What does Finland mean? - definitions

what does the word suomi mean

what does the word suomi mean - win

Every Matchup, Every Winner, All Of It.

First off, here's the foundation for these predictions:


(G = Gods win a round. H = Humanity wins a round. T = Both combatants die, ending in a tie.)

This is how I believe every round of this tournament will play out, and I'm pretty damn well sure it's how it will.
I believe that the Win/Loss order should be as gripping yet erratic as possible, but also balanced. What I mean by that is that it should be gripping in the sense that each side gets a bit of momentum so it's not just back and forth every round, but it also needs to be a bit erratic and break that momentum so it retains interest and doesn't become too predictable either. At the end of the day though, it also needs to be balanced throughout the whole of the tournament so we do get to see every fight. After all, if the Gods win every match from this point on, then the tournament would end quite early. So to recap: We need to establish an order that allows for suspense by striking a balance of ever-changing wins that doesn't sway too much in either team's direction so that every fighter gets the opportunity to participate.
Now that we've gone over that, we're going to look at each remaining fight in-depth:

5. Shiva vs. Raiden
- Since we're already knee-deep in this one, I'm just going to skip themes and volund and all that and just jump into how I think it'll go and why. First of all, at this point in time, Raiden is taking this fight extremely seriously. That's honestly a smart move as a combatant obviously, but really damn bad from a storytelling perspective. It means that though we've yet to see Raiden go all out and show every illegal move he's got tucked away, we haven't even seen Shiva reach that first step of taking this fight seriously.
So, following that train of thought, here's a simplified version of how I see this playing out: Raiden is going to beat the everliving shit out of Shiva using basic moves and a few illegal ones, Shiva's family is going to react to this, Shiva's going to snap out of his joking mood and start to take this shit seriously too once he realizes that this isn't just for fun - this is for his life. Now that they've both stopped fucking around, Raiden (who's already having issues with endurance if you noticed him having difficulty breathing) will pull out all his stops. Every ultimate move, every worst cheap banned and brutal martial art that he knows of, everything just to end this as quickly as possible. Then, once he's got Shiva on the ropes, that'll be it. That's when Raiden will die.
Two things will kill him essentially: Shiva's family, which may as well be plot armor (he has more to lose in this fight, giving him an edge in a plot mindset and greater motivation) and Raiden's low endurance, which is the price of his power.
TLDR: Raiden will lose once Shiva takes it seriously, which will only be after he's nearly killed in front of his family, and the final blow will be when Raiden's stamina runs out.

6. Susano'o vs. Okita
Volund: Hjörþrimul is likely to be his volund, considering she's referred to as "The Sword Warrioress" and Kojiro didn't use her. Alternatively though, he could also be paired with Kára since her name means "the wild, stormy one" hinting at his own personality as well as his opponent's overall aesthetic and how similar they are to one another.
- Now this one's pretty straightforward but it'll be badass nonetheless. Thematically this matchup seemed pretty obvious to me primarily because A. We only have one Japanese human swordsman left, and B. We only have one Japanese god swordsman left. It's certainly not the only reason and it's not as if there aren't other gods that use swords, but it's really the most prominent reason. It's incredibly likely that Okita is the last swordsman left on humanity's side and you're telling me that this manga series isn't going to take its last shot at a swordfight between gods and humanity? Sorry, but no.
Personality-wise, I'd imagine the author will make this a reflection rather than opposites like Kojiro and Poseidon. Many of us know what Okita will be like, he's essentially a young, rash, seemingly unstable prodigy with the blade. Then we have Susano'o... the God of Storms and the Sea, likely unstable in some ways as well considering many myths portray him as a wild, impetuous god. He's the younger brother of Amaterasu as well, so perhaps they'll age him down to mirror Okita even more. My reasoning for this being the next fight is obviously that Okita's been waiting in anticipation and he won't get cockblocked for both Raiden's fight AND the hypothetical different sixth fight, because that would be ridiculous and result in well over a year of waiting to see someone that really didn't need to be shown already impatiently waiting.
So yes, that being said, the winner will be Okita because he didn't exactly get to flourish during his life as he died at a young age (presumably before he ever hit his prime) due to TB. I imagine he's due for a W for all of the lost potential during his life, same as Kojiro, and it'd make for a nice little redemption after Raiden dies, since humanity will desperately need a pick-me-up for the next few fights.

7. Buddha vs. Kintoki
Volund: Skeggöld is the axe Valkyrie. It just works™.
- Now, this one's a bit of a journey so follow closely: A lot of people envision Kintaro when they think of this character since his Wikipedia page is covered in art and folk stories of the legendary pampers-wearing badass that beat the shit out of demons when he was learning his ABC's and even sumo-wrestled a bear. Yeah, I can see why you'd want to see that kid fighting hipster-Buddha, but no. Perhaps they'll take elements from the folk version, that could be cool honestly, but we're not focusing on the legendary kid. We're focusing on the actual person, Kinoki, and for good reason. Let me explain why real quick and then I'll move onto the actual fight.
There's not a lot of information on Kintoki, the actual man, but what we do know about him is that he was a great warrior and that he served as a retainer for the samurai Minamoto no Yorimitsu. What's far more fascinating about the actual man that connects him to Buddha though, is that Kintoki studied martial arts and became renowned for his strength and martial prowess, eventually earning the title of chief of Yorimitsu's Shitennō. The Shitennō were an elite group consisting of four retainers that chose the moniker as a reference to the legendary Four Heavenly Kings from Buddhism. In essence, Kintoki was so badass at martial arts that he was eventually viewed in the same light as a Buddhist legend and now he's fighting Buddha himself. How perfect is that?
That being said, I'm sorry Kintoki, but you're totally going to die. First of all, you're really just screwed by the plot since Buddha was shown recently and we're definitely not going to get cockblocked that long for his fight either as I explained with Okita earlier. They're showing us these characters, so they have to fight relatively soon, and if I'm right about the Win/Loss order, then this is going to be an L for Humanity and sadly that means that Kintoki will have to die. I can easily see the author deciding that this will be a loss before really fleshing out the character and then leaning more toward the folk hero route to make us root for him. I also believe that as a writer that would really twist the knife in the audience's gut, since as a reader I'd totally want to root for a Japanese folk legend over hipster Buddha any day. I'd imagine that anyone going against Buddha would have a hard time, but I also think that being a legend in Buddhism is still pretty unfair when you're going against Buddha himself, so GG Kintoki.

8. Anubis vs. Qin
Volund: Hildr has the power to revive the dead in battlefields and use it to maintain the everlasting battle between Hedin and Högni. Terracotta bois, wya?
- Let's be honest, this one didn't surprise anyone. God of Death (As well as mummification, the afterlife, cemeteries, tombs, and the Underworld, etc) vs. Emperor that was obsessed with immortality and only feared death. In the twilight of his life, Qin Shi Huang had been absolutely obsessed with defying death as it was the only thing he hadn't conquered after being the first to unify China and invent the moniker of Emperor. Quite the badass, but pretty dumb as well considering he died after ingesting mercury in an attempt to create an immortality elixir. This isn't a history lesson though, I just wanted to show you how obsessed this man was with the exact thing that this god embodies.
Truth be told, I don't know a whole lot about Anubis but considering he's the god of tombs and Qin Shi quite literally constructed a mausoleum the size of a city and filled it with Terracotta soldiers, I don't consider it much of a reach that they'll come into play considering their sole purpose is to protect their Emperor in the afterlife.
Now that we've established that they're perfect for one another, let me tell you all of the ways that Anubis will wipe the floor with Qin Shi. Historically, Qin Shi got everything he wanted in life and we all know what happens to those that win while they're alive. They don't win in death, not often. That's why Lu Bu got destroyed by Thor and why I imagine at this point in time that Raiden will lose to Shiva. Winners in life become losers in Ragnarok and vice versa as proven by Kojiro. Sure, Qin Shi did lose to death in the end, but there's a reason why.
If it were anyone else, I'd give it to them, but Qin Shi is a bit too obsessed with conquering this one, leaving the storyteller in me to believe that it's a goal far too aligned with his personal motivation and the reader in me far too hopeful to see this one futile man trying to defy the scariest force of nature. I root for the mere concept of this man far too much, so he's undoubtedly going to fail in his ambitious endeavor, leaving us all feeling quite a bit less hopeful at the end of it all.

9. Bishamonten vs. Nostradamus
Volund: Skuld is the most fitting Valkyrie for Nostradamus considering her name essentially means "Debt" and is related to the English word "Should". Along with Urðr (Old Norse "Fate") and Verðandi (possibly "Happening" or "Present"), Skuld makes up a trio of Norns that are described as deciding the fates of people. Nostradamus' whole shtick was prophecy, therefore his best bet this fight is the power of prediction, and who better to help him than essentially one of the three Fates of Norse mythology? Alternatively, Svipul could be his volund as her name presumably refers to the changeable nature of fate.
- Considering Nostradamus' main deal was fate-related and that he'll surely be weaponizing his predictions, it seems fitting that his opponent will be one of the Seven Lucky Gods that'll definitely be utilizing his prowess in battle against Nostradamus as well. As an armor-clad god of war in Japan, Bishamonten will likely be a physically intimidating warrior, wielding a great spear that'll give him reach that Nostradamus won't have. Considering I couldn't find any formal training of martial arts or weapon expertise in his history and he wasn't exactly benching books in his free time, he'll likely have to primarily dodge for the vast majority of the fight and exploit the smallest of openings similar to what Jack did if he wants to deal any damage.
I'm not entirely sure what he'll use as a weapon during his fight, but I do think that his past as a physician will come into play somehow. Perhaps he'll be surgical in his methods, carefully setting the stage and leading Bishamonten into traps similar to what Jack did. Honestly, the more I think about this fight, the more I see it as a plaything for Nostradamus since I can't imagine him even stepping into the ring if he's destined to die. Aside from fitting into my W/L order, Nostradamus seems fated to win this because thematically it just makes sense that no amount of luck can outperform fate.

10. Beelzebub vs. Rasputin
Volund: Although Hildr was my first instinct for Rasputin since the guy was comically hard to fucking kill, Göndul seems like the most fitting for him since Qin Shi has already taken Hildr since she's most fitting for him as well and after reading up on Göndul, trust me... you'll be convinced too by the time I'm done. Her name means "wand-wielder", which could easily tie into Rasputin's mysticism. Alright then, that was easy. Oh yeah, she also hangs out with two Kings in one story, Hedinn of Serkland and Hogni of Denmark, seducing them both via a memory-altering drought. Alright, that's pretty Rasputin of her to bang royalty and manipulate them, ngl. Oh, and then she proceeds to watch over both of their kingdoms as they wage war until they're on civil terms and then proceeds to fuck them over one last time, resulting in their doom and making them regret they ever met her. That is literally Rasputin's life right there, folks.
- Now that we know how Rasputin will fight and how shitty of a person he is, I'd like to introduce you to Beelzebub. Beelzebub has a surprisingly amount of meanings attached to his character though not very many stories, so you could spend a long time finding different interpretations of this character but you'll never really know which one the author will choose... unless you look at every other god in this series and notice what's not there. Christianity doesn't play a part in this series at all and it doesn't take a genius to see why, it's controversial and this series just wants to have fun and be goddamn amazing, and I don't blame the author for it at all. That being said, if there's one character that I'm absolutely positive the author is itching to use, it's Satan. There's no real devil in this series, even Loki doesn't really embody that symbol of pure evil, he's just Loki and that's fine. But I find it incredibly likely that the author essentially wanted to have a devil without calling him Satan, Lucifer, or any other even minorly controversial moniker. I think that Beelzebub is the safest alias to use for this devil archetype and for that purpose, the author was smart to use it.
That being said, we've established who Beelzebub will embody: The Devil. He'll be evil, ugly, 1000% utilize his wings since Beelzebub can essentially be interpreted as "Lord of Flies", "Lord of Fliers", or even "Lord of High Place" so the sky's the limit. Since he'll be a typical aerial devil, I'd imagine that Rasputin will need something long-range like a wand to utilize his mysticism. As for the winner... well, I suppose I should mention the overall theme since I forgot to do that, but I'd imagine it's pretty obvious at this point. They're the shittiest people in existence and that's really it. Rasputin was allegedly an evil person, manipulating royals and wielding their hope against them and apparently capitalizing on recoveries done in pure luck, fueling his reputation and enjoying all of the benefits of that by seducing believers and royals alike, whether they were married or he was. He wasn't a great person at all and that much is clear, which is why we need someone either equally horrible or worse and that's why Beelzebub needs to be Satan in this series. So we feel conflicted whether the demon wins or well... if the other demon wins. If you're wondering why Rasputin will win though, you need not go any further than recalling Brun's quote during Jack's fight:
The only way in which men are superior to the gods is malice.

