Viagra Very to Moderately easy [1*] Orally; apparently 25 mg/10 g of food is recommended [2*] Resistance possible or may just be too weak for majority of cases
Emamectin Benzoate (AKA Nematol [3*]). Avermectin family of Macrocyclic Lactones. Yes Yes Easy in UK/EU through Amazon, also on the shelf in pet stores. Must be ordered internationally for NA, make take months to arrive due to customs. High, both orally and in the water column; well tolerated by fish. [3, cited above] In the water column is recommended by Sera, but in study [3, cited above] it was given orally, so both are possible and effective. Resistance HIGHLY UNLIKELY in North America, and probably also rare in UK/EU as it's not used very commonly.
Eprinomectin. (Cattle dewormer). [4*] Avermectin family of Macrocyclic Lactones. Yes [5*] Yes [5*] Easy if you're a chemist, might be impossible for anyone else [6*] High, both orally and in the water column [5*] Both orally and in the water column is effective Resistance extremely unlikely, I've only ever found mention of this med's use in that German patent, shocking it's not more well-known.
[1*] On obtaining Piperazine: Most small animal vets should have or be able to obtain this, but this is more an "experimental" treatment for Camallanus as it's rarely recommended so less flexible vets may not be willing to prescribe it. I was told by my vet that it is weaker than fenbendazole, however this might not be the case with nematodes. I do not consider it an "official" treatment either, not only because it is so rarely recommended but because few accounts exist on whether or not it works well. It is, however, a different class of drug and therefore may possibly have a more useful effect on your strain of nematodes than anthelmintics.
[2*] Source (look at section on piperazine)
[3*] Because this is the only fish medication that uses this salt as an active ingredient. Emamectin Benzoate is the benzoate salt of the anthelmintic Abamectin, or the 4'-deoxy-4'-epi-Methylamino Derivative of Avermectin B1.
[4*] Eprinomectin is the 4'-deoxy-4'-epi-Acetylamino Derivative of Avermectin B1.
[6*] With a quick google search I found you can get massive quantities of it intended for cattle use in the US, but this likely isn't made to dissolve in aquarium water or be safe for fish. The patent guide also mentions the methods you can/must use to make the ingredient water-soluble, so if you are able to access these tools and materials it's certainly possible. It's also possible that the cattle varieties are in fact water-soluble and fish-safe, but you would have to perform multiple tests or calculations to confirm this without risking the lives of your fish.
How do you know for sure Camallanus has been killed, or what does it look like when Camallanus is dying from an effective or semi-effective medication?
Here are some images I took of my fish (Fundulopanchax nigerianus, males) after dosing with Nematol (Emamectin Benzoate). Nematol completely killed and removed all mature male and female Camallanus nematodes 48h after dosing. Previously visible and moving red female worms were nowhere to be seen after this period of time. An effective nematocidal fish medication should take care of the parasites within 48 h. and no longer. If your fish still have worms after this time period, either your dosing was too weak or the parasite is resistant (more likely the case).

Worms (white lines just before anal fin) being ejected from anus, ~18h after dosing Nematol. Presumably male or young worms found in the intestines rather than vent; I noticed these types of worms have a pale yellowish color, when ejected at least, rather than the red females. This type of ejection of small internal worms was also observed, with a nearly identical appearance, when fish were orally fed Levamisole. I would call this \"Stage 1\" of treatment, with at least a portion of the population of worms being removed.
Treatment of C. cotti with Nematol (Emamectin Benzoate), ~24h. after first and only dose. Female nematode is hanging out vent of fish. During this time, movement of worms in and out of anus was not observed (during both Fenbendazole and Levamisole treatments, movement of females entering and leaving of anus never ceased). Blood pulsing through the worm was also visible, however worm was hanging out far far more than usual, and not motile otherwise. Within 12 h. after this, the female worms disappeared entirely, presumably ejected. I call this \"Stage 2\", and this stage guarantees your fish will be cured, because the most resistant and difficult to kill mature females are removed from the fish for good. After this all that needs to be removed are the remaining worms, and then recovery.
Worm ejection, 5 days after initial treatment. White color clearly indicates dead status of worm, which was presumably still attached by the buccal capsule somewhere in the body until its eventual ejection. I would call this \"stage 3\", or the final stage of worm removal from the intestines of your fish. They repel the last few dead worms out. After this stage, bacterial infections may be a risk.


Anthelmintics/Anti-parasite drugs that are relatively new or so little known about them apart from that they treat for nematodes that more studies need to be performed to find out effectiveness and toxicity towards aquatic life:
  • Tetrahydropyrimidines, according to study [1] causes spastic paralysis of worms as an effective class of nematocidal drugs, and according to this patent, fish are some of the safest patients for the drugs. However too little info is known and to my knowledge there are currently no existing veterinary medications which use these drugs as an active ingredient, making them nearly impossible to come by. A snippet of info on a compound that includes a tetrahydropyrimidine in the formula stated that lethal concentration occurred for danios after 4 days in a concentration of less than 100 mg/L (>0.4 g/Gal). However this isn't much to go off of nor does it tell us much about the use of it on nematodes.
  • Abamectin/Avermectin B1, apparently the benzoate salt that is derived from this make emamectin benzoate. Commonly used to treat livestock. According to study [1] it's also used in fish farms to treat fish lice, however I've found multiple articles (1, 2, 3) which conflict with this info and have found it to be highly toxic towards danios, so unless it's used in microscopic quantities at fish farms or commercial fish are more tolerant, they probably don't use the same form of it that these other studies have, nor the same kind used as an insecticide for crops.
Other Nematocides/Anthelmintics that are difficult to find info on, but with a bit of digging I found to be detrimental to aquatic life and should NOT be used on fish.
  • Spiroindoles, this is a lesser known class of drug but the only patent of it available for veterinary use I found in study [2] (derquantel) is highly toxic to aquatic life so I would stay away from this class entirely, especially since you cannot obtain this class without having other aquatic-toxic compounds mixed in
  • Organophosphates, Carbamates, Synthetic Pyrethroids, not all are for nematodes specifically but all 3 are veterinary anti-parisitic drug classes that should not be used, because according to this website on parasites, all have proven to be highly toxic towards aquatic life.
  • Artemisinin, a wormwood compound which apparently shows anti-parasitic activity but is toxic to fish regardless (category 1 aquatic toxicity = the highest toxicity level towards aquatic life).
[1] Lumaret, J. P., Errouissi, F., Floate, K., Römbke, J., Wardhaugh, K. 2012. A review on the toxicity and non-target effects of macrocyclic lactones in terrestrial and aquatic environments. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. 13(6): 1004-1060.
[2] Abongwa, M., Martin, R.J., Robertson, A.P. 2017. A brief review on the mode of action of antinematodal drugs. Acta veterinaria, 67(2): 137–152.
There's a lot more to be written about and revised here but I've been working on this guide for several days now in a reddit draft and I want to post it now as this type of research can be exhausting, no matter how passionate you are about it. Probably few people will even read this anyways because it's such a niche topic and I wrote like a bajillion words that can be a huge ass pain to sift through, buut... I learned a lot, I found it interesting and incredibly informative, so I sincerely hope it can help others too. I included as much as came to my mind and will add more to fill in the blanks but yea... I think it really covers just about everything endoparasite-related with fish and it's a lot more comprehensive than the majority of research articles out there, while still being long, detailed, and researched enough to be trustworthy and helpful (I hope). So for anyone struggling with nematodes out there... good job finding this guide, it shows you care a hell of a lot about your fish. You got this, you'll cure them, I'm proud of you. Good luck.
submitted by Shelilla to Aquariums [link] [comments]

VitalFlow Reviews | Warning! VitalFlow Must Read This Before Try!

Welcome to the VitalFlow Review 2021, In this review Reddit we will discuss every feature of the Reddit VitalFlow Reviews 2021 program and see the advantages and disadvantages of each feature.
Looking for VitalFlow Reviews 2021 Reddit before making a decision ? In this article, we are going to provide you with the VitalFlow Review 2021 Reddit, And give you a comprehensive detail it.
VitalFlow Reviews
VitalFlow supplement - Everything about the prostate problems support supplement Vital Flow discussed. Detailed VitalFlow reviews with benefits, side effects and dosage.
Welcome to the VitalFlow Honest Review, In this honest review we will give you our opinion about each part of this program and discuss the positive and negative points of it.
This VitalFlow review is a take on the feedback and experiences from using the VitalFlow supplement.
Millions of working men struggle to cope with daily life because of the difficulties caused by prostate and related bladder problems. The frequent restroom breaks and inability to perform sexually, affects both their social and personal life adversely. These difficulties affect one's overall personality and confidence adversely.
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VitalFlow Review- Natural Solution To Prostate Problems

While several Vitalflow reviews highlight its effectiveness, this VitalFlow review also looks into its possible side-effects, ingredients, purchase details, and working formula.
Since it claims to be a natural supplement, one would be curious to know how long the pills would take to provide relief.
Product Name: VitalFlow
Creator: Sam Morgan
Category: Prostate Health
Main Benefits: Help in fighting with BPH and promote overall wellness.
Price: $69 for one bottle
Quantity: 60 Capsules
Money-Back Guarantee: 60 Days
Availability: Only through the official website
>>>Click here to order VitalFlow Prostate Supplements from the official website (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

What is Vitalflow?

Due to lifestyle inadequacies and dietary problems, prostate problems and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is becoming increasingly common even among young men. It is a highly disabling condition that affects their regular functioning and personal life adversely.
The Vitalflow supplement is a blend of plant extracts that acts as a dietary supplement and improves prostate health. It claims to help reduce BPH symptoms and relieve the user of difficulties like incontinence and ejaculation pain. The pills are non-GMO, non-allergic, and vegetarian. The formula and the tablets' results are said to be based on stringent scientific testing and research.
As per Vitalflow reviews, the supplement claims to work by a multi-level approach. They act by targeting the two leading causes of prostate problems, which are DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) and Inflammation. The different ingredients involved in the composition of the pills are responsible for these other actions.
On one level, they prevent the build-up of DHT and remove the excess of it from the body. On the other hand, the blood oxygen level and blood circulation towards the prostate glands are also improved. This not only removes the built-up toxins but also helps one feel relieved of urination. The person may also feel increased sex drive and pleasure during ejaculation, unlike before.
It also provides an overall boost in immunity and wellness by removing harmful pathogens.
The ingredients form a unique blend that is scientifically proven to prevent the build-up of DHT. These ingredients were chosen after carefully testing over 144 natural ingredients. The combination of some components is also carefully curated to enhance each others' effects and become more potent. They also remove other harmful toxins that cause inflammation in the prostate glands. Thereby, the distressing symptoms associated with BPH can be reduced naturally.
>>>Click here to order VitalFlow Prostate Supplements from the official website (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

The Ingredients

As said earlier, the VitalFlow supplement includes 100% natural plants and herbs. The product does not contain any toxins or chemical substances that may harm your health. The primary VitalfFow ingredients involved to tackle prostate problems are:
The supplement is a carefully created mixture of 34 natural ingredients scientifically proven to treat BPH effectively. These ingredients were selected with caution to reduce possible side effects that usually follow prostate health medicines.
>>>Click here to order VitalFlow Prostate Supplements from the official website (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

What benefits can you expect?

The unique ingredients mentioned above in this VitalFlow review are blended in a specific ration in order to form a natural and proprietary blend, VitalFlow supplement. This blend assures the following benefits with consistent use:
Therefore, Vitalflow pills seem to give an overall boost to one's daily functioning and personal life.
>>>Already decided to try? Click here to order VitalFlow Prostate Supplements from the official website

VitalFlow Side effects, Dosage & How to use it?

