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[Video Games] The Many Controversies of the Super Smash Bros. Roster

Super Smash Bros. is Nintendo’s premier fighting game franchise. The series released its fifth entry, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, in 2018. The brainchild of Masahiro Sakurai (the man behind Kirby and Kid Icarus: Uprising), it is beloved by many for its fun and easy-to-grasp gameplay, and more notably, its massive crossover status. The Smash series has always been about characters from all different franchises and companies duking it out. With a whopping 81 planned characters (plus seven clone characters, referred to as “Echo Fighters”), every player is bound to find at least one they like.
However, no series is without controversy, and people often find themselves lamenting the characters that DON’T get in, and sometimes even those that do.
I realize that there's a post talking a lot more in-depth about one of these characters, so if you'd like to read that as well here's a link.
A Brief History Lesson
Super Smash Bros. debuted for the Nintendo 64 in 1999, with this classic commercial depicting mascot versions of popular Nintendo characters duking it out to The Turtles’ “Happy Together”. The game was a smash (heh) hit, and featured twelve playable characters (Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Samus, Yoshi, Kirby, Fox McCloud, Pikachu, Luigi, Ness, Captain Falcon, and Jigglypuff). It supported up to four players, and had a variety of items that could be used in battle. More characters were added throughout the sequels, including third party characters such as Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man. In the third game, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, a new item was added to the game: “Assist Trophies”, summonable NPCs that could assist the player who summoned them in battle. Each Assist Trophy did something different, and many characters who otherwise wouldn’t have a shot at being playable got to appear this way. One such character was Waluigi from the Super Mario Bros. series, who would run around the stage and stomp on opponents while hitting them with his tennis racket, making them briefly immobile.
When the fourth game for the Wii U and 3DS came around, several cuts and changes were made so the game could run on the comparatively weaker 3DS hardware. The game also featured no story mode. However, there were three big hope spots for fans. The first was Mii Fighters, which allowed players to create their own custom fighter (either a Brawler, Gunner, or Swordfighter), with a variety of costumes based on various characters. The second was the inclusion of DLC, which allowed new characters to join after release (for a price, of course). The third was the biggest of all: the Fighter Ballot. This was a chance for fans to vote on which character they’d like to see join Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and WiiU.
The Fighter Ballot
The Fighter Ballot was extremely popular, with thousands of people voting for their favorites. Aside from “meme” picks like Goku or Shrek, some of the most popular choices, at least according to message boards and polls from the time, included Ridley from Metroid, Waluigi and Princess Daisy from Super Mario Bros. (this despite Waluigi still being an Assist Trophy), Sora from Kingdom Hearts, the Inklings from Splatoon, Shantae, Wolf O'Donnell from Star Fox (a character who had been cut during the transition between games) Banjo-Kazooie, Geno from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, and quite possibly the loudest fanbase, King K. Rool from Donkey Kong Country. The ballot came to a close in October 2015, revealing the winner to be…
While Bayo certainly did have her fans and supporters, many people were…underwhelmed, to say the least. Bayonetta was allegedly the most popular character in Europe, and in the Top 5 in America, though some folks found this hard to believe. Things weren’t helped by the unpopular reveal of Corrin from Fire Emblem Fates as a DLC character before the ballot closed, with many people stating that there were too many Fire Emblem characters (at the time, the game had six different characters from the series). Eventually, the game was datamined, and it was revealed that Bayonetta’s data existed in the game just two weeks after the ballot opened up. Mii Fighter costumes of some of the more popular picks were released as consolation prizes, but it still stung. Sakurai stated that the ballot was meant to pick fighters for a future installment, and not for Smash 4, but this is a bit hard to believe given that the website outright said the character would be for Smash 4. However, there was still hope for these characters in the future.
Everyone is Here…?
The fifth game in the series, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, was quite possibly the most hyped-up game of the decade. It promised to be the ultimate (heh) dream match, with every single fighter from past games returning. It also introduced several highly requested newcomers, including Ridley (complete with a shoutout to his supporters), Daisy (I cried tears of joy at her reveal), the Inklings, Simon Belmont (and his descendant Richter) from Castlevania, Isabelle from Animal Crossing, and of course, King K. Rool, all of whom generated a lot of hype. This only expanded when the DLC was revealed, with several unexpected characters from a variety of different companies. However, one character was notably missing: Waluigi.
The Purple-Clad Plumber
For anyone who doesn't know, Waluigi is a character who originates in the game Mario Tennis. He was originally created solely so Wario could have a doubles partner, and quickly became a mainstay of the spin-offs. At first, he was seen as an unnecessary character who only existed as filler, but his role in Matthew Taranto's webcomic Brawl in the Family saw him gain popularity. The comic mostly focused on video game-based gags while occasionally having longer story arcs. Waluigi would show up to take over the comic every once in a while, with his catchphrase "TOO BAD. WALUIGI TIME." often appearing. People loved the comic's take on Waluigi as a zany, over-the-top, and somewhat tragic character. It wasn't long before this version of Waluigi became a meme, with the regular version following.
It’s a Cold and It’s a Broken Waluigi
Generally, Assist Trophies are considered to be a “deconfirmation” for a character. While nothing in the game outright states that a character can’t be playable if they also appear as an Assist Trophy, nothing denies it either. There is technically a chance, as the game does have certain conditions that disable assist trophies on certain stages (for example, the Moon from Majora’s Mask can’t appear on the stage Great Bay, as it appears as a background element). Stage elements can also be affected by which characters are playing in a match. For example, King Dedede won’t appear in the background of Dream Land if he’s also in the match, Toon Link will be replaced by Alfonzo (“Leave it to me!”) on the Spirit Train if another Link is playing, and Fox, Falco, and Wolf have specific dialogue changes referring to one another. However, this has never been confirmed, and Assist Trophies have always been unplayable. Which brings us to Waluigi.
In early June, Waluigi was confirmed to be an Assist Trophy, and therefore unplayable, for the third game in a row. As if to add insult to injury, the video also revealed that Assist Trophies can now be knocked out, and used Waluigi to demonstrate this. People were, to put it lightly, fucking pissed. Memes were made about the situation, songs were written, petitions were signed to get Waluigi included, Matthew Taranto of Brawl in the Family got in on it, years after the comic had ended, and a few (emphasis on a FEW) fans even started harassing Sakurai in an attempt to get the purple plumber in the roster. A small group of Waluigi cosplayers staged a protest at a Smash event, and while they had good intentions, they did make some staff and guests uneasy. Some theorized that the Assist Trophy thing was a red herring, and that Waluigi would be revealed as playable after all. People were literally analyzing the colors of some chairs in the background of a video. It was crazy. Things only got worse for poor Waluigi when the first DLC character was revealed…
…a Piranha Plant. Just a single Piranha plant.
Generic, nameless Piranha Plants have never been playable in any official Nintendo game before this, so its inclusion was a surprise. A few people thought it was a jab at Waluigi supporters (which, let’s be real, it obviously wasn’t). Once the shock wore off, however, the Plant was welcomed into the Smash family with open arms. The fact that it was free for a limited amount of time certainly helped. The next DLC character (and the first in the “Fighters Pass”, a series of five DLC challengers), Joker from Persona 5, was also beloved by the fanbase, with his trailer showing him literally hijacking the 2018 Game Awards. Then E3 2019 came, and fans were speculating on who the next fighter would be, with Erdrick from Dragon Quest, Banjo and Kazooie, and Steve from Minecraft being popular guesses. The latter two, in particular, sparked quite the rivalry.
Bears, Birds, and Blocks
While Banjo-Kazooie was originally considered a Nintendo property (it even had its own commercial from the same people who made the “Happy Together” Smash commercial), with Banjo’s debut (sans Kazooie) being in Diddy Kong Racing, they were developed by the company Rare, which was later bought out by Microsoft. Microsoft and Nintendo are historically rivals, so the bear and bird joining Smash was seen as an impossibility for many years. However, many had hope, given that Microsoft and Nintendo had been on much friendlier terms in recent years. But there were some strikes against them. For one thing, Banjo and Kazooie weren’t exactly…relevant. Their last game, Nuts and Bolts, was in 2008, and was seen by most fans as a disgrace to the franchise due to its change in gameplay and aesthetic. JonTron’s memetic version of “I Will Always Love You” comes as a reaction to this game, in fact. If a Microsoft character WAS added, it would likely be someone more popular. Say…a character from one of the highest-selling games of all time? That’s right, Minecraft.
For weeks, a rivalry brewed between Banjo-Kazooie fans and Steve fans, and a trend called “Steveposting” began to spread. Starting on 4chan, people would post pictures of a grotesque 3D model of Steve harassing other characters, often accompanied by a copypasta starting with “GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING /v/! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Steve (yes, THE Steve from Minecraft) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Fighter Pass when Steve walks into the spotlight!” The most popular character for Steve to harass was Banjo. People would often argue that Steve had more relevance, and post images of Steve harassing, harming, or killing Banjo and Kazooie. One infamous video featured Banjo walking through a blocky landscape, remarking to Kazooie that they must have ended up in Minecraft instead of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. “Grotesque Steve” reveals himself, shows off Kazooie’s mangled corpse, and approaches Banjo with a sinister look on his face…the rest of the video is disgustingly NSFW, hence why I won’t be linking it or even describing it. If you know, you know. Overall, the rivalry was pretty bitter, and even genuine supporters for Steve grew tired of the “Steveposting”.
Finally, E3 2019 rolled around, and fans were excited for new content from Nintendo. One of the first reveals of the day was the second new DLC character for Smash…that being the heroes from Dragon Quest. Most people thought that Erdrick from Dragon Quest III would be the representative, and while he does appear, he’s not the only one (the heroes from XI, IV, and VIII also show up as alt costumes). Japanese fans were thrilled, American fans weren’t as enthusiastic, and it looked like there would be no more Smash news for the day. That is, until the just before the very end of the presentation. A trailer began, similarly to King K. Rool’s, only to then cut to the King hanging out with Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong. Suddenly, a golden piece bounces across the screen. Wait, is that…a Jiggy? No, it couldn’t be… DK and friends look out the window, to see a familiar silhouette, only for it to be revealed to be the Duck Hunt Dog in disguise. But then everything changes when the new character descends from above and knocks the Dog out of the way. That’s right folks, against all odds, Banjo and Kazooie are in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!
As for Steve, he and his fellow Minecraft friends were eventually added in October 2020 (in his familiar blocky form, thankfully), which put the rivalry to rest for good. Finally, the Steveposting days were over. These new fighters were well-received, but the same can’t be said for the fifth DLC character.
Too Many Swordsmen, Are There?
Generally, if a new game is released after Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, a free update will add content from said game, usually in the form of “spirits”, power-ups you can equip to your fighter of choice to give them a stat boost of some sort. In-universe, they’re explained as characters who have lost their physical form due to events in the game’s story mode. For example, equipping the Hammer Bro spirit will enhance your jumps. One game did not receive free update spirits, however.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is definitely one of the best games of 2019, in my opinion. With four distinct routes, a ton of morally grey characters, and an absolutely bitchin’ theme song, it’s definitely worth a try. While it’s not without its problems, the game is still pretty solid. The reason I bring this up is because Fire Emblem: Three Houses got nary a mention in Smash, despite being a new installment of one of Nintendo’s most heavily-advertised franchises. This led people to speculate that they were saving a Three Houses reveal for later. And as it turns out, they were!
Now, the fourth DLC character, Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury, was not met with the brightest reception from fans. At the very least, he came with a lot of amazing music (a whopping fifty songs from various SNK games). My personal favorite out of these is the theme song from Psycho Soldier. That sax solo though! While some people were obviously mad (or should I say…fatally furious?) about Terry’s inclusion in the game, most of the memes came from fellow SNK character Mai Shiranui’s exclusion from any form of cameo (to preserve the game’s ESRB rating). Anyway, people were really expecting something big for DLC fighter #5.
The fifth DLC character was revealed in January of 2020. Many predictions included Sora from Kingdom Hearts and Dante from Devil May Cry. The trailer dropped, only to reveal that the final character for the Fighters Pass was Byleth, the player character in Three Houses. The trailer had a jab at the common complaint that the roster has too many swordsmen…to which Byleth responds by becoming a swordswoman, as well as using other weapons from their home game. And yet still, people were once again, to put it lightly, fucking pissed. Read the comments on this to get an idea of it. After all, this now marked the eighth Fire Emblem character in the game.
Naturally, some people made memes about the situation. Others jokingly pointed out that one of Byleth’s alternate costumes gave them a red outfit and white hair, just like Dante (though the costume was meant to resemble Three Houses character Edelgard). Voice actress Allegra Clark, who voices a few characters in Three Houses, had this to say about the news. Even to this day, some people are still upset over Byleth’s inclusion.
The Heart of a Marionette
Geno is a character from the cult classic Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. The game is certainly an oddball in the Mario franchise, but it’s beloved to this day by many. Geno appears as a living marionette with a gun arm, and he’s been a popular request for Smash Bros for a while now. He appeared in the famous (and very fake) “Grinch leak”, which incidentally also featured Banjo and Kazooie. YouTube animator TerminalMontage is one of Geno’s most vocal supporters, and even Sakurai has stated that he’s a fan of the character. So, what’s stopping the little puppet from getting in? Licensing. Geno is technically partially owned by Square Enix, so getting him in the game has always been tricky. He appeared as a Mii Fighter costume in Smash 4, but fans had hope that he would appear for real in Ultimate.
Now, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate introduced some very interesting Mii Fighter costumes. Costumes usually come in two parts: headwear and outfits. Headwear can include hats, wigs, helmets, and even masks. That last one is the important one here. Certain Mii Fighter costumes came with a full-head mask of a character rather than just a hat. These costumes, which some fans refer to as “deluxe” costumes, also came with a song, making them feel like a sort of bonus DLC character. The most popular of these is Sans from Undertale, though Cuphead also has one, as do Vault Boy from Fallout and Bomberman (though the latter two don’t come with music tracks).
So, December 2020 rolls around, and with it come the Game Awards. The new Smash trailer shows several of our heroes facing off against the game’s main villain, Galeem…only for it to be sliced in half and killed. Suddenly, “One-Winged Angel” starts to play, and hoooooOOOOOLY SHIT SEPHIROTH FROM FINAL FANTASY VII IS IN. People were, to put it lightly, fucking STOKED!!!!!! There were a few whiny “too many swordsmen” people, but they were drowned out for the most part…
...then came the costume reveals.
Each new fighter generally comes with five new Mii Fighter costumes, whether they be outfits, headwear, or a set of both. Sometimes they’re related to the character, sometimes they aren’t. The first four were pretty basic, with outfits based on Aerith, Barrett, and Tifa, Cloud’s companions from Final Fantasy VII, as well as a hat themed after a Chocobo. The fifth costume, on the other hand, led to a lot of disappointment.
I think we can all guess who it was. Geno fans were upset, and definitely made themselves heard. To make matters worse, Geno’s headwear was just a hat, when a mask would have worked well. Him being a “deluxe” Mii costume could have been a nice compromise to get him in. The aforementioned TerminalMontage made a short video on the topic, showing his disappointment with the results. Quite a few people made fun of Geno’s supporters for ever thinking he’d be playable, while others celebrated the fact that Sora or Lloyd could still have a chance. And all of this came mere months after the revelation that the widely-rumored Geno plush was in fact a myth.
In Conclusion
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate still has three DLC slots left, and everyone is wondering just who the final three will be. Personally, while I’m sure I’ll be content with whoever we get, there’s sure to be some fighting no matter what, and the only way to settle it…is in Smash.
submitted by puellamaggie to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