11. Apollo vs. Simo
Volund: A lot of people throw out Hlaðguðr Svanhvít's name due to the parallelism between Simo's nickname "The White Death" and her name's meaning of "Swan-white", but that's literally all there is to it. It's not bad, but it's not enough and it's not the best either. For a bit I moved on to other volunds, like Mist who could control, well, mist. Clouds make for great cover for a sniper, so it's possible that this could help camouflage Simo as well as suppress Apollo's light/heat/sun and all that, but even so, that's not the best volund for Simo in my eyes. What I settled on was Ölrún, or if you're going by Old High German, Ailrun. This is important, so keep it in mind. In Germanic mythology, Ailrun is the wife of Agilaz, the legendary archer, though he also goes by Egil. I know, but that's the end of the name-tracking, don't worry. Egil was a renowned archer who defended a keep together with his wife, Aliruna, against numerous attackers. If holing up with your husband and defending a keep with just a bow doesn't scream "I'm the sniper's volund" to you, then I don't really know what to say at this point. Considering Simo's got a kill count of over 500, it sounds like Ölrún's in good hands though.
- One of my favorite matchups in theory, this one was probably the easiest to see and the earliest that I knew I wanted to see. Apollo has a sword, but he's credited with the invention of archery as well as the god of archery. He's also the god of the sun, light, poetry, music and various other things, but I want to focus on what I've mentioned and how much Sim contrasts him in nearly every way possible except for one. Apollo embodies two things: Heat and Communication. He is essentially the sun, riding a chariot across the sky every day and bringing warmth to others through music and poetry and interacting with all of life. He's a bright guy and then... there's Simo. Simo is from Finland, where the cold can kill a man. He spent a great deal of time in the military as a sniper, which isn't a very social job, so to speak. A sniper is often isolated, alone, waiting patiently in the elements for the right time to strike. Simo was pretty creative when he sniped as well, choosing iron-sights over newer, easier scopes for practical reasons such as wishing not to reflect light and also putting dense amounts of snow in his mouth so his breath wouldn't alert enemy snipers of his position. He killed over 500 people in service to the Finnish military and yet hardly spoke a word of it for the rest of his life. Simo's entire character can be summarized as quiet, isolated and even cold in contrast to Apollo's vibrant, social, and warm demeanor. It's odd to see a human occupying this space in this particular series, but Simo really is the winter to Apollo's summer and it's a perfect contrast.
Except when we talk about weapons. Since Apollo is the god of archery, it seems pretty clear that he's going to have a bow. Simo is, of course, going to use his main weapon, a Mosin–Nagant Model 28-30 sniper rifle that he clocked in over 259 kills alone with, before doubling the count with his Suomi KP/-31 submachine gun. It seems likely that the sniper rifle will be his volund initially, but there's also the real possibility that ammunition will be the real volund since the vast amount of enemies that both Simo and Ölrún dealt with were their biggest issue and it's possible that he'll run out eventually unless he has an infinite supply. It would make for a nice surprise as well, seeing Simo pull out his submachine gun at closer ranges and being able to utilize it without it being useless. Also, there's something that I haven't mentioned because most already know about it, but Simo was discharged from the military due to an injury that blew off basically half his face, due to an explosive round from an enemy sniper. Imagine the sneakiest, big-brain, high-IQ move of Simo shooting Apollo square in the face with nowhere to run, only to have him catch the seemingly harmless bullet before Simo shoots it with a normal one and blows it up, disfiguring Apollo as well. Personally, I'd love the shit out of that. Anyways, Simo's going to get this one both on account of A. The whole W/L order, B. Simo's sudden retirement and loss of a real drive in life, and C. His quiet demeanor and Apollo's sheer likability. I get the feeling that Simo's win will be incredibly big-brain since the real person always found a way to make it work in his favor through practicality and sheer patience. You got this Simo, we believe in you.

12. Loki vs. Tesla
Volund: Brun, Brun, Brun... oh boy. Let me start by saying that this entire fight as well as the final fight up next are both going to go exactly like this exclusively because of the valkyries involved. That being said, let's dive into some etymology. In its various forms, Brunhild is derived from the equivalents of Old High German brunia (armor) and hiltia (conflict), thereby making a good ol' combo of war armor. Who needs war armor more than arguably anyone else on this list? The scrawny inventor is probably a good bet. Who's the smartest, most devious person on humanity's side? If you answered either Brun or Tesla, you're right, which is why they're the perfect duo. That being said, they're such a badass, big-brain duo that it seems fitting that they'd have to face off against the only opponent capable of outwitting them. Now, I have a strange theory about how she'll be Tesla's battle armor but I don't want to spoil the surprise, so read down below if you want to know one way that I think she'll help him.
- Here we are... the much-awaited fight between the two three biggest brains in this entire tournament. Following the previous fight, this one will definitely raise the stakes quite a bit by Brun being part of it. It won't feel like your average bout between a god and human that we've never seen before, it'll feel like the endgame since we've already become well-acquainted with the god and valkyrie by this point and only one of them is going to make it out alive. The themes are pretty damn easy to spot and numerous if you care to find them: Truth vs. Deception, Intellect vs. Deviousness, Science vs. Magic, there's a lot and more that I just haven't thought of in these last 10 seconds, but they're there. Now, this is definitely going to take place in Tesla's lab or some location of Tesla's choice because why wouldn't it? Now then, since it'll take place in a lab or technologically advanced setting, Tesla will definitely have a lot of tools at his disposal during this fight. Imagine Jack, except with a brilliant scientist/inventor.
Now, I have a theory of how this'll play out but it's more wishful thinking than anything. I imagine Loki in a lab, stumbling upon a contraption. Robot, mech, whatever you want to call it, it's basically iron man with Brun infused in it and Tesla piloting it. Loki will fight it, wrestle and tumble and struggle and be very deceptive as they hunt one another down in a lab setting with various chemicals, tools and technological wonders at Tesla's disposal. It'll be just as amazing as the sentence "Loki will fight a mech'd out Tesla in a laboratory" full of moments where Tesla nearly kills Loki with sheer technological firepower and ingenuity until... Loki finally destroys it. He kills Brun in the process, breaking the volund mech. Tesla too it seems, until it's revealed that Tesla was actually never in it. That Tesla was actually crafting a far more dangerous weapon from a safe distance, one that can kill Loki. Call it a death ray, if you will. He uses it as it's his last hope now that Brun is gone, but... before he can, Loki actually does kill him. This is obviously just how I envision it, but considering what the author's done so far, this wouldn't be too far out there and would feel in line with the way that they write and manage to do every character justice. So yeah, sadly deception would triumph, leaving Brun dead and Göll broken, yet also incredibly motivated right on time for the final match.

13. Odin vs. Leonidas(?)
Volund: Geir, Göll, whatever the shit you want to call her. It's actually Göll, but translation errors caused many to call her Geir funnily enough, which I think was a stroke of luck since Geir is a root for multiple other valkyries' names and it means "Spear", which is the weapon that I actually believe Göll will be as a volund, but that's for later. Her name has up to three different meanings: "Noisy", "Loud cry", or "Battle cry". We've seen her be noisy quite a bit, as she's often whining and really not on top of any situation. But I think after the previous match and losing Brun, she'll finally have a reason to weep or "Loud cry" and during the intermission she'll find the courage to be the person that Brun wished her to be - the savior of Humanity. At this point, for this final battle, she'll probably still have a bit of nerves, but she'll be determined enough to go through with it and step into that "Battle cry" phase of her name. Maybe I'm looking into it too much and I could easily be wrong about the etymology's impact on her character development, but I really do think that thematically it would be nice to end her story with a massive growth like this and, sadly, Brun will need to die in order to achieve that growth in Göll. Anyways, yeah. She's going to be a spear, because Leonidas is all that's left and she's going to need some way to inflict damage. Leo primarily uses a sword, but considering he'll be going up against Odin who also wields a spear that never misses, I'd imagine Leonidas will have a spear volund too. Also, the Geir thing really does seem prophetic in a really weird meta way.
- Oh boy, we're at the end of it all... first up are themes and reasons. Themes are clearly Last Stands first and foremost. Who embodies humanity's last stand more from humanity's list than King Leonidas that died during a last stand against the Persians at Thermopylae? The guy's entire legendary life ended with a last stand, and that's enough for me but I'll keep going. Odin is clearly final boss level, and it seems fitting considering this is the Record of Ragnarok. The title itself is a clear reference to Norse mythology, and the whole point of it all is to rise against the gods, so it seems to fit pretty snuggly that the final boss is the patriarch of the Norse pantheon. He also has perfectly low-key final boss vibes from a storytelling perspective in the sense that he's been shown many, many, maaaany times though never given a spotlight, never spoken (himself, at least), and he's on the roster. It's perfect, establishing a villain early on but waiting till it's his turn to let him shine. He's the wisest of the gods, it makes sense as to why he'd go last since he'd probably want to predict who he'll go against and use that knowledge to increase his odds of winning. Oh yeah, they're also both wise Kings that led great warriors into battle. It's not very specific, but you wouldn't find that sort of mirror image between any other god and human aside from perhaps Qin Shi Huang and Bishamonten. Now that we're past all the ways that they're perfect for one another, let's move onto the final battle.
Let's get two things straight: I don't have a damn clue how the actual fight will go down, but I'm damn sure that Odin isn't winning*. That would just be wayyy too depressing of an ending to let humanity get this far and then have them lose. It doesn't matter how nice of a light you view that in, whether the gods are kind and merciful and go "Gee whiz, champ, you humans sure put up a good fight! Guess you can live," Nah. That takes away the entire point of this series and Shiva's entire rant about breaking free from the gods' shackles. We NEED to win. So I'm going to operate based upon the presumption that we WILL win. I'm going to assume that this will be a hopeful ending for humanity and that every fight, but more importantly every death, will not be in vain. That we can achieve this impossible goal if we work together, with humanity, with volunds, against fate itself and all that gooey shit. So that being said, it's likely that Leonidas with the help of Göll will defeat Odin and redeem himself for dying at Thermopylae, likely in a fashion that would do his character justice, such as dodging Gungnir (Odin's spear that never misses) and managing to hit Odin with Göll, as he couldn't do to Xerxes at Thermopylae. Humanity will win, the Valkyries will have accomplished their goal. All will be right again and it'll be deemed that humanity has earned their right to survive. Roll curtain, folks.

Author's Notes
At the end of the day, I tried to approach every fight from at least four different standpoints: A writer's standpoint, a reader's standpoint, a historian's standpoint, and at the end of it all, I asked myself if it just seemed right. If every little bit clicked together neatly and if that clicked with the author's style. If what I envision when I add it all together really is what I expect from this manga series, and after taking it all into consideration, I have to say... it makes perfect sense, honestly, every single bit of it.
I 1000% believe this will happen, but I also recognize that there's clearly a real possibility that the author may very well just go with even one different matchup*, leaving a vast majority of this to crumble really badly. That's alright, honestly, I do this for fun because I love the series so it's perfectly fine if I'm wrong because I know that no matter what the author will blow our goddamn minds and it'll be beautiful regardless.

* If I could add two notes at the end of this all, I'd allow myself the wiggle room of poooooossibly switching Kintoki and Nostradamus because Buddha, Bishamonten and Kintoki are all very closely tied to Buddhism, leaving open the very real possibility that Nostradamus could fight Buddha instead and Kintoki could fight Bishamonten. It wouldn't change a whole lot for Kintoki honestly, considering that Bishamonten seems quite similar to Buddha in nature anyways, being one of the Four Heavenly Kings within Buddhism. If anything, it would allow both fighters to have means of defending themselves and allow for a more action-oriented fight between a spear-wielding god and a martial arts legend of humanity, which arguably sounds pretty damn cool. It would also make for a pretty fitting matchup since Bishamonten is closely linked to monetary wealth and Kintoki is the Golden Boy and all that. That would also lead to Nostradamus vs. Buddha, which in itself could work quite well thematically since the basic tenets of Buddhism are that nothing is fixed or permanent, actions have consequences, and that change is possible. That would certainly make for quite the philosophical debate, if not physical spectacle against someone so fate-oriented and driven by prophecy and pre-ordained events. So yeah, now you know the one single little matchup that I'll allow wiggle room. Everything else is non-negotiable though, so don't worry, I'm not backtracking on anything.
My second note would be the possibility of a tie that I mentioned at the very start with my W/L order and the fact that I never addressed that. If I'm being honest, it's almost guaranteed that humanity WILL win, but on the off-chance that Odin and Leonidas kill each other at the very end, it would also make sense for many reasons. 1. Leonidas is very under-equipped for that matchup, so unless he has multiple volunds (which would be pretty goddamn amazing and I'd love to see that, ngl) then he'll probably struggle a LOT. 2. Odin's spear, Gungnir, literally never misses. Imagine trying to live against that, even with a shield. 3. Leonidas DID die at Themopylae, so although thematically it'd make more sense to let him redeem himself and live this time, perhaps it wouldn't be too sad if he died again as long as humanity got to survive. A double K.O. wouldn't be too bad in that event. And last but not least, 4. If there's one good lesson that I considered everyone taking away from this story in the event of a tie, it's partially that the gods aren't better than humanity, which, yeah, no shit. We all knew that the second that Kojiro murdered Poseidon and everyone lost their shit. But, the rest of the lesson is that humanity aren't better than the gods either. If I'm right about Rasputin vs. Beelzebub, or about Rasputin winning at all against anyone, then that proves that. Some of us are really shitty people, with great potential to be even shittier. So if there's one thing that a tie would tell us that a win wouldn't, it's that neither gods nor humans are better than one another. We're equal and maybe that's not entirely a bad thing. Maybe one side doesn't have to be better or stronger or faster or smarter than the other. Maybe we should be happy with just being. Maybe the real friends we made along the way were the Frog-sama memes.

