How did Heath Ledger die, how old was he and what were his

who played the joker when heath ledger died

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150 Stupid Things To Use A Time Machine For (Or: The Perils Of Working At A Time Machine Rental Service)

Rules Of Time Machine Operation:

1\. No booty calls on famous historical figures.
2\. No visiting the red light district of Paris in the early 19th century and asking around for Fantime, who is a fictional character might I add.
3\. No getting famous historical figures blackout drunk and leaving them extremely confused in the morning when they wake up in their bed, on someone else's roof, wearing nothing but a floral print muumuu and a thong, surrounded by a stolen department store mannequin, a bajillion potatoes, and 600 pounds of those little rubber erasers that come on the tops of pencils.
4\. No setting "Amazing Grace" to a snappy disco beat.
4a\. Or the US national anthem.
4b\. Or anyone else's national anthem.
5\. No trolling random paranoiacs.
6\. No scaring the shit out of James Cameron by suddenly appearing in front of him in full Terminator cosplay before the movie is even released.
7\. No pantsing Adolf Hitler, no matter how much he deserves it.
7a\. No pantsing Joseph Stalin, either. Unless you have a death wish.
7b\. No pantsing Rasputin. Now that you've seen what he's packing, the feelings of inadequacy should be sufficient punishment.
7d\. Or recent ones. I don't care HOW much Bill Clinton was willing to pay, and frankly I don't want to know.
8\. No giving Napoleon a 1980s sports almanac. (I mean, it's not like he'd be able to use it.)
9\. No crashing Jesus' crucifixion to sell merch.
10\. No appearing in the background of every famous photograph in the Louvre and/or the Smithsonian. Especially not while dabbing.
11\. No interfering with the production of Back To The Future. Especially not so that Doc Brown gets a time-traveling Oscar Meyer Weinermobile. I don't care HOW much money you would have made in product placement.
12\. No giving free abortions to the mothers of people you hate.
13\. No giving young Donald Trump a sports almanac. Alternate Hill Valley was bad. Scaling it up to America size is worse.
14\. No giving Stanislav Petrov laxative on 26 September 1983.
14a\. No getting Stanislav Petrov extremely drunk on 25 September 1983.
15\. No putting joy buzzers in Nikola Tesla's shoes. Even if he reverse-engineered them and advanced the study of electrical engineering by several decades.
16\. No writing Walter Cronkite a rambling 148-character letter accusing him of liberal bias.
17\. As tempting as it is, no giving Donald Trump's mother an abortion. We do NOT want to repeat the Emperor Gorsuch incident.
18\. No writing Stonewall Jackson a letter composed of the word "Bitch" written once at the top of the page. While his face was hilarious, him killing half his administration in a series of duels was not.
19\. No trolling your past self by telling lies about the future.
20\. No using Tesla coils to impersonate Greek or Norse gods. Especially not in front of ancient Greeks or Vikings.
21\. No trolling drunken turn-of-the-20th-century PIs by bringing them to flying cities in alternate timelines.
22\. No trolling people in ugly sweaters by bringing them to Atlantis.
23\. 1000 tons of cordite + Library of Alexandria = Bad idea.
24\. No impersonating an interior designer solely to change Napoleon's fate. (He didn't even die from that, you fool, he died from stomach cancer.)
25\. No giving FDR a mech suit, as awesome as it would be.
26\. No making "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Al Smith" bumper stickers.
27\. Wall Street is off limits. As is Vegas, Reno, Monte Carlo, and sports betting venues.
28\. No convincing Steve Jobs to put a rotary dial on the IPhone, even if it WOULD be "one simple control".
29\. No giving Isaac Newton copies of Einstein's theories. The 20th century is too early for space empires. (No matter how delicious the spices from Alpha Centauri are. We're looking at you, Fred. Seek help.)
30\. No misusing hazmat equipment and personal music players to troll Asimov, Henlein, or any other science fiction writers.
32\. No, you may not have a pet T. Rex. They're extremely large and exclusively carnivorous, so what makes you think that'd be a good idea in the slightest?
32a\. However, it turns out velociraptors (the tiny feathered kind), when raised from an egg, make awesome pets, being loyal, obedient, and sweet.
32b\. Never mind, they swarmed Janet's boyfriend and killed him when he hit her. Serves him right, but this behavior is shared by wolves raised in captivity, and velociraptors are clearly not pet material any more than timber wolves are. A long-term breeding program is underway to resolve this issue.
33\. Collecting samples of extinct plants for scientific study is great. Office plants, OK. Trolling paleobotanist friends, not so much.
34\. To the person who sent the baby raptors to Chris Pratt: You're lucky that Universal Studios has leaped on them as their new PR stars. You're doubly lucky that it was love at first sight between them and Raptor Lord. As such, we will let you keep your job. But in light of 32b, if they kill anyone, you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and we will cooperate with the investigators.
35\. No spiking Richard Nixon's drinks with shrooms, LSD, THC, AIDS, H1N1, hydrochloric acid, or COVID-19. Or sodium pentothal, no matter how educational it would be.
36\. No scandalizing Queen Victoria. ESPECIALLY not by streaking through the Buckingham Palace gardens.
36a\. Or Queen Elizabeth I, unless you WANT your head chopped off. And not necessarily the one on your shoulders, either.
37\. No showing dubstep music to Father Coghlin. Even if he likes it.
38\. No traumatizing H.P. Lovecraft with hentai. Especially not if it's fanart of his works.
39\. No prematurely inventing hentai.
40\. No showing hentai to Father Coghlin. While him flying off the chain was funny, the anti-Japanese-American lynch mobs he incited were not. The person responsible no longer works here, and is serving time in prison.
41\. No slipping sodium pentothal to any member of the Borgia family.
42\. No slipping the production staff of Raiders Of The Lost Ark drugs and convincing them to have Indy use a towel instead of a bullwhip.
43\. No convincing Gavro Princip, Richard Nixon, or Keemstar to do something different with their life. (Especially not Keemstar, who's a dictator in many other timelines.)
44\. President Jeffery Dahmer = bad idea.
45\. No giving King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden coke-bottle glasses, even if he needs them. It kind of ruins the effect in paintings.
46\. No giving King Arthur and his knights Harleys.
47\. No giving the biblical David a motorcycle with the muffler removed, even it means that his Triumph would be heard throughout the land.
48\. No appearing in history books. Especially not as the guy in the Carmen Miranda hat T-posing in the background of the famous "V-J Day In Times Square" photo, just behind and to the left of the kissing couple.
49\. No making David Bowie a Roman Emperor and calling him Fablius. Even if he lived up to his name.
50\. No impersonating the court jester in medieval times, before going full Heath Ledger Joker. Nobody has tried this yet, but we want to put it out there anyway.
51\. No streaking at the Somme. Running around naked IN ACTIVE WARZONES tends to be a bad idea.
52\. No doing your best Lucky Luciano impression in the background of the "Abbey Road" cover.
53\. No streaking in the background of the "Abbey Road" cover.
54\. No switching President Theodore Roosevelt's speech commemorating the construction of the Panama Canal with Franklin Delano Roosevelt's "This Day Will Live In Infamy" speech, then plastering his confused face all over every newspaper's front page.
55\. No putting T-Rexes in medieval Europe. It screws with the art historians.
56\. Putting a sloth, a wooly mammoth, and a saber-tooth tiger together in one room was a horrible idea and I'm not sure why you thought it'd be any different. But we're all glad you forgot about the baby.
57\. When Jesus told John The Baptist to send a scroll to Philadelphia (Revelations 1:11), he was talking about the ancient city in the Aegean Sea. Not the modern city in Pennsylvania.