Based on the reviews given by consistent product users, VitalFlow side effects are significantly low to none. The natural ingredients are also clinically tested to be safe for daily use and processed in most sophisticated labs that assure high-quality standards. Most users reported a significant improvement in their overall functioning and immunity after using the product regularly.
However, it is safe to consult a doctor before use if one has any pre-existing condition or is on any other medication type.
The standard dosage recommended for the supplement is two capsules per day, preferably in the morning with water. Vitalflow pills are safe to use for men above the age of 20 who suffer from any kind of prostate health condition. A higher dose than the standard prescription is not recommended. Children and women should also not consume these pills.
>>>Click here to order VitalFlow Prostate Supplements from the official website (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

Is It a Magic pill?

The VitalFlow supplement is a formula that claims to be developed after testing 144 natural ingredients clinically for significant results. The resultant formula and its effectiveness is hence a matter of science rather than a magical output. Therefore, its effect would also not occur overnight or in a matter of a few days. Tissue rejuvenation and reduction of gland inflammation can only be reduced gradually. Thus, the pills would also require supportive diet plans and a healthy lifestyle to bring out meaningful body results.

How long will it take to see the result?

Based on the VitalFlow customer reviews and the scientific research findings, the supplement would take at least a month or two to bring about its entire spectrum of body changes. Consistent use for about a three month time should show significant improvement in one's prostate health and reduce symptoms.
However, for best results, it is necessary to keep oneself healthy otherwise also. This includes having a regular exercise routine, eating healthy, and keeping the mind low on stress.
>>>Click here to order VitalFlow Prostate Supplements from the official website (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

How long would the results stay?

One cannot decide if vitalflow is effective or not by just a month of use. This is primarily because natural ingredients take time to bring about changes in the body tissues and work. However, users of the product report that whatever improvement the supplement has caused, it stayed for long. When the supplement is used consistently for at least a period of 3 months at the least, the changes brought about would last for up to a year or more.
For a sustained improvement, it is recommended to continue the use for a more extended period. Given that it is not a prescription drug, there should be no embarrassment in purchasing the product and consuming it as a regular dietary supplement.
>>>Click here to order VitalFlow Prostate Supplements from the official website (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

Price & Where to get it?

If you are considering buying the product and are wondering how much does VitalFlow supplement cost, then it is going to reveal here. The price for the VitalFlow supplement is $69 per bottle for a single purchase. They also allow bulk purchases so that one does not have to bother about low running out of stock amidst difficult situations as such. Huge discount offers are provided with bulk purchases, so it won't be much expensive. A purchase of 3 bottles, which is required for three month supply comes at a rate of $59 per bottle. The cost per bottle is further reduced to $49 for an order of six month supply, which includes 6 bottles.
The product can be purchased solely from its official website. It is not available anywhere else, online or offline. Therefore, any products going by the same or similar names in any other sales platform is probably not legit and needs to be avoided.
The official website also offers a 60-day full refund policy, which may not be available anywhere else in case of any discomfort.
Vitalflow Supplements official website -

Vitalflow customer reviews & complaints

Most of the VitalFlow customer reviews are positive and some of them are given below.
Jaidan Zoey
The VitalFlow supplement gave me a satisfactory result within the use of the first 2 weeks itself. Now I have been using this for 1month and it feels really good. I was in so much discomfort as I am not satisfied with my sexual life. Initially, I was skeptical to use the VitalFlow supplement. But gave a try. So if I didn’t get any results, I can ask for a refund. But the product delivered the desired results. Also, the price of the supplement is really affordable and the way of handling customers by the team behind it is really excellent. My delivery was delayed due to these COVID-19 pandemic issues and the team spoke at me nicely and politely when I called them to ask about it.
Gavin Wyatt
It is been around 2 months since I started using the VitalFlow supplement. The product has given a positive change in my personal life. The results are very intriguing and products like VitalFlow are really useful for people like me. I am expecting more from the team behind VitalFlow and thanks for this.
Austin Luke
I struggled with my prostate and bladder related issues for almost 3 years. I have consulted many doctors, tried many supplements and other traditional solutions. VitalFlow supplement was suggested by one of my colleagues and it was an experiment. I am hopeless while I started to use the VitalFlow supplement. But gradually, I felt some changes. Now it's been 3 months since I was consuming VitalFlow capsules without any delay. The only thing I have to say to all men who have bladder related issues is that you should give a try for VitalFlow supplement.
>>>Click here to order VitalFlow Prostate Supplements from the official website (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

Vitalflow Reviews - Final Verdict

The VitalFlow pills offer an alternate, natural relief to prostate health conditions. The plant-based ingredients are scientifically proven to be effective. Several user reviews also vouch for the effectiveness of the product. There are also no significant side-effects reported for the supplement so far.
The pills act on the body in a systematic, multi-level approach by preventing DHT build-up and removing excess DHT. Further, it also rejuvenates prostate tissues to reduce inflammation and damage to bladder tissues. Additionally, the anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and antioxidant ingredients remove toxins from the body and boost immunity. Thereby, overall bladder and prostate health is improved. The pills also have a positive effect on improving one's sex drive and libido.
Compared to the regular prescription drugs used for prostate problems, this supplement seems affordable and harmless in the long run, giving lasting relief. Above all, the company also offers a 60-day full refund that safeguards the money paid for any purchase. Therefore, there is little risk involved in trying vital flow supplements significantly if prostate problems have severely affected your normal functioning.
>>>Click here to order VitalFlow Prostate Supplements from the official website (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

Frequently Asked Questions by our audience

Regarding expiry of the product
Health supplements like VitalFlow lose their potency after they expire, and therefore their effectiveness. The date of manufacturing and date of expiration will be mentioned on the bottle of VitalFlow supplement. Once you have got your order, check these. Because taking supplements past their expiration date might harm your health.
Is there any delay in delivery due to COVID-19?
There may be a delay with your order due to COVID-19. But the delivery team of VitalFlow is trying to reach you as soon as possible.
Is it available in any local stores?
No, VitalFlow supplement is not available to purchase from any local stores. The product is only sold through its official website. The manufacturer also advises to purchase from the official website to take advantage of various discount packages available through its webpage.
>>>Click here to order VitalFlow Prostate Supplements from the official website (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)
submitted by cheryldlovejoy to KetoDiet2021 [link] [comments]

What herbs can and can’t do in feminizing HRT: An extensive review of the evidence