Destiny 2 Update 3.0.0

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Vendor Armor

  • Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit vendors now all reward a Prime version of their respective ritual engram for completing the weekly challenge.
    • These engrams award the ritual's new Season of the Hunt armor on a knockout list until the full set has been obtained.
    • Once the full set is obtained the engrams drop re-rolls of the ritual armor as well as world weapons. (Note this is on a per-ritual basis; each ritual engram assesses separately.)
    • All armor dropped from these engrams is high stat armor.
  • The base (non-Prime) version of Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit engrams now drops world armor until the respective ritual set has been obtained from the Prime ritual engram.
  • Once the ritual set has been obtained from the Prime ritual engram, low-stat ritual armor will drop.
  • Zavala, Shaxx, and Drifter now sell low-stat versions of their new Season of the Hunt armor. Armor must be obtained from the ritual's Prime engram before it can be purchased.


  • Engram previews for most gear engrams have been removed.
  • The following engrams had new versions created in Season of the Hunt: Legendary World, Prime, Crucible, Gambit, Vanguard, Gunsmith, and Iron Banner. Older versions of these engrams will be removed from the game in Season 13.
    • Players with a back-stock of these engrams in the Postmaster are advised to extract and decrypt these engrams before the end of Season of the Hunt.


  • Spider has made several changes to his inventory as follows:
    • He has grown jealous of the large stocks of Legendary Shards Guardians have saved up, and now covets them. To that end he will no longer part with Legendary Shards.
    • He has obtained Enhancement Prisms to sell but will part with no more than three per week for each customer.
      • He has priced these at 400 Legendary Shards each.
    • Enhancement Cores are now fixed in price at 30 Legendary Shards each (they do not ascend with each purchase) but are limited to 5 per day for each customer.
  • Zavala's and Shaxx's Boons and the Eververse's Gleaming Boons have been deprecated and can be dismantled to recover their original full purchase price.
  • Economy, Currencies, Faction of the Nine, Dead Orbit, New Monarchy, Future War Cult faction tokens, and all Rare destination materials can now be safely discarded and can be deleted as a full stack.
  • Banshee-44 and the Spider will still accept planetary materials from Vaulted destinations for the duration of Season of the Hunt.
    • These materials will be deprecated in a future season and players are advised to spend them during Season of the Hunt.
  • Season Pass
    • Season Pass rewards have been refreshed for Season of the Hunt.
    • Additional Bright Dust has been added to the Season Pass reward tracks as follows:
      • Free Track: Added 5,200 to the already present 2,300, for a total of 7,500.
      • Paid Track: Added 2,600 to the already present 400, for a total of 3,000.
    • Weekly Bounties will now award 100 Bright Dust
  • Eververse
    • Starting in Season of the Hunt, Bright Engrams will now contain all Eververse content from Season 1 to three Seasons prior to the current Season (excluding content from special events like Festival of the Lost, the Dawning, etc.). Here are some practical examples:
      • Season of the Hunt: Bright Engrams contain all content from Seasons 1 through 9.
      • Season 13: Bright Engrams contain all content from Seasons 1 through 10.


  • All existing and new Ghost Shells except the Generalist Shell now have energy levels and access to mods with various energy costs instead of being pre-loaded with specific perks.
  • Ghosts now have four mod slots. Three are unlocked by default, and the fourth is unlocked by Masterworking the Shell.
  • Kill Tracker functionality remains only on Ghosts that originally had access to that perk.
  • Other pre-existing Ghost perks have been turned into mods and some have been made into more globalized versions of their past functionality.
  • A selection of mods are available on all Ghost Shells by default, with the remaining ones obtainable via various gameplay sources (information on where to find these mods can be learned from Collections).
  • No mods will be obtained from the Eververse and Eververse purchased Shells will have no advantages or functional differences from Ghost Shells earned in game.


  • All Sparrows intrinsically fast-summon now.
    • Newly acquired or reacquired from Collections sparrows no longer roll on the Speed Demon(fast-summoning) perk.
    • Players are advised to re-pull any sparrows they presently are using that have fast-summon to gain a new perk combo.

General Fixes

  • Matterscourge ornament can no longer be reacquired from Collections.
  • Last Perdition on Shaxx now dismantles for less than its vendor cost.
  • Universal Ornament item descriptions no longer refer specifically to Year-3 items.
  • Emotes now display flavor text on the item detail screen or when being previewed on the Eververse store.
  • Added icons to weapons that were missing their release watermark.
  • Exotic Ciphers can no longer be added to a player’s Vault.
    • Players saving an Exotic Cipher in their Vault must remove it and spend it before they can acquire a new one.
  • Armor affinity now display on player inspect.


  • Lectern of Enchantment weekly bounty no longer references Nightmares on Io or Titan.
    • Progress is now made from defeating Nightmares on the Moon.

Power & Progression

  • Powerful sources, weekly rituals with Powerful rewards released with Shadowkeep no longer grant Powerful rewards.
    • These rewards have been moved to new rituals released with Beyond Light.
  • Once the character's gear Power has reached the soft cap (1200 in Beyond Light), it will now be possible to receive small Powerful upgrades from some normal drops.
    • These will come from strikes, Crucible, and Gambit as well as some Seasonal sources, and are not subject to daily nor weekly lockouts.
    • These can drop until the Power Cap (1250 in Beyond Light).
  • Reduced the Power level of some vendor token rewards.

Player Identity

  • Login screens now have a dark background.
  • Updated the Full-screen Menus to have a dark background style.
  • Player waypoints now display Season Rank, HUD waypoints.
    • Character Creation:
    • Changed selection from "Male" & "Female" to "Masculine" & "Feminine."
    • Guardian head and hair models have been replaced with improved versions.
    • Several color swatches have been changed to better represent the applied color.
    • Players previous head selections are still used.
  • Added toggle functionality to the character screen, allowing the player to make a choice between Light and Dark subclasses.
    • Character screen visuals updated depending on player choice between Light and Dark.


  • Triumph Screen Updates:
    • Navigation has been added to Triumphs and Seals to toggle between Active and Legacy content.
    • Legacy Triumphs and Seals have a new visual style to distinguish them from Active content.
    • Medals, Exotic Catalysts, and Lore have been given their own section within the Triumphs screen.
    • Improved Lore screen added for better book/page navigation.
    • Triumphs now display both the current step reward and final completion reward.
  • Triumphs have had an overhaul and are now categorized in a new way.
    • Lifetime Triumph sets will persist across all Seasons and introduces new players to the core aspects of Destiny.
    • Destination Triumph sets will move to the Legacy section when the related destination enters the Destiny Content Vault.
    • Seasonal Triumph sets will move to the Legacy section at the end of each year.
  • Legacy Triumph Sets and Seals are found in the Legacy section.
    • Legacy sets will not apply to your Active Triumph Score.
    • Players can still see their Legacy set scores and which Triumphs they completed in time.
    • All the Legacy Seals and their related Triumphs can be seen on the Legacy page.
    • Titles for completed Legacy Seals can still be equipped
  • Several new Stat Trackers were added to the system including, but not limited to, weapon-type Stat Trackers gated behind new Triumph completions.
    • Prophecy Dungeon Stat Trackers have been moved to the Open World category matching other Dungeon related Stat Trackers.