In any case, thank you all for making it to the end and I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I do.
submitted by SixthCourier to ShuumatsuNoValkyrie [link] [comments]

Star~! Anchor, Interven-chan - Chapter 3

Author's Notes: Things are heating up at Station 56586 as M200 prepares to interview Subcommander M14. Our favorite potato gets her first taste of investigative journalism as she tries to get information about the Tasteless and Unsavory incidents. Will our potato find out the truth?
Find out in Chapter 3 of Star~! Anchor, Interven-chan!
Links to the FFN and AO3 are below - and the full text of Chapter 3 is below that! As always, please let me know what you think of the story!
Star~! Anchor, Interven-chan
-Story Synopsis-
Welcome to the GKTV-5 Newsroom, the premier (in my opinion) news agency of Brest Oblast. Follow me, M200 (or Potato), as my friends and I shed light on the mysteries of Brest Oblast and prove that the pen is mightier than the sword. With every new scoop, I learn a little more about myself and take one step closer to becoming a star anchor! (Part 3 of the Tasteless Series)
AO3 Link: [Chapter 1] - [Chapter 2] - [Chapter 3 (New!)]
FFN Link: [Chapter 1] - [Chapter 2] - [Chapter 3 (New!)]
Reddit Link: [Chapter 1] - [Chapter 2]
An Hour Before The Conference
Station 56586 Temporary Base
Command Tent
At the heart of the Ground Zero of Station 56586, in the confines of the spacious yet bare Command Tent, I found myself in a predicament.
I had been whisked even further away from the conference grounds to a place further away from the rest of my news crew setting up in the press gallery. Now, I was seated at a cheap plastic folding table - across from the oddly carefree M14 and her menacing adjutant Negev.
The two handgun dolls, Welrod and Grizzly, had excused themselves to probably resume their patrol or something, but not before they patted me down for weapons. As soon as they left, they were replaced by yet another curious doll who joined us in the tent.
This new doll was wearing a prim and proper black military jacket with a matching black tie, forage cap and gloves. More than that, this doll was wearing a heavenly smile as she pushed a small trolley into the tent with her.
The newcomer then happily greeted her station-mates,
“Good morning M14-senpai, Negev-senpai. I see we have a guest~!”
Negev set her elbow down on the table and rested her cheek in her hand as she groaned,
“More like a nuisance, MP40. This intruder left the permitted area and tried tailing one of our patrols. It’s either she’s really brave or really stupid.”
“Ahahaha…” I laughed uncomfortably at Negev’s blunt remark, but I didn’t dare to speak back.
M14, however, took the remark in stride and turned to MP40 cheerfully to clarify,
“M200-chan here is a journalist and she wanted to have an interview with us, so we said yes~! Oh, and can we have the… uh… Menu #1, MP40-chan?”
“Of course~!” MP40 nodded, fished out a G&K-issue meal-ready-to-eat package from her trolley and set it before M14, “Rosemary Beef Stew and Apple Pie. Good choice, senpai!”
Next, the girl with the food trolley went over to Negev to take her order. The hot-blooded Negev then gave me a sidelong glance and growled,
“I’ll take anything with mashed potatoes, MP40.”
Argh crap…! Does she know that ‘potato’ is my nickname in the office? Do these paramilitary folks keep tabs on the media too!? Plus - why did she emphasize ‘mashed’!?
Babushka - please help.
While I was freezing up like a popsicle, MP40 pouted at Negev and calmly chided,
“Negev-senpai, please don’t talk like that. You’re scaring our guest~!”
Surprisingly, the kind MP40’s words silenced the furious beast that was Negev. Once Negev had calmed down, MP40 wore a satisfied smile and gave Negev a ration packet. Do these two have a history or something?
Before I could find the courage to ask, MP40 pushed her tray over to my side of the table and kindly started,
“What would you like for lunch today, Miss…?”
My fear-frozen heart was quickly thawed by MP40’s warm demeanor, so I was finally able to speak freely and order,
“M200. My name is M200 from GKTV-5, Brest Oblast… and I, uh… I’ll have whatever Miss M14 is having.”
Miss MP40’s smile widened as she set down another MRE package before me. She then set down a thermos of hot water at the middle of the table, gave us all a polite bow and then prepared to take her leave.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss M200. If there is anything else you would like, feel free to give me a call.”
When MP40 turned around to leave the tent, however, I managed to catch a glimpse of the submachine gun strapped behind her back - as well as the black baton that she wore at her hip. Even though this doll was being nice, she was still prepared to fight a battle in a blink of an eye, huh?
Maybe these guys were still keeping a close eye on me for some reason.
Or maybe I’m just overthinking things.
In any case, the three of us began opening up our rations and preparing our pre-packaged meals. M14 was the first one to take the hot water thermos as she proceeded to brew herself some instant coffee. Once she had filled up her cup, she turned to me and remarked,
“We have to say, M200-chan, you’re a brave one. It takes a lot of guts to snoop around in a paramilitary base in broad daylight. Perhaps investigative journalism is still alive and well~!”
“Ahehehe… I’m just doing my job, Miss M14.”
M14 chuckled at my answer but her voice started to grow much more serious as she referred to herself in the royal ‘we’ without missing a beat,
“You also don’t know just how lucky you are that we recognized you right away. We’ve seen your face on the TV and Super Shorty’s told me about you too. You’re that ‘Interven-chan’ girl from the Live At Five segment, right?”
My cheeks flushed red at the mention of that other nickname but forced myself to nod anyways. I was glad that these G&K folk knew who I was… but I kinda wish that cutesy name wasn’t the first thing that they thought of though!
“Still…” M14 added, resting a hand over her mechanical heart, “If we weren’t there to intervene, Negev here would have probably thrown you into the brig! You are trespassing, after all.”
As soon as M14 said this, I felt Negev shoot me another soul-piercing glare as she took the hot water thermos this time. That glare sent chills running up my spine until Negev passed the thermos back to M14.
Jeez, I don’t even want to imagine what this wild-eyed doll would have done to me in a brig.
M14 then took the thermos and passed it over to me as she continued,
“At the end of the day, we agreed to let you interview us. That’s why we’re here. However, we do have some ground rules.”
“O-of course. Just say the word, Miss M14.”
M14 nodded and gave me her conditions.
“First, we’re sure that you’ve figured this out by now, but we will not disclose classified information to you - aside from what Commander Gentiane is prepared to reveal at the news conference later today. Second - we only have twenty minutes to spare for you. Is that satisfactory, M200-chan?”
“W-why, yes Miss M14. But I think that the mere fact that I can sit down with the first doll subcommander of G&K is already a pretty big deal, so… yeah.”
A warm smile returned to M14’s lips as she heard this. She then promptly added,
“And finally - you don’t have to call us ‘Miss M14’. Just ‘M14’ is fine~! We don’t have to be too formal with each other.”
My eyes met with M14’s bright gold and I saw the earnest glow of youthful cheer. She almost looks like what I imagined myself as when I first joined GKTV-5 six months ago. This doll was on the cusp of exploring a brand new world and I could sense her excitement to take on this new role - Subcommander of Station 56586.
Seeing that, I gladly accepted M14’s conditions.
“You got it, M14. Shall we begin?”
M14 nodded while Negev folded her arms defensively. With that signal, I turned on the mini recorder and set it on the table between us. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and then began our interview.
Star~! Anchor, Interven-chan
Chapter 3 - Roast Potato
Interview with M14
At 11:30 on the dot, my interview with Subcommander M14 began without a hitch.
M14 and I exchanged pleasantries on tape and traded compliments for our recent promotions. M14 had just become the highest-ranking paramilitary doll in G&K while I was essentially the first doll news anchor in Belarus.
Happy as I was to finally get recognized for my efforts these past six months, however, I used every ounce of my willpower to stop myself from getting too giddy and kept the conversation about M14. Thanks to that, we managed to talk about a number of interesting things.
M14 shared with me that she chose to refer to herself in the royal ‘we’ in memory of her dear friend FNC. She told me that this doll was a central figure in the Tasteless Incident and was killed in suspicious circumstances. On top of all that, the events of the Unsavory Incident forced the responsibility of Station 56586 onto M14’s shoulders as well.
It turned out that she used the royal ‘we’ for two reasons.
First, she did so to keep the memory of FNC alive in her mechanical heart. She swore to carry the memory of FNC with her in every waking moment.
On top of that, the dolls of Station 56586 all looked to her for guidance and leadership in that turbulent time.
In more ways than one, M14 was Station 56586. Everything she did and said would affect the girls of her station and the weight of this responsibility was not lost on her.
It was a sad story, for sure… but sadness never was the main tune in M14’s voice. Instead, I felt determination to move forward brimming in her mechanical heart. There were hints of repentance and longing subtly mixed in - of course. Perhaps she still wished that her dearest FNC was still alive and at her side.
Even the coldhearted Negev felt this and laid a consoling hand on M14’s shoulder when her story came to a grinding halt when she was talking about FNC. I noticed tears forming at the sides of M14’s eyes.
Those were tears that the miniature voice recorder would never catch - tears that I saw with my own two eyes.
Once M14 had regained her composure, she wiped her tears and took a deep breath to gather herself. She puffed up her modest chest and then spoke in a more formal tone than she normally would.
She then made her bold declaration to the public.
“People of Brest Oblast - Station 56586 will be joining Station 794 as a detachment branch of Commander Gentiane’s forces and we shall serve as its Subcommander. Rest assured, however, that our station’s mission to protect Brest and the surrounding areas remains unchanged. No matter what enemy threatens you, we shall be your unrelenting shield - your War Goddess keeping vigilant watch! That is our promise to you!”
With that speech, my twenty minutes with Subcommander M14 were up.
Before the Press Conference
Time flew so quickly that it all seemed like a blur to me. Between the brief backs-and-forths I had with M14, my meager attempts to coax more information from her and the surprisingly good lunch I had in that deceptively simple MRE, I felt like I was finally able to do a decent interview. With a little post-production magic by our sound team back at the station,I'm sure it’ll turn out swell!
I took back the miniature voice recorder from the center of the table, turned it off and pocketed it once more. I then stood up and extended my hand to M14 over the table.
“Thank you again for your time, M14.”
M14 smiled back at me and shook my hand firmly in response,
“Likewise, M200-chan. We would have loved to stay and chat more, but the presscon is coming up. Stick around in the press gallery and we’re sure your station will get some more good tidbits from us and Commander Gentiane.”
She then turned to her adjutant and cheerfully urged,
“Shall we go, Negev?”
Negev nodded, rose up from her chair and took her leave with a polite nod to M14 - and one last furious glare at me. That left me alone in the command tent with M14.
As M14 was heading out of the tent as well, she stopped halfway and turned back to me to ask,
“By the way~! You wouldn’t have a business card on you, would you, M200-chan?”
“Oh! I’ve got one right here. Let me go get it.”
I fished out my wallet, combed through the tragically thin stack of rubles I had there and eventually found one of my GKTV-5 business cards. I pulled out the card and handed it to M14.
“This is actually just a generic GKTV-5 card that I scribbled my name on with a pen. I’ve only been an employee for six months, and I don’t really have an office yet. The number there goes to Alexi Stoyanovich’s office - he’s our cameraman, you see, and…”
Before I could finish the rest of my explanation, however, M14 took the card and leaned over to my ear with strange intensity. She then whispered to me in a stern, threatening voice that contrasted her demeanor during the interview,
“Say, M200-chan. We have a quick question for you. We want you to answer truthfully, so listen carefully. What happens to you next depends on your honesty.”