(Warning: Very long, but well organized.)
The bottom line: most of the physical changes brought on by HRT cannot be initiated by herbs alone. However, herbs hold promise in a number of specific areas. First is that many are good at causing a few of the specific physical changes associated with HRT such as superficial facial fat redistribution and softening of the skin; I review an herb that is promising for hair growth. Second is that many can bring on positive mental effects that a number of trans people say are helpful to them, and some trans people report that herbs can give them a ‘taste’ of what estrogen is like as they decide if HRT is right for them.
Potential Advantages of Herbal Estrogenics
First, herbal treatments can be used in conjunction with prescription treatments to help transwomen reach specific gender goals. For example, if a trans person has only a partial response to their treatments (which can be caused by many things, such as a genetically-heritable insensitivity of the estrogenic receptors which in such cases do not activate even in the presence of increasing blood levels, an herbal approach might help fill in gaps and facilitate changes in appearance and mood. That is, herbs could have an additive (‘adjunctive’) effect, potentially increasing the speed of certain changes or reducing side effects without doing much on their own. (See the last section for a discussion of whetheto what extent herbs may interact with prescription hormones.)
Second, herbal treatments could be used by ‘trans curious’ people who want to start experiencing changes but feel the pharmaceutical treatments would have too strong an effect for them. I would include in this group individuals who do not want some of the long-term effects of HRT (such as changes in the size and function of the genitals) while still desiring some degree of feminization. I have talked to a trans person who used Pueraria Mirifica alone because they did not want any changes to their genital function.
Lastly, some transgender women use herbs for ‘natural breast enhancement’, but I do not recommend this at all unless it is done with utmost care and only in conjunction with prescription treatments. I review 'natural breast enhancement' and talk about its pitfalls in a later section.
Most Promising Therapeutics
Pueraria Mirifica (PM) I consider to be the herb with the most potential for those on feminizing HRT. I first saw this recommended multiple times by trans people who said the following things: first, that it caused some slight physical changes (primarily skin changes, but even breast growth when it was taken in combination with other herbs). But these physical changes did not rival what can be achieved by pure estrogen. Its main advantage seems to be in terms of mental changes. I read a few trans people who claimed that PM helped them feel a calm that they said helped them feel ready to transition, and that helped them ‘test’ what taking estrogen might be like before considering use of the pharmaceuticals.
PM seems to contain stronger estrogenic than any other plant I’ve read about. Interestingly, it seems to contain a mix of many of the same estrogenic found in other plants, but also some unique and powerful ones. Like soy it contains some estrogens that are isoflavones, which are quite weak plant-based estrogens but that seem to have lots of health effects. It contains genistein, the chief isoflavone in soy; it also contains a number of other classes of plant-based estrogens such as coumarins. What is most significant is that, in addition to essentially acting like a ‘super soy’ with all the strongest components of soy, it contains an estrogenic only found in this plant, ‘deoxymiroestrol', which is said to have very strong actions at the estrogen receptor – at times close to or comparable to those of estrogen itself, according to this study which looked at its binding affinity to estrogen receptors.
Mirifica extract appears quite safe compared to many other hormonal herbs, with the most common side effect being nausea from overindulgence in it; further, it is used all over the medical system of Thailand as a ‘rejuvenating’ treatment and so has established itself as being reliable. The easiest route is to take 500mg of an oral extract (I recommend the brand Ainterol) and eventually increase to twice a day. A trans friend of mine, however, takes 3000mg. Other routes are possible: it could be made into a cream or spray. I have seen it recommended that trans individuals in addition to taking some of it orally can apply some spray of it 2-3 times daily to the breast and butt to potentially encourage feminization of those areas. While it is a documented ‘side effect’ that the herb alone when taken by men can make them grow breasts, I don’t think this is a very typical result that trans people can expect from using PM alone. I have seen people get results in the use of PM to grow breasts, but only when it was used with a few herbal anti-androgens which I consider to be of questionable safety (see the last section on the dangers of ‘natural breast enhancement’).
PM need not be taken daily and it need not be taken long-term, although I don’t think it would be very unsafe to do so in most cases. Some trans people may prefer to use it for a time until they can see results from it and then phase it out. One can read stories of many using mirifica on the ‘natural breast enhancement’ forum Breast Nexus. What is generally reported from growth with mirifica is that, unfortunately, in genetic women much of it does revert when it is stopped along with the herbs that are typically taken along with it. However, I do think it is possible that if mirifica does cause changes at strategic times during the transition, these might be lasting due to the strength of the pharmaceuticals taken with it. One could imagine, for example, taking mirifica only in the first few months of a transition, or only before one begins pharmaceutical treatments. I do not think it is likely to interact negatively with prescription HRT drugs. While some phytoestrogens seem to compete with estrogen and block it, PM does not seem to be likely to do that as, besides the strong and powerful deoxymiroestrol, most of the estrogenic effects are isoflavone based meaning they are mild and mostly work in the background.
Mint acts as a mild anti-androgen according to clinical studies, and I’ve seen many positive reports from trans people about it. It seems to quite reliably soften the skin when taken as a tea. Further, many report anxiety-reduction from the regular use of it. This would likely be in addition to its digestion-promoting properties, which it has been used for over thousands of years. Mint is likely safe and healthy when taken as a tea, but it can be overdone, as the chief constituent – menthol – can be irritating in high doses (everyone who has ever used mouth wash knows this). I recommend using spearmint over peppermint when making the tea since spearmint has a lower menthol content; if you wanted some peppermint taste, you could try making the tea with 2/3rds spearmint and 1/3rd peppermint. However, while high-menthol preparations of mint aren’t safe internally, they can be applied directly to the skin which can help you experience the skin-softening effects of mint. I recommended medicated soaps and lotions made with strong quantities of mint, of which I think the finest are those soaps and lotions made by the company Dr. Bronners.
Bhringraj is an estrogenic herb in India that is known as ‘food for the hair’. It is infused into a body oil and used as a hair growth treatment, to prevent or reverse balding as well as to make hair grow faster and shinier. It contains a number of coumarin estrogenics as well as some alkaloids unique to the plant. Its ability to grow hair is attested to not only by thousands of years of medical practice in India but also by science, as in a study of the rat it performed well in a head-to-head with minoxidil.
Though properly made Bhringraj oil cannot easily be obtained in the United States, it is easy enough to make. I made some according to this recipe, but leaving out the other herbs and milk and merely using 2.5x the bhringraj called for in the recipe along with the base oil. I tested it out on my hair (which was very short at the time), leaving it in overnight before washing it out (yes it was very greasy). I cannot deny that it worked because I noticed something very strange with my hair the next few days: I began having new hairs sprout in many new directions, which looked strange and very noticeable with my short hair. I do admit it looked disheveled for a while, but if I had continued the treatment I believe the new sprouting hairs would’ve been strong enough and vibrant enough to look nice.
Soy alone is very unlikely to cause any kind of feminization. But, it is still a good idea for trans women to take soy given its well-proven positive effects for women’s endocrine health. We simply do not need another study to show the considerable anti-cancer effects of regular use of soy; it has been established clearly enough.
Soy contains isoflavones in the same way that PM does, and it even contains some of the same ones – both soy and PM contain ‘genistein’, which is perhaps the most well-studied phytoestrogen. Both are genetically related and found in the legume family. Unlike PM, however, soy does not contain some of the more potent estrogenics found in PM which explains its much weaker effects.
I highly recommend whole-plant soy over any kind of bottled extract. One simply will not get the full range of isoflavones using an extract, and there are sometimes benefits to some of the constituents in plants that are only found in small concentrations in it. So, I’d recommend the addition of whole soy to the diet a few times a week. Again it won’t cause immediate or noticeable changes, unless you consider a slight increase in healthiness a noticeable change.
The challenges of herbal anti-androgens: Why ‘natural breast enhancement’ is suspect
There is no doubt that herbal breast growth ‘works’ for trans people in the sense that there are in fact combinations of herbs which can be taken and can semi-reliably cause breast growth. Such things are attested to by enough evidence, and I already mentioned breast nexus as once such place where one can find accounts and timeline evidence. But the concern with ‘natural breast enhancement’ (NBE) is that the herbs needed to make it work tend to be toxic. While the herbs I discussed earlier in this review are those that I think can make good consistent medicines, people who do NBE use herbs known to be more dangerous when taken long-term. One common example of an NBE regimen used by some trans women is the combination of mirifica, fenugreek and saw palmetto. Saw palmetto works a bit like Finasteride in stopping the conversion of testosterone to DHT, however it carries effects some trans individuals do not want such as an increase in test levels, and potentially a decrease in estrogen levels; Further, many studies show it to be unreliable in doing things like reducing prostate problems. It thus hardly counts as an anti-androgen in any concrete sense. Fenugreek is taken to increase progestin levels, but it also might act as an aromatase inhibitor and so, again, may increase testosterone levels. Further, fenugreek seems to exert downright toxic effects on the reproductive system when used long term, negatively impacting not just test but estrogen too. Neither of these things should ever be used for more than a few weeks; they cannot be part of a long-term treatment plan.
And so, most ‘NBE’ stacks do ‘work’ to grow breasts at the cost of being generally unhealthy and causing a lot of unwanted effects. Further, they may not cause feminization of any other parts of the body, and this can in my opinion create a kind of ‘unnatural’ look where the breasts don’t seem to fit the body and which makes it look like one has gotten implants installed even though they were grown 'naturally'.
And so the number one issue with feminizing herbs is that it is very very difficult to take any herb that can reliably suppress testosterone and yet lack significant side effects. Simply put, there doesn’t really ‘exist’ a simple, effective herbal anti-androgen. Peppermint is about the closest one can get, but its effects – while apparent in the skin – aren’t likely to be enough to initiate breast growth on its own even with herbal estrogenics. One reason herbal estrogenics simply don’t do much in the body of a trans person is that, unlike endogenous estradiol, they simply aren’t present in high enough concentrations to really suppress T. One option in the use of herbals might be to combine them with a low-to-medium dose of something like bica, a pharmaceutical anti-androgen. Of course, this defeats the purpose for some who seek the herbal approach precisely to avoid the long-term changes brought on by pharmaceutical treatments.
I am still exploring whether there are any reliable herbal anti-androgens. Neem is a strong anti-androgen but it is also an anti-estrogen. The best herbal anti-androgen I have seen so far seems to be licorice. Licorice reduces serum test levels in men: this study found that the average in respondents went from 740+/-216 to 484+/-181 after only a week of a strong licorice extract. A similar anti-androgenic result was obtained in women. Unlike Fenugreek, licorice seems to have less of a risk of long-term side effects, although I have yet to review the safety studies. Further, some say that white peony roots are an aromatase promoter and reduce testosterone levels, though I have not yet reviewed those studies yet. Ultimately, while you can find positive results for both these substances, it is merely a theoretical guess as to whether they can realistically suppress T enough to allow a trans person to transition from herbs alone. If it would safe, one would probably want to extract the main chemical principles from licorice and apply them in a more reliable form than an oral tablet. I do not know whether that might be possible but I offer it as an area for future study.
In the meantime, I am of the opinion that mirifica, taken orally and also applied to the breasts in a cream or spray, is unlikely to impede growth brought on by pharmaceuticals and may help it along. In that case, there really is such a thing as ‘natural breast enhancement’ but only if one does not use herbs alone but rather uses them as additive treatments in addition to prescription HRT.
As a last note, I should say that palmetto and fenugreek could potentially be mixed together and made into a cream and applied directly to the breast. This might– emphasis on ‘might’ – be absorbed enough locally to encourage growth while not being absorbed enough throughout the whole body to experience the reproductive-toxic effects of fenugreek. I would still recommend caution with this approach, and I still think it would be a bad idea to do for more than a few weeks.
A Note on Safety
Many of these herbs which I call safe are only safe in the quantities typically given as treatment – for most, this amounts to between .5 and 4 grams. The problem is the ‘supplements’ market contains many products boasting of ‘strong extracts’ which, if you looked at their chemical constituents, would be the equivalent of 4 grams or more. (See, for an example, this Ashwagandha extract from the quality Indian brand Himalaya – Himalaya is a good brand and so I do trust their claim that one tablet is equivalent to 4600mg of herb. But that’s not per se a good thing. 4 grams is over the dose typically given of it to those who aren’t habituated, such that just one single tablet of the Himalaya extract could be ‘too strong’ a dose). The best way to dose is to use powdered herb measured with a scale or in teaspoons. Even this does not guarantee a consistent dose however as even some of those powders are ‘extract powders’ that are many times stronger than the herb itself.
So, given that consistency is hard to find, the best approach is the careful one, trying out just a little at a time to see if you feel anything. Many of these herbs have the advantage of causing at least some noticeable changes in mental state upon the first day to week in which they’re taken; so you can use this to adjust your dose and not rely on what some company claims is the optimal dose. In fact, I’d wager that with herbs, dosing tends to be more individual than in pharma treatments (since they seem to exert their effects mostly down-stream, and in a less predictable way). So, start with one herb at a time and go slowly in evaluating its effects. If one enjoys the experimental aspect of this, they might really like the herbal approach. IF, however, one would have a hard time moderating themselves in this manner, I’d suggest they go on pharma treatments fully before trying herbs. Though I do not have specific evidence to point to for this claim, it seems quite logical to me that herbs are less likely to cause hormonal side effects if one is taking consistent daily medications that they can use to guarantee their estrogen levels. That does not mean side effects CAN’T happen (and many of these estrogenics do not exert their effect by direct action on estrogen levels – such that the estrogen level could stay the same despite them having efficacy), but I am merely hazarding a guess that side effects would be less likely.
Some of the herbs discussed here contain aromatic compounds that are available in extremely potent extracts known popularly as ‘essential oils’ (although these extracts are not actually oils and contain no fatty acids, but types of alcohol). Though some essential oils are more toxic than others, all essential oils are extremely dangerous and are basically types of bleach - very strong, volatile and toxic solvents that will irritate the skin, lungs and digestive tract. Even if the herb itself is extremely safe, the essential oil will still be highly toxic because of its concentration. To give a sense of how concentrated, it is said that there are over 2000 roses in a single drop of rose oil. Needless to say, never consume anything made with essential oils, and do not mix any medical preparations with them unless you know how to do it exactly.
But you might ask how it is that there exist some edible products sold at supermarkets that contain the essential oil if it is so toxic. For example, Fentiman’s rose lemonade is a soft drink that is infused with rose oil. The answer is that these products are made by experienced producers who know how to mix these oils and what percent is safe for consumption. If you lack that knowledge, don’t even try it. It is far harder to mix them into food than it might appear because of their thickness, and so the end result of using them can be a food product with the oil unevenly distributed, and eating this could make you sick. While some diffuse these oils in a diffuser, I personally find even this to be too irritating. I find the best way to use them is in waters, sprays and soaps formulated to have appropriate concentrations of these oils, as many of the oils which are toxic internally can be good when used on the skin. If some of the herb is wanted internally, it is better to get the plant itself and make a proper tea and leave the oils behind.
Estrogenics in skincare
So much of the use of herbs in skincare is basically taking advantage of their hormonal effects. Name an herb that is commonly used on the skin, and nine out of ten times it generally has a clear effect on the levels of the two biggest sex hormones. If aromatics are applied to the skin, not as much is absorbed into the whole body; mostly it exerts its effect in the area of the skin where it was applied. I maintain that estrogenic herbs could play a role in helping trans people achieve gender goals related to their face and their skin. While it is of course extremely unlikely that topical treatments could do anything mimicking the long-term facial changes that occur after years of HRT, I am actually quite certain they can bring on some of the early changes HRT brings on in the face – skin smoothening and superficial fat reorganization. I have observed this myself, both in seeing before-after pictures of my own skincare regimen and that of others. Further, this is the entire principle behind a ‘spa treatment’, in which a number of estrogenic herbs are used to create a look of ‘youthfulness’ (which is to say, a feminized look.) There is a clear science behind this in that these herbs do exert clear hormonal effects, as I will now review.
Estrogenic flowers seem well-suited for use in skincare. The active ingredients in estrogenic flowers are usually aromatic compounds – linalool in lavender, geraniol in rose and rose geranium, etc. Aromatic compounds, unlike some other plant estrogens discussed earlier (e.g. isoflavones in PM and soy), are highly reactive and their effects don’t last long. Further, as compared to other estrogenics they seem to exert more immediate effects on mentality, with some describing some flowers and flower oils are ‘calming’, ‘stimulating’, etc, when applied to skin or used in a diffuser.
These aromatic compounds are the very same plant-alcohols which, as I said earlier, are present in large toxic concentrations in the ‘essential oils’ of the plant. If you want a high dose of them, you cannot take them internally in their essential oil as this is quite caustic and can give you a chemical burn or seizure. So, if you want systemic effects from them, you’d have to settle for a tea made from the whole flowers. I do say that lavender tea and rose tea create pleasant calming effects. I doubt however that either of these when used alone would ever cause any significant feminization of the body (e.g. breast growth). While there were reports of lavender oil and tea tree oil in a lotion causing breast growth, this was only four isolated cases in prepubescent boys and it would be very very unlikely in an AMAB adult with functioning genitals.
Of flowers, the most estrogenic in this study (as measured by the increases in saliva estrogen concentrations in the study participants) was found to be rose. Rose in the form of rose water is most efficaciously used in skincare as a toner, applied and rubbed into the skin after cleansing but before moisturizing. Any changes in the skin will be subtle at first and most apparent after consistent use.
However, the very strongest estrogenic skincare herb is Centella Asiatica. While some take asiatica by mouth, and it is a potent anti-androgen and estrogenic as evidenced by studies, to me it is inadvisable to take internally because this would make one develop a tolerance to it that may weaken its skincare effects. Centella asiatica’s estrogenic action in the skin takes the form of a potent, fast-acting skin calmer, acting on the same neurotransmitters in the skin (GABA) that alcohol acts on in the CNS. (Of course it won’t get you drunk, but you might feel a tiny buzz from heavy use of asiatica concentrates on skin. But your mileage will vary). Asiatica acts faster than most skincare treatments, as it is capable of quickly reducing redness in acne and shrinking it. Where other acne treatments mostly kill the acne, asiatica leaves it alone and just calms the skin by its strong estrogenic action. I maintain that trans people should use asiatica differently than genetic women. Genetic women typically use asiatica as a ‘spot treatment’, applied directly to acne or acne scars and capable of reducing the redness overnight (its efficacy at this was confirmed by my own experiments). However, trans people’s faces unlike genetic women’s faces need the estrogenic action all over. So, I have found the very quickest way to feminize the skin in my face is to apply strong asiatica ‘spot treatment’ all over my entire face (I use the ‘asiatica serum’ and ‘asiatic ampule’ by the brand CosRX, which are VERY concentrated). This creates a smoothening and shininess of the skin overnight which, by my judgement, results in a noticeable and quite quick feminization of the face.
One should take care not to overuse asiatica. Since its calming action is strong, one can develop a tolerance to it. It is best rotated and used a few times a week or even less depending on results; but one can perhaps use it on acne spots on a more consistent basis.
Neem, an Indian herb, is mainly used on the skin as an acne or fungus treatment. It is powerfully anti-microbial. Pure neem oil is often dabbed onto a cotton swab in very small amounts (say, 1-5 drops) and then used as a ‘spot treatment’ for acne. Neem is very strongly anti-androgen and when given in high doses in an oral extract reduced testosterone levels substantialy however it is also anti-estrogenic too. It is ‘safe’ to take internally in the sense that it is not very acutely toxic (the lethal dose is very high), but the proper way to do it is only small amounts of powdered herb (1-3 tsp). (Of course never taken neem pure oil internally: see the note on safety.) An Indian doctor I talked to said neem must be rotated at least 2 weeks on/2 weeks off because taking it for too long internally could be damaging to the microbiome. This seems quite plausible given its strong anti-bacterial action.
Hormone balancers and adaptogens
Shatavari is a medicinal herb cultivated and used in India as a ‘beauty tonic’, that is, something taken regularly that is meant to encourage youthfulness. In practice, what ‘beauty tonic’ means is nothing other than that it is capable of causing some superficial feminization of outer features. In this author’s own experience, 4 weeks of shatavari caused subtle changes in the look of the face, which were subtle enough that no one could identify them specifically although one who did not know I am transitioning noticed that there was some kind of change (though they didn’t associate it with any gender). I myself began noticing changes after 2 weeks. Shatavari is known as an ‘adaptogen’, and what that means in practice is that it is neither a stimulant nor calming agent, but has different effects depending on one’s body.
While Shatavari seems to be a powerful and potentially very useful herb, it’s effects will GREATLY depending on the state of your hormones when you start it. In men struggling with impotence, it actually increases testosterone. If estrogen is high, it can be anti-estrogenic.
Though it is a daily medication in India, however, Shatavari is not to be taken lightly. I do not recommend taking shatavari if one has recently increased their dose of hormones and anticipates large changes. Shatavari is a hormone stabilizer. The main purpose of shatavari is to prevent any major drops in hormone levels one way or another. The second purpose is that it can be added for the aforementioned ‘beauty tonic’ effects (that is to say, slight, superficial facial feminization) ONLY if one has been on a stable dose for a while.
Shatavari can easily be overdone. I’d recommend not using any ‘bottled extract’ of shatavari as that will probably give too high a dose (some of those extracts are the equivalent of 4g or more of the powdered herb). Instead, start with 1-3 tsp of the herb mixed with warm water and drank; it could also be filtered into a tea if you wanted a more pleasant drink but weaker effect.
Shatavari appears to slightly increase progesterone, and is traditionally used as a ‘galactagogue’ to encourage the production of breast milk. However, I doubt very much that it can be relied on as a ‘progesterone treatment’ due to the other effects it has which might counteract any changes that could be brought on by the progesterone.
Other Herbs not reviewed
There are many herbs used as supplements for hormonal conditions like menopause that I did not discuss here. I didn’t do so because I simply do not know much about them. This includes motherwort, which is sold as a menopause supplement in China; and evening primrose oil, which is also widely used as a menopause supplement. The only note I’d make on primrose oil is, one should probably mix it with food for better absorption.
If I were to add to this, I’d focus specifically on whether there are any herbs that can reliably and safely increase progesterone. (Though I discussed that shatavari has the potential to do this, it of course is not the reliable choice for this due to its many different and sometimes unwanted effects on hormones.) I’d also look into a safer alternative to fenugreek that might more specifically promote breast growth.
On the Concern that herbs may interfere with prescription treatments
Some worry that these herbs might actually counteract the effects of their prescription medications. This is sometimes a concern depending on the substance, but generally this worry is unfounded. The studies that show some of these to possess ‘anti-estrogenic’ effects usually get this result when these phytoestrogens are cultured in breast cancer cells. But if these are anti-estrogenic in cases where estrogen is making the body sick, such as breast cancer, that is a positive and not a negative. This type of study, which uses very high concentrations of the phytoestrogens, do not at all tell you what the phytoestrogen is doing in the body in the concentrations found in the blood from oral administration. Making this even more complicated is that many of these phytoestrogens seem to exert their effects beyond their direct and immediate action at the receptor, and seem to continue having some residual effects even after they are no longer in the blood (which explains why these herbal medicines can even work at all even when their bioavailability generally is found to be very low.) To me, it seems extremely unlikely that estrogen could be outcompeted or blocked by any of these compounds which bind to the estrogen receptor at generally much lower affinity than estrogen; so I doubt that any of these phytoestrogens usually block estrogen except in cases where estrogen is exceptionally low. And if it activates the receptors instead of estrogen in those cases where concentrations are very low, it might actually be more estrogenic than the endogenous hormone in those specific situations. All this is speculation, but it is just as much speculation as is the claim that phytoestrogens ‘block estrogen’.
These indirect effects might, rather than undermining estrogen when combined, work along with it: while estrogen binds to the receptor, these phytoestrogens might exert their effects down the line at other estrogen receptors, and could work in concert. Of course, as I make clear in this post there are some herbs that bind to estradiol receptors and are definitely anti-estrogenic (see neem.) And some herbs like pomegranate seem to be quite selectively anti-estrogenic. Pomegranate I judge to be very unlikely to initiate physical changes and may even slow them, as it appears to undermine the actions of the main estrogen b-17-estradiol. However, it directly activates a-17-estradiol receptors, the other type of estrogen receptor found mainly in the brain. I am not sure if this has any medical applications for trans people, but I give the example to show how varied the effects of these phytoestrogens can be. One must look specifically at what has been found about the specific herb in question. Even if we find it binds to estradiol receptors we must investigate more to see if it is a blocker, agonist, selective agonist or modulator.
Now, I do not discount the possibility that some herbs which help some may interfere with the actions of estrogen in others. Hormones are very individual. If herbs are to be used at all, careful monitoring must be done.
submitted by anothersissythroaway to HerbalTransDIY [link] [comments]