  • Hand Cannons
    • Aggressive
      • Increased Rate of Fire (RoF) from 110 to 120.
      • Broke out Aggressive Hand Cannons, allowing custom tuning of stats (e.g. damage falloff for 100 range in this subfamily now starts at 32m).
    • Adaptive and Precision
      • Range stat now has more impact on minimum damage falloff range for both archetypes.
      • Damage falloff for 100 range now starts at 25m, was 20m.
    • Precision Hand Cannon
      • 180 RoF magazine scaled up by 37 percent.
      • Note: This also affects Exotics with that RoF.
    • Lightweight (folded in to Adaptive)
      • Moved all Lightweight Hand Cannons (150 RoF) to the Adaptive subfamily (140 RoF).
    • This includes Luna’s Howl and Not Forgotten.
      • One Exotic Hand Cannon will retain 150 RoF.
      • We aren’t going to leave it to speculation.
      • It’s beautiful.
      • It does Solar damage.
      • It makes enemies explode.
      • It’s Sunshot.
  • Sniper Rifles
    • Adjusted how aim assist (AA) is affected by Sniper Rifle Zoom rating. The lower the Zoom the lower the AA and vice versa. Scopes with around 50 Zoom are unchanged.
    • Lowest-Zoom scopes have a large reduction in AA cone angle.
    • Highest-Zoom scopes have a small increase.
  • Auto Rifles
    • Adaptive
      • Damage per bullet reduced from 15.75 to 14.25.
      • Note: Prior to Season of the Worthy, damage per bullet was 13.75.
  • Scout Rifles
    • Increased how much each point of the AA stat widens the AA cone.
    • At maximum, the AA cone is now 15 percent wider.
  • Rocket Launchers
    • Increased reserves by 1 or 2 rockets depending on Inventory stat.
  • Perks
    • Outlaw - Reload speed increase felt insufficient with certain subfamilies and combinations of rolls (e.g. Aggressive Hand Cannons).
      • Increased Reload stat bonus from +50 to +70.
  • Merciless
    • Increased Inventory stat from 36 to 55 (this increases reserve ammo).
  • Mountaintop
    • Reduced splash damage by 33 percent, increased impact damage such that total damage is 5 percent lower than before.
    • Reduced projectile velocity multiplier from the Micro-Missile perk from 1.4 to 1.2. (i.e., now 20 percent faster than other breech Grenade Launchers instead of 40 percent).
    • Reduced in-air accuracy. Now has significant projectile error while in-air (around 7 degrees without the Icarus Grip mod, substantially less with).
  • Falling Guillotine
    • Reduced Heavy Attack damage by ~24 percent to bring in line with other Swords.
    • Note: Falling Guillotine will continue to be slightly above average, just not to the extent that it is now.
  • MIDA Multi-Tool and MIDA Mini-Tool
    • MIDA Mini-Tool
      • Moved the "Mida Synergy" trait to the intrinsic, similar to how the (Baroque) version works.
      • Added the following perks:
        • Hip-Fire Grip
        • Kill Clip
    • NOTE: There is an issue with the Masterwork on this weapon that prevents it from being upgraded. This will be fixed in a later update.
    • NOTE: The Gunsmith will begin selling a version of this weapon on November 10 with no infusion cap.
  • Sturm and Drang
    • Drang
      • Moved the "Together Forever" trait to the intrinsic, similar to how the (Baroque) version works
      • Added the following perks:
      • Accurized Rounds
      • Moving Target
      • NOTE: There is an issue with the masterwork on this weapon that prevents it from being upgraded. This will be fixed in a later update.
      • NOTE: The Gunsmith will begin selling a version of this weapon on November 10 with no infusion cap.
  • Ruinous Effigy
    • Transmutation Spheres
    • Reduced the damage of the aerial melee attack by 25 percent.
    • Significantly reduced the damage of the drain effect on enemy combatants.
  • Arbalest
    • No longer strikes shields multiple times, but its efficacy against shielded targets has been increased.
  • Jade Rabbit
    • Armor Piercing Rounds swapped to High Caliber Rounds.
    • This fixes an issue that could prevent the Exotic perk from triggering.
  • Traveler's Chosen
    • Reduced muzzle flash intensity.
  • Point of the Stag
    • Increased Point of the Stag's Max Power Level to 1310.
  • Divinity
    • Fixed a bug that prevented some weapons from dealing precision damage to the Divinity cage (e.g. Eriana's Vow).

Energy Type Requirements

  • All of the weapon-oriented armor mods (e.g. Hand Cannon Loader, Fusion Rifle Ammo Finder, etc.) have been changed to be any energy type.
    • As a result of the above change, all Arc Charged with Light mods now activate their second perk if you have any other Arc mod equipped on the same armor piece, or if you have any other Arc Charged with Light mod socketed in any other armor piece you are wearing.

Enhanced Mod Rebalancing

  • All mods that have an Enhanced version of that mod (e.g. Enhanced Hand Cannon Loader) have had the base mods’ efficacy increased to match that of the Enhanced version of the mod.
    • As a result, those Enhanced mods have been deprecated, and the base mods’ energy costs have been adjusted upward slightly (but are still lower than the equivalent Enhanced mods).
  • Some mods have moved to different slots to create more competition for mod sockets across armor pieces (for example, the Fast Ready mods have moved to the Arms socket).

Raid Mods

  • Starting in Season of the Hunt, Last Wish, Garden of Salvation, and the upcoming Beyond Light raid armors will now drop with a fifth, dedicated armor mod socket that is exclusively for the mods related to that raid.
    • Anti-Taken mods from Last Wish will only function in the Last Wish raid.
    • Anti-Hive mods from the Leviathan raid will be deprecated.
    • Anti-Fallen raid mods from Scourge of the Past will be deprecated.
  • Last Wish and Garden of Salvation armor acquired prior to Season of the Hunt will not have this dedicated armor socket but will still be able to use the mods related to that raid in the new Legacy armor mod socket.

Combat Mods

  • All armor released in Beyond Light and Season of the Hunt, all Last Wish and Garden of Salvation armor acquired starting in Season of the Hunt, and all Armor 2.0 Exotic armor pieces (including those already possessed by players) will have a Combat style mod socket.
    • In Season of the Hunt, this socket will accept all Charged with Light and Warmind Cell mods.
  • All Armor 2.0 armor acquired during Seasons 8 through 11 have had their Seasonal mod sockets replaced with a single, unified Legacy mod socket that can socket all Charged with Light mods, all Warmind Cell mods, all Nightmare Hunt mods, all Garden of Salvation mods, and all Last Wish mods.
  • Banshee-44 now has a chance to sell armor mods from Black Armory, Season 10, and Season 11.

Anti-Champion Mods

  • Anti-barrier rounds will now penetrate Taken Phalanx shields.
  • All Anti-Champion mods have been shifted to armor, rather than taking a weapon mod slot.


  • Increased Hunter's dodge cooldown by a few seconds
    • (E.g. Tier 4 original cooldown: 22 sec. New cooldown: 26 sec)
  • Orbs of Light have been changed to Orbs of Power as they can now be consumed by Light and Dark subclasses.



  • Removed Legacy Nightfall and Heroic story mission nodes.
  • Nightfall: The Ordeal
    • Adjusted Adept recommended Power level to 1180, matchmaking is available at 1150.
    • All versions of Nightfall: The Ordeal now fill player ammo at the start of the activity (like Grandmaster has always done).


  • Merged Gambit and Gambit Prime into a single mode
    • Single round.
    • Gambit Prime encounters, with all a large boss combatants reduced in potency.
    • Gambit Prime mote targets and drain.
    • Gambit Prime blockers, with the Phalanx taking the place of the Captain for 10 motes.
    • Gambit Prime invasion cadence, with longer cooldown between invasions.
    • Gambit boss fight, with increased Primeval health and Slayer buff potency.
    • Removed Gambit Prime armor perks.


  • Updated the Crucible's featured modes:
    • Control
    • Elimination
    • Rumble
    • Glory: Survival
      • Both Survival and Survival: Freelance will be available.
    • Weekly rotator
      • Clash
      • Mayhem
      • Showdown
    • Private matches
    • Limited Availability
      • Iron Banner
      • Iron Banner: Freelance
    • Weekend Availability
      • Trials of Osiris
  • Trials of Osiris
    • Trials of Osiris Power level requirement increased to 1210.
    • Weapons or armor that have ornaments applied to them now correctly show the ornament icon during the Trials intro.
    • Added Adept weapons and weapon mods to Flawless chest rewards.
    • Additional information here (link TWAB).
  • Maps
    • Added physics blockers to some out-of-bounds areas on Altar of Flame.
    • Added physics blockers to some out-of-bounds areas on Exodus Blue.
    • Added physics blockers to some out-of-bounds areas on Cauldron.

Monument to Lost Lights

  • Added the following to the new Monument to Lost Lights vendor in the Tower:
    • Exotic quest weapons from Year 1.
    • Most Exotic quest weapons from Year 2.
    • Exotic Season Pass and quest weapons from Year 3 through 8, 9, and 10.
    • All past pinnacle and ritual quest weapons.
    • Vaulted Raid’s Exotic Weapons.
  • All Exotics require an Exotic cipher, large amounts of Glimmer, a large amount of one planetary materials, and a small amount of Masterworking material.
  • Legendary weapons require a second Masterworking material, rather than an Exotic cipher.
  • Amounts vary between weapons.
  • Added a repeatable source of Exotic ciphers - visit Xur to learn more.
  • Added a new currency, Spoils of Conquest, acquirable only from raids.
    • Spoils of Conquest can be used to acquire Vaulted raid’s Exotic weapons from the Monument to Lost Lights vendor.


  • Fixed an issue where dying while holding Riven's Heart could cause the Heart to disappear.
  • Removed flashpoints.
  • Removed the following Shadowkeep challenges from the Moon:
    • Rune table
    • Repeatable campaign missions
    • Nightmare Hunt completion and time trials
    • Pit of Heresy completion
    • Garden of Salvation completion

Quest Notifications

  • Added notifications in the player's HUD that display whenever a player acquires a new quest, progresses to a new quest step, and completes a quest.
  • Tracking a quest with an associated map location automatically adds a waypoint to that associated location.
  • Added a shortcut to the current Season's Triumphs within the Seasonal tab of the Quest Log.

New Light

  • Greatly expanded the New Light experience
    • Introducing a new introductory campaign that both new players and veteran players can experience.
    • Cosmodrome makes a return as a destination along with new activities and a new NPC.
    • Created additional new user experience tutorials to help explain equipping weapons and armor, quests and bounties, lost sectors, strike matchmaking, and more.
    • Veterans can experience this new campaign should they choose by retrieving the "A Guardian Rises" pursuit from the Quest Archive.
  • The Pain & Gain Exotic quest for Riskrunner has been replaced
    • This quest has been folded into the New Light campaign experience.
  • Subclass Acquisition
    • New Light players who do not have a veteran account with all subclasses unlocked will now acquire alternate subclasses from Ikora
    • New characters can earn pursuits to unlock their additional subclasses by speaking with Ikora after their first strike.
    • All subclass pursuits are class scoped just as their subclasses are.
    • Alternate characters with missing subclasses can acquire them by speaking with Ikora and accepting the subclass pursuit package.
  • Added a new vendor to the Tower, located to the left of the Postmaster.
    • The Quest Archive Vendor functions much like the Destiny 1 Abandoned Quests Kiosk as well as a way to acquire older pursuits.
    • The kiosk has subpages that group the pursuits just as they are seen on your Quests page.
    • Going forward any pursuits abandoned will go to this vendor.
    • Older pursuits can now also be found on this vendor.
    • This is to help ensure that vendors do not become overwhelmed by older content.
  • Triumphs are now unlocked as part of the New Light experience
    • Prior to this moment you will not be able to navigate Triumphs if your account has not yet unlocked them.
    • Unlocking Triumphs on any character enables them for all.
    • There are categories of Triumphs under Lifetime that unlock as a result of claiming adjacent Triumphs.
  • The Season Pass and its rewards are now unlocked as part of the New Light experience
    • Unlocking the Season Pass on any character enables it for the entire account.
    • The first time you unlock the Season Pass you will earn 5 free ranks, up to rank 5.
    • Rested XP is also not enabled until the Season Pass has been unlocked.
    • The moment that the Season Pass is unlocked both Rested XP and Challenges are enabled.
  • Destinations unlock via XP if you do not own the expansion associated with that destination.
    • Unlock Order:
      • Cosmodrome
      • Europa
      • EDZ
      • Nessus
      • Tangled Shore
      • Dreaming City
      • Moon
  • Crucible and Gambit
    • These activities are now unlocked after reaching the Tower and picking up the associated pursuit from Lord Shaxx and Drifter respectively.
    • Completing the first step of either pursuit unlocks the entirety of the activity types modes.
    • These pursuits can be acquired when returning to the Tower after your first strike.
    • They can be picked up, but they will not advertise on the vendor waypoint/tooltip until you've progressed through the game further.
  • Strikes can be unlocked after completing the first step of the strike introduction pursuit provided by Zavala.
  • The Forsaken campaign now has the same introduction behavior as Shadowkeep and Europa.
    • All players regardless of expansions owned get to experience the first mission of the Forsaken campaign upon unlocking the Tangled Shore.
    • Completing this activity is a requirement for unlocking Free Roam on the Tangled Shore.
    • Accounts that own Forsaken will automatically be given the remainder of the campaign and may continue as they see fit.
    • Accounts that do not own Forsaken will be able to pick up the remaining campaign for Forsaken from the Quest Archive vendor once they've purchased it.
    • Accounts that do not own Forsaken can still explore the Tangled Shore and the Dreaming City after having unlocked their patrol zones.
  • Beyond Light
    • Veteran characters who log in and qualify for the start of the Beyond Light campaign will be automatically launched into it.
    • New characters who log in and qualify for the start of the Beyond Light campaign, but have not completed the New Light quest, will not be automatically launched into it.
    • This does not disable a new character from manually starting the Beyond Light campaign.
  • Chaperone Acquisition
    • There is now an alternative pursuit for acquiring the Exotic Shotgun, Chaperone.
      • This pursuit may be acquired via Shaw Han on the Cosmodrome or the Quest Archive Vendor in the Tower.
      • This pursuits requires ownership of Beyond Light.
    • The pre-existing pursuit for Chaperone continues to exist as-is and remains part of the Forsaken expansion. ###Misc
  • Fixed a bug that prevented online friends from showing up in the roster on Stadia for players with over 100 friends.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented players from earning progress on bounties when joining an activity in progress.
    • This most notably impacted Iron Banner bounties, and also caused players to have their artifact power bonus enabled.