58\. As awesome as the show was, and as touching as it was when they first met, Bill Nye The Science Guy and Mr. Wizard hosting a show together almost broke space-time. Let's not destroy the universe.
59\. No making Undertale or Deltarune classic Nintendo games. I don't care how much you want Sans to be in Smash.
60\. No more bringing teenage versions of famous sci-fi icons like George Takei and Gene Roddenberry to Comic-Con. They were traumatized by the mob of people all trying to touch them.
61\. No selling SOE, OSS, Abe Lincoln's Secret Service, or any other historical spy agencies information you got from a history book.
62\. No using the time machine to alter the course of WWII, WWI, the American Civil War, the English Civil War, the American Revolutionary War, The Thirty Years War, The War Of The Roses, The Hellenic War, The Punic Wars, or any other war. Looking at you, Harry.
63\. No introducing John The Baptist to LSD or any modern hallucinogenic drugs. Even if he offers you sainthood in exchange.
64\. No introducing John The Baptist to cocaine, even if it made him write Revelations in under 2 hours with no change in the content.
65\. No selling anachronistic weaponry. This goes hand in hand with 62. Again, looking at you, Harry.
66\. Stop telling people we travel through time by building de facto speed for 12 hours. That meme is dead and forgotten.
67\. No, the time machine doesn't back up your Mac files. Stop asking.
68\. The Morlocks are fictional and you should stop telling people they aren't.
70\. As awesome as Bela Luigosi is, he is not the only person who can play Dracula. So stop trying to use the time machine to get him to play Dracula in EVERY movie, radio drama/podcast, and theatrical production since the 1930s.
71\. Don't give radio to the Romans. Or any other historical empire, for that matter.
72\. No rigging up 30 ox carts with speakers and blasting Abba during the Battle of Waterloo. Seriously, you had the smallest machine, so how did you even fit all that?
73\. No making the '73 fuel crisis last for a whole decade, even if it led to the widespread use of electric cars 60 years early.
74\. No using the time machine solely to make fun of bad Marty McFly halloween costumes.
75\. No inventing nitrogen-based fertilizer decades early to avert the Dust Bowl SOLELY to stop you from having to write a book report on Grapes Of Wrath in 6th grade.
76\. No giving George Washington's troops AR-15s. I don't care how awesome it would be.
77\. Ronald Reagan's Star Wars program was a failure for a reason. Let's keep it that way.
78\. You are not the Doctor. Stop telling people otherwise.
78a\. That is a flashlight with a green shard of beer-bottle glass glued on, not a sonic screwdriver.
79\. You aren't the Meddling Monk or the Rani either. And you certainly aren't the Master.
80\. You remember that scene in Time Bandits when the main characters got Napoleon pass-out drunk and robbed him blind? OFF. LIMITS.
81\. Tempting as it is, no killing, aborting, or otherwise preventing the rise to power of history's dictators. Why? Because there's always someone just as evil and twice as competent waiting in the wings. Also, through sheer force of experience, Hitler has become quite good at identifying and killing time travelers.
82\. No, you may not strand your boss in medieval times during the Black Plague. Even if he's an asshole. Just because Michael Crichton did it, doesn't mean you can.
83\. No, you are not trying to stop a mad god from killing half of all life in the galaxy, and it is wrong to tell people in the past otherwise.
84\. No trying to screw with paleontologists by posing dead dinosaurs in dance steps or interspecies coitus. It hasn't worked yet, but better to stop it now than suffer a deluge of angry phone calls.
85\. The G-Man cosplay is high-quality, but super creepy. Please stop.
85a\. The Lutece Twins cosplay is also high-quality, but people are getting frustrated by your lack of non-cryptic answers to any question.
86\. Using future technology to build actual Daleks armed with Nerf guns? Epic. Unleashing them on an unsuspecting 1960s Britain? Not so much.
87\. No trolling the hosts of Candid Cam by doing insane stuff in their presence, causing everyone to look around for the hidden cameras.
88\. No stealing whales from 1980s San Francisco.
89\. In accordance with 7c, no pantsing the Rockefellers. Seriously guys, stop it.
90\. All employees are to pass routine drug tests. Weed is OK under state law. Cocaine toothache drops and original-recipe cocaine Coca-Cola you scored in the 19th century are not. Neither is WWII-era military-issue morphine or heroin. All parties involved are being prosecuted on drug charges, including possession with intent to sell.
91\. No using the time machine to make random people think they're in the Twilight Zone.
92\. No using the time machine to screw with Libyan terrorists. You aren't Doc Brown and likely won't survive their retaliation.
92a\. No using the time machine to screw with the Egyptians either. The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities does not appreciate the lyrics to the King Tut song written in hieroglyphics on the walls of his tomb.
93\. Using the time machine to avert historical tragedies will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Using the time machine to create new ones is verboten.
94\. No rival time machine rental company is run by Vandal Savage. Stop trying to convince people otherwise. Incidentally? The task force you assembled will need to go back where they came from with their memories of the incident erased. Also, HR and the FBI Counterterrorism Unit would like to have a word.
95\. I will not impersonate an investment banker and convince people at the turn of the 20th century to invest in molasses production in Boston, MA. I will especially not use the phrase "Waves of profit" when selling them on the idea.
96\. JFK conspiracy theories are rubbish, and it shouldn't take time travel to debunk them. It especially shouldn't take time travel and manipulation of events to make them seem more likely. Just stop.
97\. Steampunk cosplayers are to be kept away from the time machines. The last thing we need is for the robber barons to return.
97a\. Jeff Bezos doesn't technically count. But efforts are underway to erase him from time nonetheless.
98\. The time machine is not bigger on the inside, but the chassis is modular and can be swapped out for expanded units should the need arise. So stop it with the infinity mirrors. Seriously, that's not how physics works.
99\. No giving WWII spoilers to veterans of The Great War. Our Temporal Psychiatry department is swamped.
99a\. No making fun of Temporal Psychiatry's acronym.
99b\. No convincing Temporal Psychiatry staff to go into quarantine with you during the COVID-19 epidemic of 2020 and then bragging about how much TP you have.
100\. No using the time machine to try and erase fashion trends from existence. I don't care how much you hate grunge.
101\. I don't care how much they suck, no mocking the Byzantine Empire.
102\. If the time machine's reactor fails, standard procedure is to activate the backup reactor. Trying to use a bolt of lightning to restore power results in catastrophe, and this is to be made perfectly clear to customers. Some dumbass tried it and ended up creating the Tunguska Explosion.
103\. No matter how much the National Science Foundation or the private sector offers to pay you, no gathering history's greatest minds in one place. Although the group photo was epic, the resulting temporal backlash from these people being removed from their proper time almost resulted in the Dark Ages continuing into the 19th century.
104\. Do not gaze into the time vortex. Trust me, just don't.
105\. No more using the time machine to screw with the US Government in the 1950s. You are not a UFO.
106\. Contrary to the McFly school of time travel, future brand names make horrible secret identities. Max Pepsi, Ronald McDonald, Micky D., A.D. Das, and Ford Prefect are not acceptable aliases.
107\. Some times and places are off limits to people of certain races and ethnicities. This is not racism, this is an attempt at preventing our valued employees and clients from getting hurt. Incidentally, 1940s Germany is off limits to everyone, corresponding with the late Henry Cohen's attempt at violating #81.
108\. No giving Napoleon a speedboat while he is in exile.
109\. No trolling Robert McCarthy with the wristband communicators and bad Russian accents.
110\. No starting the American Revolution in Germany 150 years ahead of schedule. You are not Eric Flint.
111\. The time machine is not powered by alien space bats.