Keravita Pro Reviews | All You Need To Know Before Taking Any Decision!

Keravita Pro Reviews | All You Need To Know Before Taking Any Decision!
Welcome to the Keravita Pro Honest Review, In this honest review we will give you our opinion about each part of this program and discuss the positive and negative points of it.
Welcome to the Keravita Pro Review 2021, In this review Reddit we will discuss every feature of the Reddit Keravita Pro Reviews 2021 program and see the advantages and disadvantages of each feature
Keravita Pro Reviews
Looking for Keravita Pro Reviews 2021 Reddit before making a decision ? In this article, we are going to provide you with the Keravita Pro Review 2021 Reddit, And give you a comprehensive detail it.
Keravita Pro reviews update. Detailed information on where to buy Keravita Pro for toenail fungus supplement, ingredients, pricing, working, side effects, & much about Keravita Pro.
Keravita Pro is a dietary supplement that targets nail fungus and tries to eliminate it through a combination of precisely selected herbs and other natural ingredients that have antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is an all-natural formula made with many ingredients that are too many to count in our hands. This dietary supplement can allegedly cure your whole internal fungus poisoning problems – a rather sophisticated and daring challenge for something that is clearly designated to cure foot and toenail fungus only. Specifically, the Keravita Pro supplement has a collection of 25 all-natural herbal and vitamin-based ingredients that are known to be useful to the human body's inner workings in general.
Must Read & Watch: Top doctors are stunned at how Keravita Pro works. Learn more by clicking here =>>
Keravita Pro sure sets some high standards on its own, but who knows, it might actually do the trick. It is one of the more researched dietary supplements that I have come across, and it has the possibility of working more than what is intended of the whole product.
Keravita Pro pros and cons, as well as it's inside-out nature as to how it became this successful dietary supplement that currently caters to more than 40,000 Americans, will be analyzed in t his review. We’ll get to know how Keravita Pro solves the problem of fungal infections and outbreaks in our body and dive into the scientific viability of the reasoning involved in this product – as well as the “conspiracies” that surround the reason behind it.
Let’s jump right into the latest Keravita Pro supplement review.
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What Does Keravita Pro Do?

Keravita Pro aims to solve the problem of rapid fungal proliferation and outbreak inside our bodies to prevent infections that may seem minor at first but have significant consequences in the long run.
According to its description, it renders the body immune to all sorts of fungal intrusions that may cause harm to our internal organs. Fungal infections usually start out small. Typically, this is manifested in foot and toenail infections that make the latter turn yellow and brittle over time. This is where Keravita Pro comes in. Keravita Pro, which basically means professional Keratin revitalization, can allegedly save your toenail from further damage to prevent further fungal outbreaks into your body.
Top Surgeon: “Nail Fungus? Do This Immediately.” (May End It Quickly)=>>
How does Keravita Pro live up to its stated claim that it can rejuvenate the whole body? Well, the supplement acts as a booster of sorts. The combination of 25 ingredients in one single capsule is no easy feat. This particular quantity of ingredients also means that everything is covered from the simplest to conveniently complex problems.
Still, it is easy to forget that what we are dealing with here is a dietary supplement. Caution is advised at best. Do not treat this supplement as something of medicine itself – it is not. It is always important to remember that drugs and dietary supplements are different, with one being used to properly cure ailments while the other being used to supplement our daily meals. Do not confuse self-medication with real medication.
>>>Click Here To Order KeraVita Pro Supplement (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

Keravita Pro Supplement Description

Keravita Pro is a dietary supplement that helps people ease up their dry skin and fungal toenail problems. It contains 60 capsules in each bottle and has a daily serving size of two (2) capsules. Thus, each bottle is a 30-day supply of its own.
It is a dietary supplement. Thus it should be taken with meals, preferably breakfast and dinner. Minors should refrain from taking this product, as it is specifically designed for adult bodies.
As a precaution, do not take Keravita Pro when taking any form of medication that a licensed healthcare professional has given you. If you want to use the product, contact your physician first before trying out Keravita Pro.
As usual, do not exceed the recommended dosage. Again, you are only advised to take two capsules a day; nothing more. If you overdose on Keravita Pro, specific side effects may take hold. Otherwise, if you take it usually and within the recommended dosage, you would not experience any side effects, thanks to its all-natural proprietary blend.
Keravita Pro has a whole list of 25 ingredients, all in combination to combat fungal intrusion in our body’s organ systems. It is also essential to store this product in a cool, dry place below 30 degrees Celsius to maintain its potency.
Keravita Pro is distributed by the same company name from Englewood, Colorado, USA.
Again, Keravita Pro is a dietary supplement and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, no matter how hard they claim things to be true. Thankfully, we have this review to see whether they’re telling the truth or not. The Keravita Pro official website is linked here.