“O-oh… uh, of course!”
H-holy shit… did I do anything to piss her off?
M14 then opened her mouth with purposeful pause and asked,
“Does the phrase ‘only hope remains’ mean anything to you?”
“E-eh…? W-what do you mean by that…?”
“Just answer the question.” M14 bore down on me harder, looking straight into my eyes as if she was judging my soul or something.
That pressure, however, just made me clam up even more and I couldn’t even say a word!
M14 watched me squirm for a moment before she took a step back and snickered as she playfully apologized,
“Ehehe~ we were just playing with you, M200-chan. You’re the first doll news anchor in these parts, so you’ll have much, much tougher interviews than the one you had with us. You shouldn’t let a little pushback and pressure get you down - especially if you’re determined to get the story you want.”
“I-is that so?”
I wanted to believe M14’s explanation, but I couldn’t help but feel like there was much more weight to her question than she was letting on.
‘Only hope remains’, huh? What a strange phrase.
M14 then twirled my business card skillfully between her fingers, tapped it against the maroon beret that she wore as she smiled,
“We have a feeling that this will not be the last time we chat, M200-chan. We’re both servants of Brest Oblast now, after all!”
This time, I managed to finally regain my smile and answer,
“Same here, M14. I look forward to working with you as well!”
Outside the Command Tent
M14 stepped out of the Command Tent together with M200 where Negev, Grizzly and Welrod were waiting for them. The newly-minted Subcommander had the two handgun dolls escort M200 back to the press gallery and waved goodbye to the rookie journalist.
Once M200 and the handguns were out of earshot, M14 pulled out the black baton that she had been hiding behind her back throughout the entire interview and handed it to Negev.
The Israeli MG doll took the baton and then escorted M14 toward the backstage of the press gallery. As they walked, Negev aired out her honest thoughts,
“You did something incredibly risky today, M14. We still don’t know exactly who is involved in the Tasteless and Unsavory Incidents. PPK’s allies are still at large - presumably planning their next move.”
Negev’s brow then furrowed as she added,
“Besides… that doll just now. M200. Her reading on the IFF, the Identify Friend or Foe system, was…”
M14 glanced at the business card in her hand and reassured her adjutant,
“We know what M200-chan’s IFF reading was. That’s why we came as quickly as we could.”
“Yes - but telling a potential threat that you are the new Subcommander!? You were painting a target on your back!”
M14 heaved a sigh and reassured Negev again,
“That was on purpose, Negev. We had to test M200-chan… to see if she really is what she claimed to be. And besides - it’s not like we weren’t prepared for things to go sour. We have guardian angels watching over us.”
The subcommander then stopped mid-stride, picked up her beret and waved it around above her head. She then put on the beret again and grinned at Negev as she revealed,
“Wawa and her team are camped not too far from here. They’ve been watching the base and sweeping the perimeter since we opened the door to the media.”
Negev looked in the general direction that M14 waved her beret to and cautiously remarked,
“The Starseeker Team, huh…? You didn’t mention them at all during the interview.”
“Of course.” M14 calmly reassured, “On official records, Wawa and the Starseekers don’t exist - and we don’t know if we can trust M200-chan and her channel just yet. We’re preparing to eliminate this shady cabal that sparked the Tasteless and Unsavory incidents, we’re going to need allies we can trust. If M200-chan proves herself to be worthy, then so be it.”
M14 then pulled out the crosshair-shaped hairpin that she kept in her pocket and held it close to her mechanical heart as she fondly added,
“After all, the girls of our Station come first. Always. Isn’t that right, FNC-chan?”
Conference Area - Press Gallery
Grizzly and Welrod accompanied me into the press gallery as they had been instructed to and we arrived just as the presscon was getting started. The two handgun dolls then excused themselves to get back to their duties - at least they were supposed to - but Welrod suddenly gave me an earful about trespassing and the horrible things that could have happened to me if I wasn’t careful.
I held my tongue and let the British handgun doll lecture me. All the while, Grizzly looked almost apologetic as she quietly gestured to me - probably implying that Welrod had the tendency to get intense at times. Welrod’s harangue only came to an end when Grizzly laid a hand on her shoulder and intervened,
“M200-chan understands what she did wrong now, Roddy. Isn’t that right, M200-chan?”
I took this cue to give Welrod a bow and formally apologize to her.
“Uhm…. y-yes. I’m sorry for tailing the two of you. I’ll be more careful next time.”
Welrod folded her arms and snorted - begrudgingly accepting my apology. She then took Grizzly by the hand and dragged her out of the press gallery, saying,
“Let’s go, Griz.”
Dear me... why does this Station have so many nutcases?
With that, I turned away from the strange handgun doll couple and slithered through the press gallery to get to the GKTV-5 spot.
Alexi was already there waiting for me expectantly beside our TV camera. The burly cameraman grinned at me and cheered,
“Perfect timing, Potato! The presscon is just about to start. I’ll need you to carry our boom mic forward when it gets going.”
“Roger that, Alexi~!”
“So, Potato - did you get anything interesting?”
I pulled out the miniature voice recorder from my coat pocket and grinned back at Alexi as I handed it to him,
“Oh yeah - I’ve got something interesting! Twenty minute interview with M14 - the new subcommander of this Station.”
Alexi gladly took the recorder from me and gave me a proud thumbs up.
“Hoho~ nice! I’ll give it a listen on the way back to the station. I knew we could count on you, Potato!”
As he was saying this, the sound of high-end cameras snapping rapidly suddenly filled the entire press gallery. That was Alexi’s cue to man our camera while I picked up the boom microphone and brought it forward.
I held up the boom microphone and watched as the famous Commander Gentiane appeared on stage, wearing the full maroon dress uniform of Griffin & Kryuger - complete with the iconic commander’s beret. She was accompanied on stage by her adjutant Super Shorty, as well as the doll that I had been interviewing just a few minutes ago.
Just like before, M14 was wearing her own commander’s beret - and she still referred to herself in the royal ‘we’ - but there was a different air about her when she was standing on the stage.
Standing next to Commander Gentiane, M14 held her head up high and spoke firmly. There were none of the casual or girlish remarks that she gave earlier during lunchtime. M14’s carefree attitude was held back quite a bit too.
On the stage, M14 took the role of Subcommander seriously and spoke like she did when she made the declaration to the people of Brest Oblast at the end of our interview.
Having a different public and private face must be tough, huh?
It’s almost like having to live two different lives all at once.
In any case, the presscon was well underway.
Commander Gentiane introduced M14 as the new Subcommander and gave some remarks about the reorganization of Station 56586. Aside from that announcement, however, M14 and Commander Gentiane didn’t give anything substantially new. It was mostly a summary of things that the general public already knew - with a few clarifications here and there.
The two of them were tight-lipped about both the Tasteless and Unsavory Incidents as well. They only revealed that they were both classified G&K Operations and that a major administrative review was currently underway.
By the time that the presscon ended and the Q&A segment began, nothing truly substantial had come to light at all.
I was able to sense all of the frustration brewing up in the press gallery. News anchors from the national news channels tried to coax information from M14 and Gentiane during their Q&A, but neither of them yielded anything interesting.
Before long, Jim’s turn for the Q&A finally came.
Our veteran news anchor stood up, took his place behind the microphone and began the spiel that he had been practicing all morning.
Jim went through the motions - greeting Commander Gentiane and M14 and dropping a few compliments to raise his rapport. He congratulated Commander Gentiane for her speedy recovery and praised M14’s historical promotion to Subcommander.
Then, the moment that the two of them dropped their guards just a little bit, Jim finally asked his hard-hitting questions.
“Based on previous disclosures by G&K and I.O.P., if I understand correctly, the doll that murdered Commander Elias was M1903 Springfield - the former adjutant of Station 56586. Springfield is still at large weeks after the Tasteless Incident. How can the people of Brest Oblast be assured of their safety if a human murderer - a fugitive of this very station - is still on the loose?”
M14’s lips crumpled into a frown at Jim’s question. Gentiane then took the stage microphone and finally disclosed some more information with a calm, practiced tone.
“Thank you for your question, Mr. Salmons. The people of Brest Oblast can rest assured of their safety since Subcommander M14 has personally purged subversive elements that have been operating in Station 56586. These elements - sleeper SF agents who have been afflicted with the Parapluie virus - have been rooted out and properly dealt with during our recently concluded Operation Unsavory.”
Gentiane then gestured to the ruins of the old prison fortress around the press gallery and reminded them,
“Drastic measures had to be taken to ensure that Operation Unsavory was a success - and Subcommander M14 was able to ensure my safety every step of the way. Buildings can be replaced - but dolls and human lives are irreplaceable. Under Subcommander M14’s leadership, the reorganized Station 56586 will continue serving the people of Brest Oblast and the city they love faithfully.”
Jim nodded as Commander Gentiane spoke. Once she finished, he then promptly asked for clarification,
“You mentioned SF sleeper agents just now, Commander Gentiane. Could either of you provide some more details about this? Is this related to the I.O.P. doll recall reported two weeks ago?”
M14 heaved a sigh and took the microphone this time to respond,
“We will be publishing a formal report in the coming days - but here is the list of dolls that we have eliminated from Station 56586: Suomi KP-31, Steyr AUG, Ribeyrolles, Gr G36 and Walther 2000. These are the same models of dolls that were recalled by I.O.P. for Parapluie testing two weeks ago - this is correct.”
The new subcommander then held onto the podium to steady herself as she added, “These dolls we listed attempted to start an insurrection, but they were destroyed over the course of the evening. The enemies of the people of Brest Oblast can expect the same swift and decisive response from us.”
Jim nodded again before calmly asking his coup de grace without batting an eye,
“I understand that you are a capable guardian of this reorganized Station, Subcommander M14. However, forgive me for being persistent, but you still haven’t answered my question. What do you plan to do about M1903 Springfield?”
Commander Gentiane took the microphone again and answered,
“We will make a separate statement about this at a future date, but Station 56586 will be involved in a G&K operation to hunt down M1903 Springfield and bring her to justice. Details and logistics are still being ironed out, but I can disclose to you that it will be called Operation Summer Triangle. That is all.”
With that disclosure, Commander Gentiane ended the press conference and left the stage with M14 and Super Shorty. All eyes were on the three of them as camera shutters went wild in the press gallery.
I, on the other hand, watched Jim Salmons from afar as he calmly scribbled notes on a pocket notepad. Even after such a tense, hardball interview, Jim was still unfazed and calm. He was even able to get the details that I had been trying to coax out of M14 earlier.
Alexi then turned off the GKTV-5 camera and turned to me with a smile to ask,
“So, what do you think, Potato?”
I turned off the boom mic and set it down as I replied,
“That was one hell of an interview! It’s the sort of stuff even the National boys and girls would kill for on their segments! Jim is a cunning beast!”
I then turned back to Jim and felt the journalistic fire burning in my mechanical heart grow even stronger. I finally had a chance to see a veteran news anchor in action. That meant I had an even clearer picture of the goal that I was striving for.
A star anchor who can bring the truth to light.
Operation Summer Triangle, huh?
Perhaps this news cycle will be more interesting than I thought!
To Be Continued
submitted by Elias_Pedro to girlsfrontline [link] [comments]