111a\. Neither is it powered by a hamster in a wheel.
111b\. Or "Narrativium," whatever that is.
112\. Acquiring trilobites for the lobby aquarium is great. Pranking fellow employees with insectophobia is not.
113\. Preston Tucker was a genius for his time, but has no clue how to design a modern automobile. I will inform General Motors of this the next time they ask.
114\. You will not screw with the production of Bond movies to ensure that James Bond drives a Vauxhall Astra.
115\. I am not Pickle Rick.
116\. You will not go back in time to ensure that time travel never gets invented, even if it would be best for humanity. The resulting paradox would destroy all worlds across all timelines. We made this bed, we lie in it.
117\. You will not replace beloved and/or controversial TV show hosts, no matter how epic having Carrol Shelby co-host Top Gear with Clarkson, May, and Hammond would be.
117a\. You will not use the time machine to have historical figures appear on modern TV shows. Even though watching George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Samuel Adams tongue-lash conservatives on Fox And Friends for 45 minutes straight was hilarious, especially the fact that Sean Hannity looked like a child who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. The footage will be kept around for entertainment, but a repeat will cost you your job.
118\. You will not use the time machine to arbitrarily change the universal standards for television broadcasting or cinema. Millions watching the moon landing filmed diagonally on a round screen with a camera suspended on bungee cords almost led to the downfall of television as a medium.
119\. You will not beat the Apollo crew to the moon and ask to borrow a cup of sugar.
120\. The Lovecraft mythos is fictional, and it's wrong to tell customers it isn't.
120a\. Incidentally, the practical effects for the shoggoth were quite realistic, and Hollywood would like to have a word.
121\. You will not make a techno remix of the Doctor saying "Wibbly wobbly timey-wimey ball" and convince the 1960s BBC to make it the official Doctor Who theme.
122\. If customers ask to visit the July Revolution of 1832, at least make sure they have a decent singing voice. The rotten vegetable smell still hasn't come out of Larry's clothes.
123\. No changing the order that numbers go in.
124\. No changing the order of the alphabet, either.
125\. The time machine is not to be rented out to art historians. Their fawning just inflates the Renaissance masters' already massive egos.
126\. You will not alter the course of history solely to prevent telemarketing from being invented.
127\. You will not convince young Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison to go into music and call their band AC-DC. Incidentally, a shredding bass viola solo doesn't quite have the same effect.
128\. You will not attempt to troll Simo Hayha, Mad Jack Churchill, Otto Skorzeny, Audie Murphy, or any other famously badass soldier.
129\. Customers are to be reminded that visiting Stalin's USSR will end with a bullet to their brain, visiting Europe during the Black Death will end with them catching it, and visiting the Aztec Empire will end with their hearts being ripped out on a sacrificial altar with a jagged piece of volcanic glass.
130\. The Spanish Inquisition is not a joke. For future reference: Saying "I bet they didn't expect that" at a coworker's funeral is in poor taste, even if they hadn't died by being captured and tortured.
131\. Customers and employees are to refrain from insulting royalty, unless they're impersonating the court jester. Even if medieval royalty are mostly chill with parody, Cleopatra and Caligula are not.
132\. If stopped by police in Blitz-era Britain asking for papers, bribing them with white bread and bananas will likely not work. Even though that one cop looked about an inch from giving into temptation, they started asking a lot of questions about where you got a whole loaf from and what that clear shiny stuff it was wrapped in was.
133\. Customers are to be reminded that they are NOT Diana Prince, and that walking straight into No Man's Land is a colossally bad idea.
134\. No Rick-Rolling Rick Astley as a child.
135\. Although it was funny watching Winston Churchill swear up a storm about Brexit, Britain asks you not to not do it again.
136\. Never put Ettore Bugatti and Enzo Ferrari in the same room, then ask them whose car was better. And especially don't set up a betting ring on the resulting fistfight.
136a\. The same goes for the Renaissance masters and their art. Assholes.
137\. Torchwood is to remain a fictitious agency.
138\. Customers are not to spoil the surprise about which high-ranking member of the Manhattan Project was a spy. The resulting chain of events almost caused WWIII.
139\. Even though the past is a different country, there is a pressing need to blend in. So lose the Hawaiian shirt, Jeff.
140\. Customers are to be reminded that their sense of entitlement as American tourists will likely get them seriously injured or worse. Don't just stand back and let it happen, and especially don't bring popcorn.
141\. If any of your co-workers are little people, it's impolite to make constant Time Bandits references. Wally over in Temporal Backlash Dispersion is getting really sick of your shit. You know who you are.
141a\. And the same goes for customers who are little people.
142\. Whoever keeps putting giant prehistoric insects in unexpected places, clean out your office. You know who you are and so do we. However, the Arthropleura in the loading docks can stay, due to his apparent non-aggressiveness and because the staff there have named him Arthur and declared him their new mascot.
142a\. Arthur's a "he" already, is he?
142b\. Yes he is, and we love him!
142c\. This isn't a message board, guys.
143\. Live Compsognathus (Compsognathii?) are not for pranks. Poor critter almost froze to death in the fridge and Jennifer almost had a heart attack.
144\. Jack...clean out your office. You know what you did.
145\. Scientists are not to use tissue samples of prehistoric life for trying to create the perfect burger.
145a\. I don't know why anyone thought that mammoth Spam was a good idea, but it is surprisingly tasty and production negotiations with Hormel are currently underway.
146\. You are not John Connor or Kyle Reese, and it's wrong to tell people otherwise.
147\. The time machine is not to be used to tell H.G. Wells he got everything wrong about the future, even if he did.
147a\. Jules Verne's "Paris In The 20th Century" is currently under investigation.
148\. Thou shalt not useth thy time machine to messeth with the history or holy scripture of the Abrahamic faiths.
149\. Early warning: No licking the Beelzebufo. You won't get high off them, they don't like being licked, and their defense against predators is to secrete ridiculous quantities of capsaicin.
149a\. The so-called "Beelzebufo Inferno Challenge" is hereby called off due to hospitalization of several employees with severe chemical burns. Seriously, they've got as much capsaicin in one square inch as 6 Naga ghost peppers.
150\. "The Hunt For Red October" is a work of fiction, and it's wrong to try to sell a plot synopsis to the Cold War era US Government as actionable intelligence.
150a\. Concurrent with #61, no selling historical spy agencies fake secrets either.