How Does Keravita Pro Help?

Keravita Pro can immensely help one’s quality of life. Fungal infections are a very tricky and sensitive topic. Being almost equal to bacterial and viral infections in the nuisance factor can wreck our bodies when not properly managed from the onset of problems.
Keravita Pro can help you retake your life, so to speak. By eliminating the unpleasant, yellow appearance of your toenail, you can once again be free of other people’s criticism towards your beautiful looking toenail. It can potentially boost your self-esteem and help you regain your confidence, so to speak. Also, it can help you live better, naturally. The culmination of herbal ingredients on the list is so many that it can potentially give our body the much-needed nutrients and vitamins to keep our organs working to full capacity. This means that Keravita Pro can essentially reset our body to optimal performance, just like in our youthful years.
With that much said about the help that Keravita Pro brings to our body, let us take a closer look at the supplement’s manufacturer and the reason why it was rolled out in the first place.
>>>Click Here To Order KeraVita Pro Supplement (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

Who is the Manufacturer of Keravita Pro?

Keravita Pro was made by certain medical researchers named Richard Parker & Benjamin Jones. Benjamin Jones at a certain laboratory affiliated with an undisclosed international space agency. However, upon checking this information's credibility, it was later known that this was a pen name at best. This means that we cannot truly verify this information since we don’t have a solid proof.
While the name of the person who started is shady at best, we can confirm that the company's name is also Keravita Pro. This was confirmed at the supplement’s label, whereas it was stated that it is explicitly distributed by Keravita Pro from 37 Inverness Drive, East Suite 100, Englewood, Colorado, USA. It is said that Keravita Pro is manufactured in a sterile, accredited manufacturing facility, so we can be assured of the production quality imposed upon the product.
While the manufacturer's credibility is in shambles at best, it is comforting that we know where the product is coming from, at least. Keravita Pro has many perks on its own, and it would be a shame if it’s the manufacturer that would give it a bad reputation.
Official Website: visit here =>>
With that said, why is there Keravita Pro in the first place?

Why is Keravita Pro Made?

Keravita Pro was made due to a son’s heart-wrenching story about his father. As you may have guessed, the son in question was Richard Parker. His dad, as he described it, is as strong as an ox. Then one day, he saw something on his dad – a yellow toenail. They didn’t take heed of this and shrugged it off. Little did they know that this is a fungal infection that is slowly intruding his bloodstream.
Soon after, his dad became sick, and as time went by, he became worse. He then suffered liver failure, multiple sores, and infections all over his body, and ultimately, he got his initially infected leg amputated due to a significant fungal infection outbreak.
Within all this fuss, he went on to find a solution. A friend of his told him about something, about why astronauts don’t get fungal infections at all. He also brought up how Vietnamese rice farmers keep themselves safe from fungal infections when they’re soaked in the water for a ridiculous amount of time.
The thing is, this friend of his was from a highly-secretive group that apparently knew the cure to fungal infections. They also stipulated that fungus is everywhere and it is airborne. This is how the fungal infections happened on his dad – he breathed the fungus in, eventually collecting in so much that it overpowered his body’s defense system.
Upon hearing this, he started on the formula that his friend leaked to him. When he completed the manufacture of the first capsules, he let his dad drink them. Soon after, his dad regained his strength and can do things again like he wasn’t amputated at all.
Thus, he started a crusade against fungal infections to spread all over the body like his father’s own case. Sounds great, right? We won’t know for sure, though, if everything that is written here is real. For one, this is just like one of those stories that supplements actually roll out to appease the public. Still, it might be right. It’s always important to take a grain of salt with these types of stories and matters.
>>>Click Here To Order KeraVita Pro Supplement (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

How Does Keravita Pro Work?

Keravita Pro works in nine steps. With many ingredients come many actions that can help our body in the long run in its fight against fungal infections. Here is the step-by-step guide on how Keravita Pro works according to their official website:
  • The Fast Penetration Stage means that the ingredients will naturally seep into our body since it’s made of natural ingredients commonly found in nature. It is not artificially created.
  • Massive Fungus Build-Up Extermination – Keravita Pro will clean your arteries and your veins of any fungal build-up over the past 50 or 60 years.
  • Blood Purification Stage – the ingredients found in Keravita Pro will dissolve fungal matter flowing freely in your blood for years.
  • Dry Skin Reconstruction – some ingredients in Keravita Pro are there to repair your skin to its former elasticity and firmness.
  • Hands, Feet, and Nails Rejuvenation – Keravita Pro will then strengthen your nails and target visible infection that has been plaguing your body for years.
  • Anti-Fungal Defense Army – here comes the fun part. Your body will begin to create antibodies that will attack any remaining fungal spores thanks to some ingredients' properties.
  • Anti-Fungal Lung Shield Activator – your lungs, especially the places where the air is exchanged with blood, will be fortified.
  • Double-Up the Anti-Fungal Defense – your body will then be boosted even more. Thus it will have a more robust immune system like never before.
  • Ultimate Toxic Fungus Cleanse-Up – the ingredients circulating your body will now cleanse your body, even more, flushing out the toxins through sweat or urine.
These nine steps show that Keravita Pro wants to deliver the promise of overall fungal clean-up. This supplement does not only aim to take on fungal infections in the toenail, but it also seeks to kill all fungal spores that circulate the body on a daily basis.
>>>Click Here To Order KeraVita Pro Supplement (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

How Long Does It Take for Keravita Pro to Work?

The duration of how long it takes for Keravita Pro to work varies from person to person. Keravita Pro can show its effect in one month or four months, depending on the tenacity of a person to absorb nutrients into his or her body. In general, it is recommended that one person take at least six bottles of Keravita Pro to work to the fullest. This will enable the supplement to fulfill all of the nine steps to ensure a better life ahead for the user.

Keravita Pro Ingredients

As mentioned, Keravita Pro has at least 25 ingredients that comprise its proprietary blend. These are all-natural, organic ingredients that are available from different parts of the world. Let us take on them one by one to check out what they bring to the table. Please note that these are scientifically-backed data about each ingredient, and as such, it can be different from what the company is saying about their product’s ingredients.
To learn more about Keravita Pro from the Official Website, click here =>>
Keravita Pro ingredients are:
  • Soursop Leaves
  • Red Raspberry
  • Green Tea Leaf
  • Beta-Glucan
  • Curcumin
  • Chinese Red Pine
  • Rhubarb
  • Burdock
  • Sheep Sorrel
  • Slippery Elm
  • Shiitake Mushroom
  • Grape Seed Extract
  • Reishi Mushroom
  • Maitake Mushroom
  • Quercetin
  • Pomegranate
  • Olive Leaf Extract
  • Arabinogalactan
  • Cat’s Claw
  • Garlic
  • Asian Ginseng
  • Lycopene
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Selenium
Keravita ingredients effects on the human body are:
Soursop Leaves
These are used to treat parasitic infections, hypertension, rheumatism, and stomach ailments. It is rich in antioxidants and can be used to eliminate free radicals in our body.
Red Raspberry
This fruit can relieve gastrointestinal disorders like diarrhea. It can also treat infections in the airway, and in some ways, it can also be used against cardiovascular problems. It can also strengthen a woman’s reproductive health.
Green Tea Leaf
The traditional Green Tea Leaf has been used as a herbal medicine for ages. It is a highly beneficial form of antioxidant that can cater to a better quality of life. It can help in many areas, including brain function, blood sugar control, cardiovascular functionality, and others. Overall, it is a very helpful ingredient on the list.
This is a sugar substance found in walls of different microorganisms and plants such as oats or barley. It is commonly used to lower bad cholesterol levels.
Curcumin is a yellow-colored natural compound commonly used to treat inflammation, depression, bad cholesterol, and liver diseases. It also helps your body fight off foreign invaders.
Chinese Red Pine
The bark of this tree is used as a form of antioxidant. It can also balance blood sugar, boost brain function, reduce inflammation, and boost one’s immunity.
This plant is commonly used against digestive issues such as constipation and diarrhea. It can also be used for heartburn. Overall, Rhubarb helps the functionality and efficiency of the digestive system.
This herb can help with your urinary health as well as boost your immune system. It can also purify your blood. It is also used as a treatment for various infections and disorders, including digestive and skin conditions.
Sheep Sorrel
It is used to treat inflammation, scurvy, diarrhea.
Slippery Elm
It is used for various common problems within the body, such as coughs, sore throat, diarrhea, and constipation. It can also be used to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Urinary Tract Infections. Sometimes, it is also used to expel tapeworms.
Grape Seed Extract
Grape seeds contain a considerable amount of antioxidant-packed with different kinds of benefits. This includes cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory benefits in general. It is also used to prevent various types of bodily issues, such as dental cavities, macular degeneration, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, and cancer.
Shiitake Mushroom
This mushroom can boost the immune system. It can also allegedly treat HIV/AIDS, but that remains to be seen in future laboratory research.
Reishi Mushroom
This mushroom can also enhance the immune system, but it can also reduce stress, improve sleep, and lessen fatigue. It can also be taken when a person has a case of hypertension.
Maitake Mushroom
Maitakes are different from their Shiitake and Reishi brothers. These mushrooms are used for the treatment of cancer and can also reduce the side effect of chemotherapy.
This ingredient is commonly used to treat cardiovascular conditions. It can also be used for bladder infections, diabetes, and arthritis. It can lower blood pressure, help against prostate infections, prevent upper respiratory illnesses, and stop degenerative brain diseases in their tracks.
It is a widely known fruit designed to fight inflammation, cancer cells, and high blood pressure. It can also help in digestion, improve brain function, and protect your brain from further degeneration.
Olive Leaf Extract
This ingredient can help reduce blood pressure and blood sugar at the same time. It can also support weight loss, boost immunity, and reduce inflammation as well. It is an antioxidant, and as such, it can remove toxins from your body and prevent your cells from aging quickly due to external factors.
More commonly known as Larch Arabinogalactan, it is used to treat a wide variety of viral and fungal bacterial infections.
Cat’s Claw
Cat’s Claw is a more common sight among ingredients in a supplement, can treat viral infections, gastrointestinal disorders, and cancer. It can also be used against certain bone disorders such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
This common kitchen ingredient can actually help your cardiovascular wellbeing. It can reduce blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, and keep the level of fats in your bloodstream in check.
Asian Ginseng
This popular root can improve physical stamina, concentration, and memory. It’s often used to bulk up a person, so to speak. It also boosts immune function, slow the aging process, and help in various respiratory and cardiovascular disorders. Sometimes, it is also used to treat depression.
It is a powerful antioxidant commonly found in tomatoes, can help improve your heart's health and protect yourself from cancer. It can also be used to lower blood pressure and blood sugar. Lastly, it can help reduce asthma attacks.
Vitamin C
By now, everybody knows what Vitamin C is. Its primary function is to boost our immune system to decrease the chances of us getting sick.
Vitamin E
Yet another vitamin on the list, Vitamin E, may eradicate nail fungus and is often used to repair our body’s cells, giving us a glowing, outward appearance.
The last ingredient on the list, Selenium, can increase your metabolism and protect your body from stress. It can also boost our immune system, slow age-related mental decline, and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Keravita Pro ingredients are made out of natural components that are ensured to be easily absorbed by the body as a whole; this combination can bring better health and lifestyle to a person in easily swallowed capsules.
>>>Click Here To Order KeraVita Pro Supplement (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

Keravita Pro Benefits

Keravita Pro benefits include a wide variety of things. For one, this supplement is jam-packed with anti-infection ingredients that can indeed wipe out most if not all of the infections that are currently threatening your body. It also contains a lot of antioxidants, vitamins, and herbal medicine. This natural form of intake can help our body reset to its former self, giving it more energy to heal itself in the process.
In terms of health, expect better cardiovascular, skeletal, urinary, and digestive health. The ingredients found in Keravita Pro are numerous, and they all work together to get to the common good. Overall, Keravita Pro does not only deal with fungal infections, but it also tries to take on other body issues as well. It’s a jack of all trades while being master of none, to be honest.
>>>Click Here To Order KeraVita Pro Supplement (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

Keravita Pro Ingredient Side Effects

As mentioned earlier, Keravita Pro ingredient side effects won’t come out unless you go above the recommended dosage. It is advised that you only take two capsules a day for maximum effect. Going below that limit is fine, but going above can pose a threat. If you experience any unusual symptoms while taking Keravita Pro, you must stop with the supplement and consult your physician for real medical advice.
As such, even before using Keravita Pro, consult your physician first for possible unseen side effects. Again, do not replace your medicine with this dietary supplement. Always remember to take this with two meals, preferably breakfast and dinner. It is designed to supplement your diet, not the other way around.
>>>Click Here To Order KeraVita Pro Supplement (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

How Much Does Keravita Pro Cost?