  • PC players with compatible NVIDIA cards and drivers will be able to take advantage of Destiny 2 integration with NVIDIA Reflex, reducing "click-to-display" latency during gameplay.


  • Updated lighting in a number of areas on EDZ and Nessus.
  • Updated lighting and sky atmosphere for EDZ.


  • Due to the challenges of voice recording during a global pandemic, different actors had to be used for the following characters:
    • Osiris (Brazilian version)
    • Eris (Brazilian version)
    • Eris (Polish version)
  • We intend to return to the original cast as soon as possible.

Advanced Rendering

  • Lighting improvements and better dark area standardization.
  • Please revisit your brightness settings and tune to your taste.
  • We recommend HDR black point is set to the default middle value for best results.
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Deadline Day Thread

Seen a request for a megathread so thought I'd chuck this up.
Should update every minute and just pulls from BBC transfer page. This was rushed, might not work properly and twitter links aren't working nicely but figured better than nothing.
Auto-update link
  • Celtic confirm Jonjoe Kenny loan deal
  • Rangers announce long-term deals for Jack Simpson and Aberdeen's Scott Wright; Brandon Barker and George Edmundson depart on loans
  • Kevin Nisbet staying at Hibernian as Stevie Mallan departs for Turkey on loan
  • Fraser Hornby, Flo Kamberi & Callum Hendry arrive on loan at Pittodrie, Ross McCrorie signs permanent deal after leaving Rangers
POSTS | via BBC | rushed this, might not work properly
Time Title Content
0:13 The window is shut but we'll keep the live page going until 1am just in case anything happens. Clubs may make some late, late announcements. If you're off to bed then good night and thanks for joining us on the live text throughout the day. And keep an eye on the BBC Sport Scotland website for all the latest news. Remember to join us on Tuesday and Wednesday evening, where we've Scottish Premiership action. Lets see how many of these new signings make their debuts.
0:09 Who has signed who? Here's the deals that have happened todayAberdeen In: Fraser Hornby (Reims, loan), Callum Hendry (St Johnstone, loan), Florian Kamberi (St Gallen, loan), Ross McCrorie (Rangers, transfer) Out: Curtis Main (Shrewsbury, transfer), Bruce Anderson (Hamilton Accies, loan), Scott Wright (Rangers, transfer) Celtic In: Jonjoe Kenny (Everton, loan) Out: Olivier Ntcham (Marseille, loan) Hamilton Academical In: Bruce Anderson (Aberdeen, loan) Hibernian Out: Stevie Mallan (Yeni Malatyaspor, loan), Jamie Gullan (Raith Rovers, loan) Kilmarnock In: Zech Medley (Arsenal, loan), Brandon Pierrick (Crystal Palace, loan) Motherwell In: Eddie Nolan, (Crewe, loan), Jordan Roberts (Hearts, loan) Rangers In: Jack Simpson (Bournemouth, transfer), Scott Wright (Aberdeen, transfer) Out: Brandon Barker (Oxford United, loan), George Edmundson (Derby County, loan), Ross McCrorie (Aberdeen, transfer) St Johnstone Out: Callum Hendry (Aberdeen, loan)
0:07 All done at Motherwell, but look out for another piece of business tomorrow. . .
0:03 Transfer window closed That's the window closed, though as long as clubs have put through their deal before midnight they can announce them whenever they like. Hamilton say they'll reveal more tomorrow. Clubs can also still sign free agents.
23:56 1 Feb McCrorie now officially a Don Ross McCrorie has now joined the Dons permanently on a three-and a-half year deal. The 22-year-old midfielder, who initially arrived at Pittodrie on a season long loan, has already made 23 appearances and scored twice. McCrorie tells the official Aberdeen website: “We’ve still got a lot to play for this season, with some big games in the coming weeks, so there is much to look forward to. “It’s great to see Fraser [Hornby] joining the team, someone I know very well from Scotland Under 21 squads, and I know he’ll be a fantastic addition for us. ”
23:53 1 Feb Rangers confirm Wright move Rangers confirm Scott Wright has signed a four and a half year with the Ibrox club, and joins the club straight away rather than in summer. Wright tells the official Rangers website: "I’m delighted to be here at this massive club and can’t wait to run out at Ibrox for my debut, and then hopefully in front of a full house in the not-too-distant future. “It is a real privilege to have the opportunity to work under a manager like Steven Gerrard and speaking to him and Ross Wilson, I am really impressed with how everyone at the club all have the same aims and ambitions. “I cannot wait to meet my new teammates and get started as a Rangers player. " Rangers manager Steven Gerrard said: “It is very pleasing to have Scott for the rest of this season. This will give him the opportunity to gain some valuable game time in a blue shirt for the rest of the season. “Scott is a player that I have admired and I believe that we can utilise his skill set within our system. He will train with his new teammates tomorrow. ”
23:51 1 Feb McCrorie and Wright deals imminent... Ross McCrorie's loan from Rangers to Aberdeen about to become a permanent transfer, which surely means Scott Wright is also about to be unveiled at Ibrox, with the Dons playmaker having already agreed a pre-contract. Right, the race is on. Who is first to confirm - Aberdeen or Rangers?
23:33 1 Feb O'Donnell extends Motherwell contract Not a new signing, but Scotland full-back and BBC Sportscene pundit Stephen O'Donnell has extended his Motherwell deal until the end of the season.
23:28 1 Feb Rangers confirm Simpson transfer Rangeras have signed defender Jack Simpson on a four and a half year deal. The 24-year-old has English Premier League experience with AFC Bournemouth, and this season has made 12 appearances in the Championship and FA Cup. Ibrox boss Steven Gerrard tells the official Rangers website: "We are delighted to have Jack here. We have been aware of him for some time and excited to finally have him. "Clearly it’s a bonus to have him here now earlier than initially planned. His presence makes us stronger and we are all looking forward to working with him. "
23:20 1 Feb Aberdeen sign Kamberi on loan Aberdeen have confirmed the loan signing of Florian Kamberi from Swiss side St Gallen. The former Hibs and Rangers frontman is the third striker to sign for the Pittodrie side this evening, joining Fraser Hornby and Callum Hendry. Out go Sam Cosgrove, Curtis Main and Bruce Anderson. Manager Derek McInnes tells the official Aberdeen website: "Florian has shown his quality in our league over a period of time and again, once we knew there was an opportunity to get him, we pursued it quite vigorously. "He seems enthusiastic to be here. He has got undoubted quality, experience in this league and we’re hopeful that will help him settle quicker. I’m positive he can have an impact between now and the end of the season. ” Florian will be subject to a work permit process and subsequently, won't be available to face Livingston on Tuesday evening. That means his debut could be against Hibernian at Easter Road at the weekend.
23:16 1 Feb Edmundson leaves Rangers for Derby on loan
23:14 1 Feb Aberdeen signing on the way....
23:08 1 Feb Ntcham to sign permanently for Marseille in summer?
23:04 1 Feb Barker leaves Rangers on loan Brandon Barker has moved to Oxford United until summer.
23:00 1 Feb Nolan joins Motherwell Eddie Nolan has joined Motherwell on loan from Crewe Alexandra on loan until the end of the season. “Eddie is a vastly experienced defender and we’re glad to have him,” said manager Graham Alexander. “I’ve faced him many times with my previous teams and know what he will bring. “He can slot in anywhere across the back four, giving us good competition across all the defensive line. ” The 32-year-old started his career in the English Premier League with Blackburn Rovers, spending time on loan at Stockport County, Hartlepool United and Preston North End. Nolan has more recently spent time with York City, Blackpool and Crewe, and has been capped three times for the Republic of Ireland.
22:56 1 Feb What are we still waiting on? Rangers are expected to announce a signing or two. Aberdeen have been strongly linked with Florian Kamberi. We're also keeping our ears to the door at Motherwell, St Johnstone and Hibernian. And who knows who might spring a surprise or two before the night is done. Remember, although the transfer window in England closes at 11pm, up here in Scotland we keep it going until midnight.
22:48 1 Feb Hamilton to reveal more tomorrow?
22:39 1 Feb Ntcham joins Marseille
22:30 1 Feb Main leaves Aberdeen Curtis Main was a surprise signing for Aberdeen two seasons ago. After just seven goals in 42 appearances he's been allowed to leave to join English League One side Shrewsbury Town. Main, Sam Cosgrove and Bruce Anderson have all departed Pittodrie this evening, with Derek McInnes bringing in Fraser Hornby and Callum Hendry. There's still time for one more arrival before midnight. . . .
22:29 1 Feb One in, one to go at Fir Park? Motherwell sign Jordan Roberts on loan from Hearts. And we're hearing it may not be the last signing the Fir Park club make this evening.
22:22 1 Feb Treble for Celtic Celtic Women make their third signing of the day. They have already brought in Jacynta Galabadaarachchi and Mariah Lee.
22:15 1 Feb Roberts joins Motherwell from Hearts
22:10 1 Feb Lennon not leaving
22:04 1 Feb Rangers signing imminent?
21:57 1 Feb Hamilton end long chase for Anderson Hamilton Academical have signed Bruce Anderson on loan from Aberdeen until summer. The 22-year-old made a dramatic debut for the Dons at 19, coming on as a late substitute against Rangers and scoring a last-minute equaliser. Since then he's had loan spells at Dunfermline and, earlier this season, Ayr United. Accies boss Brian Rice said: “I’m delighted we’ve finally managed to add Bruce to the squad. This is one we’ve been very patient with because we have been interested in Bruce for quite some time. Thankfully we’ve managed to get it over the line on deadline day. “Bruce should fit in well with what we’re trying to do here at Hamilton. He’s a penalty box striker who will compliment the attacking options we’ve already got, so we’re looking forward to getting him started. ” Anderson will join up with the squad tomorrow and could see his first appearance on Wednesday night against Ross County.
21:50 1 Feb Celtic latest Jonjoe Kenny has joined Celtic on loan from Everton for the rest of the season. Celtic boss Neil Lennon wanted the 23-year-old right-back to replace Jeremie Frimpong, who last week joined Bayer Leverkusen. Lennon also hopes to sign a central defender on loan before the midnight transfer deadline. However, the club have missed out on Preston North End's Ben Davies, who has joined Liverpool. Meanwhile, Olivier Ntcham could leave Celtic before the transfer window closes, with the midfielder having been linked with Marseille in his French homeland. Read more
21:45 1 Feb Anderson becomes an Accie Out of favour Aberdeen striker Bruce Anderson has joined Hamilton Academical on loan until summer. Hamilton have also released Justin Johnson and Tunde Owolabi.
21:39 1 Feb Kilmarnock done for the night Kilmarnock have signed two players on loan from England - Zech Medley and Brandon Pierrick. But, it's unlikely there will be any other moves in or out tonight. Read more here
21:32 1 Feb Kenny joins Celtic It's not exactly been a secret, but Jonjoe Kenny joins Celtic on loan from Everton. The right-back replaces Jeremie Frimpong, who last week signed for Bayer Keverkusen.
21:30 1 Feb More Hendry Aberdeen manager Derek McInnes was happy to make his second signing of the day, signing Callum Hendry on loan from fellow Scottish Premiership side St Johnstone. He tells the official Aberdeen website: “I’m delighted we’ve managed to secure Callum on loan. He’s a player we feel can, not only give us a physical presence at the top of the pitch, but he is a player with great potential. “He arrives, along with Fraser [Hornby] and he gives us good options in the forward areas. We’re looking forward to working with him. ” Both players go straight into the squad for the visit of Livingston tomorrow night.
21:16 1 Feb Hendry joins Aberdeen on loan