submitted by CarolOfTheHells to HFY [link] [comments]

Antideluvean 03/29/2020

The Antediluvian people were, as stated before, deceived by the secret combination established by Ci-An and Beneli into believing that the blood of the first martyr Abel, (D&C 138:40), was indeed the Only Begotten Son of the Father, this was of course in the wisdom of God countered in the way that Seth was engineered to look very much like his father Adam and the only difference was their ages, (D&C 107:43). Now the way in which the Secret Combination devised ways to deceive the earlier inhabitants of the land are in some ways disturbing to the senses and this I suppose to call it explicit way in which I will try to describe it is even disturbing to my senses in that I do at times when pondering on this have trouble sleeping or holding my emotions together, yet it is the truth as revealed to me and my understanding, but let us begin with the way in which Ci-An murdered his brother Ab-El, (as explained earlier the name Ab-El is a well put together or binded name even to this day to make people modernly as they did the Antediluvian or pre-flood peoples believe that Abel was the only begotten son by combining the names of the father or his titles Ab and El this is in their I suppose to call it wisdom as twisted as it is to perpetuate their plan which worked on the earlier inhabitants, insomuch that it allowed the man of sin even Sat-An to have a 'Great Chain' in his hand {Moses 7:26} which he used to keep those peoples for in a way they were of a much higher order of beings as compared to us in the latter or modern days are yet their population was much less than ours, (which is why it is expressed in the book of Daniel 12:7), yes well is it recorded that these beings did have a substantially longer life span than we do today because of the purity of this 'chain' or DNA strand, yet as wondrous as this all may sound the way in which it occurred is actually sickening to my very core and as I explain why you will or will not have a same sickening feeling), after Abel had come to the children of Beneli and told them of the gospel as has been preached to him and Beneli as well he had caused a great stir and a fracture in his fold or the flock of Beneli this of course could not be because Beneli lived handsomely off of the labor under his plan where he didn't have to work or toil as commanded by the Father after the expulsion from the Garden of Eden, not only did he enjoy his handsome lifestyle but he also enjoyed the attention or power that came with it to him from these objects, (of which he received the knowledge of from his natural father the first Sat-An I have called Prometheus through the power of Lu-Ci-Fer [from the spirit world through the same way in which the knowledge of the Holy Spirit is given through the power of the Holy Ghost in which this being Prometheus and Lu-Ci-Fer were in], the account given in the sealed portion of the book of Mormon describes the way in which this advanced or more advanced than other Sapiens, [this word sapien is translated as serpent in modern day scriptures, for the sapiens or the homo sapiens were and still are the most wise or subtle beasts of the field this confusion of wording or translation was and is well crafted to keep the people in darkness although I'd be remiss if I myself didn't acknowledge the existence of those beings that have been called modernly as 'Reptilian' but rather this or these beings are indeed part of the event called the 'Dragon' scripturally, these two things being equated to a better wording as 'the word that dieth not' or actually in less scary wording the brain stem, this central nervous system is described in the book of Ether found in the Book of Mormon, {as well as these 'scary beings' existence though in the book of Ether are they called poisonous serpents and they were only controlled by the Lord himself as expressed in Ether 9:31-33 these poisonous serpents in this account can be equated to way in which the curse of the land was given to the people at the time and the way in which it affected each mans memory of course it started off as a small memory where a man would forget where he put something and then he would accuse a person of taking it in this state of distrust this man would revile against his neighbor yet on a scale a bit larger as with a community this started wars it is called the spirit of contention but the way it is worded in the book of Ether as a state of paranoia and one of forgetfulness even to the point of accusing their neighbors where everyone walked around with their swords which would modernly be equated to walking around with a loaded and cocked firearm at all times and is recorded in Ether 14:1-2}, yet in the book of Ether the more express example is given in Ether 15 near the latter part of the chapter between the battle of the army of Coriantumr and that of Shiz but more expressly between the fight or battle between the two, this deep impression of the poisonous serpent or damaged brain had penetrated so deep into the mind of Shiz that it literally had control of his motor skills even to the point of him being able to move after his head had been severed or disconnected from his body Ether 15:31, this phenomenae is, I believe as has been explained to me through the I suppose to call it 'schooling' that I have taken while in the 'strongholds' of the Gentiles/Genetics that the amoral part of the brain which is called the 'Reptilian Complex' controls all of the motor skills or actions that need to occur without actual intelligent or learned/trained behavior, hence the body needing to continually breathe while it is sleeping etc., but as is the case with the Jaredites and the formation of the secret combination by way of the daughter of Jared, {or the DOJ modernly this acronym is the Department of Justice which it is apparently their duty to, "...ensures public safety against foreign and domestic threats, including terrorism, and preventing crime." of course the way in which is best calculated for them to do this is to control the minds of the people by spreading this fear and paranoia that the Jaredites of old experienced, spreading this panic and a false sense of patriotism or loyalty to the banner stained with the blood of the martyrs}, this practice or controlling of the people had such an effect on their minds that this phenomena occurred with Shiz and is recorded in Ether 15:31], deceived the children or led them away and had power of them of course this power was threatened by the preaching of Ab-El and this just could not be, so the deal was made with Ci-An the brother of Ab-El to murder him to silence him but it wasn't just a murder for this being known as Beneli receiving his knowledge from Sat-An and Lu-Ci-Fer or that 'same being', (Helaman 6:29), could not be without his lavish lifestyle and so the first murder came with a plan for it is expressed that he murdered to get gain not just the actual physical objects but the affections of the hearts and minds of the people as well, this being Lu-Ci-Fer being in contact with Beneli knew of the plan of salvation and the Chr-Ist or the true Only Begotten of the Father because he did not pass through mortality and he did not have a veil placed on his spirit, wanted to pervert because of the one joy he felt or success of his plan by way of Prometheus and penetrating the Garden of Eden which was in the Land of Eden, {insert joke of no pun intended in either latin or ancient greek by using google translate but the translation must be precise as to not have the artificial intelligence translate any of the dead language}, the being known as Prometheus after causing the fall of Eve immediately died due to the Spirit which was of Lu-Ci-Fer leaving him in that instance, (by the Eternal Laws of Heaven of which all Spirits are bound this law being described in the Doctrine and Covenants 25:10 as well as in Luke 12:12, [as for the instance recorded in the way Eve fell before Adam it may be hard to take, {insert joke, same rules apply}, as well as was it scoffed at and mocked when it was recorded but we must understand the wisdom of the Lord, this story is the precursor of the rape of Persephone as recorded in the Greek Mythology, but on the contrary this was not a rape rather a further and more intimate account occurred, {insert a sad song that suddenly is interrupted by the Jokers played by Heath Ledgers, 'Hahahahaha',} and this myth and other accounts actually take away from the Glory and due Benevolence that should be given to not just our Eternal Father but Mother as well, but of course the Father in his Infinite capacity to love and understand does not require this thing), was only a natural process that needed to occur as the being called Prometheus (a masculine figure that is present in all females which is similar to the feminine figure known as Lilith that is present in all males and vice versa this is a natural occurrence as all beings come from both a mother and a father, the titles Seriphia and Michael are more accurate expressions of our first parents pre-fall or pre-dissension) had fulfilled his purpose of his creation or reached his measurement, (Doctrine and Covenants 49:18; and 88:19 as well as are these laws portrayed in a more digestible for in section 131). Now the plan of Beneli was to lead away the children but by using this premeditated murder to do so, note that Beneli was not ignorant to the facts of the Gospel, in fact he was present at Adamondiahman but Ci-An and his followers were not but were cast out of the land into a land east where the city of Enoch was built, the fact that Beneli knew of the way in which there should be a Messiah to come into the world as well as the express wording of his father and of course we only have remnants of this part and it is more watered down today than as originally given but I will begin to reveal this wording or the account as