Before proceeding, Keravita Pro can only be bought from the official Keravita Pro website linked here. Keravita Pro costs $69 per bottle. This includes free shipping inside the United States. Shipping fees apply to international customers. However, if you want to save up, there are the Standard and Premium packages.
The Standard package comes with two bottles. The manufacturer gives them out at $59 per bottle in this package, which means you can save $20 here. It is a total of $118. Still, the best bang for the buck goes to the Premium package. Bottles here only cost $49 each. You can save at least $80 from this package alone! It is a total of $196 overall.
If you like what you read, order now from their official website. There are no legitimate Keravita Pro products outside of their website, so be careful with that.
>>>Click Here To Order KeraVita Pro Supplement (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

Keravita Pro Verdict

The Keravita Pro supplement goes beyond what is expected of it. Rather than just going for fungal infections, it actually tries to go for everything so that your body can heal naturally as it is. Its formula is designed to get a person back on track at once, and while it doesn’t really have anything to do with fungal infections, you can be assured that it will do its job as a dietary supplement.
Visit the Official Website of Keravita Pro Here! =>>
submitted by cheryldlovejoy to Tox_Flush_Reviews [link] [comments]

Turkey Vulture Tier Placement

Turkey Vulture Tier Placement
Vultures are often written off as AFK scavengers, picking through the scraps of carcasses to take in the leftover bits of XP the predators don't want. This actually is quite far from the truth, as vulture mains consume quite a significant amount of flesh that is available to them; up to 70% of all flesh available in the East African servers which is more than most carnivore players put together. Performing take-downs and boss fights can net you a good chunk of XP, but it always comes at a hefty risk of damage and game-overs; meaning a large amount of XP carnivores gain is by consuming food. More food, more XP. TierZoo actually did them a good deal of justice by correctly pointing out their capacity for area-denial is actually quite commendable. However, as his video was covering raptors as a whole with only a few spotlight slots due to time; I feel it keen to bring up a specific vulture build that's been prospering in the Anthropocene meta. The Turkey Vulture.
Vultures as a whole are a quite diverse group within the Raptor guild. While all members of the greater Bird of Prey family, New World and Old World vultures are actually two different groups that specc'd into the scavenger niche. And debate continues to this day which one does it better and did it first. While on average, Old World vultures have greater PWR and HP stats thanks to beefy builds like the Griffon Vulture; New World vultures aren't without their big guns. The Californian Condor, Andean Condor, and King Vulture all sport sizes rivaling or exceeding the larger Old World vulture builds and can be considered some of the larger avian tanks in the current meta. However, it's the Turkey Vulture which I think has the best claim to fame as the group's high tier adaptable build.

The Turkey Vulture is a case where base stats a great build did not make. While they got good mobility, as many flying builds do and sport above-average intelligence for a bird, everything else is about average or slightly below average. True, they are on the beefier side of most New World birds, only outsized by the largest pelicans, herons, eagles, swans, and condors to any noticeable degree, which does allow them and their thick feathers to shrug off hits by many rivals in the <50kg weight class. It also spares them from the enemy of all small bird mains in the Anthropocene patch, domestic cats. But they have fairly small and blunt claws not at all suited for slashing and their beak has a small range & hitbox to offset a fairly decently sharp edge and bite; meaning PVP is almost entirely off the table.
Instead, almost all of the Turkey Vulture's best traits lie in its attributes and abilities. On their own they hardly seem high tier and might even disgust and gross out many other players, but in tandem they can lead to a rewarding and long play-through with good exploration, survivability, and loot.
One of the biggest differences between New World and Old World vultures is senses. Old World Vultures, which are closer to hawks and eagles, rely far more on their sense of sight to spot a carcass. This works great in open savanna and scrub forests, but can be tricky in the Anthropocene patch where human base builders might cut paths through forests and build massive suburban and road complexes. This is why the New World Vulture family's trademark sense of smell is proving more handy, and the Turkey Vulture takes smelling out food with ODOR SLEUTH to a level unseen in Dinosaurs since Tyrannosaurus rex; to the point of exceeding that legendary class in this regard. Even across variable terrain and foliage cover, Turkey Vulture players can sniff out carcasses ranging from predator eliminations to roadkill from miles away and hundreds of feet in the air.
This long range scanning for food is enabled by the HIGH FLIER perk. With a fairly large wingspan of up to 6 feet in a broad shape, Turkey Vultures sacrificed a bit of maneuverability for maximized soaring. Turkey Vultures can regularly maintain altitudes of 10,000 feet or more, and several have been recorded exceeding 20,000 feet. And they can do with this virtually no stamina loss, catching air thermals to carry them along with little flapping. This allows them to travel up to 200 miles in a day, all without expending much energy. This means when landing to contest or harvest a carcass, they've kept their stamina meter topped up should they need to fight or disengage. Flying so high also carries the bonus of keeping them out of range by all ground and many aerial predators; and the higher visibility isn't a problem for potential prey spotting them as vulture mains almost exclusively scavenge. And unlike Condor mains, which might have trouble getting airborne without said currents, Turkey Vultures are small enough they can take flight from a standing position with little problem.
Turkey Vultures can also use this as a means of escape. Their broad wings mean they can use thermal drafts to bank and maneuver with very little wing flaps, and yet maintain a high velocity. By practically surfing on such thermals, even typically more agile builds like eagles and hawks can struggle to keep up. The more angular wings of such raptors mean they can't soar as effectively, forcing them to flap their wings far more to keep up speed and sharp turns. In this video you can see a Turkey Vulture exploit the "thermal surfing" mechanic to outmaneuver, tire, and bait an eagle into a divebomb; before dodging it and forcing the predator to break off.

(Original source: )

But processing a carcass can be risky. Not only does rotten meat almost always carry harmful fungal and bacteria infestations, but even fresh carcasses carry the risk of poisoning via any infections or viruses the animal was carrying in life. No one wants to get taken out by their own meal. Thankfully Turkey Vultures barely need worry about any of this, as their POTENT GUT ability neutralizes almost all harmful pathogens and many poisons. While vulture players need be wary of intentional or unintentional poisonings by Human mains, they are naturally resistant to a good many toxins that could lead to an painful Game-Over for many mammalian and avian builds like coyotes and eagles. The strong acids and unique gut flora inside a Turkey Vulture also allow for extra XP to be gained by better processing meat from a carcass.
The guts also tie into two of the Turkey Vulture's other useful abilities, STOCKPILE & SPIT UP. Stockpile allows a Turkey Vulture main to go ham on a carcass and make as much use of it as they can. Should the carcass become contested or danger lurk about, a Turkey Vulture can quickly consume a large amount of flesh and tissue to store in its crop; allowing them to dine and dash. The set amount they can store also means Turkey Vultures don't suffer from the problem some Old World vultures have, in which they might gorge themselves to the point they are too heavy to fly away immediately. Spit Up is a defensive tool that takes advantage of Stockpile's stores. Should a threat appear the Vulture can't get away from immediately, they can eject all the material in their crop as well as what's in their stomach. This might repulse an attacker with the horrible smell, or distract a predator by offering up a free meal.
Keeping clean enough to be healthy is crucial to any class, or else there is a serious risk of incurring harmful debuffs from infections, even more so with scavengers. Thankfully the Turkey Vulture's SOLAR CLEANSE attribute and UROHIDROSIS ability help negate most debuffs that rolling around in putrid carcasses might incur. Solar Cleanse makes use of the Turkey Vulture's broad body, dark feathers, and bald face to use UV radiation as a means of cleaning out harmful bacterial build up. While traces of kills might persist, it won't be nearly enough to affect the bird itself. Urohidrosis is another useful, if less than appealing trait to some. When too hot, the Turkey Vulture will intentionally defecate and urinate on its legs. This not only cools the body with evaporation, but the high concentrations of uric acid; far higher than in most birds, will kill off many types of bacteria.
Urohidrosis also adds to the Turkey Vulture's most useful defensive ability, TOXIC BODY. Being unappealing for predators to eat is one tried but true method to avoiding predation or attacks, and the Turkey Vulture's lifestyle leaves it well equipped to be unappealing. Bits of rotten meat stuck to its feathers and waste products stuck to the legs, even after a UV cleanse, can still emit a foul stench that'll lower morale for any predator. In addition, the crust from such waste and food scraps that sticks to parts of the Turkey Vulture's body can leave it unpalatable to downright toxic to eat for most predators. FEIGN DEATH makes use of this in a showcase. Like an opossum, a Turkey Vulture might play dead to dissuade an attacker or distract them from its nest if it can't drive them off or escape. While one wouldn't think this strategy might just be serving oneself up as a free meal, the horrid smell and even worse taste are often more than enough to spur a predator to seek food elsewhere. Still, this move can leave the user vulnerable and should be saved as a last resort.