21:05 1 Feb Medley joins Kilmarnock from Arsenal Zech Medley has joined Kilmarnock on loan until summer from Arsenal. The 20-year-old is described by Arsenal as a tall and powerful central defender. He spent the first half of this season on loan to English League One side Gillingham, where he made 18 appearances. That's Kilmarnock's second signing of the evening, having brought in forward Brandon Pierrick from Crystal Palace earlier.
21:00 1 Feb Celtic sign duo Celtic women's side have made two signings this evening. The wonderfully named Jacynta Galabadaarachchi joins from Napoli. And fellow forward Mariah Lee has also made the move. Summer Green, Anita Marcos & Brenda Castellano all left in January so needed replaced. Fran Alonso's side are currently third in the Scottish Women's Premier League, two points behind Rangers and Glasgow City.
20:49 1 Feb Scottish midfielder Jack Harper is on the move in Spain again. He's joined Villareal's B-team from Getafe on loan.
20:38 1 Feb Nothing happening at Tannadice Info from Dundee United is unlikely any business will be completed this evening so no move for youngster Lewis Neilson to Leicester City.
20:36 1 Feb Gullan moves to Raith Rovers on loan As predicted by BBC Scotland's Brian McLauchlin, Jamie Gullan has left Hibs on loan, signing a deal until summer with Raith Rovers.
20:23 1 Feb Davies stays in England There were reports Celtic were after Ben Davies, but Liverpool have won the race to sign him.
20:18 1 Feb Kilmarnock sign Pierrick Kilmarnock have signed Brandon Pierrick on a loan deal until the end of the season from English Premier League side Crystal Palace. The 19-year-old told the Kilmarnock website: “I’m buzzing to get started and I’m looking forward to impressing and showcasing my talent. “At Palace, they prepare us for men’s football and I’ve been researching Kilmarnock before making the move here so I can’t wait to get to work on the training pitch and meet the rest of the group. ”
20:11 1 Feb Hibs confirm Mallan's Turkey move Hibs confirm Stevie Mallen has moved to Turkey. A move we brought you two hours ago
20:07 1 Feb More Hornby Was probably obvious, but Reims have tweeted to confirm Fraser Hornby's move to Aberdeen is just a loan and there is no option to buy. Hornby tells Aberdeen's Red TV: Delighted to be here. It was something that I really wanted to do, and when the opportunity came about I had in my head this was the place I could come and show what I'm about. "We've been talking most of the month really about what the best thing for me to do. I wasn't playing as much as I'd like to this season due to an number of circumstances. So we had the conversation before the end of the window and this feels like the right thing to do. " You can read more on the story, and quotes from manager, here.
20:03 1 Feb Sterling joins Morton They teased their were signing a Champions League player earlier, and here he is at Cappielow, Kazaiah Sterling. With Scotland now having two Champions League qualification places, his chances of getting there with Morton have doubled. . .
19:52 1 Feb Hendry next to move to Pittodrie? St Johnstone midfielder Callum Hendry could be another addition for Aberdeen on transfer deadline day. That would make space for a late addition to Saints squad. . . the clock is ticking!
19:43 1 Feb Morton tease That's what we're talking about. Let the guessing game begin. . . . Tweet us on #BBCSportScot with your guesses.
19:40 1 Feb Moves for Gullan & Wighton, and what about those Stewart rumours? Potentially one more piece of business for Hibs tonight with striker Jamie Gullan possibly heading out on loan. Dunfermline are hoping to agree deal with Hearts for Craig Wighton. The striker is in the final four months of his current deal with Hearts and the Fifers are keen on a pre-contract, but would take him now if terms were favourable. The suggestions that Rangers winger Greg Stewart could be on the move to either Motherwell or Ross County appear wide of the mark. Information is he is going nowhere for the last few months of his contract.
19:35 1 Feb Hornby signs on loan for Aberdeen Aberdeen have signed Scotland U21 forward Fraser Hornby on loan from French club Reims until summer. The 21-year-old former Everton frontman signed for the Ligue 1 side in summer, but has not appeared in the first team since September. Hornby has 10 goals in 18 appearances for Scotland U21s. After Aberdeen drew 0-0 for the second time in four days against Livingston on Saturday, boss Derek McInnes said the club needed a new number nine. That's one in the door, will they add another before the night is out?
19:29 1 Feb Deal done at Aberdeen?
19:23 1 Feb Swap deal Thomas Duncan has left the chat. Andrew Southwick is taking over the live text from now. First deal of the day is trying to order the gaffer a takeaway, that I told him I ordered half an hour ago.
19:17 1 Feb You can browse a list of ALL the Premiership ins and outs from this window here.
19:16 1 Feb What's happening? Here's a quick recap of where we're at on this, err, quiet deadline day.
19:10 1 Feb We've had stories on Hibs, Aberdeen, Rangers, Celtic, St Johnstone, but it's been pretty quiet at the rest of the Premiership clubs. The current global pandemic is probably the main reason for that. Still plenty of time for a few twists and turns of course!
19:06 1 Feb Currently crawling to the finishing line in about 15 minutes, when I can get my dinner, and a brave colleague takes over. Any chance of some news?
19:01 1 Feb
18:52 1 Feb Will Scott Wright make an impact on the Rangers team? Or will he be a squad player? What do you think Rangers fans? Get in touch on Twitter @BBCSportScot.
18:47 1 Feb Wright heading for Ibrox Aberdeen and Rangers have agreed a fee which will see Scott Wright move to Ibrox now. The player had signed a pre-contract to join Steven Gerrard's side in the summer. But he will move south in this window after the Dons accepted an offer understood to be around £175,000.
18:43 1 Feb
18:39 1 Feb All gone a bit quiet, after a wee flurry of news. St Mirren chief executive Tony Fitzpatrick now on Sportsound. His club doing brilliantly. Might he upgrade the top-six finish prediction????
18:30 1 Feb Is Derek McInnes planning to respond to a run of four goalless draws in eight games by fielding a team of 11 strikers?
18:24 1 Feb In the new age, deals are announced at the last minute as clubs prepare the scintillating social content and 'exclusive' first interview with their new man. Won't someone think of the journalists? Nope? Fair enough.
18:16 1 Feb Sportsound is on air NOW - hit the speaker button at the top of the page to listen.
18:11 1 Feb Simpson is Ibrox-bound Bournemouth's Jack Simpson has arrived in Glasgow, as he looks to agree a switch to Rangers tonight, having already agreed a pre-contract to join in the summer. Excited, Rangers fans?
18:04 1 Feb Nisbet staying at Hibs Kevin Nisbet will NOT be making the move from Hibernian to Birmingham City in this transfer window. The Easter Road club have turned down all approaches by the English Championship club for the player they signed last summer from Dunfermline for £300,000.
17:59 1 Feb DONE DEAL A real live transfer. . .
17:50 1 Feb As if this season wasn't going bad enough for Celtic, and you're somewhat bizarrely beaten to a signing by the Premier League champions, who are basically filling their injury-hit defence in the short-term.
17:46 1 Feb
17:42 1 Feb Aberdeen fans, if you finish tonight with Florian Kamberi and Fraser Hornby as your striking options, would you be happy? With Sam Cosgrove going out, are those two adequate replacements? Tweet us your thoughts @BBCSportScot. Or, you know, vote with your thumbs. . .
17:36 1 Feb Some interesting quotes from Celtic boss Neil Lennon, who seems clear that he's not leaving the club anytime soon. "Why would it be my intention to go?" Lennon said, when asked if he had considered following chief executive Peter Lawwell out of the club at the end of the season. "Peter's decision has got nothing to do with my position at all, or my coaches or any of the players. So I don't understand the context of the question at all. "
17:30 1 Feb Comings and goings at Fir Park? Motherwell have already announced Robbie Crawford and Charles Dunne are hanging about at Fir Park for longer, but will there be more coming in or going out? It could be a late one tonight with signings expected in, but looks like captain Declan Gallagher, who was linked with a move away last month, may well be staying. Keep your eyes on our live page for more updates.
17:25 1 Feb Interestingly, Celtic boss Neil Lennon also said earlier that Olivier Ntcham is in talks about a move away from the club. That one's been in the pipeline for a while. Plenty talent, but not really shown it consistently enough for Celtic. Or should the club have got more out of him?
17:19 1 Feb Celtic await Kenny arrival Celtic manager Neil Lennon says a loan deal for Everton right-back Jonjoe Kenny should "signed and sealed" at some point. The Celtic boss wants the 23-year-old defender to replace Jeremie Frimpong, who last week joined Bayer Leverkusen.
17:15 1 Feb Busy night at Pittodrie... Reports circling that Aberdeen have paid £150,000 to get Ross McCrorie's move made permanent now (was meant to be £350,000 in the summer), with Scott Wright heading to Ibrox immediately rather than in the summer.
17:00 1 Feb Wotherspoon signs new Saints deal
16:50 1 Feb Nisbet: staying or going? Robert Grieve, the Scottish Sun's chief football writer, reports that Hibs' striker Kevin Nisbet wants out, after Birmingham City had a bid knocked back. Earlier today, head coach Jack Ross said both Nisbet and Ryan Porteous, also the subject of interest, trained this morning and are in his plans for tomorrow night's game against St Mirren. It could be a tense wait for Hibs fans tonight. . .
16:42 1 Feb Ibrox activity Bournemouth manager Jason Tindall said in a news conference earlier that Jack Simpson to Rangers is "more than likely going to happen" today, bringing forward his move having signed a pre-contract deal to switch to Ibrox in the summer. His Cherries team-mate Nnamdi Ofoborh is also expected to sign a pre-contract, having agreed to move to Wycombe on loan for the rest of this season.
16:34 1 Feb Saints still eyeing Gilmour deal St Johnstone manager Callum Davidson is hopeful of adding at least one new player to his squad - but is also surprised that his phone hasn't been ringing about midfielder Ali McCann. Davidson reckons the 21-year-old Northern Ireland international has been his best performer this season and McCann was in the spotlight again with a fine winner in Saints' 3-2 win away to Kilmarnock. "I think I'm just going to switch my phone off tonight," the manager joked. However, Davidson is still hopeful of completing the signing of former Arsenal midfielder Charlie Gilmour, the 21-year-old who has impressed on trial after being released by Norwich City.
16:26 1 Feb McEneff checks in at Hearts
16:22 1 Feb Scott Burns of the Daily Record is reporting that former Hibernian and Rangers striker Florian Kamberi is close to joining Aberdeen on loan from Swiss side St Gallen. What do you make of that, Aberdeen fans?
16:18 1 Feb Aberdeen 'admire' target Hornby Aberdeen manager Derek McInnes is "very busy" trying to get in a striker to replace Sam Cosgrove, according to assistant Tony Docherty. The Dons are hoping to sign Scotland Under-21 top goalscorer Fraser Hornby on loan from Stade de Reims. "He is certainly a player we really admire and we think is a good young player and would be a good addition," Docherty said. "You are never there until you are there. We are endeavouring to do all we can as club to get things over the line. " On Rangers' immediate pursuit of their pre-contract signing, Scott Wright, Docherty said: "I can't comment on that, other people are working on that as we speak, purely speculation at the moment. "
16:11 1 Feb Not a signing, but...
16:08 1 Feb Welcome! I've settled in with a coffee and massive slab of cake from the canteen, all set for a long night of transfer activity (or not?). Will Kevin Nisbet leave Hibs? Can Aberdeen replace Sam Cosgrove? We'll have every in and out of the night, and plenty of errr 'banter' in between. Stick with us.
submitted by SFMatchThreadder to ScottishFootball [link] [comments]