it is called as to my understanding and personal revelations or testimony which has strengthened me in these times of I suppose to call it gloom yet it is light unto others, but the first account that was told to me was in the way this murdered occurred of course murder being foreign to Ci-An and not present in the land of Eden, it was not dormant or foreign in the heredity of Beneli of which he came from the incarnate Sat-An, (whom I have called Prometheus), fleshly lusts and desires of the natural man of which evolved naturally had murdered each other before the appointed time of the dissension of Michael and Seriphia, this innate desire to murder was quilled by the lusts of the eyes by way in which the 'Good Gold' of the land was stored by Beneli, this gold is not the way in which we see our gold these days for this 'Good Gold' was similar to what is called by the Egyptians as monatomic gold which was a digestible form of gold as well as the way in which it was weaved did it feel good to the touch of the inhabitants, but I am not here to explain what has been titled to you guys as 'the crowning jewel', {of which by the way I see you have followed suit in allowing your young women to receive an amulet of jewels when they reach a proper age}, this murder becoming dormant in the gene of Beneli delegated the murder to Ci-An of which he himself coming from the pure blood of Adam and Eve, (this tale of mere humans not being able to kill a God stems from this account and further perpetuated the lie of which is used to deceive the inhabitants of the early period), needed to be the one who killed this man Ab-El of which also came from the same lineage and so the title of Master Mah-An or the master of the human race was given to Ci-An, {who is Cain?}, and he would be supplied with the lavish lifestyle and supported by the people called the Benelites if this murder occurred in the manner of which was administered by that 'same being', this murder was to occur with the beating of Ab-El to the point of incapacitation and when Ci-An had done this, (which took about 7 minutes from what was explained to me), a rock was to be used to crush the back of his head as to not fracture or damage the face of Ab-El, (for the body of Ab-El was used and desecrated for the purpose of this secret combination as well as the flesh and the blood, [the rock used as the murder weapon was the first worshipped idol that was called the 'Rock of Salvation' to deceive the first inhabitants of the early period after the rise of consciousness that occurred with the fall or dissension of Adam], these props or religious relics were systematically imitated by this order of the priesthood by way of Lu-Ci-Fer through Beneli), after this murder was to occur the preacher or leader at the time of this occurrence which was Beneli, his name meaning 'Son of God', (Moses 5:13 is the most digestible form of the mention of Beneli and [is comparable to the 15th or 16th chapter found in The Sealed Portion] in the book that was available to all LDS families growing up this account found in Moses 5 is explained in great detail as to prepare the mind of the acquiring saint to receive the revelation found in TSP). As per the resulting murder the body of the 'Only Begotten Son Ab-El' was to be preserved as well as the rock which was used to kill the God, (comparable to the story of David and Goliath), the spilt blood of Ab-El which was of the pure descent of Adam helped cure the ailments of the children of lesser order or those of that descended of the Benelites, (modernly by the research of science through engineering they have been trying to cure ailments of the humans by using different chromosomes of differing animals even by using the DNA of animals, [for instance they have used the blood of the llamas to help them on this research], this of course was and is still part of the wisdom of that 'same being' by way of imitating the {cue light sad violin music} gospel saying of 'by the atoning blood of the Christ are we all saved' {end sad violin music}), but this sudden miraculous healing of the blood of Ab-El had the same effect on the beings of the lower order, this blood of course expired, which is where the skin of darkness was perpetuated to the seed of Ci-An by way of eating the flesh of the corpse of this first martyr, yes this sad but sickening tale has yet to all be fulfilled for this is actually part of the way in which Ci-An plans on using his still intact, DNA, to heal all of the humans of the earth of their ailments, this has been talked about in the inner circles of course of other different societies that are not of the 'Anti-Priesthood' by way of say using plasma or what have you but these foolish attempts to imitate the order of the Anti-Priesthood is a sad attempt and I say to them to stick to your 'Priestcrafts and Witchcrafts' and to the brethren of the Holy Order after the Son of God, (explicitly the holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood of the 'only true church'), I give this saying I know just as well as ye know that we pretend to no other ye how great are the mysteries of our God, yes it is true what the late President Monson has said about this 'Rat Race' known modernly as the human race, {insert 3 Nephi 3, epistle of Giddianhi} Zion will flourish, either to the convincing of the children of men to the error of their ways and bringing them to the Eternal light or to damnation and captivity.
submitted by RexLuxOculus to u/RexLuxOculus [link] [comments]

A Very Long Bangin' Buds Script III: Aww Yeah, Baybeeee!

Writer’s Note: The last of my trilogies of fan fiction. This is the full story, next part in the comments. Roles are pre-assigned based on the canon of the show; Arnie Niekamp plays Shroom, Adal Rifai plays Meemee, Brooke Breit plays Ari, Erin Keif plays Code. Enjoy!
Static starts
THE MYSTERIOUS MAN is sitting comfortably in an office chair, leaning over a desk, and checking a list. He seems fairly focused, hitting the pencil to his lips and cheek.
THE MYSTERIOUS MAN: Hmm let’s see…I have “make a sourdough starter”, “renovate the kitchen”, “learn an instrument”, “learn a language”, “read a book” and finally, “watch all Oscar Winning Best Films of each year” ...What else can I add to 2020 bingo of things people haven’t done?
While the list is being rattled off, there are background noises of different footsteps and shuffling, quickening as the Mysterious Man ends his list. A late 20s Asian woman, ANN, comes by the desk in a huff, aiming for the dials that change the frequency of the podcast. LINCOLN quickly followers her, reaching out his hands to stop her, but his efforts are futile. The Mysterious Man’s expression shifts back and forth between confusion and being pissed off.
ANN: (Politely) Excuse me, I just want to borrow this for a second…
The static gives various tones as Ann alters the dials.
THE MYSTERIOUS MAN: Oh, I’m sorry, does my shirt say, “I have nothing important to do, please feel free to touch my dials to another dimension.”? (To Lincoln) Seriously, who is this human?
LINCOLN: I don’t know. She just inserted herself into the bunker and my bosses don’t know how she knew about this place.
THE MYSTERIOUS MAN: Lincoln, remind me to get a thesaurus for you next gift giving holiday so you can understand there are better ways to phrase things. –Also, you’re telling me she isn’t one of your people?
Lincoln shrugs and the machine clicks. The static is lessened, and the tones are far more consistent. Ann stops scanning the dials. Her excitement is barely contained.
ANN: Ah HA! I knew it would have to exist.
LINCOLN: What exists?
ANN: Rule 63.
THE MYSTERIOUS MAN: Please, no one wants to hear a literal Bangin’ Buds story. That is the Russian roulette of a creator’s emails. The hosts probably regret nicknaming their fan fiction collection that too.
ANN: No, no. Rule 63: For every given male character, there is an equal female counterpart. It’s even on a preset on that channel.
The Mysterious Man leans down and squints to read the dials. He adjusts his face as if he has glasses.
THE MYSTERIOUS MAN: Channel 63…Genderswap World? I thought I blacked out the option with a sharpie.
LINCOLN: So, does this mean we get to listen to another transmission from a different Foon?
THE MYSTERIOUS MAN: Over my extraterrestrial body! I was hoping we would close off interludes when we finally got all the meat sacks back into their respective home dimensions. But you know what, why should I start caring about what you do with your limited time on Earth now? If you need me, I’ll be in the break room betting with the other drones here how many reusable k-cups have not been cleaned. My money is on three. (to himself) This better be the last one.
The Mysterious Man walks away from his desk, leaving Lincoln and Ann in awkward silence. They both kind of stare at the ground, waiting for the other to say something.
ANN: I’m Ann by the way.
LINCOLN: Lincoln.
ANN: …So, do you want to start it off? It’s been a while since I heard your voice.
LINCOLN: No, I’m good. I think I’ll get Tricia; she might be interested in this broadcast.
ANN: Okay…
Lincoln leaves and Ann lightly waves him goodbye. Ann hesitantly sits in the Mysterious Man’s chair and pulls herself closer to the microphone.
ANN: So…um…yeah…I guess…People of Earth? The following podcast is not real. So, if you’re tired of these non-canonical variants, this is the last one, I promise…well, I hope. But if you do like it, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!
MUNDLE THE GRUNDLE starts the musical intro, some bar noises heard in the background. Patrons move around the Vermillion Minotaur as the shot pans to a table where the human from another world, ARI, the shapeshifter, who is currently a small grizzly bear cub, CODE, and the slightly feminine USIDORE, the Blue Wizard, drink and do their podcast. Light live band music is heard in the back.
ARI: Hello from the Magic Tavern!