Turkey Vultures aren't the smartest birds and don't approach the level of corvids or parrots, but their intelligence stat is actually higher than a majority of raptors. Contrary to the opinions of some human players, Owls are actually on the lower end of the spectrum. With the extra smarts, Turkey Vultures can make use of trash bins more so than many other scavenging birds hoping for some good loot left behind by humans. They know can can figure out how to open many containers, eat around inedible pieces, and knock over standing bins they can't open. They also know to keep an eye out for humans in their automobile mounts fast traveling down roadways when scavenging roadkill. This has helped Turkey Vultures cope with changes incurred by the latest expansions, which is why their range hasn't shrunk even with the human player base's population spike.
Intelligence also can be put to use for defense, leading to Turkey Vulture players knowing to band together in large flocks called 'wakes' for protection from predators. While they don't exploit the obvious advantage to outnumbering any attack a few dozen to one, which sadly means they don't just mob an attacker, the large groups can deter attacks and multiply each other's Toxic Body AoE. They'll also group up with the related Black Vulture for the same reason. Grouping up on kill sites can also help produce the same effect, offsetting some lost XP due to loot sharing.
A long lifespan also helps to make use of this intelligence and aid in memory, with many Turkey Vulture players living to be decades old. Turkey Vultures don't breed as fast as some birds, but monogamy and both parents committing to raising their clutches offset this by greatly increases their output success rate in the reproduction quest line.
The Turkey Vulture's main weakness is its horrid PVP record. While it can trump builds smaller than itself and still inflict nasty gashes with its sharp beak, they can be easily bodied by larger carnivorans when grounded and the larger eagle, owl, and hawk players when airborne. A healthy adult might be too disgusting and large for most predatory birds to worry with, but the young can become targets. That said, predation shouldn't be much of a problem if one sticks to a large wake when roosting or feeding, as even eagle players might be made to suffer if a good hit by the Vulture's bite lands and group AoE effects can't be disregarded. But as a bird with hollow bones, its also extra vulnerable to crush-type damage; meaning ganks by Alligator and crocodile players in the lower parts of North America into South America can be a real issue. Still, short of these reptiles and ganks by especially large mammalian predators, Turkey Vultures are surprisingly resilient and can shrug off more than a few hits. It's just almost always better to use the class' unique attribute-ability combos or retreat instead of directly fighting back unless absolutely necessary.
That said, the Anthropocene has proven a good boon to the Turkey Vultures. While the aesthetics aren't the most appealing to human mains, many of the human guild leaders in the New World servers are aware of the help Turkey Vultures play in disposing of potentially biologically hazardous carcasses. Human players may not fawn over you like a regal eagle, but Game-Overs by human hunting or poisonings are far rarer than in most carnivore builds. And the expanded range of human agricultural livestock and roadways has helped ensure the Turkey Vulture player base won't be at risk of running out of its primary food source as long as they can find it; trouble that doesn't exist thanks to their abilities and attributes.
All and all, should one want a fun play-through of exploration, group living, and farming a food resource that doesn't carry a hefty risk of Game-Overs via prey fighting back or running out of resources, the Turkey Vulture can be a rewarding build for those who don't care much for PvP. While they may not be S-tier, as they don't exhibit an oppressive force on other builds, I'd say they can sit comfortably somewhere in A tier as an effective and surprisingly sophisticated raptor build. It one is looking for a vulture build to optimize this patch, they aren't one to miss.
submitted by Torvosaurus428 to Tierzoo [link] [comments]

Chronic prostatitis is not equal to kidney deficiency

Chronic prostatitis can be divided into bacterial and non-bacterial types. Patients with non-bacterial types become the majority. And there are also a significant number of patients with classic symptoms of a chronic bacterial condition.
In many traditional Chinese medicine clinics, it is common to hear that doctors say a patient with prostatitis has kidney deficiency. Many people think of chronic prostatitis as a result of kidney deficiency and many of them think that kidney deficiency is equal to a certain kidney disease. They become so worried and anxious that they go around seeking medical advice. However, after examination, no abnormal changes have been found in the patient's kidney. Why is that?
Originally, the kidney deficiency that Chinese medicine doctors always talk about and the kidney disease that bio-medicine experts always mention are two different things. Although they are similar in naming, the meanings of them on physiology and pathology are different.
In the view of Chinese medicine, kidney is not only a concept of anatomy, but also includes the physiological functions and pathological changes of the reproductive system, urinary system, neurological system, respiratory system and others. While in terms of bio-medicine, the kidney is an important organ of the urinary system.
For the treatment of chronic prostatitis, antibiotics are often used in bio-medicine, but they are easy to produce side effects on patients. As for herbal medicine, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a more suitable option, which can effectively eliminate inflammation and improve the male prostate health. What's more, it has no drug resistance or side effects. Therefore, patients can take it safely.
Aside from the treatment, the daily diet is also important for patients with chronic prostatitis. As is known to all, spicy and greasy food should be avoided during the prostatitis treatment.
submitted by cathyfongus61 to u/cathyfongus61 [link] [comments]

Quietum Plus Reviews | How to Buy Quietum Plus | All You Need To Know Before Taking Any Decision!

Quietum Plus Reviews | How to Buy Quietum Plus | All You Need To Know Before Taking Any Decision!
Looking for Quietum Plus Reviews 2021 Reddit before making a decision ? In this article, we are going to provide you with the Quietum Plus Review 2021 Reddit, And give you a comprehensive detail it.
Welcome to the Quietum Plus Review 2021, In this review Reddit we will discuss every feature of the Reddit Quietum Plus Reviews 2021 program and see the advantages and disadvantages of each feature.
Quietum Plus Reviews
Quietum Plus supplement, according to the official website it is a powerful formula in which its ingredients will help against tinnitus. Reviews will analyze benefits, side effects and all details.
Quietum Plus is a powerful two-way defensive strategy against tinnitus and brain nerves issues compiled in one easy-to-use formula that will help you manage your ringing in the ears issues by strengthening the brain cells and immune system. It is said that the brain is prone to degradation over time. Studies show that we lose more and more brain nerve cells as we age. According to the official website, Quietum Plus supplement deals with that threat by mixing pure 100% organic ingredients that were sourced from the most pristine places on Earth so that people can finally deal with their Tinnitus problem once and for all.
Must Read & Watch: Top doctors are stunned on how Quietum Plus works. Learn more by clicking here =>>
Quietum Plus is a plant-based supplement that stops the root cause of tinnitus, which is the degradation of our nerve cells' connection or synapse that connects our auditory system to our brain. While admittedly, when we look at this from the scientific perspective, tinnitus does not have a perfect cure just yet. Scientists are still looking for the specific cause of the condition. While Quietum Plus can indeed relieve symptoms caused by tinnitus thanks to its pure organic ingredients, it’s still not enough to directly attack the cause of the condition itself.
It is why we’re here to check out the supplement itself and see what its ups and downs are. Furthermore, we will study its implications and effects on our body as a whole. Tinnitus indeed affects many people, young and old, and this supplement can alleviate that screeching sound you have been hearing for quite some time now. Here is an honest, science-based Quietum Plus review based on facts, logic, and wit.

What are the Ingredients in Quietum Plus?

Quietum Plus hosts several organic, natural ingredients, all sourced from the purest places on Earth. It means that Quietum Plus should work effectively, given that it was said that these ingredients only work against tinnitus when mixed. Therefore, this is a powerful combination that is researched and tested, among other things.
Quietum Plus ingredients are:
  • Yam
  • Fenugreek
  • Dong Quai
  • L-Tyrosine
  • Motherwort
  • Black Cohosh
  • Oat Grass
  • Pacific Kelp
  • Blessed Thistle
  • Hops Extract
Since this is an honest review on Quietum Plus, we would not delve much into what the website says about these ingredients. We will check them out one by one and see their absolute effects on the human body.
These iconic root crops are a great source of antioxidants. Antioxidants help repair cells so that they would function properly. They also take out free radicals, which speed up the aging process. It also reduces inflammation, improves blood sugar control, and most importantly, boosts brain health – a crucial component for Quietum Plus.
These been like plant-matter can lower blood sugar levels, improve libido, increase breast milk in mothers, reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol levels, and maintain high appetite levels. Fenugreek may be in Quietum Plus to mainly reduce inflammation, but since tinnitus has a link to problems in the circulatory system, it can also be used for this matter.
Dong Quai
This root crop, commonly known as the female ginger, can reduce blood pressure and improve blood flow. This plant matter is especially effective against people who are at an increased risk of stroke. Again, this is for the improvement of the circulatory system as well.
This is an amino acid. Think of it as a dietary supplement within a dietary supplement. It is used to improve mental functions such as alertness, focus, and attention. What it does is that it produces chemicals that help nerve cells communicate – a perfect ingredient for Quietum Plus. It does this function since it is a type of protein that promotes the building blocks of life.
This plant is used mainly for cardiovascular problems such as heart conditions and irregular heart rhythm. It can also be used by women who have issues with their menstrual cycle. Furthermore, Motherwort is known to fix flatulence, which happens when gas is trapped within the intestines with no way out.
Black Cohosh
This herb is mainly used to treat feminine health issues such as menopause, premenstrual syndrome, painful menstruation, osteoporosis, and such. It can also help against hot flushes and night sweats. In terms of general use, it can help decrease the severity of heart palpitations, vertigo, insomnia, nervousness, and, most importantly, tinnitus.
Oat Grass
This herb can improve blood flow and increase antioxidant levels in our bodies. It mainly does this by dilating the blood vessels, which helps the blood vessels get their much-needed blood flow to transport it to the different parts of the body, including the brain.
Pacific Kelp
This very nutritious and excellent source of vitamins certainly helps against certain types of diseases that target the skeletal system as a whole. It contains hefty amounts of iodine and calcium, both crucial minerals for healthy bones. It can also improve skin complexity through its rejuvenating properties. It is also packed with antioxidants, which is why it is part of the Quietum Plus package as a whole!
Blessed Thistle
Commonly prepared as a tea, it is used when a person has a low appetite and severe indigestion. It can also be used to treat colds, cough, fever, bacterial infections, and diarrhea. Some of the time, it can also be used as an alternative cancer treatment, albeit only semi-effective at a time. What’s more, it can increase breast milk production in mothers as well!
Hops Extract
The extract of Hops, which is an herb, is used to reduce anxiety, insomnia, and other sleep disorders. It is used primarily in Quietum Plus to calm the person since, according to studies, a calm person can recover twice as fast as a mentally anxious person at the time.
These are all the ingredients found in one capsule of Quietum Plus. We can see that all of them are 100% pure, organic plant-matter, and no artificial ingredients added to this supplement.
What’s quite intriguing with Quietum Plus ingredients is that only Black Cohosh is the one with scientific backing against tinnitus. The others are mainly for better cardiovascular health, removal of free radicals in antioxidants, and booster of reproductive functions such as breast milk production and libido. The ingredients are all mixed in like that since tinnitus is a symptom of something wrong with the nervous. Is tinnitus linked to the cardiovascular system? That remains to be seen, but at least the mixture of these products proves to be exceptionally useful from a scientific point of view.

Quietum Plus Benefits

As stated by the official website, Quietum Plus tackles the main problems of tinnitus. By improving blood flow, the brain can receive more nutrients, which it will need to recover from any damages from before entirely. Antioxidants can make short work of the damaged cells caused by free radicals, and the Black Cohosh can specifically target the get-go problem.
One of the most particular benefits of Quietum Plus is the increase of libido as well. Of course, this is just a side effect, but then, Fenugreek can do many things besides that. Also, what’s interesting about Quietum Plus is that it’s fully tailored to help women go through their reproductive health problems. Quietum Plus can increase breast milk production and alleviate menstrual problems. It can also deal with menopausal symptoms, which are equally as mind-wrenching as tinnitus itself.
Truly, Quietum Plus has many benefits, and it would take you to see how it truly works. Try one out now and see the benefits for yourself!
Learn More About This Supplement Benefits from The Official Webpage Here =>>

Quietum Plus Ingredient Side Effects

Not much can be said for Quietum Plus side effects. In general, you will only experience minor inconveniences, but other than that, there’s not much to see here. Furthermore, you’ll only experience side effects if you overdosed on the product. Remember, you must only take one capsule a day, not two, three, or more.
If you happen to experience side effects from one capsule a day or feel something is not right, contact your physician immediately to have yourself checked up. Major hiccups or side effects include irregular heartbeat, loss of balance, and such. If you feel any of these, contact your local emergency services immediately. Other than that, the best advice I can give you is to stick with the dosage plan. Do not overdose.