A guide to Comic Cards for MFF v6.8

Another update for my Comic Cards guide (god, it's been nearly 3 years since the last one). Includes everything major released since the previous guide was made; plus some formatting changes to increase readability.
I did away with the Premium Card review and recommended options section for non-premium cards from the previous guide since I feel that those are just not that useful anymore (P-cards have varying degrees of usefulness based on your needs and crafting providing even more options; plus non-premium cards are not that useful in the end-game and this is just also re-hashing in-game information). Let me know if anyone wants those sections back in.


This guide is an attempt to help you decide which cards to use at different stages of your progression in-game. Also included is a review of all premium cards in the game as well as information on some of the better non-premium cards that you should consider for your card set in the early game.
Comic Card Basics
Comic Card Basics (Expanded)
Rare/Premium Cards
Card Crafting

Stat Priority

The primary motivation for building a card set is to consider which stats you intend to focus on. While there is no 100% correct answer to this question, I'd recommend these as the 'primary' stats you should focus on, in no particular order.
Primary stat recommendations
Sub-Stats Recommendation
These are what I feel are good 'sub-stats'; that is focus on these once you're comfortable with the level of your primary stats.
Bad stats
These are stats I do not recommend that you look for in cards simply because they do not provide enough benefit. These 'bad' stats are:

Card Set Building Tips

Players frequently ask on the subreddit daily question thread in regards to their card set, whether it be how they should prioritize stats on their card sets, or whether it's worthwhile to replace card X with card Y. As someone who has played this game for over 4 years and know the ins and outs of most game systems; here are some of my tips:

Sample Card Set Recommendations

These are my recommendations (as a sample) on how I would go about building my card sets were I to start as a beginner with my current game knowledge.
Super Early/Beginner Card Set
Early in the game, your primary source of cards is going to be Dimension Missions, either through mission drops or the Support Shop. What I'd suggest is to first equip a set of 4* cards with whatever rolls you get, then focus on equipping 4* cards that have good rolls on the random options (I'll mention the good rolls below). For 4* cards with bad rolls, you can keep them in the hopes you combine them and get a good 6* version of the card you have.
Below is my recommendation for the 4* cards you should aim for at first, with the random options as below:
With these cards, your stats will look like this (assuming you use the 5 cards except for Marvel Zombies and all cards are quality 4):
Card All Attack SCD Ignore Defense Physical Attack Energy Attack Attack Speed
Loki #17 7 7 5.1 0 0 5.4
Starlord #2 0 5.4 7 5.1 0 0
Groot #5 0 5.4 7 0 5.1 0
Nebula (Avengers #318 5.1 5.4 7 0 0 0
Uncanny X-Men #8 7 5.4 0 0 5.1 0
Total 19.1 28.6 26.1 5.1 10.2 5.4
This is a good card set for the early game, with a good amount of SCD and Ignore Defense to help in preparing for high-level content like World Boss, Shadowland, Alliance Battle and more.
As I mentioned above, the method I suggest to go about building this set is to start by making a 4* version of each card and equipping them immediately, replacing the equipped cards once you find better rolls on newer 4* cards. The waste 4* cards should be saved to convert them into 5* and 6* cards that should hopefully be an upgrade over the cards you have equipped.
Intermediate/Free Card Set
This is a card set that can be easily built by F2P players, since it requires zero crystal expenditure. 2 cards mentioned in this set are farmable from rifts and the other 3 cards you can obtain from free card chests like the Support Shop or Shadowlands. I put this card set in as a recommendation for those players who want to graduate from the beginner card set while still require no expenditure on comic cards.

Card All Attack SCD Ignore Defense Physical Attack Energy Attack Attack Speed
Loki #17 9 9 5.1 0 6 5.4
Starlord #2 6 5.4 9 5.1 0 0
Groot #5 6 5.4 9 0 5.1 0
Civil War #4 9 5.4 0 5.1 6 0
Punisher #19 6 5.4 9 0 0 9
Total 36 30.6 32.1 10.2 17.1 14.4
With 45+ All Attack, 30+ Ignore Defense and SCD as well as ~15% Attack Speed, this is a good card set for the intermediate stages of the game.
Intermediate Set 2 (Upgraded Set)
If you can make use of some of the rare cards or Legendary Battle Premium cards, this is a set you can aim to build. Otherwise, you can skip building this set ad go straight for the Premium Card set mentioned below. Note that the rare cards are rare for good reason, keep a close eye on the SHIELD Lab and Co-Op Play rewards so that you don't miss the chance of getting one.

Card All Attack SCD Ignore Defense Physical Attack Energy Attack Attack Speed
Loki #17 9 9 5.1 0 6 5.4
Black Panther #35/Civil War #5 6 5.1 9 9 0/5.7 5.4
Loki #2/Avengers Origins Thor 6 5.1 9 0 9 5.4
Civil War #4 9 5.4 6 5.1 0 0
Gwenpool #1 9 5.4 0 0 6 5.7
Total 39 30 29.1 14.2 21/26.7 21.9
Premium Card Set
The meat of the card set recommendations, this is the kind of set you should be aiming for down the line, whenever that is. My card set recommendation is PvE heavy since I don't have experience in competitive PvP, so any input would be appreciated.
Card All Attack SCD Ignore Defense Physical Attack Energy Attack Attack Speed
Loki #17 9 9 5.1 0 6 5.4
Uncanny Avengers #14 9 9 5.1 5.4 5.7 6
Civil War #5 6 5.4 9 9 5.7 0
GotG:BSE #1 9 5.4 0 6 5.7 5.1
ASM #605 9 0 9 5.7 5.4 5.1
Total 42 28.8 28.2 26.1 28.5 21.6
Note that this still doesn't have all 5 Premium Cards, and that is because P-Cards will have difficulty in getting a balance of stats this good (they will typically have one lop-sided stat like high Energy Attack and low Physical Attack; or low Ignore Defense with high attack stats and so on). A full set of 5 P-cards with balanced stats only comes into play once you start crafting the cards.

Crafting Premium Cards

Crafting Premium Cards should be considered as the way forward for upgrading card sets, because not only does it provide card stats that you might have low amounts of on your card sets, it also provides an avenue for getting additional Pierce Damage (highly desirable for PvE modes, especially Knull WBL) or Concentration. Crafted stats become a viable source of sub-stats that you might otherwise be reluctant to get from the main stats on your card: like Max HP (for PvE rosters), Crit Rate/ Damage, Dodge etc. and help cap Ignore Defense or SCD for your roster.
If you do not want anything from crafted stats, you should still consider trying to get 6 blue stars on a single card for the 5% Pierce Damage, which would be a big help for high-level PvE game-modes.
Based on my breakdown of the primary/secondary/bad stats; here's the stats to prioritize for the given crafted stage:

Crafting Grade Recommended Stats (bold for main)
Grade 1 Dodge Rate/Recovery Rate
Grade 2 HP/ Movement Speed
Grade 3 Ignore Defense
Grade 4 Critical Damage
Grade 5 Attack Speed/Critical Rate/Skill Cooldown
Grade 6 All Attack/Energy Attack/Physical Attack
As you can see, even the worst Premium Card at maxed crafted stats with only 2-3 good rolls of choice will easily out-perform any non-Premium Card with perfect rolls. This is why Card Crafting is now the future of maximizing your card sets.
The main recommendations for Ignore Defense and Skill Cooldown only make sense if you haven't been able to reach the cap on your Tier-3/Transcended characters without significant investment with uru/uniform options. Else, go for the next best option.

Comic Card Collections

Introduced with update 3.5, collections are a new way of giving you the slight edge you need or crave. Just get a card up to mythic and you'll automatically add it to the collection; feel free to do anything with the card later (use it as re-roll fodder would be my advice, if you don't need the card anymore). Completing collections gives you a small bonus to a fixed stat (from +1% to a maximum of +5%).
Some of the more lucrative collections (like ones that give SCD or All Attack) require you to get a Premium Card or rare card in order to complete the set.
I'd say explicitly focusing on completing card collections just to get the set bonus stat is not worth it. The bonuses are minimal (though useful) and not worth the hassle in terms of crystals or money. Just focus on upgrading your card set naturally and lock down a card for upgrading if you chance across one of the rarer cards. Complete some of the easier to do ones like Punisher, Secret Wars:2099, Ant-Man, Clash of Ideas, Secret Wars etc. and keep working on the other tougher ones so that you can immediately complete them when chancing upon the corresponding Premium/rare card.

Addendum: Comic Card Quality Chance

Taken directly from the odds published by NM in this post here\1]), I thought I'd include it in my guide since it deserves special mention. This table denotes the chance of getting a given quality on a mythic/Premium card once you use another mythic card to re-roll:

Card Quality Chance
1 10%
2 20%
3 28%
4 25%
5 10%
6 5%
7 2%
As you can see, you have a roughly 2 in 5 chance (42%) of getting a quality 4 and above card, or a 1 in 6 chance (17%) of getting a quality 5 and above card. Which is why I recommend having a high quality Premium Card when you are ready to craft it.

Closing Thoughts

This is going to be my last post on the subeddit; whether it be guide-type or otherwise (though I'll still lurk around and ocassionally comment on other posts). If you're looking for an update to my other guides (like the average cost of premium items in the Dimension Chest that had their odds changed over time or the hidden buffs/debuffs list, among others); those are not going to come in the form of a Reddit post, if they ever happen. Instead, you can keep an eye out on the subreddit wiki in case I ever decide to update them (you can send a PM if you want to see your guide on the wiki ASAP).
I hope this guide provides to you some pointers on how to prioritize the stats to focus on from your card set and then tailor a card set based on the stats you've decided to focus on.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by DarkGamerZero to future_fight [link] [comments]

“No, no; you ENJOY my railroading.”: DM Worship, Shattered Friendships and Twenty-Four Dead Campaigns [Part 1]

Content Warnings: Emotional abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, suicidal thoughts
Note: I wrote this horror story about three weeks ago. Since then, enough new horror on top has come to light about this DM to write another story of similar length, involving false rape allegations, sexual predation, demanding and controlling behaviour, turning friends against each other, lying about his day-to-day life and age to appear older than us, spreading false rumours about us to each other, pity-farming, exploiting another very vulnerable player to worship him, and much more. This is a story that just seems to get worse and worse the more our group of survivors talk about it. That said, I hope you enjoy this initial dose of horror. Happy reading.
I never imagined I’d be penning up the next story here. I’ve had my fair share of lite horror stories, sure: the nice-enough lad who wanted to play an excessively edgy Prototype-inspired homebrew class for Waterdeep Dragon Heist, the duergar wizard who had an obsession with Prestidigitation and cleaning soiled objects to the point of screaming at the DM about whether or not a bag of holding had a bottom to it, the barbarian altering his Roll20 sheet settings and macros to add hard-to-catch bonuses to his rolls, etc… but never anything bad enough to justify a full vent piece here.
Yet I finally had one: the worst one, involving me realising a former 'serious, abusive problem player' of our group - someone who wrote up a popular story here ('DM ruins Curse of Strahd by adding his Sorcadinlock Self Insert who’s “coincidentally” also Strahd’s brother') - wasn’t actually a problem player at all, and was right in it about many things. They were totally justified to be as pissed off as they were. Unsettlingly, I realised I’d helped enable horror-story behaviour towards that poor player myself and become an accomplice without even realising it. For reference to u/newt__noot's HorrorStory linked above, we're talking about the same DM here (named 'Rob' in Newt's story).
This is a really big story with a lot to unpack, given this has come from years and years of many campaigns with the same problem DM. I’ll try to condense it as much as I can into sections. For context’s sake, know that we’ve often identified these problems with the DM before and tried to diplomatically raise them as his friend and fellow player, and nine times out of ten been shot down hard for it and made to feel guilty or as if we’re irrational for seeing the issue or thinking of it as such.
So. Context time, my friends. I write wordy, with apologies in advance, so snuggle up with some cocoa and a blanket.
I’ve played D&D for many years. The man who helmed most of my groups is, for the sake of exchanged names, called Alex in this story. For the last five years, Alex has been the first man I’ve met who I can genuinely say I’d take a bullet for. He taught me how to write fiction, be a great Dungeon Master, and though we weren’t of blood, called me his brother. I grew up in a not-so-great household, and so did he. When he told me he considered us that close, I cried. I cried like a baby with joy and felt seen and loved for weeks, and finally knew what a life-long friendship as an adult was supposed to feel like. Only a cult leader could hope to compete with his incredible charisma, and he always became crowned by everyone as the ‘Group Dad’ of every D&D and friendship group we formed. He was only two years older than any of us, or so we thought, but had the incredible wisdom, insight and maturity of a man far older. He was creative, intelligent, and the sort of guy who could give you lectures on random topics for hours and have you captivated the entire time.
For the first few years, he was a wonderful friend. He was supportive, caring, loyal, and we loved him. We all got him gifts and made tokens of affection for him, and he did so back. And he was an incredible writer. His worldbuilding, character voices, NPCs and descriptions felt on-par with Matt Mercer, and I don’t say that lightly. We often fawned over how we felt we had our very own Critical Role at points. However, we had problems - for one, games never lasted. We got through twenty-four in the last three years. Most were Alex’s. A good chunk were mine that Alex convinced me to stop running, despite the rest of the group wanting to keep playing them (except one. One was pretty crummy. We were all okay with that one going). I can name every single one and what they were about, if I sit down to list them. Each and every one lasted either only one or two sessions, or never started at all. In almost every case, we had those sessions, loved them and our characters, and Alex turned around afterwards and gave a seemingly-compelling excuse as to why we couldn’t do that one anymore - or, turned to me when I DM’d, and spent hours justifying to me why my game was bad and how despite the others loved it, I needed to shut it down, ‘be a player for a while’, and make a new one ‘in the future’ (read: repeat this all over again one month from now).
Ironically, this cycle is what’s caused us to finally wake up and realise the true issues we’ve had with our group. It’s only with the sheer exhaustion and apathy towards D&D we’ve developed as a result that it’s become apparent there’s problems. Each of us have made enough characters to, for each player individually, populate entire taverns. Every single one of them was lovingly crafted, had full backstories, completed sheets, planned potential development arcs, roleplay plans with fellow players, theme tunes picked out, the full shebang. Every single one of them has not been used for any longer than two sessions, except for one unusually long-lived game where we mercifully got a whopping 25 sessions… and then Alex said he didn’t want to run it anymore, and wouldn’t allow anyone else to take the DM’ing role on it, given that it was his world and it ‘wouldn’t feel right’ given he wanted to use it for a book.
Whenever we asked to reuse these aborted characters, we were firmly told no, with only one exception ever being made. Alex always wanted to try new genres and ideas not everyone was really on board with, but we went along with because he was a good enough narrator to make them interesting, but even if a new game was in the same genre as the last, reusing characters wasn’t allowed. Yes, even if we hadn’t played a single session with them. Alex made new worlds with every campaign, spending entire weeks worldbuilding down to entire personality profiles and written physical descriptions for every NPC (and insisting this was the only way to DM properly for me, showing me incredible disapproval whenever I used a more improv-heavy DM’ing style and telling me I wasn’t going about it right). Whenever he made these worlds, you had to make an entirely new character to fit that world. No redos. Suffice it to say, all of us ran out of character ideas quickly, and eventually simply didn’t want to make characters anymore.
That’s the core issue, so feel free to stop reading there if that’s already a lot. But, if you’re hungry for more, there’s more, all in the delightful flavours of gaslighting, manipulation and general emotional abuse. God knows I have the need to get it all out in writing at this point, so if you do read on, I hope this is both enjoyable and serves as insight into some serious and harder-to-read red flags than your typical stories. I’ll write up the problems we faced and stories in sections from here.