Answered Questions from GFL's April Twitter and FB Q&A

Updates might be a little slow, I am busy
Link to Twitter Q&A
Link to FB Q&A
Question Answer
Q: Will we have the same welfare system in other events? A: Yes, we will have it in the DJMAX collaboration and other events that follow.
Questions about dates (release dates, schedules, etc.)
Question Answer
Q: Which ladies are being considered for Level 1-3 Mods next? A: I'm afraid that I cannot reveal the members of the next batch now. Please stay tuned for future announcements.
Q: Next mod3 batch when? A: We won't have it in April but we are getting close.
Q: any info regard "gunslinger girl il teatrino" collab? is planned to be release in 2° or 3° quarter? A: I don't think that's something I can answer. There should be official announcements when its release draws near.
Q: When would the Armor recalculation happen? Where the max AP goes from 120 to 180 A: Yes, it will happen when Isomer hits EN.
Q: how far away (in months if possible) are we from the main server? A: I don't think I can give you an estimation yet.
Q: Looking at the pace New Years gacha skins have been added, should we also expect future SummeHalloween/Xmas gachas to come at the same pace? A: Not all seasonal gachas will have the same release pattern, but I think it's possible for at least some of them to have 2 banners release consecutively.
Q: Since we are getting both Chapter 11 and the DJMax collab, and anniversary is the month after, can we expect Isomer sometime in summer or early fall? A: Yes, it's possible for Isomer to drop in that time frame.
Q: When will this year wedding gacha skin gonna be able to exchange with black cards? A: Usually it will be after 2 more banners are released.
Q: Uzi skin when? A: I can't give you an ETA yet but I think there is a chance of her costume being released soon.
Q: Is Children's day gacha coming soon? (second batch) A: For now, I can only say that we should have one this year.
Q: Should I hold out hope for PA-15 within the next six months? Or a year? A: Yes, I think it's possible for us to get her within 6 months.
Q: By this pace, can we expect PL to hit EN in the end of year? A: Unfortunately, I don't think that will be possible.
Q: It Is more likely, before DJMax event, to have first "Il Teatrino" collab or Isomer? Also, are they planned to be in the second or third trimester of 2020 on EN? A: I think we are likely to get Isomer first. There hasn't been anything about the collaboration's release in old servers yet so we can't really tell for sure when it is coming to EN.
Q: Would it be possible to add mods faster? OR do you still plan keeping it for every 2-3 months? Also do you handpick whose mods from the mod pool will be added to the game or is it decided by the higher ups? It would be nice if i could mod MP5, Steckin or LWMMG already. A: I think we will keep the current pace of release. And yes, every batch is handpicked by us directly, but we tend to release the older mods first.
Q: We are not that far in term of events and content compared to the old servers, but we are really behind in terms of Mod3. When can we expect the next neural mod batch to come? Will we ever get a batch with more than 4 dolls? A: We will have another batch in the first half of the year, but there is unlikely to be a batch with more than 4 T-Dolls.
Q: CN got a new client just a few days ago, are there any plans on getting it early? Especially considering it comes with a certain new feature A: I'm afraid not. Even though we are definitely going to have this client before PL, this time we will wait for a while first to collect some feedback.
Q: Will you increase the future Mod3 batch sizes to more than 4? Like add 2 other Mod3 to each batch to increase the pace to catch up with CN? A: I'm afraid that we will keep the current pace of mod release.
Q: Will we get the new CN/KR client with expanded echelon slots and revamped dailies/weeklies? A: The slot expansion is tied to the S.F. capture so I don't think we will get it that fast. This time we will wait for a while first to collect feedback on the new client, however, I think it's possible for the new dailies and weeklies to come online first.
Q: Rerun for Enfield Onion Shooter gacha? A: I think that banner is already in the Radiant Collection, but at the same time, it's possible for it to get a time-limited rate-up when the new Children's Day banner is released.
Q: So DJMax held in the middle April? A: More like around the end of the month.
Q: Will we get a rerun of the Valhalla collab? I never got Stella and it still pains me. A: I'd say it's possible in the end, though it is unlikely to happen anytime soon
Q: Would there be a future re-run of crossover events? (BlazBlue x Guilty Gear, VA-11 HALL-A, etc) A: It's possible for some to get a rerun, but I don't think there will be such a rerun soon.
Q: Any word on when, if at all, the next campaign map will drop? Just curious. A: It usually takes 6 months or more for a major event to enter the Campaign.
Q: About the Gunslinger Girl Collab. Is that still happening/has happened? A: It has been released yet
Q: How close are we to Sangvis capture system? ETA A: Unfortunately, I don't have an ETA yet.
Q: Instead of batches, why not release one MOD3 per month? A: I'm not allowed to reveal the logic behind it but releasing them in batches is still the preferred way.
Q: Who would be the next batch of Neural Upgraded dolls A: think we will follow our own release order but yes, older mods tend to get released first. However, as I mentioned before, we are also considering releasing those that won 2nd place in the mod vote back in last year.
Q: Are we likely getting Summer and Halloween 2018 resupply batches off-season, considering that there's already two off-season resupply batches out? A: Unlikely, we prefer to have them stay seasonal if possible.
Q: Can you add MOD3's to our server at a faster pace? A:I'm afraid that we will keep that current pace.
Q: Will there be any ranking revisits? A: It's possible for ranking maps to return eventually, but no such a rerun is likely to happen soon
Gameplay related questions
Question Answer
Q: Will past SPEQ enter black market like the Advance infantry sight? A: SPEQ from ranking is unlikely to be added to the Black Market. It's not entirely impossible for those that were from minor events like PTRD's cape to be added to the Black Market, but I don't think we have any plans for that right now.
Q: Will planning mode be enabled for HOC A: Yes, that's a confirmed optimization for future updates.
Q: Will the AT4 HOC will be available to get from the intelligence center? A: Yes, it will eventually be obtainable from the Intelligence Center, but that may take quite a while.
Q: When will we get the Kar98k Wedding dress on English/NA version? A: We are unlikely to have it this year.
Q: Will we ever gonna,in the future a chance the collaboration T-Dolls getting voiced? A: Dolls from the VA-11 Hall-A collaboration is unlikely to be voiced.
Q: Is it possible to increase the max letters of a dorm message to 40 instead of 20? A: Yes, it is. We are also aware of the difference in text length between different languages.
Q: okay, let me ask you something... I just made this account just for this... miser capturing program. As I know, capturing the SF needs infinite bombastic cash-rush for just one rotation. Do you guys have something remedial plan for... make it closer to common sense? A: I'm sorry but this Q&A is for EN contents only and I don't think I can give answers to a feature that is not yet released.
Q: When the armory is full of T-dolls or equipment, and you restart a level, it will allow you to deploy your t-dolls, but if you try to start it will give the typical alert that you are full. Will there be a change and inform that you are full when restarting? A: Now the capacity check only happens when you hit the "Start Operation" button and unfortunately, any change that is similar to the kind you mentioned is unlikely to happen in a short time
Q: How difficult would it be to get a "remove all equipment" option in the armory? A: The thing has been suggested before, though I'm not sure if there will be such an option in the future.
Q: Do you plan on fixing NTW-20's Mod? The game was freezing for me when I tried using her for the CT ranking. A: We are aware of the problem, but for now it seems to be happening on certain devices only, so a fix to it will take some time.
Q: Will there ever be an option to receive notifications of the completion of logistics during the stages farm? A: As far as I know it's unlikely to be possible.
Q: Any plans for a 3* login doll to get mod3? A: No login T-Doll has received a Neural Upgrade even in old servers, so I don't think it will be a thing in EN anytime soon.
Q: Will it be possible to customize our sound effects for the guns from now and preexisting sound effects? A: I don't think it would be possible. Only 1 set of SFX can exist.
Q: The theater event takes places without the use of duplicate dolls. I really appreciate this and want to know if this would be possible for ranking maps too, A: I don't think we have a plan for that now.
Q: Is it possible to forbit special colab dolls like Jill in competitive event A: I can't give you any promise now but I think we will re-evaluate the rules on the basis of the general feedback.
Q: Will there ever be any plan to increase the rewards give by Defense Drill, or otherwise provide any supplementary way to obtain calibration tickets? It’s currently very hard to accumulate a significant sum. A: The upcoming Theater event should award you some Calibration Tickets and this event becomes accessible periodically.
Q: the upcoming gacha looks a lot like the recent japanese new year set, can we expect to get the furniture from the art contest that ran alongside it? I'm dying for the 9A-91 plushie A: I would like to have one too if possible, but I think we are not adding contest items to other servers now.
Q: Would a physical device like this be allowed or fall under "illegal software and technology"? A: Well, you are advised against using it
Q: Does the development team have any interest in adding personal stats to the ID card or some other page? Stuff like date joined, hours played, past ranking scores, things of that nature. A: I don't think we have a plan for that just yet, but that does sound interesting. I will suggest it to the devs
Q: Is there even slight possibility for IWS-chan get l2d flurry dress? (or mod3/speq >_>) A: Personally, I would love to see those, too.
Q:Will the whole AR team come back to us story-canon meaning?(as far as I know we only REALLY HAVE Sop II and RO635) A: I'm sorry but I don't think I can answer lore-related questions.
Q: On the CG, UMP45 has a scar on her left eye, yet the chibi art has the scar on the right eye. Her sister UMP9 also has the scar on the right eye, yet the Chibi seems like doesn't have any. Why? A: I think that's generally because the chibis are mirrored.
Q: Umm.. any plans for brown suomi skill stack counter? A: Yes, I think we will add a counter for her in the future.
Q: Ability to like back all people? A: I don't think there is a plan for that right now.
Q: How About A System Where You Can Input A Number Instead Of Rapidly Clicking/Tapping When Leveling Someone Up With Combat Reports? Having To Tap It About 500 Times Just To Make It Go From Level 30-70 Or Level 70-90 Is Honestly Super Annoying. A: I think you can also press the "-" to max the Combat Reports, so as far as I know, it will remain as it is right now.
Q: There was a hidden achievement called "Perfect Dive" that requires the ranking map to complete. Will it be permanently locked for all new users/those that missed it? A: I'm afraid that the achievement will remain locked, even if the ranking map gets a rerun.
Q: There is a small visual difference, please fix A: I think that's intended. In your echelon it is still a 2-star Fairy. The hollow star indicates that you can increase its star-rank by leveling it up.
Q: Optimization on the UI? Even with a high performance phone like a Galaxy Note 9, there are still instances where transitioning from one screen to the next results in a 1 second blackscreen and fps drops. The only time where it runs smoothly is when the app runs on a tablet. A: The black screen is actually a transition/loading screen without animation or a loading image. We will make optimizations to it later to make it look natural, but the transition itself will remain there.
Q: Can we get general gold equipment put into the black market shop? A: I don't think we have a similar plan for now.
Q: When in Logistics and selecting an Echelon to deploy, would it be possible to add being able to see the Fairy attached to the Echelon? Specially since Fairies contribute nothing and deploying the Echelon means you cannot move/train the Fairy until the Logistic is done. A: I don't think that's possible within the current structure, but I think you did make a good point and I will try to suggest it to the devs.
Q: Will calibration tickets be available in forward base camp? A: I'm afraid that there isn't a plan for that right now.
Q: Is there any way to unlock the hidden levels in the released events (like D.D.) or the cutscenes in Ranking maps? The guides show nothing about it. A: As for now, most of them will be locked even if the corresponding event is added to the Campaign. Arctic Warfare's ranking map is the only exception so far as some players were unable to read its story in the original event.
Q: Commander who missed Python here, will she be available in the future for another event drop or on production pool ? A:I'm not with MICA staff but allow me to answer your question. Python won't be added to production pool but she will be drop reward when CT become permanent campaign. Official answer : And she will also have a rerun in other time-limited events.
Q: Can we have fairy's option to sort them by a talent (helpful while enhancing them)? When we have the default t-dolls' sorting (by level) can we have a secondary sorting by acquisition so the order of the "equal" t-dolls doesn't randomly change between runs? Show only locked t-dolls filter, Change Achievements of "enhance T-doll X times" to "enhance T-doll with X dolls/pills" similar to how chip achievements work (the migration could be done with current values, and the new system could count in a new way starting from that) A: Unfortunately, I cannot confirm any of the suggested changes now. I will sum them up and filter out those that have been asked before sending them to the devs.
Q: Any chance for Low rarity Tdoll have their own Mode?. i mean kind like Ranked map but only allowed to use Low rarity doll and no dupe. with this the low rarity tdoll that only purpose is just for Collection will shine, with peoples in endgame content will have more thing to do. A: It's not like that we are against the idea, so I can't say it's 100% impossible. However, I don't think we will see anything similar coming to EN really soon.
Q: Is it possible to have a Skill Training mechanic where players can opt to spend training data in bulk to raise a skill by multiple levels? For instance, spend 600 Basic Training Data in one go to raise T-Doll skill from Level 1 to 4 (will take 6 hrs to complete).It's probably just me, but I find it efficient especially when I sleep so that I don't have to log in back to the game A: It sounds quite interesting to me, but such a feature may involve a lot of changes. I will try to suggest it to the devs.
Q: will there ever be a “background exp” feature,where every echelon in the map gets a very little portion of exp from the fighting echelon? That would make grinding way less tedious (I think) A: I'm afraid that we do not have any plans for that right now.
Q: Any plan to fix the screen ratio to support most new phones? A: We do plan to add support to various screens over time.
Q: any plan to do logistics and Unrestricted Combat simulation event again? A: There is unlikely to be any in the following month.
Q: Are we getting general rate up at May or June(forgot which month is the anniversary month). as 2nd year anniversary celebration of game? A: The anniversary is in May.
Q: There is any plans for adding subtitles for all the dolls quotes? It would be better instead of going to the wiki to see what they are saying. A: It's confirmed to be a thing in the future but it will take some time as we are prioritizing the translation of event texts.
Misc Questions
Question Answer
Q: Not sure if this is the place to ask. But is there any news on code name bakery girl? A: I'm afraid that it's not something I can answer now. Please stay tuned for future announcements.
Q: will you add russian localization? A: I'm afraid that it's unlikely to be a thing any time soon.
Q: Did the questions from the 1m celebration has been answered yet? If yes, where can i read it. If no, When it'll probably be answered A: As mentioned in the original post. A group of answers will be selected and answered by the guests. We will publish the answers in the form of a video interview later.
Q: Is there any option to re-read the EULA, after accepting it? If so, I can't find it A: There should be a copy on the official website.
Q: Are there plans to improve marketing/adv. policy for EN server? There is alot of possibilities, honestly. A: I'm afraid that it's not something I can talk about.
Q: Will you stream the Q&A for "million-download"? If yes, on what platform? Youtube? A: I think we will upload the video on social media and YouTube
Q: Is there any chance for you to put in sales the music of the game? There are some really good tracks in there. A: Yes, we would want to do so if possible.
Q: Who are these same people giving people answers? Are they your staff? Why aren't they using your account to give out answers? A: They are volunteers but I must say they have been helpful! I will browse through their answers and correct the unintentional misinformation if there is any
Fluff Questions
Question Answer
Q: are you guys fine? Stay clean and healthy we still need you A: And thank you, we are doing fine. Please stay safe!
submitted by Ionascrub to girlsfrontline [link] [comments]