Quietum Plus Related Studies

The Quietum Plus website hosts several references that they made over time. This is a list of their research that they used to see what ingredients work best against tinnitus. For one, they checked how human ears work, which is nice. Understanding the root cause is often the best solution when dealing with problems that are hard to address. They also listed the research they did with the ingredients, giving us more credible evidence of their passion for this product.
To further know about these related studies, check out their reference page here. =>

The Story & Who Created Quietum Plus

Quietum Plus was named by someone named Patrick Bark. He was a professor for healthcare professionals in a specific university in the United States of America. He is well-known for being an anatomy teacher and an avid researcher who is passionate about helping his students achieve their full potential when they got into the real world.
Then, something happened. Patrick Bark suddenly got tinnitus, as half of the world’s population does. He went on to go check himself up at a professional ear specialist. Unfortunately, he did not have any answer after talking with the doctor. After this, he spent countless hours trying to figure out his problem. He went from doctor to doctor from different specializations, but none of them had the answer. He was deemed to be 100% physically healthy. Shortly after, his tinnitus became louder and louder, unfortunately hurting his family physically and emotionally in the process, to the point that he went crazy and wanted to burn the house down.
Thankfully, the police officers subdued him, and he was sent to a mental hospital for a mental reevaluation. However, just after two short weeks, he was discharged from the hospice. He was deemed to be 100% mentally healthy. Even though this was the case, he knew something was wrong with himself. He thought to himself, how could someone be 100% healthy even though they still experience tinnitus along the way? Finally, since he was a professor of sorts, he managed to pull some strings. A doctor named “Doctor S” helped him uncover a secret kept under the military's shade after a long time. This secret was, in fact, much like the secret formula of the Krabby Patty in Spongebob Squarepants. It is highly classified and only used by the chosen elite. It was a remedy for tinnitus. Bark, upon hearing this from his acquaintance, quickly went on his way to put this formula into action. He was more than enthusiastic about sharing this information with the public. He went as far as risking his own life for this government secret – or so this is his story. You see, this carefully crafted story is by no accounts proven just yet. I am not saying that I do not believe it entirely as a reviewer; it is just a trend.
Several dietary supplements on the market are not that honest when it comes to “marketing.” They mostly follow the same format. For example, take other nutritional supplements that also carry a jab at tinnitus and compare their videos with this one. It mostly has the same, identical format, which is unmistakably that of the dietary supplement category.
Since this is an honest review on Quietum Plus, I will just put this out here – the Quietum Plus official website, which can be found on this link, states that the name Patrick Bark is just “a pen name used for marketing purposes to protect the author’s identity.” Furthermore, a disclaimer also says that “the information provided is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional.” It means that Patrick Bark, or whatever his name is, is not a qualified medical professional by all means.
More so, the website does not tell us of the company that manufactures Quietum Plus. It just says, “Quietum Plus.” That is it. It poses a threat to their credibility, but this does not mean that it’s entirely unsafe. Without a doubt, it still works, as we’d tackle later on, but then again, credibility starts with the manufacturer. These are just a few words of warning, of course. Not that I am totally against it. I want you to be aware of what’s happening first before diving into the other details.

Where is Quietum Plus Made?

We can say that according to the official website, Quietum Plus is made in an approved GMP-certified manufacturing plant in the United States of America. Quietum Plus is made in the USA, but that is pretty much all that we know. Nevertheless, we’ll be getting to the sweet part later on, so just hold on to your seats.

How Does Quietum Plus Work?

Quietum Plus works by combining 100% pure, organic, plant-based ingredients into one capsule specifically designed to target the main cause of ringing in the ears, which is the wear and tear of nerve cell connections in our brain.
Bark mentioned explicitly in his video presentation on the official website that all ingredients are portioned according to their exact dosages in every capsule of Quietum Plus. He also says that this particular combination of ingredients only works in this kind of formula. Still, this is also noted by other competitors in the playing field of dietary supplement businesses. Moving on, Quietum Plus also helps people calm down, thanks to its powerful ingredients, which pose a great benefit to the human body.
To summarize, Quietum Plus works by calming the mind and body first, then repairing the nerve damage connected to our inner ear. It regenerates lost nerve cells and protects the nervous system from further damage to prevent future mental instability and health threats.
This foolproof plan and course of action are indeed beneficial since it is essential and easy to follow among all things. It is important to note that this takes some time to work, and thus it must be meticulously taken every day to see the improvements in the long run.
As Bark mentioned in his video presentation on the official website, Quietum Plus only works when you take it regularly. Take it once a day, and you’ll see dramatic results in a few months.
Again, Quietum Plus is a dietary supplement. To make it work to the greatest extent, you as a consumer must take it with a healthy balanced diet that is purely organic as well – no artificial extenders. Do not take Quietum Plus as medicine, but rather take it as a supplement to your daily life.

How Long Does it Take for Quietum Plus to Work?

Now that we know how Quietum Plus works, let us take a closer look at how long it would take until finally getting the results that we want to have in the first place. You need to take one capsule a day of Quietum Plus in three months or 90 days to see dramatic changes and results.
If you ask for signs of improvement only, you can expect them to come from 4-8 weeks of continually taking Quietum Plus every day. These signs of progress include reducing pain from tinnitus, a calm demeanor, and a noticeable decrease in something we call “brain fog.”
Taking only one pill or capsule would not change your life in an instant. It is not a miracle drug. It is a constant supplement. Of course, taking Quietum Plus every other day would not make its effect evident in your body as well. It should be taken once a day, straight, for a few months at least. It is even recommended that you take Quietum Plus for six months to achieve entirely satisfactory results.
However, it is essential to note that Quietum Plus can have different effects on people, so you won’t necessarily have the same results as other people have. Some people feel the Quietum Place impact in a longer time, while others can feel it at the get-go. It all depends on the person that is using the product. Medicine tolerance is a thing, and so is the tougher absorption of nutrients in other people.
Be patient and let time take its course. If it does not work for you, then you can discontinue use. Otherwise, you can also consult your physician for this matter, as told by their disclaimer. If you’re unsatisfied with the product, you can always take their offer of a 60-day money-back guarantee. Rest assured, your money will be returned to you if you do not see any changes in 60 days upon purchase.

Why is There Quietum Plus?

Quietum Plus is made by Patrick Bark, or whoever the manufacturers are, to address tinnitus's problem in the long run. This condition has plagued the mental health of several people in the world. It affects 15 to 20 percent of people, according to Mayo Clinic.
While tinnitus can be a symptom of other problems such as nerve, circulatory, or aging issues, it is still unknown which causes it. Even though that is the case, Quietum Plus makers want to reach out to the people to deal with this hearing issue, even though it is not exactly the best, straightforward solution given our limited medical advancements just yet.
Quietum Plus is made for people’s mental health recovery. It is why there is credibility in what they are trying to do. Solving an unsolved problem is more than enough. As I browsed through the ingredients of Quietum Plus, I can understand why the manufacturers are confident in rolling out this product without disclosing their identities.
The Quietum Plus official website is listed here. Visit their website to know more about the product. You can also only buy legitimate Quietum Plus supplements from their official website. This means that products sold on Amazon and eBay are not considered legitimate and original by any means.

Quietum Plus Costs

A bottle of Quietum Plus costs $99 back then. However, Bark and his team opted to pay a low price of $69 only per bottle. Each bottle consists of 30 capsules each, which means it is a 30-day supply for every bottle there is. Shipping is free for residents in the United States of America. However, shipping fees will apply if the product would be shipped internationally. They also offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied by any means or if Quietum Plus didn’t work for you at all in the past 60 days, you can have 100% of your money back guaranteed.
Additionally, if you happen to like the product too much just from this review, you can order Quietum Plus at a discounted price when purchasing the 3-bottle and 6-bottle bundles.
The 3-bottle pack costs $177, which means that each bottle of Quietum Plus is at $59 per bottle at this promo, while the 6-bottle package costs $294, which means that each bottle is only at $49! If you’re looking for a sweet deal when buying Quietum Plus, go for the 6-bottle pack since it offers the lowest price per bottle among all packages in store.
Remember, Quietum Plus is only legitimately sold on their official website, so only buy these dietary supplements from their website only. Again, all bottles are shipped for free if you live inside the United States of America. Shipping fees apply to international users.

Quietum Plus Verdict

The Quietum Plus supplement is a work of art. It combines plant-based ingredients that are all great for dealing with the problems surrounding the whole Tinnitus problem. Quietum Plus is a whole package. If you want whole-body regeneration with peace of mind, you should try this out. It is practical, no doubt, and even though the manufacturers keep themselves a secret, it should not be a problem at all. When we laid down the product's facts, we knew from there that this product could do so much more than combating tinnitus.
It’s a positive product for me!
To learn more about Quietum Plus from the Official Website click here >>
submitted by cheryldlovejoy to QuietumPlusReviews [link] [comments]

what are the two types of bacterial reproduction video

Vegetative Reproduction In Bacteria Microbiology Bacterial Cell structure and fucntion 2 Bacteria Classification by Shape - YouTube Biology - What is Binary fission? #5 - YouTube Microbiology - Bacterial Cell Structure part 2 Microbiology Bacteria Structure 6th Grade Chapter 2 Lesson 2 Bacteria part 1 Asexual Reproduction in Bacterial-2.mp4 Bacteria - YouTube

Most bacteria, including Salmonella and E.coli, reproduce by binary fission. During this type of asexual reproduction, the single DNA molecule replicates and both copies attach, at different points, to the cell membrane . As the cell begins to grow and elongate, the distance between the two DNA molecules increases. Binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction where a single living cell or an organelle grows twice its size and then splits into two identical daughter cells, where each of these daughter cells has the potential to grow into the size of the original cell or organelle. The following points highlight the five methods by which reproduction in bacteria takes place. The methods are: 1. Binary Fission 2. Conidia 3. Budding 4. Cysts 5. Endospore. Method # 1. Binary Fission: In binary fission, single cell divides into two equal cells (Fig. 2.19). The vegetative reproduction of bacteria may be divided into two process : The Binary fission process and Budding process. Binary Fission : The most common way by which the bacteria reproduce itself is the Binary Process . Binary fission: An asexual form of reproduction, in which a cell continues to grow until a new cell wall grows through the center, forming two cells. These separate, making two cells with the same They were first discovered by Anton Leeuwenhoek (1676). In the five kingdom classification, they are placed in Kingdom Monera. Bacteria reproduce by Vegetative, asexual and sexual methods. Vegetative reproduction includes Budding, Fragmentation and Binary fission. This is because, in sexual reproduction, genetic material is exchanged between two cells and which facilitates genetic recombination and creates a genetic drift in the species of a bacteria. There are 3 ways bacteria reproduce sexually, these are: Transformation. Transduction. Conjugation. Types of sexual reproduction that occurs in bacteria are as follows: Cytologic observations and genetic studies indicate something like sexual reproduction, involving the fusion of two different cells and a transfer of hereditary factors occurs in bacteria although infrequently. ADVERTISEMENTS: The 2 Most Important Types of Asexual Reproduction in Bacteria are given below: Asexual Reproduction in Bacteria A. Binary Fission. It is the commonest method of reproduction, found in bacteria. The binary fission is simply the multiplication of cells by division. The dividing cell elongates, and if the cell is spherical the elongation is […] The bacteria also live freely. They have two types; photoautotrophs and the chemoautotrophs. Reproduction. This occurs in three processes; Asexual, sexual an vegetative. Asexual Reproduction. This occurs by the formation of endospore (the thick oval structure that encloses the protoplast during conditions that are not favourable).

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Vegetative Reproduction In Bacteria

Get 8 ebooks of anatomy / TOP discount : -96% More Anatomy Lessons : Anatomy video Ana... Biology Professor (Twitter: @DrWhitneyHolden) describes bacterial classification by shape and organization into groups, with examplbioes of each type. A brie... Reproduction in Bacteria Vegetative and Asexual Reproduction I Bacterial Reproduction - Duration: 25:33. SGE ACADEMY NEET & AIIMS 1,593 views. 25:33. Organelles of the Cell ... the 1976 copyright act entitles educational use for non profit purposes under fair Bacteria, despite their simplicity, contain a well-developed cell structure which is responsible for many of ... The basic two types of vegetative reproduction in bacteria (Binary fission and Budding) are discussed in this video. Types of microorganisms and their classification. ... Bacterial cell - structure and function - Duration: ... Bacteria Growth, Reproduction, Classification - Duration: 10:42. Flagella, Fimbriae and Pili, pili, Capsule and Slime layer, Biofilm formation, Axial Filaments, Structure of peptidoglycan. Introduction to bacteriaMore free lessons at: In this video, we'll cover:- What binary fission is and which organisms do it- The process of binary fission- An example of a mathematical binary fission que...

what are the two types of bacterial reproduction

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