1.) “Your game will fail unless you only run it for 10 sessions, tops. Otherwise, it’s doomed. You might as well cancel if you don’t want to do that, because I know your style, and you’re not the sort of DM who can manage a big game.”
Alex runs his games in a very ‘compact’ way, taking modules of D&D and crunching them down to about ten or so sessions. Whenever we raised concerns about this, he’d always insist that this was the way our group needed to run these games, or we’d ‘lose interest and the campaign would collapse’. The result of this was a heavily railroaded, watered-down version of D&D where our characters were funnelled into situations we didn’t truly get a say in.
Alex always seemed to initially support and enjoy my campaigns. He was incredibly helpful from a mentoring standpoint and gave me no end of advice that, honestly, was very good in the early years. I attribute much of my players’ happiness in my games to his lessons. Though the advice became more questionable in recent years, he always told me he enjoyed my worlds a lot and wanted to play in them.
However, in the last two years, five of the games I’ve run have seen the same cycle occur. Alex joins as a player for session one with a beautifully thought-out character and decked-out character sheet. The characters are almost always a bit edgy and reflect some of his personal flaws, but that’s okay. We all often made characters like that. It doesn’t harm anyone and can actually be quite fun, especially for the player, so I allow it. They usually have a good chunk of reflavouring to bend the rules. Again, totally okay; it’s small things like allowing for STR-modifiers on bows, like Pathfinder’s Composite Longbows, or having a rope wound round their starting spear so they can pull it back after throwing. A lot of the reflavours are really cool, and reflect Alex’s talent for building interesting and compelling characters off the bat.
We play session one. It’s usually well-liked with some small issues that get brought up, oftentimes pacing. Alex had us run this routine for a long time of giving reviews of sessions when they were done, rating them out of ten and giving likes and dislikes. If the session scored an aggregate score of 80% of less between all players, whether it was him or me DM’ing, he considered it a failure and made his views known through his behaviour and how he spoke to you afterwards. If session one of my games were very successful and loved by all, he’d stick around for another. If a single session beyond that was ever simply ‘good’ or ‘great’ rather than ‘outstanding’, he’d be very cold, then lose all his enthusiasm and go very quiet about the game.
Then, he’d make excuses about not being able to attend for the next sessions. I’d often try and postpone to accommodate him (much to the others’ frustration when it became more common to postpone than actually play), and he’d quite fairly insist on having the group run without him - but he was my mentor. He was the one who supported me and taught me to DM. Honestly, I was quite codependent on him in an unhealthy way, much like all of us to a smaller extent. At the time, I felt I needed him to see and approve of my campaigns to be truly happy.
Eventually though, it didn’t matter what I did. After enough weeks or months had passed (and especially quickly if I began running sessions without Alex, as per his suggestion), Alex would pop into my DMs out of nowhere and begin suggesting I kill my own campaigns that he hadn’t played in for any longer than the openings.
Alex stuck around in my games for no longer than two sessions, and that wasn’t even continuous. Each time, he successfully convinced me to kill the campaign afterwards. I always hard a sharp reaction of “What?! Why? No!” to him at first, but then he’d start talking. “It had a weak start”, “You can do better”, “They don’t really like your game. I know what they like, so-and-so does this when they like a game and did you see them do that in yours?”, “The other players will understand. You’re the DM, too! Your fun matters!”. Every time, I was steadily made, usually over private voice calls that lasted multiple hours, to believe that I didn’t enjoy my own games. In truth, I actually enjoyed them plenty and loved them dearly until Alex started working that Natural 20 Persuasion of his.
It wasn’t until the fifth one where two of my players, rightfully so, confronted me. I’d run eight sessions without Alex, and they were having a lot of fun with the game. It was the furthest we’d ever gotten in one of my games with Alex hovering around our server. The two players both adored their characters. They had a LOT of roleplay planned out. They had been fawning over the world. They were sick of me letting Alex cancel their games over, and over, and over again.
They demanded an explanation from me. I began very calm and thought they were acting irrationally, running Alex’s reasonings through my mind. Alex was preparing to run his own game (again) and had spent three months prepping for it. Yes, this game later crashed and died after two sessions solely because Alex refused to run it again despite us asking for more, but at the time, Alex had convinced me this was the One:™: that would survive… again. Alex told me it would be selfish to continue with my game if we ran frequently at all, such as a weekly or biweekly schedule, as it would ‘take the focus away from [his] game’. In his words, “the only way you can do this without quite frankly sacrificing this new game I’ve worked on is to run it once a month, if that, maybe once every three months.” He calmly and gently, in that all-too-rational voice, described to me that it’s only natural that players in two or three games at once would naturally like one more than the other. If they liked my game more, his efforts would be wasted. My game had less work put into it than his given I clearly didn’t work as hard as he did on my worlds, which he’d spend countless hours daily for months on, and so it wasn’t fair to him for me to take the spotlight away from his new campaign. Equally, another player was running an ailing game that we both knew and admitted to each other sadly was not going to last due to their personal circumstances, but Alex insisted that I’d be doing that player a disservice by taking the light off their game, too.
My players questioned me, having a hunch that Alex was the reason I’d cancelled yet another game, and I proved them right by parroting this rhetoric to them. They felt extremely hurt I put Alex’s feelings ahead of theirs and challenged every word, and not without reason. As I had the conversation, I gradually found myself stopping short of sentences, losing my train of thought - everything I was repeating from Alex to placate my players was making less and less sense. I felt myself getting angry and upset mid-conversation as I realised I’d killed a campaign that my players and I loved for no real good reason, and upset them and myself deeply as a result. I logged off shortly after.
Without inserting personal problems too much into this, it’s worth noting I do have moderate depression. It’s thankfully on the mend and I’m managing it well. The reason I mention it is because that night was the last time I experienced a severe suicidal episode, and made plans to end my life. I’m a very sensitive person naturally, but my codependence with him put me in a position where I realised I couldn’t get out of it without upsetting my players or Alex. Alex was still in my head after I sided with him, though, and I found myself feeling heart-wrenched and guilty. I saw myself as the bad guy who was damaging Alex’s beloved new game and being a poor friend to our fellow player who ran their own. I took his reasoning as truth, and it made me believe I was a bad enough, inconsiderate person to not deserve to continue my life. Thankfully, I ended up in hospital and got further support and help for my state, and was home by the following afternoon.
Sadly enough, Alex was already then in a state of barely messaging any of us, or taking literally weeks to reply to us. My best friend, who I felt owed me a serious apology but I couldn’t stand up to, never learned nor to this day knows he put me in hospital overnight with his selfishness. It makes me furious to this day, and I’m no longer convinced he would even care if he learned that. We now believe Alex simply never wanted anyone else to DM; or, at least, DM successfully. He wasn’t exactly supportive of our mutual friend’s campaign, either.

2.) “Considering you clearly can’t take down his challenge alone, like ALL your challenges, my DMPC/the random inconsequential NPC finishes off the BBEG for you.”
Secondly, Alex had a severe issue with deus ex machina. Overpowered supportive NPCs we never asked for help from were used over and over again to make our player characters feel clownish, and destroyed our own hopes for and perceptions of them. He had an intensely-ingrained philosophy of applying JRPG mechanics or design ideas from his favourite recently-played video games into his D&D campaigns, and designed them quite literally as if he was a director on such a project.
Alex introduced various restrictive, arbitrary video-gamey mechanics into his campaigns that destroyed our immersion and punished us for things we had no agency to control. In one recent game, we had a period of time - a week - to resolve a serious incoming invasion of an army upon the capital city of the setting. We were level 3, and this was our first quest as a party, the hook being that we were prophesied heroes who everyone looked upon with great awe and expectations. We were told that for every day we did something to prepare, we would be forced to take an ‘off-day’ where we were physically incapable of doing anything to prepare. No reason was given. Later, we were told a consequence of ‘our actions’ were that the people of the city considered us lazy and were growing restless with the fact we were sitting around and doing nothing, despite the fact Alex had insisted we must spend those days essentially jacking off in a tavern with nothing better on our minds. We weren’t even allowed to roleplay during these off-days or handle downtime tasks. It was a small thing, but each of us felt frustrated. Our characters wouldn’t have sat around doing nothing, or if they did need a rest, they would’ve used that time to talk and get to know each other better, considering they’d only just met and needed to work together on an impossible-seeming suicide mission. As such, we were incredibly unsatisfied. Any attempts at roleplaying were often cut short and we were ushered along very quickly to the ‘next bit of content’ before we could exchange any more than a couple of sentences.
And don’t get me started on feeling useless or clownish. We told Alex out of character that we loved his DMPC’s personality and characterisation, because it was legit really good. Remember, Alex was an truly amazing storyteller and great actor. However, we didn’t want him to one-up us. If he had a DMPC, he was a fellow player and had the same limitations as a player. “I promise,” Alex had told us.
At level 11, Alex hurled a CR 27 custom dragon at us for a chase sequence that we only survived because his DMPC stopped the carriage and cut a mountain in half with his sword. For reference, this is the first time we, as players, had ever faced a dragon in his games, and the fucking thing was more jacked statblock-wise than an Ancient Red Dragon. I saw it. This thing would wipe a level 20 party. It would rival Tiamat. This wasn’t an encounter we were supposed to stumble into, Alex insisted, but beforehand, he had made a hidden roll and made a small awkward laugh as if he’d randomly gotten it on a random encounter table. I’ve co-DM’d with Alex before. Alex does not use random encounter tables. He had the statblock ready to go in our Roll20 while we were level 11, and he doesn’t fill in stats unless he expects to use that creature soon. He often forced us into ridiculously dangerous fights where we’d need outside help to win and could never handle problems for ourselves. This was deliberate, and I firmly believe that, though I have honestly no clue why except to further highlight how weak our party was compared to his DMPC and saviour NPCs.
During the final battle of the first arc of that game, level 10, his same DMPC fought the final boss by himself while half the party were in a basement fighting a much weaker henchman whose CR no longer posed us a threat, then barely escaping a stupidly high escape-DC instant death explosion as a ‘cool set piece’ that felt more like an unnecessary, unfair death trap to ‘up the stakes’. We got up top just in time to see him move into a pocket dimension where he claimed each strike he made against the BBEG was for us. It was absolutely insulting. We had the entire final boss and BBEG stolen from us and relegated to a DMPC’s personal moment. We were cool with DMPCs getting their own arcs and personal moments, but not that, dear fucking god. If it’d been another party member getting to 1v1 the final boss from the get-go until victory then we’d be just as upset. This was supposed to be a group challenge.
Two of our characters never even saw the BBEG’s face during the entire campaign. Before that game died, I’d actually intended to bring it up in roleplay - “huh, what did that guy even look like? I never actually saw him.” Cheeky, I know, but we were all getting upset. That said, Alex proclaimed himself a forever DM (partially now we realise because he never could accept that other DMs don’t tend to run how he does and feels the need to always do it himself), and the guilt of telling him he couldn’t or shouldn’t get to roleplay as a DMPC was too thick for us to deal with at that time. His life was in a shit place. This was one of the few things that made him happy. Nobody wanted to be the one to tell him his precious hero was overpowered and too much. Do that, and you become the asshole of the group. You make things awkward.
Alex’s character was a Paladin-Sorcerer-Warlock multiclass at one point. Roleplay reasoning? None. No, literally none. I can see the Sorcerer side a teeny bit, sure. But he took no Oath or Pact at any point. He just suddenly had the full class switchup after a solo fight scene earlier in the campaign with the BBEG (it lasted twenty minutes. Yes, we sat and watched. Yes, that was more okay to us - again, we approved for him to have some sort of personal moment here and there, but it was frustrating that he was getting the bulk of the interaction with the BBEG even back then). He came to me, knowing I liked my build theorycrafting and number-crunching, and asked me for a powerful nova class build. I suggested it the Paladin-Sorcerer-Warlock and suggested Order Of The Stick if he wanted to know more, but joked that he’d need to be careful given how powerful it was and that it might make us all feel useless. He insisted he’d take it easy, did his research, respecc’d his character from barbarian, and then proceeded to blow everything up whilst acting very stunned and surprised at the table at his own damage output.
He later reclassed to Rogue, but then proceeded to still do similar nova damage by conveniently ignoring the “one Sneak Attack per round” limitation with his self-given magic item that gave multiple strikes, claiming his character ‘had something that let him do that’. This meant his character was frequently dealing about 50 damage per round without crits at level 8 when most of us didn’t have magical weapons yet, and were still using starting gear except for the odd trinket.
He gave himself a Vestige of Divergence (a scaling, personalised unique magic weapon tailored for the character from Critical Role) before any other member of the party. And boy, did he get is EARLY. Very, very early. We’d each been promised one ‘eventually’ at my own suggestion to Alex, and we were all very excited. What wonderful, flavourful and personalised artifacts would we each be getting our hands on? I hoped for a cool cane or walking stick. I was told no, you’re getting a staff. Alright, okay, sure. It’s still going to be personalised and unique and implement my character’s personality and story arcs in its design, right?
Only one other party member ever got one. By the time they did, Alex’s DMPC’s Vestige had already Awakened (hit tier 2 out of 3 in terms of power) and gave him ridiculous abilities and bonuses (+2 CHA, +2 to-hit and damage, additional damage dice on-hit, ranged attacks with 8d6 damage per short rest, other assorted abilities) that elevated him far above the rest of us. Even worse, the one party member who did get one got an axe that was barely better than his non-magical starting one and had an incredibly niché blood-tracking ability that didn’t make much sense for the character’s playstyle, nor would likely ever come up in play more than once. Though thematically suited to the character, by comparison functionally, it was a joke of a weapon.