INPUT NEEDEED: Names of Countries

Recently I received the following email from JQ. I invite y'all to comment on it.
So I'm creating the new language's names for countries, and for most countries it's pretty straightforward because the name is based on a native ethonymn or word/name in the language spoken by the inhabitants of that country. For example, Finns call their country Suomi which is Finnish for "Finland." Simple enough, then, to adapt the native name into the new language. Same for countries like Italy ('italya') or Ireland/Eire ('eryë').
For names like Kazakhstan or Pakistan, where the native name contains a morpheme meaning "land (of)", it's easy enough to delete this, since the name will be used in conjunction with Formal carrier stem 2, indicating a geographic locale. So Kazakhstan becomes 'sai'la kazax' and Pakistan becomes 'sai'la pak'.
Where I'm running into difficulties is what to do about country names like the Netherlands and especially New Zealand. For the former, the native name Nederland simply is Dutch for "lowland" and the Dutch people call themselves "nederlander" "lowlanders", the old native ethnonymn "diets" being completely archaic now. The point I'm making is that "nederland' is technically not a NAME but rather a word in that people's language. So should the new version of Ithkuil (TNIL as y'all like to call it) simply borrow the word as if it were a name "sai'la nederland"? Or go halfway and apply the rule that names containing morphemes meaning "land (of)" are not used so that the name is 'sai'la neder', or should I simply not use the carrier stem at all and translate the words "low land" into the new Ithkuil using Type-2 stem incorporation of the word for "low" into the word for "land"? Or should I "cheat" and resurrect the archaic ethnonymn "diets" and call the country "sai'la dic"?
The name New Zealand involves an even bigger problem. If we apply the usual rule to remove any morpheme referring to "land (of)" we are left with New Zea. The "new" obviously is a word in the inhabitant's language so that shouldn't be borrowed either, but rather simply turned into the Type-2 NEW/4 affix added to "sai'la" to give "sai'leuspa zi". The problem then is the fact that the name Zea does not in any way reflect any cultural identity or ethnonymn associated with the inhabitants. In other words, no one in the English-speaking world, especially New Zealanders themselves, thinks of "New Zealand" as being equivalent to "the new land where the Zea(s) live/come from". There is essentially no such thing as a "Zea" in terms of it identifying any sort of person or inhabitant or cultural identity. All I can think of is to cop out and treat "New Zealand" phonetically as a name and go with "sai'la nuziland." However, that violates the rule on dropping any morphemes like -stan meaning "land (of)". So if we stick to our rule, then I end up with "sai'la nuzi" which sounds ridiculous as a name for New Zealand. And if I take out the morpheme meaning "new" since it is transparent and turn it into an affix, we're back to the form "sai'leuspa zi" and our problem starts all over again. So what the blazes should the name for New Zealand be?
If you want to post the above for discussion on the reddit or discord or whatever, be my guest. I'd like some input.
submitted by aftermeasure to Ithkuil [link] [comments]

Sneak Peek at Battlefield V Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture Update

Sneak Peek at Battlefield V Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture Update

The Battlefield V Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture Update is coming December 4th!
Hey Battlefield V Community,
There’s been a lot of great discussion within our community around potential updates to Battlefield V that will be released alongside the first Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture drop on Tuesday, December 4th. We want to get ahead of all the speculation by providing you some insight into what we have planned for release next week. (We did note that there was an overwhelmingly positive reception to current TTK as it sits and a desire to improve TTD.)
Before we get into it, you’ve probably seen some teasers hitting Battlefield social channels with glimpses into Panzerstorm (new map), the Practice Range, Vehicle Visual Customization, and the new War Stories episode: The Last Tiger. And, as mentioned in the ‘This Week in Battlefield V’ article, the all-new Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture landing page has been pushed to Monday, December 3rd.
Okay… enough spiel. Let’s get into it!

First, the hottest topic being discussed is our vision with TTK (Time to Kill) and TTD (Time to Death). Give us a moment to clarify our intentions and how we are approaching these elements going forward.

Top TTK/TTD Facts You Should Know
  1. The upcoming Battlefield V Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture Update will not have any changes that impact the current TTK. However, there will be balance tweaks to weapons (see breakdown below).
  2. TTK and TTD are very closely linked. We’re seeing players die too often/too quickly and get frustrated because of it. So, we’re looking at how we can improve the experience for new players and veterans alike. This may lead to a perceived slower TTK.
  3. We’re investigating all elements that play into TTD, from netcode to damage feedback/other components that influence TTD perceptions.
  4. We want to achieve gunplay balance where the experience is healthy, where latency is in a good place in order to improve consistency experience across all platforms including PC and Console.
  5. We want to propose any TTK model changes to you, the community, and involve you in testing experimental changes with the goal of improving experience and create deeper gameplay potential.
Our Vision with TTK/TTD
As cited by Florian Le Bihan (Core Gameplay Designer) aka drunkkz3:
The TTD experience is one of our high priorities right now and there are a lot of important and complex pieces that are being investigated to identify any issues in that area, including netcode.
We are also expanding the scope of our investigation and improvements to other components that are directly related to the player experience when it comes to getting shot, receiving damage, etc.
Another important piece is that we want to closely look at how we can improve consistency of the gameplay across all platforms, but also consider how we can ensure that latency does not reduce the quality of that experience for all our players around the world.
As part of Battlefield V’s live service, we want to involve you in experimenting some changes that we believe could improve the overall experience and create a deeper gameplay.
The first experiment we want to run is a TTK change that we will be closely measuring soon.
This TTK experiment may take the following shape but may change as we’re still investigating how to approach. It may be proposed to players in-game by rolling out the new TTK changes globally to all players connecting to any server, while adding a new playlist accessible through the server browser where players can play the old (or as it is, current) TTK to compare the two experiences.
As always, we’re continuing development of Battlefield V with the community in mind. Stay tuned as we’ll announce when the proposed experiment is available in-game and details of the exact changes.

Battlefield V Update Sneak Peek
Now, on to a laundry list of specific game elements that has been in discussion within our community as we lead into next week’s update release.
Please note that this is not fully inclusive of all updates being implemented. This is just a taste of what to expect. We will be releasing the full update notes prior to the update being released which will dive into all of the changes/improvements introduced.
  • Revive Mechanics
    • With the update, we are providing improvements that will make the Revive experience better on both ends (for the “reviver” and receiving “revive”). We identified a few delays that prevented players to get full control after the animation was completed - this is now resolved and will virtually make the reviving experience “faster”. We want to see if what we are addressing improves the quality of the experience enough. Increasing the revive speed is something we still keep in mind but aren’t implementing just yet.
  • Medic Class Balance
    • We will be introducing some weapon balance changes that will help most of the Medic weapons to perform better at-range, more specifically for the slower rate of fire SMGs that struggled to find a good place where they could compete against other weapons like Assault Rifles or Light Machine Guns. All the specific changes can be found in the weapon notes below but here is an outline of the changes we targeted:
      • Increased muzzle velocity and reduced bullet drag to allow more consistent range combat.
      • Increased the 5-hit kill range of SMGs to 30m instead of 25m.
      • Improved sustained fire accuracy of SMGs while aimed and stationary.
  • Weapon Balancing/Changes
    • Damage
      • Decreased M1928A1 maximum damage to 25.1 (previously 30)
      • Increased the 3 hit kill range of the Gewehr 1-5 to 30 meters (previously 25 meters)
      • Increased maximum damage for the Sturmgewehr 1-5 and StG 44 to 25.1 (previously 24)
      • Reduced the range at which the Turner SMLE can kill with one headshot and one body shot to 30 meters (previously 35 meters)
      • Increased the 4 hit kill range of all assault rifles, LMGs, MMGs and SMGs to 10 meters (previously 9 meters) to make close quarter damage more reliable
      • Increased all SMG 5 hit kill range to 30 meters (previously 25 meters)
      • Slightly extended pistol damage drop-off distances
      • Bolt actions no longer deal slightly reduced damage when hitting the lower body or upper arms, this means the minimum damage will never go below 55 damage.
    • Recoil
      • Increased horizontal recoil of the KE7 to 0.45 (previously 0.36)
      • Increased horizontal recoil of the M1907 SF to 0.41 (previously 0.39)
      • Decreased horizontal recoil of the STEN to 0.38 (previously 0.4) and increased the efficacy of the Ported Barrel specialization
    • Specializations
      • Increased the effect of the Slings and Swivels specialization. Switching to your primary weapon is now an additional 50 ms faster for all weapons and firing after sprinting is allowed an additional 16 ms earlier for bolt actions, assault rifles, semi auto rifles and SLRs
      • Changed the specialization for the KE7. Recoil Buffer has been removed. Quick Aim has been added. Specialization tree has been reordered
    • Reload
      • Increased the reload speed of the KE7. Base reload time is now 3.55 s (previously 3.75 s)
      • Increased the reload speed of the MG34 with the double drum magazine. Tactical reload is now 3.7 s (previously 4 s) and empty reload is 5.083 s (previously 5.5 s)
      • Increased the reload speed of the M1907 SF. Tactical reload is now 2.7 s (previously 2.9 s) and empty reload is 3.3 s (previously 3.5 s)
    • Miscellaneous
      • Improved sustained fire accuracy of SMGs while aimed and stationary
      • Decreased sustained fire accuracy of assault rifles while aimed and moving
      • Increased muzzle velocity of all SMGs as follows:
      • MP34: 495 m/s (previously 450 m/s)
      • MP34 (High Velocity Bullets): 560 m/s (previously 520 m/s)
      • STEN: 495 m/s (previously 430 m/s)
      • MP40: 455 m/s (previously 400 m/s)
      • EMP: 420 m/s (previously 380 m/s)
      • MP28: 345 m/s (previously 320 m/s)
      • Suomi KP/-31: 330 m/s (previously 300 m/s)
      • M1928A1: 330 m/s (previously 280 m/s)
      • Decreased drag of SMG bullets from to 0.005 (previously 0.007) for regular bullets and 0.0035 (previously 0.005) for High Velocity Bullets
  • Dragging Downed Teammates
    • You will not see the ability to drag downed teammates with this update. We are still investigating feasibility around this mechanic.
  • Max Rank Company Coin Accrual
    • We have a backend fix we have proposed (server side, so no client update needed). We are still testing to ensure stability and will update everyone once it’s live.
    • We are also working on a way to retroactively award Company Coin for hours played at Max Rank and hope to have an update for you soon that we can share.
  • User Interface
    • Syncing Loadouts Across Factions
      • Although we won’t have improvements implemented for the upcoming update, we are actively working on a solution.
    • ‘Apply All’ to Weapon Skins
      • This is coming in next week’s update!
    • Airlifts
      • What are Airlifts? - Battlefield V Deluxe Edition players and Origin Access Premier subscribers are granted 20 Airlifts, one new Airlift each week (each Airlift containing a single customization item) starting on the day that they receive the Deluxe Edition entitlement (whether through a pre-order, upgrade, or full code redemption method). Upon logging into Battlefield V for the first time, you will notice you have received Shipments in your Armory. Depending on when you received the Deluxe Edition entitlement you may have more than one Shipment waiting for you. In other words, if you received Deluxe Edition entitlement 5 weeks prior to actually playing Battlefield V for the first time you’ll have 5 Shipments waiting for you. At that point, you will have 15 more Shipments to be delivered, once a week for 15 weeks.
      • When do I start getting my Airlifts? - Your 20 Airlifts start deploying, one per week, when your Deluxe Edition entitlement is added to your account. This would be either by completing the purchase of Battlefield V Deluxe Edition, upgrading to Deluxe Edition, or redeeming a Deluxe Edition code.
      • What is in the Airlifts? - We’ll have a detailed rundown on what everyone gets in their Airlifts coming out soon. The 20 Airlifts consist of 2 emblems, 13 weapon part skins, 2 sidearm skins, and 1 uniform set.
      • Please note we are also working on a blog that will dive into Airlifts in much greater detail to clear up recent confusion.
  • Endless EOR (End of Round)
  • Spectator Mode Improvements
    • Two new features added to Spectator Mode including:
      • “Look at Player” Free Camera Option - When enabled, the camera automatically rotates to always be looking at that soldievehicle that's selected in the center player card. You can still move the camera while this is enabled which we do in a couple parts of the video below. It should be useful for players that make cinematics since they can make some unique shots with it. Its’s also useful for broadcasting tournaments since broadcasters won't need to rotate the camera manually to follow a certain player.
      • “Smooth Rotation” - You can see at the start of the video below. It's a PC-only addition to get smoother rotation when rotating the camera with the mouse.
Spectator Mode Improvement - \"Look at Player\" Free Camera Option
  • “Camera Sway” – An option to make the free camera or director camera move more like a handheld camera, leading to a cinematic polish if you’re looking for that kind of vibe.
Spectator Mode Improvement - \"Camera Sway\" Option
At the end of the day, our goal is to improve the gameplay experience of Battlefield V with you while providing visibility with our intentions. We hope this article does exactly that. We’re looking forward to seeing you on the Battlefield when the new update rolls out next week!