Mundle the Grundle trills
ARI (CONT’D): A weekly podcast from the magical land of Foon. I’m your host, Ari Niekamp. If you never listened to the podcast before, don’t worry, this is everything you need to know. Almost six years ago, I fell through a dimensional portal behind a Houlihan's, in Chicago, into the magical, fantastical land of Foon. Luckily, I’m still getting a Wi-fi signal from the Houlihan's, through the dimensional rift and I use that to upload a podcast, chronicling our quest to defeat The Dark Lady. And I’m joined by my co-host, Code, the talking grizzly bear!
CODE: AW YEAHHH HONEYYYYYY. Do you like my new catch phrase? I’ve been testing it out.
ARI: I do like it. It definitely fits with your bear motif.
CODE: I also have bear teeth. Ha cha cha. I mean, c’mon look at them.
Code opens her mouth, shoving her face by Ari’s face. Ari recoils slightly.
CODE: Schee! Schee!
ARI: Code, I get it. Can you move your mouth? Your breath smells like fish tacos.
CODE: (Backs away) A what?
ARI: It's like flat bread folded as if you made a V with your hands and it has fish. Could be hard or soft. The bread, not the fish.
CODE: Mmmm yum yum yum yum. But why would my mouth smell like that?
ARI: Wh-why would you stress the word “mouth”?
CODE: What do you mean? I always talk like this.
ARI: Nevermind. It has been a while since I heard you say all those yums. Can you remind me of some of the other catchphrases you have?
CODE: Well, I ran “Code’s up with that” to the ground. “Get Hard”, my one-time catchphrase, “Living up to the Code”, and, of course, “Let’s put that on a tank top!”
ARI: And I’m emailing the store to get our current shirt taken down.
CODE: What were they thinking, typing up “Chunt’s up with that”?
ARI: It’s one letter away from being too close for comfort. I mean, I’m okay with it, but it’s not exactly marketable.
CODE: But the “Ask me about my two buttholes” shirt is still okay, right?
ARI: Mmhmm. Somehow, it’s the best seller.
CODE: You know, I’ve been thinking about it; we really need to put new merch into the store. You did look good as Tika.
ARI: You mean when I was a tiki mug? I guess that might be an easy sell. But it feels a little hollow since I’m not the one being drank out of.
CODE: Okay, maybe that’s a bad idea if you’re just gonna make it sexual.
ARI: It’s not a sex thing! I just had a strong desire for people to drink me. It felt like my purpose.
CODE: Alright. Well, what about a stuffed bear? I mean, who wouldn’t want a face like this hanging around. OH, and I can have a tape box inside of me like that Teddy Ruxpin I pretended to be when we visited you on Earth.
ARI: That does sound like a fu-
CODE: OH! And we can put one in the stuff bear! It could say “Aww yeah Honey!” That will really get my new catchphrase going.
ARI: So, wait, you wanted a tape inside the real you? Why would you do that?
CODE: Well, I could take a slumber cup and fall asleep. We could put some standard phrases so I can participate in the podcast. It’s the perfect out! And, when I die, you can put sunglasses on me and bring me to the beach and host a party.
ARI: And how many times do we have to do this?
CODE: Once is probably enough, but definitely no more than two times. We can call it “Weekend at Bechtel’s”. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
ARI: Mmhmm. And on that note, I’m also joined by my other co-host, Usidore the Wizard.
USIDORE: I AM USIDORE! Wizard of the 12th Realm of Epothomia, Master of Light and Shadow, Manipulator of Magical Delights, Devourer of Chaos, CHAMPION OF THE GREAT HALLS OF FORMIYA TERRA! The elves know me as Fey’icia H’ghard, the dwarfs know me as Zappa Hoobastank, and I am also known in the Northeast as Goya Armani. And there are other secret names, secret names that, when uttered aloud, most assuredly, it would switch the genitalia of everyone on Foon.
CODE: And who wants to hear a whole episode about that?
USIDORE: Well, if we don’t constantly point it out, I’m sure it would be fine.
ARI: You know I should’ve said Hoogstandjes when you said Hoobastank.
USIDORE: Why would you say that?
ARI: Hoogstandjes is a band on Earth, but I don’t really want to talk about Earth stuff.
CODE: Well, you brought it up. Tell us, what kind of band they are like? What songs do they sing?
USIDORE: Yes, tell us.
ARI: Alright, there’s…The Reason, Out of Control, and… that’s it!
CODE: That’s it?
ARI: Well, I don’t understand what you want from me. I don’t really listen to them. It seems much more of our audience’s speed as I keep on getting emails addressing Usidore as Hoogstandjes.
USIDORE: Ari, why are you running away from more song names?
CODE: Yeah, I’m sure if you start crawling in the dark, you could find more songs.
ARI: Is that a song by them?
CODE: Baby don’t know. If I Were You, I would brush up on that knowledge.
ARI: That felt like a deep cut.
USIDORE: Ah. I-I do want to circle back to the store front. We need more Usidore shirts, or a poster with all my names.
ARI: You do have both with all your names.
USIDORE: No, it has the names I say as my intro. I have many other secret names. Wh-Why, we can fill a whole time. We can call it, Usidore: from A to Z. We’ll just leave out all the danger names.
CODE: Usidore, can I say one of the dangerous names you taught me?
USIDORE: I-I suppose, just nothing too destructive.
CODE: (whispers) Kugel Phalanges
A small rock materializes and drops on Ari’s head, nothing to cause a bruise. Usidore snickers a little.
ARI: Ow, hey…
USIDORE: Ha ha, if she had said it any louder, it would be a much bigger rock.
ARI: Usidore, I already told you-
USIDORE: -And I do love rocks.
ARI: (sign) I already told you, you can literally jumble words together and someone, at some point, has called you that. (points at Code) Case and point.
USIDORE: Name 5 of my names.
ARI: Okay, ummm Laurence Hathaway.
CODE: One.
ARI: Magoogala Simpaline
ARI: That one guy.
ARI: Umm…The Hateful Bitch
USIDORE: (flatly) How dare you.
CODE: Four. And Five?
ARI: Uhh… (mumbles under her breath)
CODE: Yup, that’s all five!
USIDORE: Now let me set the record straight-
ARI: Sure.
USIDORE: Laurence Hathaway is wh-what the wizard lawyers call me. Magoogala SimpaliNA, not Simplaine, is what the narwhals of Hi-Higgens Shore call me. Many people call me that one guy, but they cannot see my w-womanly figure. The fourth one was just cruel. And that last name is pronounced like this. (mumbles under her breath)
Ari tries to mimic Usidore’s mumbles.
USIDORE (CONT’D): No, no no. (repeats mumbles)
Ari tries once again to mimic Usidore’s mumbles. They keep going for a bit. Code also tries to mumble like Usidore.
USIDORE: Ah! Excellent, Code. See, Ariana, it is easy.
ARI: It’s Ari. And where was that rock name when we were running away from Baroness Ragoon’s soldiers?
USIDORE: Oh, it has a recharge time of a long rest.
ARI: And what constitutes a long rest?
CODE: Ari, I think you just go to bed.
USIDORE: In-in most cases, y-yes. BUT! This particular long rest is a cov-coveted secret.
Usidore looks around to make sure no one is around. She leans over the table and Ari and Code follow.
USIDORE (CONT’D): (low voice) Go down, deep into the depths of the dungeon, find the master, and tell him softly, “I need to take a long rest”. (normal voice) And if you have others with you on your quest party, they also must rest.
ARI: Isn’t that just a spell then?
USIDORE: Of course not, th-the golems of the Undermountain call me that. And we all say it together to greet one another.
ARI: Usidore, that’s just a greeting.
CODE: You know that last name was fun! We should do a whole podcast just saying- (mumbles)
USIDORE: Ah yes! (mumbles)
Code and Usidore continue to mumble to each other.