3.) “Fiction is reality with the boring bits taken out. So, no downtime, money or resting when you want to.”
Thirdly, Alex’s condensed style meant half of D&D 5e went out the window. Resting was bizarre. During a two-week ship journey across an ocean that our characters were forced into when his DMPC became king of a player character’s tribe (which said player character should’ve been king of at that point, by the way - this is also the player who received the borderline-useless Vestige of Divergence axe), we weren’t allowed a long rest. Why? “For the sake of this journey, you need to be somewhere safe to rest.” We were on a caravan of longboats with sheltered bedding quarters and allied warriors! You’re telling us we can’t have 8 hours to sleep once in those two weeks and get our resources back?!
We never saw money, ever. None of us ever had more than 150 gold pieces in our pockets. NPCs didn’t pay us because we didn’t ‘do quests’, we were ferried along a storyline where we weren’t ever employed by NPCs but instead always chasing a BBEG with no promise of pay except for magic items dropped by powerful foes along the way: like a video game. This wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that in the one game that survived for a time, Alex’s DMPC was given 5,000 gold pieces for free despite having no use for it except getting to say he was richer than the rest of us. Shopping came up exactly once in that campaign and never again, and the party were financially indebted to his character whenever payments came up. This meant many spells, items, downtime activities and such were off the table, and many spells or items were utterly useless. Rest encounters never came up, so Alarm, Leomund’s Tiny Hut and clever trap or camouflage techniques had no use here (but Alex still let you waste spell/item choices on them without a word). We never got to have cushy campfire roleplay as a casual, on-a-whim thing. Considering we never decided where to go or what to do and were told when we needed to seek a tavern for rest, money became an object of ‘how much do you want to have your wallet taxed to stay in this next chapter of Alex’s book overnight?’. Travel was turned into a minigame using yet another arbitrary video-game esque system that, ironically enough, slowed it down to a crawl and made roleplaying with each other during the travel very difficult due to how it split the party and made them go do very different things, very far away from each other.
Many spells didn’t work or had their effects handwaved away. During a travel minigame, we had to hunt for food - our Druid realised they had Create Food and Water prepared specifically because travel was ahead, and happily pitched using it to, as per the spell, create enough food to sustain us. The DM realised this would mean no hunting DC check and no chance of failure because of intelligent planning and expending limited resources, so naturally, he told the Druid that the spell ‘wouldn’t sustain you for the journey’. When the Druid mentioned they could cast it every day, the “you can’t long rest for weeks” bullshit arose again. Oh no, you all slept, you just don’t gain spell slots back or anything until I say so. For clarification, there was no prior discussion or agreement for this random, unexpected switch to what was essentially Gritty Realism long rest rules (or worse than gritty realism, considering the time was often two weeks instead of one for the rest). We were just informed it was the case when we tried to play the game as we expected it.
Many spells were banned at higher levels. I played a Wizard for it, and Alex didn’t like the Wizard. He didn’t like the fact they could bypass his encounters with clever problem solving, despite the fact it’s a core appeal of the class and requires limited resources and creative thinking to do so. Of course, I wasn’t aware of this until we were already too far into the game to make a change, and it wasn’t because Alex said so; it’s because of how he treated the Wizard as a class. It wasn’t until I hit level 13 and was genuinely excited to use spells like Magnificent Mansion for roleplay (my character wanted to give the gift of a custom-designed, comfortable home to our party) that Alex told me such spells were banned. Here’s a few and the reasonings why.
Magnificent Mansion: Our party travelled around in a carriage. I wanted to use this to show off my character’s growing mastery of the arcane and finally prove themselves as USEFUL to the party, giving them the beautiful gift of a comfortable home - something many of them had said in roleplay they wanted someday. It would be wonderful progression and open up great roleply. Alex said no. He wanted the party to be stuck in the dingy, rotten carriage that is owned by his DMPC for ‘thematic reasons’.
Illusory Dragon: One of the few lategame illusion spells. Was told I’d be allowed to use it as a ‘cool final attack’ in combat exactly once, “maybe in a big boss as a combo attack with another player or something, because it’ll become boring if you reuse it”.
Mirage Arcane: Another lategame illusion spell I’d been pumped for for a very long time. Was told no when the time came to choose my 7th-level spells, because shaping the terrain around us would trivialise his travel minigame and make the navigation DC almost impossible to fail - as if it wouldn’t be resource expenditure, a form of problem solving inherent to my chosen class and subclass specialism, and part of the expected adventuring solutions a Tier 3 play party may employ.
In case you can’t tell, being locked out of the most exciting spells in the game sucked a lot of the fun and excitement out of playing what had been becoming my favourite class for me. I had mostly no damage-dealing options and was specc’d to be all about utility, but I was already deliberately avoiding spells like Simulacrum, Clone, Contingency and Magic Jar so as to not be difficult for Alex. These bans were on top of my own self-imposed limitations. Ironically, Alex criticised that my spellbook didn’t have a lot of illusion spells at one point considering I was supposed to be an illusionist. Gee, thanks, Alex. It’s not like my Silent Images, Minor Illusions and Major Images have not worked even once because all your enemies have traits to hard-counter them, and you’ve banned all my interesting options at higher level until I’m stuck taking Chain-fucking-Lightning on my happy-go-lucky pacifist Wizard who doesn’t want to hurt anyone. Even worse, we never saw a single spell scroll or spellbook. I didn’t get to scribe any new spells. I was playing a worse Sorcerer who did nothing of value in combat. I could not have felt less useless or happy in my class choice - it was the first time I’d played a Wizard, and I desperately wanted to play a utility/support caster who helped solve problems without resorting to violence all the time. I realised very quickly that didn’t fit with Alex’s JRPG game design and the railroad forcing us into combat for ‘pacing reasons’. In his words; “No, no. I’ll be real here, think about it - we’ve tried ‘classic’ D&D. You don’t like classic D&D, not really. Our table wants a quicker game with proper pacing, whether or not you realise it now.”
I still vividly recall a pre-established PvP scenario where myself and one other characters (a Wizard and a Druid respectively, Level 10) were placed in an arena with a newly-introduced PC after a character death. This new PC started as a servant of the BBEG and needed to be fought and convinced to fight for us, with Alex and the player working together on an admittedly very cool boss fight sort of deal. We went in with the awareness that the Boss-PC would, in this area, have Lair Actions, Legendary Resistance and the full shebang. We were also clearly informed in advance that the Boss-PC had permission to kill our characters if it made sense.
We beat the Boss-PC by the skin of our teeth, but the debate after was tense. My Druid friend was down and I needed a way to guarantee her safety so I could stabilise her before she died. Afraid my not-so-charismatic Wizard wouldn’t be able to convince the Boss-PC to be nice before she bled out, I realised he had no Legendary Resistances left and pulled what I thought would be the perfect move - Sleep. He had a smattering of hit points left. No Legendary Resistance, no save. It was guaranteed to work, and meant a minute of time to get the Druid up, be safe, and then restrain and wake up the Boss-PC to have a full conversation with them - ask them who they were, have some fun roleplay, make it a memorable moment where they come aboard the team. It’d also mean the Druid’s player would get to be a part of the roleplay of convincing our new party member to join us, and I wanted to include them on this cool moment.
“... and I cast Sleep.”
Instead, Alex immediately guffaws laughing, and so does the Boss-PC player, wheezing and shouting “NO! OOHHHH, NO! NO! NO, YOU IDIOT! YOU JUST KILLED [the Druid]! WHY DID YOU DO THAT? THAT WAS SO STUPID! YOU HAD IT! YOU HAD IT! YOU THREW IT AWAY!”. These two knew my sensitive spot is having my intelligence insulted. I don’t think I’m a very smart person. In fact, I’m very, very self-conscious about it, and they know fully well how much that very-much-not-joking statement would hurt. In the moment, I became furious, horrified that Alex had just twisted the rules to give favouritism to the Boss-PC at the end of the fight to make the Druid’s now all-but-guaranteed death my fault - make me look like a clown who messed up.
I asked to retcon the move if that was the case and said ‘it’s bullshit otherwise’, and Alex immediately dropped the laughter and took on a dark tone. It was a clear-cut ‘you’ve fucked up’ tone. “No. I’m the DM. What I say, goes. If I’m bending the rules, that’s what I’m doing. I’ll let you take it back, but don’t you dare say that’s bullshit. It’s not.”
Alex never apologised for this. The Boss-PC player taunted me after the game and further insulted me by saying it was a stupid thing to do, rubbing it in that it almost got my fellow player’s beloved character killed. Worst of all, I felt like the bad guy afterwards, again. I left a completely heartfelt and self-flagellating apology in Alex’s DMs that was paragraphs long, to which I received a simple, cold ‘Just make sure it doesn’t happen again. It was very disruptive’.
At the time, everyone was on board with Alex, because it was Alex. Of course they were. I would’ve been if it was another player at the table. Now, after we’ve removed ourselves from his influence, the other players have come to see my side of events. I actually posted a story on DnD about it a while back asking for advice on how to better handle DM rulings like that personally, and received no shortage of comments telling me my DM sounded like a bad egg and that they’d be mad too. At the time, of course, I dismissed them and responded with ‘no no, you don’t understand! He’s an AMAZING DM!”.
Later shenanigans involving making our characters feel clownish or useless beyond not being able to ever achieve anything on their own include;
We're not even done yet. Told you this was a long one! I'll post the second half shortly and provide a link to it here.
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