Edit: We've added information to clarify confusion around Airlifts.
submitted by danmitre to BattlefieldV [link] [comments]

Answered Questions from GFL's January Twitter and FB Q&A

I want CS4 nao :(
Link to Twitter Q&A
Link to FB Q&A
Twitter and FB Q&A are over, if you have any questions you want to ask, watch out for the reddit Q&A thread that should be up in a few hours, and there'll be a discord one a day after the reddit one.
Question Answer
Q: What will be our next big event? A: Continuum Turbulence.
Q: Will we get the reworked HOC directly? A: Yes.
Questions about dates (release dates, schedules, etc.)
Question Answer
Q: M200 VA ? Type 4 garand ? A: There isn't much I can reveal now, but the next VA batch should arrive much sooner than the last one. 4 Shiki's release is also planned and you will probably see her coming out within the first half of 2020. In a related question, M200 was confirmed to be in the next VA batch
Q: Will Advanced Combat Reports be added to the black market together with HOC arrival in January? A: Yes, I think so.
Q: Will we ever get a chance to have TMP as a limited drop again? Maybe in a campaign mission or a next big event? A: I think she will become available as a drop again when Singularity gets added to the Campaign.
Q: AS-VAL mod3 when A: Her mod is unlikely to drop soon considering the fact that she was among the later batch in older servers.
Q: Did EN servers already get GrG36C's wedding costume or is that still to come? Also do you think will SPAS-12 get one, or any figures/statues in the future? A: I think we will get this costume next year. As for possible T-Dolls getting a wedding costume, I'm afraid that it's not something I can reveal.
Q: When will the Wedding Gacha make a return? A: Usually a new wedding banner drops in March, and the rerun of the previous banner will begin slightly earlier.
Q: Is js9 coming any time soon? A: I think you will probably need to wait for some time.
Q: When can we see P90's Christmas skin? I was hoping for it this year but we didn't receive it with the others. A: Her costume was among the 2018 Christmas banner in older server, which should be our next Christmas banner.
Q: When the SEA will be available? A: We are always looking for opportunities to release the game in more regions, but for now I'm not allowed to reveal anything relevant.
Q: when will we have new fairies? A: Just one thing to be corrected, there is the chance that we have new fairies before CT. In another related question, the answer was: We should get them soon. Either before CT or some time after it.
Q: CN has that black furniture that you can asemble to form any shape from black market, when is EN get that ? A: It may still take a while before it drops at EN.
Q: Any estimates for EN release of CT, Isomer and Shattered Connection? A: DJ Max collab is probably the next event (after CT). As for Isomer and SC, I don't think I can give any estimation yet.
Q: Does this mean CT is happening in February? Or will we have more time to prepare? Also—will we get another batch of Neural Upgrades soon, or just the CT-related ones when the event drops? A: It may not be a bad idea to start preparing for CT now. There should be more mods then the 2 story-related ones.
Q: when will we get Blaser R93 event? A: I'm afraid that you will still need to wait for a while.
Q: when will we get Singularity in campaign? A: It will probably take half a year or longer to happen.
Q: Will the T-dolls who loss the last poll for having mod3 still have their mods implemented in the future? If yes when? A: You should expect the interval to be at least 2-3 months, and the release order will not be the same as the older servers'.
Q: around what month is will childrens day occur? We will have the smol Purplecano and Ump skins right? A: Yes, that should be the next Children's Day banner, but I don't think I can give you an ETA now.
Q: New batch of MOD's when Intern-kun? A: The next MOD batch that includes both story-related and non-story-related T-Dolls will arrive around CT. It can come slightly earlier or right when CT starts, depending on the release of other content.
Q: Sulfur Air gacha when? been waiting my whole life A: I'm afraid that it's not coming any time soon.
Q: With the introduction of HOC, I suppose Continuum Turbulence will arrive Very Soon™? And why are we getting the Chinese New Year gacha ahead of time? Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's weird. A: Yes, CT is coming. And I don't think you can really call it "ahead of time". Actually, the Chinese New Year arrives pretty early this year.
Q: Don't know if you can answer this but: will you release the wedding gacha soon? (the one with Suomi live2d, PKP and Mk23). I am waiting to throw away all my tokens. A: Yes, this banner should come soon.
Q: Are there any planned production doll batches before the next major event? A: I think the next batch will probably come after that, as there will be new mods and stuff to prepare.
Q: Will there be a hoc production rate-up within next month A: Probably not.
Q: Will there be a 2x exp event next month for the preparation for the major event A: We should have a logistic boost this month and an EXP boost before CT.
Q: Are we getting r93 and her live2d skin? A: Yes, I think both will come in 2020.
Q: Are we going to try to catch up with seasonal gachas this year? A: Yes, we will give it a try.
Q: What will be the next gacha rerun? A: The CNY gacha.
Q: the other servers recently had an art design contest for dorm furniture, will we get these? A: If you are asking for a similar contest, I think we will have one at some point in the future.
Q: and can we expect the new 9A-91 skin soon? A: According to our current schedule, we should get 9A-91's costume sooner than we got the last Japanese New Year set.
Q: Will we be getting MP41 anytime soon? A: I'm afraid that we are still quite far from her release.
Q: Any word on the DJ MAX event rerun and the VA-11 HALL-A Event reruns? A: The DJ Max hasn't started yet, and we should have the event after CT. As for VA-11 Hall-A rerun, I'd say it's possible in the end, but it's unlikely to happen soon.
Q: Will there be an R93 or PM-9 this year? A: We should at least have R93 this year. (Note by me: Likely referring to 2020, not 2019)
Q: Will there be a mod batch that include tdolls at the second place of the previous vote before or when CT hit A: We are also thinking about prioritizing the release of T-Dolls that got 2nd place in the vote early, but we haven't made the final decision yet and even if we do so, we may not be able to include them in the same batch in the end.
Q: Will HOC come with a login event or something similar to get us started, or is rather unlikely? A: Yes, there will be a 7-day login event around that time, though not a big one to get you boosted.
Q: Will the SF dorm set ever be in the gacha? A: I think it's currently available in Radiant Collection.
Q: How close/far are we until the next batch of production dolls? A: There won't be one until CT ends.
Q: Is there a possibility for EN server to get racing gacha before 2nd anniversary? A: The chance is pretty low as far as I know.
Gameplay related questions
Question Answer
Q: Planning on a 'buy' option for fairies already discovered in drops, like cores with t-dolls? A: I don't think that's possible. The T-Doll recovery feature won't allow you to "buy" dupes with cores. It only works when you don't have the T-Doll in your armory.
Q: why developer not make FPS setting feature like Azur lane ect (30 FPS and 60 FPS) not only high FPS mode A: I think the high FPS mode is the same as 60 FPS mode, while disabling it will make the game run at 30 FPS.
Q: Adding in a feature to mass select Dolls/gear to retire/scrap? A: I think the function already exists which is called "Smart Select". Unless you want to mass select T-Doll/equip of higher rarity.
Q: Aside from SOPMOD and UMP45, will there be any other MOD3s? A: Yes, there will be other Mods besides the 2 story-related T-Dolls.
Q: Will translations for the dolls dialogue besides the secretary lines be added? A: Yes, those translations are already confirmed to be released in the future. Now we are prioritizing the translation of big events and MOD stories so you may still need to wait for a while.
Q: Are we will able to write our own message to the owner of the support echelon that we use? A: I don't think we have any similar plan for now, but that does sound quite interesting, and I will talk to the devs about it later.
Q: Any plans to fix the persisting "Expedition team has found a treasure." message on home screen after having picked it up? A: Yes, it's something that will be fixed in later patches.
Q: Hi, are there plans to revamp the defense drill Sim? After adding neutral cloud training, defense drill is less frequently used, but calibration tickets are still important but costs to much sim energy per ticket. Are there plans to renew the mechanic to get the tickets? A: I'm afraid that the Defense Drill will remain unchanged for now. Some kind of rework is not entirely impossible in the future, but that's not something I can promise as of now.
Q: Is there any way to change MP7's nickname to 'Keeper' or something? A: "Breeder" turned out to be an inappropriate translation of the original Chinese nickname, and "Caretaker" is the agreed-upon choice.
Q: Localization gripe B: See, I'm not a 'they, them, their' kinda guy... but a 'he, him, his' sort of of Commander. Now, before anyone gets pissy... I'm talking about handling direct references to the Commander in game in the same way as in F/GO where the selected gender adds that personal touch to the otherwise neutral writing. Why is this worth considering? Welp.... I'll be honest... I'm not a them or they, and I reflect that in my Commander and just feel it'd add that final bit of immersiveness to the Commander's ever growing direct relevance in the narrative... we're no Master of Chaldea directly referenced yet, but GFL is getting there and I feel the narrative would benefit from reflecting our choices that much more directly, especially since the whole Commander's Closet thing is a thing... Well, that and I hate Gentianne as a trash character from the manga that holds nothing on the game's MC. A: Gender neutrality has been our principle for writing stories from the beginning, and I think for now we will stick to it.
Q: When will you optimize the new UI because idk why it's not smooth on my phone A: There is a planned update to address the performance issue, but unfortunately, I'm not allowed to give any ETA now.
Q: New client released month ago. After I updated, first thing was black screen instead of loading screen when engaging battle / switching menu. Also general performance decrease, lags everywhere. So I returned to previous version, which works great in 60FPS. Is this gonna be fixed? A: Yes, there are optimizations planned, but for now I'm not allowed to give any ETA.
Q: memory leak fix? 1hr into game always crashed just because i'm using P90 in my echelon A: We understand that the latest update didn't completely fix the memory leak issue, and more optimizations will be implemented in the future to address it.
Q: Can we have the overlapping voice lines back, at least for in combat skill activation? It's getting a bit plain hearing only one voice every time A: Unfortunately, the 2 patterns cannot coexist so for now there is unlikely to be a toggle.
Q: auto fairy skill toggle in setting as well? A: I'm afraid that it is unlikely to be a thing.
Q: Candidates for special rescue? A: I think this time there won't be a public vote. We will decide the drop directly.
Q: Will some bugs be fixed such as overlapping dolls during results A: We definitely plan to fix them, but as far as I know, some of them are rather complicated and the devs may still need some time to address them.
Q: In the future, are we gonna be forced to switch to new UI? A: I'm afraid that all players will have to switch to the new UI eventually, as having 2 sets of UI means extra efforts in asset management.
Q: any plan to have a repeat mission feature like with how you can repeat combat sim with the same route and echelons? A: As mentioned in another reply, it's something more complicated than the sim restart feature and thus may not be a thing any time soon.
Q: Will you release more info on HOCs prior to them being added into the game A: Yes, actually there are a lot of things to be introduced first.
Q: About the retreat bar in the battle, sometimes I retreat on my ipad and iphone and just about I was retreating my dolls,but it clicked on the fairy that are flying instead. Can we disable clicking on fairy since we don’t do anything to it much? In events like christmas, there is a great pic of art that I loved but it got blocked by the dialogue box, can we install the looking at the background art ( eye button on the main menu ) so that we can take a screen shot for it or gaze at it? In skin packages, there are some good damaged art like AK-12 beach skin and Breezy Orchestra, the chibi dance victory is also great as a preview for the skin packages, if possible can we have the preview over them as well in the shop? A: These sound quite reasonable, and I will try to suggest thems to the devs.
Q: Will you ever let us use merch codes on non-CN servers at some point? I want to use my STAR nendo code for something A: As for the redeem code, I'm afraid that you can only use it on CN server.
Q: Will this perk benefit HOCs units? When will this set come to EN? A: It does. HOC was removed from the description because we haven't got any. You may need to wait for a while.
Q: The update banner (HOC preview) is broken, please fix. A: Noted. In a later question, the banner was stated to have been fixed.
Q: Increased friend limit when? A: The limit has already been lifted from 50 to 100, and I don't think another expansion will drop soon.
Q: Is it possible for Fireworks event rewards to return? A: Yes, those rewards should have a similar rerun like the recent one for the previous Christmas event.
Q: Also any explanation when that dot appears/disappears? A: I think it should be a general indication of all notifications you will see on your homepage.
Q: Is it just me, or are the "B" versions of some stage themes always playing even though I'm out of combat? A: It's confirmed to be an issue with the new client and we will fix it in the future.
Q: What was your reasoning to rename FALs pet to "Fel the Ferret" when it was clearly a "tactical white marten" before. A: It's more of a consistency issue. We've had "ferret", "mink" and "white marten" in different places and we were just making the translation consistent.
Q: Will the Ameli Special Equipment, "Tactical Memory Module" be available in the expedition or any special shops soon? I was not here last christmas so I missed it, and would very much like to give my Ameli a much needed boost to her performance. A: I'm afraid that SPEQ from boss-farming events like Ameli's equipment will not enter the black market.
Q: Would you ever do a true core mask for costumes? A: I'm afraid that there hasn't been a similar plan for that so far.
Q: Will we get special equipment in ranked into the black market? A: I'm afraid that it's unlikely to be possible for now.
Q: How to craft hoc? A: We will release a guide on social media soon. Please stay tuned.
Q: Is it possible to add notifications for when the dolls that finished skill training? A: I believe this has been suggested before, but I'm not sure if it will be a thing in the future.
Q: Could we get a construction bookmark system that lets us bookmark repices and add small notes to them? Current repice favorite system is kinda bad A: I'm afraid that no similar feature is likely to come anytime soon. It seems that such a feature is only possible after a complete rework of the current one.
Q: Are you ever going to add a more complex friend system? Like say setting up a pvp thing, or Trading between friends? A: I don't think either the pvp or the trading system will be a thing in the near future.
Q: Can you refresh the repair icon (hide it) after the last t-doll is repaired? Also can the echelon be available after all its t-dolls are repaired without the need to go to the home to see the "T-doll X got repaired"? A: I think these 2 are similar issues. For now you will need to update the repair status manually by returning to your homepage. I will try to make suggestions related to this function.
Q: I want to ask about getting battery from friends dorm why sometime i cant collect battery from some of the dorms A: The charges are limited and dependent on the number of dorms your friend has. Up to 10 charges.
Q: Can the shortcut navigation bar be available from the home screen? Also a feature of "starred/favourite" map shortcut accessible directly from the home screen would be a big QoL improvement! A: I think there are already shortcuts on the homepage. The map shortcut thing probably involves a bunch of big changes, but I will add it to our list of suggestions anyway.
Q: when will have 180 ap ammo A: Around Isomer, the next major event after CT.
Q: Can we set HOCs as adjutant? If not (yet), will there be any thought about doing it? A: I don't think there is a similar plan so far.
Q: Will it be possible to have an Auto-Supply ON/OFF switch accessible directly from the battle menu, similar to the Combat Fairy AUTO switch? A: That sounds like a reasonable suggestion indeed, and I believe something similar has been suggested before. Let's hope there will be similar improvements in the future.
Misc Questions
Question Answer
Q: do we have any release info for bakery girl? A: Unfortunately, there isn't much I can reveal. I think it will still take a while before we get any release info.
Q: Will you open for us to purchase in-game Gem by different currency beside US$ like JP¥, EU€, . . . ? A: I believe the Euro is supported right now. In fact, you cannot directly add a new currency for either Google or Apple stores. Your local currency will be automatically supported when the game is released.
Q: Are there any plans to port the game onto PC? A: The web port is a different thing, but I don't think there will be a direct PC import.
Q: What do you think if Someone makes a Girls Frontline Roleplay,There are Some of them in Discord A: We are perfectly fine with fan-made games, provided that they are not for commercial purpose.
Q: Will you ever release the OST on American Spotify? IIRC it's already on there but it's been region locked since. A: The OST was released by our publisher in Taiwan and that's why its' region locked. We do plan to release the OST on some online platforms but I'm afraid that I can't reveal much info yet.
Q: Any updates on merch bring available in a global store? Furthermore, assuming it doesn't happen, would merchandise-locked skins ever become available in EN through alternative means? A: Not much I can reveal so far. And I'm afraid that those costumes are likely to remain merch-exclusive.
Q: Can you specify which people are qualified to answer questions in the future beforehand so we don't have a bunch of unofficial wannabe representative looking for a shoutout possibly providing false information and misinforming those looking for an official reply? A: The official account is the only account providing official replies and other users are just volunteers. I will usually read through their replies to correct any misinformation spotted.
Fluff Questions
Question Answer
Q: How was your Christmas? A: We don't really celebrate Christmas here, but we had a small Christmas party and some fun events in the company. Pretty good for me.
Q: a friend of mine is in dire need of a very important information A: Is this friend of yours yourself? Asking for a friend.
Q: Also while you're here, pass my thanks on to the devs for making this great game. singu ending really got me, plus the va11halla story was amazing. A: And thank you! It's always exciting to know there are players enjoying the events.
submitted by Ionascrub to girlsfrontline [link] [comments]