USIDORE: What fun!
ARI: Yup, perfect podcast content.
CODE: Yeah, and I can get on one side of the mic, and Usidore can get on the other side of the mic.
USIDORE: Oh yes, gives me the tingles on the back of my neck.
CODE: Like the sound my fur makes when you ruffle it up.
USIDORE: Let me conjure some spiced potatoes to eat. That should give this podcast that audible crunch.
CODE: Ooooo yum yum yum! Get me some too. And a tac-co!
USIDORE: What’s a taco?
CODE: Well, Ari says it’s like little flat piece of bread-
ARI: Code, Code, we are not a muckbang podcast!
CODE: Muckbang? What does that have to do with swinger swampmen and women having a blast! When I turned into a swampperson-
ARI: You were a swamp person?
CODE: Mmmhmm, wild nights!
ARI: We also have to order up some for a large party, because we have a few guests coming on today.
CODE: Great! Who do we have?
ARI: Well, we have some good friends that we haven’t heard from in a while and they heard about the tavern’s night event!
USIDORE: Oh yes, I did see the signs for ka-karaoke night. And you did tell us how, when you first came to Foon, y-you were heading to a karaoke night of your own?
ARI: Not exactly. For listeners who haven’t been around the last six years, I was on my way to Houlihan's for a quick lunch and saw that they had a karaoke night that night and I told myself I would come back later that day. And when I was about to drive away, I fell through a dimensional rift with my Toyota Sienna, and I was brought here. And I stumbled my way to the Vermillion Minotaur, where they also had a karaoke night, where I met Code and Usidore. If you really want to know more, just listen to the first episode.
USIDORE: Or the Five-Year Anniversary episode.
ARI: Or read the book published last year.
USIDORE: Or the graphic novel publishing later this year.
ARI: (smugly) Hashtag Shameless Plugs.
CODE: It saves on the exposition, and we all know what exposition ruins.
ARI: Listenership?
CODE: No, my appetite. I’m bear-y hungry.
ARI: Not even subtle. I thought you would go for one obvious joke, and you went for another.
USIDORE: Can you believe how deep my voice was in the beginning episodes?
CODE: You just really love those cough drops.
USIDORE: I still have some in my robe if you want to try some.
Usidore fiddles with her robes and pulls out a small satchel. She shakes it a little and it rattles.
ARI: That’s okay. Just keep your normal voice, okay?
USIDORE: Alright.
Usidore pulls some drops out of the satchel and chews some cough drops. Her voice briefly slips into the normal, canon Usidore voice.
USIDORE (CONT’D): Mmmm. More for me. (munches more)
Ari sighs.
CODE: But tell us who’s gonna be on with us!
ARI: Well, when I heard they knew about karaoke night, one of them was really excited to come and the other was like, okay. Please welcome Meemee the rat with human strength and Shroom, the mushroom.
CODE: We don’t have boys on the podcast that often. Mmmm Boys night!
ARI: (Flirty) Boys night!
Little grunts are heard as MEEMEE tries to climb up the table. Meemee is a grey rat with Guy Fieri hair and a small needle as a sword by his side. He carries SHROOM, a Portobello mushroom, on his back. Shroom has a small nibble on the top of his head.
MEEMEE: Huh tut tut tut, hi, I’m Meemee.
SHROOM: What’s up?
MEEMEE: I am sooooo excited for karaoke. You guys have to Hear. Meemee. Sing.
CODE: Hear Meemee?
MEEMEE: Yeah! (sing songy) Mee mee meeeeeee!
SHROOM: And I’m pretty happy to be invited.
ARI: Hey, how have you two been? What have you been up to?
MEEMEE: Oh, Meemee is fabulous. To be honest though, this is my first time being out like this since Ari drank my girlfriend.
ARI: Yeah, I’m sorry about last time. I was just so thirsty.
MEEMEE: Ari, we’ve been over this before; you can’t keep drinking other rat’s girlfriends.
SHROOM: That sounds pretty wild.
MEEMEE: But you know, I am back. Been focusing on myself for a while now. I have tried some knight things, which was pretty fun. Meemee even got a promotion!
CODE: Oh, what kind of adventures have you been having?
MEEMEE: Well, I have an outrageous story where I pretended to be a poor rat, and that poor rat pretended to be a knight. Then I did tournaments, fighting with other knights, mostly jousting. There was even a ball where I almost got with a princess. Eventually, the whole crowd found out I was poor, but respected me as the knight I was all along.
ARI: Wh-I have so many questions. Ho-
CODE: Yeah, like did you participate in the summer? Like could you feel the Heath?
USIDORE: I presume you had a Ledger that recorded this information?
MEEMEE: Mmhmm, I got it right here. Let me see what I got:
Meemee pulls out a tiny little notebook and reads from it.
MEEMEE (CONT’D): It says, “ask me about my scars”, “I can’t quit you” …
SHROOM: Try checking under “The Dark Knight”.
MEEMEE: No, I’m not checking under “The Dark Knight”, you Joker.
SHROOM: Don’t give me 10 things to hate about you.
MEEMEE: That’s a little rude.
ARI: Can I just ask, how can you joust as a rat?
MEEMEE: Well, as a rat with human strength, I just-
Meemee mimics straddling a horse. He pulls out his sword and points it to the sky. The group closes in on the table to watch him go. Shroom rolls closer to the center for a better look.
MEEMEE: Hut ta ta ta ta tuh-climb up and- Hut ta ta- and there’s my lance. Meemee is ready to go.
USIDORE: What a wonderful graphic image you presented.
CODE: And I can even imagine the wind flowing through your luscious Guy Fieri hair!
ARI: Meemee, no offense, but you’re so small. How can you compete with the other knights?
MEEMEE: How do you think I always win?
ARI: You got a point.
CODE: And Shroom, what have you been up to?
SHROOM: Well, I’ve actually been having a rough time because of Usidore.
USIDORE: What did I do?
SHROOM: Did you not see the sizable bite mark on the rim of my mushroom cap?
Shroom turns his mushroom cap to the group to get a better view.
ARI: I never pegged you as a “cap” person.
MEEMEE: I thought it was a new haircut.
CODE: Yeah! The nibble works for you buddy!
ARI: But how is this Usidore’s fault?
SHROOM: Someone leaked out Usidore’s morglorb recipe, which includes bits of me-
CODE: Usidore, you use parts of Shroom?
USIDORE: Oh, he grows back.
ARI: But not all of him.
SHROOM: Actually, Usidore does take huge chunks at a time. I actually move by growing in the direction I want to go.
ARI: What?
CODE: Yeah, don’t you know how mushrooms work?
ARI: I mean, I kind of know how mushrooms work on Earth, but how do they work in Foon?
SHROOM: So, when I don’t have the luxury of someone or something picking me up and moving me, I secrete spores that-
MEEMEE: Ugh, you are the last person that I want to imagine “secreting “anything.
SHROOM: (Glares at Meemee) …so that spreads my fungus-
SHROOM: -and I become the next iteration forwards. There!
USIDORE: Ah yes, and I use the parts left over in my morglorb recipe. It is-uh, the second main ingredient. (leans to Code) The first ingredient is Miracle Whip.
ARI: Can I ask, is Shroom…pubes?
SHROOM: Well, I wouldn’t simplify it as-
MEEMEE: Shroom is pubes.
CODE: Sounds like Shroom is pubes.
SHROOM: (chuckles discontent) Ha, you guys sucks.
ARI: And the bite mark?
SHROOM: Oh yeah. When everyone found out Usidore’s recipe, people tried to eat me, hoping to get high. I had to find somewhere dark where no one would find me.