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[5.2 REVERT] Community rebalance concept: Reworked MMG's, more diversity, and all of it from a 5.0 base!

Central aims of these changes is to:
  1. Conform to Dice’s vision in a more impactful way. These are to:
    1. Add more meaningful restriction to the ranged performance of some weapons
    2. Add more room for the introduction of new weapons
    3. Reinvent the meta as it currently stands
  2. Conform to Dice’s antivision (AKA community demand) in a more meaningful way. Or just conforming to it to start with.
  3. Do this all while coming from the 5.0 balance, instead of taking a leak on it.
  4. Give the player far more control on which alternative parts its weapon uses, instead of the current state of affairs where picking your favorite skin may randomly turn your weapon into a fusion of 3 different historical variants like with the FG42
NOTE: all of the changes below will be open to criticism. None of them have been given a great deal of thought and based on feedback, I will make alterations on this document.
The central hurdle of these changes is that it hinges on the reintroduction of (to a degree), random bullet deviation, with submachine guns and MMG's getting deviation that will be factored in before the spread-to-recoil calculations.
ALTERED CONCEPT FROM 5.2: Rate-of-fire damage model alterations:
So, one of the things I actually think 5.2 did “Well” was introducing “rapid fire ammunition”. What they did horrible is not making it shit. The current ammo alterations would be kept, but instead of having wildly different damage models, they both have the same start and end damage (The 5.0 ones), but Rapid Fire ammunition starts dropping off at 8m instead of 10 and will end 10m earlier and the normal one will start dropping off at 15m, not really increasing their effectiveness but making them more consistent within conventional engagement ranges.
RETURNING CONCEPT: Layered factors:
So, it is widely agreed upon that BF4 balance was practically auto-generated, yet, a lot of weapons had their own spot. The primary factor of this was that its auto-generated system worked based on layers. Layers that went Weapon Platform > Ammunition type > Magazine position, which themselves were then factored through rate of fire to generate all stats, with only recoil and rate of fire having variance within a given bracket. We still largely use weapon platform and ammunition type. However, in BF1 we took magazine position out of the equation.
My suggestion is that we bring this back in a way that will faciliate a wealth of slightly unique weaponry, or at least create some more room. However, instead of working with bull-pup/non-bullpup, we will now work with the orientation of the magazine. We shall also add the layer of “operation” to make the difference between a closed and open bolt, which will be especially appreciated for the venerable FG42 that can use either at will.
These changes will also go along remarkably well with the existing weapons and behavior expectations, though some weapons will need to receive some changes to adjust to these changes properly
NEW CONCEPT: Transformation nodes.
Transformation nodes are a new way to balance out the most high impact or transformative specializations on a weapon. A transformation node comes in 4 grades; No restriction, low restriction, medium restriction and heavy restriction. All transformation nodes require you to have a weapon unlocked to tier 3 at a minimum. Through the addition of this great feature, not only can we finally fix some of the problem children that are considered the biggest intruders to balance (50 bullet SMG's, 97 bullet Lewis)
No restriction: Fits in the standard flow of specialization at the third level. Really only serves to highlight its cosmetically transformative nature.
Low restriction: The node is accessible from the first tier of specializations, but will block access to the 2nd and 3th tier. In other words, you can pick the 1st and 4th alongside it.
Medium restriction: The node is accessible from the first tier, but will block access to the 2nd and 4th tier.
Heavy restriction: A tier 3 node that blocks you from picking ANY OTHER SPECIALIZATION. It is where the most impactful changers in the game reside. Most heavy restriction nodes either drastically change how abusable a weapon is, or have “package deals” that alters how a weapon looks and give it a bunch of inherent modifiers.
NEW CONCEPT: Heat bloom:
Heat bloom is a new Random bullet deviation mechanic that only affects MMG’s and some LMG’s. It is a mechanic to reign in the abusability of some of the MMG’s and add an extra layer of fire control to the game, while assuring the MMG’s remain a dominant force. Heatbloom varies from weapon to weapon, but it introduces a random deviation between 0.3 and 0.9 degrees deviation based on how heated the weapon is and which weapon you are using (keep in mind, all MMG's start from normal accuracy, 0.2-0.7 is the roof value based on the weapon). MMG’s will now also lose heat MUCH, MUCH slower in trade for overal longer overheat times, and the overheat animation will only reset half of the heat now. Heat drops slower when reloading or holstering the weapon.
Something-that-should-be-there-already: Tag alterations: Actually change weapon names to reflect their variant.


AR Changes and nodes:
In my opinion, assault rifles have been basically since the game launched in the best spot out of all weapons. Revert them to 5.0 damage, nothing much more should be changed about them.
SAR Changes and nodes:
Though it can be argued that SAR’s are an incredibly dominant force, I don’t think they actually require change. You see, if my semi-auto exploits throughout the series have thought me one thing, its that semi-automatic weapons are by far the easiest weapon catagory to GET WRONG. I recommend keeping their past damage and rate of fire and just giving the horizontal that they currently are missing for some reason, which pushes their eFTK out to ridiculous ranges and makes it so there isn’t really a counter towards someone with great recoil control.
Smg changes and notes:
Smg’s will simply get a universal 0.4rbd when standing still and a 0.6 rbd when moving, which is not only fairly in line with realistic stats, but would also curtail the ranged efficiency (If such a thing could ever be said to be a problem) in a way that won’t turn them into BB-guns. This inherent deviation will not be factored into the spread-recoil and it can be decreased with barrel bedding and closed bolt weaponry. spread increase per shot will see a slight decrease to balance out usability within the first few shots.
Bolt Action Carbine Changes and nodes:


MMG Changes and nodes:
As previously mentioned, the MMG category is getting a bit of a rework, but it will be much more further reaching than just a change in heat mechanics.
Aside from variable heat mechanics which will gradually ramp up spread, take longer to build up but also takes a lot longer to get rid off and can’t just be unfucked by a quick animation. It will also cool down slower when swapped out to prevent abuse. But the entire MMG catagory will be reordered into 3 sub-variants:
  1. Aggressive MG’s: The closest thing we have to this now is the S2/200. They can’t ADS, but they have tighter hipfire and much faster focus speed as well as having somewhat better movement speed while focussed. When deploying the bipod, you can greatly extend its range by using the sights. They can be seen as "lawnmowers" in terms of gameplay.
  2. GPMGs: They will completely buck the trend by essentially becoming bulky LMG’s. You can ADS with them, but they have slower ADS times, poor recoil reset times and move a lot slower while aiming down sight. Very comparable to CoD MG’s, where you sacrifice a whole lot of usability for a good portion of control and damage. They sport lower heat capacity but faster cool down rates.
  3. Defensive MG’s: These will mostly resemble current ones. Very weak when not deployed. They have much greater heat capacity to the point of sometimes not even being able to fill it in a single go, but cool down slower. Abusing it will result in your firepower taking a nose dive after a short while, as you’ll be constantly fiddling with your MG to unfuck it. As a simple rule, all defensive MG's come with an aggressive mode specialization.
While bipodded, all MG's have lower spread and recoil than they have now to offset the heatbloom, which is a more persistent accuracy penalty.
Lots of changes coming here.
LMG & shotgun changes and nodes:
Bolt action changes and nodes:
AMR Rifles changes and nodes:
Pistol Carbine changes and nodes:
SLR changes and nodes:
submitted by colers100 to BattlefieldV [link] [comments]

what does the word suomi mean video

Sanan what does XX mean käännös englanti-suomi. mitä XX tarkoittaa. Sanan what does XX mean määritelmät. Used to ask the meaning of a word (replace XX with a word; Kokeile myös. what does that have to do with the price of tea in China; what does XX mean; what doesn't kill you makes you stronger; the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing ; tv ohjelmat. Telsu.fi TV-ohjelmat ... What Does Suomi Perkele Mean; What Does Suomi Finland Mean; What Does The Finnish Word Suomi Mean; Hyva Suomi What Does It Mean; Torrluftlager; Spinningmusik Tips; 賓士ktv; Färghandel Stockholm Söderort; 山岡士郎; Austero; Em Tabell 2016; Enoro Førde; אבן ירושלמית; Joy Fashion House; Leder Och Fogar; Barbie W świecie Gier ... Just because Hi-Fi was shortened from High Fidelity does not mean the “Fi” in every word that imitates the letter pattern stands for Fidelity. Origin of Wireless Fidelity. After adopting the name and logo, some of the Alliance members had a problem with the concept that something that looked like an abbreviation did not have a literal explanation. As a compromise, it was agreed to include ... Finland, Republic of Finland, Suomi (noun) republic in northern Europe; achieved independence from Russia in 1917 Wiktionary (3.00 / 2 votes) Rate this definition: noun. the Finnish name for Finland. Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. WORD OF THE DAY. The name Suomi (Finnish for "Finland") has uncertain origins but a strong candidate for a cognate is the Proto-Baltic word *zeme, meaning "land". In addition to the close relatives of Finnish (the... Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Finland, Republic of Finland, Suomi (noun) republic in northern Europe; achieved independence from Russia in 1917. Finnish, Suomi (noun) the official language of Finland; belongs to the Baltic Finnic family of languages. The name Suomi is of Finnish origin. The meaning of Suomi is "of finland". Suomi is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Suo-mi. Answer and Explanation: In Finnish, the word suomi may refer to their own language (Finnish) or to Finland. Notice that in the second case, Suomi is capitalized. You can find this term in examples... English Finnish Dictionary, Finish dictionary translate-Finnish to English translation, try Finnish translator to English translation to help you learn Finnish language, Finnish English & English Finnish translation both way, Finnish English online translator translate Finnish to English, enjoy the free Finnish English translation, free Finnish translation

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