MEEMEE: Shroom, you went somewhere dark and…dank? Sounds like a perfect place to find drug ingredients.
SHROOM: I’m starting to regret having you pick me up.
MEEMEE: Aw, I thought us together would make us fun guys.
SHROOM: We’re more like low hanging fruit.
USIDORE: (to Ari) I can still get you some morglorb if you’re interested.
ARI: Whoa, easy there, Walter White. I think I’m good without it.
USIDORE: Who is this Walter White? I cannot be someone who is white, for I AM USIDORE THE BLUE!
CODE: But let’s be clear, you’re pretty fucking white.
ARI: But it’s great to have both of you here! How did you two hear about the event?
MEEMEE: Well, I heard it from my tinder date.
ARI: Your what?
MEEMEE: My tinder date!
CODE: Oh Ari, let me explain; in Foon, a tinder date is when you schedule a tinder to come to your house and light a fire. You tell them where to light it by swiping your hand left or right. Does that make sense?
ARI: Mmmhmm
MEEMEE: And sometimes you fuck them.
USIDORE: And did you?
MEEMEE: A classy rat never kisses and tells. So yeah, I did. My ratty ass is on the rebound and on the prowl.
SHROOM: And I’m here for moral support.
ARI: Well, no need to be down on yourself.
SHROOM: No, I’m here to support Meemee. You know, be his Wing-shroom.
MEEMEE: Yeah, I’ll look better in comparison.
SHROOM: Ho-how is it that I’m the one still being dunked on.
ARI: Dunked?
SHROOM: Ugh, I don’t want to talk about Foon Stuff.
ARI: So Meemee, you’re back on the market again, good for you!
MEEMEE: Mmhmm, putting myself back out there and putting my best foot forward. And when I get up there, I’m going to sing my little heart out and My Heart Will Go On.
USIDORE: I believe there will not be a dry eye in the house. You’ll sink some ships with that siren song.
MEEMEE: It will be so good! the ladies will be throwing Roses at my door.
ARI: The door that can only hold one person?
MEEMEE: There’s no way a door can hold two people, not even if you shifted over a little bit.
CODE: Meemee, I’m really liking this vibe you’re putting out. Really a lot of BDE.
MEEMEE: BDE stands for…Birds…dying everywhere.
USIDORE: (solemnly) Oh, I love birds…
MEEMEE: Yeah, it is to emit energy so powerful, you just kill all the birds around you.
SHROOM: Or you strut around like you have a Big Dick.
ARI: Ah, big dick energy…
MEEMEE: That’s what I got.
SHROOM: The energy of a massive penis?
CODE: But seriously, I want to get back in the game too! Code is back baybee! Make space on that sex tapestry!
ARI: Right, that’s still a thing.
CODE: I know it hasn’t been updated for a while, but until Eggy Baby comes back to me in the mail, I might as well strut my stuff. In Foon, we call it seagulling.
USIDORE: Ah yes, the act of seagulling. Where you c-call out into the room filled with people, find a f-fine gentleman or a lovely l-lady and scream “mine” repeatedly.
ARI: Is it like peacocking?
USIDORE: Why would anyone act like a peacock? They are the second most pretentious bird! Next to the fucking starlings.
SHROOM: Is it because we were talking about big dick energy?
ARI: Nevermind. Although, I am a little surprised that you want to sing, Code. I never pegged you for a singer.
CODE: Is it because I have a grizzly voice?
ARI: What? No! I-
CODE: Well let me tell you, Ari, I have a beautiful voice. And I don’t know what it is about this form, but wanting to sing is, like, a necessity.
MEEMEE: A bear necessity?
CODE: YES! A simple bear necessity.
SHROOM: There’s something about that that makes me want to dance.
CODE: Right!? (starts dancing) It just makes me forget all my worries and my strife.
ARI: Does that dance have a name?
CODE: My Beary Merry Dance?
ARI: Not a Baloo galoo?
CODE: I hate how smug you look right now. Why are you so smug?
MEEMEE: Yeah, a Baloogie Oogie sounds much more fun.
SHROOM: That just sounds like a booger.
CODE: Ari, didn’t you say that there is a Boo-ger King on Earth? And that they sell Woo-pers?
ARI: Mmhmm, it’s the leading competitor to McDoogles.
SHROOM: I could go for McDoogles and their famous Big Mick.
USIDORE: It sounds racist when you say it like that, Mushroom.
SHROOM: It’s Shroomie.
MEEMEE: Wait, is that really your name? I’ve been calling you Shroom.
SHROOM: Yeah, I-
CODE: Have we been calling you the wrong name this entire time?
USIDORE: It just sounds like a missed opportunity.
SHROOM: M-My name is Shroom! But I do like the name Shroomie.
MEEMEE: Hey, maybe I can move in with you in your little mushroom cave and we can shroom-mates? And I can call you my Shroomie.
SHROOM: I haven’t needed a shroom-mate since college.
USIDORE: I imagine your t-trail of self can be considered your roommates.
SHROOM: I guess I do have a little Shroomie hanging out with me from time to time.
CODE: Is that what you call it? Gross.
SHROOM: No No! -
ARI: I’m sorry, can I ask you something Shroom? Now for the last 6 years that I’ve known you-
MEEMEE: From the first time she threw you off from that cliff to now.
CODE: Yes, that did happen.
ARI: Well, I never knew you went to college.
SHROOM: Yeah, I went to the Eyes University, home of the bucks.
MEEMEE: That’s where you learn how to get to the Ohio State?
ARI: Wait, all this time, you have an Ohio here in Foon?
SHROOM: Yup, it was a class where we got high. We would go “oh!”, then we’re high, and when we come down from that high, we go “oh…”
ARI: Oh…
SHROOM: Yup, just like that.
USIDORE: It is very similar to the wizard state. Here, watch! (mixes of mumbles and whispers) …chamber pots…among us…two dollars off next purchase...
Usidore continues to mumble while the rest of the group kind of rolls their eyes. In the back, OPEN MICHELLE starts prepping the stage and brings a piece of paper on a stool. The band in the back also starts to tune and set up.
CODE: Seamless.
ARI: Well, I think the signup sheet for karaoke is opening up, so why don’t we take a break while she’s in the wizard state and think about some songs that we can sing!
CODE: Oooo Oooo, I know the perfect song to sign you up for.
ARI: I have to sing, too?
CODE: Wait, so you were hoping that you got to be the asshole that doesn’t sing?
ARI: I don’t know any songs from Foon!
SHROOM: Why say “we” then?
ARI: I mean the royal we!
CODE: While I was Queen of the Bear, I took a royal wee.
MEEMEE: Look, it’s easy! Here, I’ll help find you a song, then maybe the ladies will get jealous that I’m already hanging out with a lady and go “Hey, hands off!”
ARI: Have you ever talked to a woman before? Like ever?
USIDORE: (more mumbles and whispers)-…bone, boot, ball, bell nuggies...
submitted by nothingfunnytooffer to magictavern [link] [comments]

[S1] Setting Expectations and Paying Them Off

Richard Burton as Alec Leamus 1965
It is generally accepted that the first season of Killing Eve stands above the subsequent seasons. But why? Here is a one theory. It could be a situation where expectations are set up and then not paid off.
In S1 there was one big official task driving Eve: identify and locate this new female assassin, Villanelle. The audience realizes that she has an ulterior motive – a fascination with dangerous behavior leading to a fascination with Villanelle. In the first two episodes of S1 (“Nice Face” – written by Phoebe Waller Bridge, directed by Harry Bradbeer, “I’ll Deal with Him Later” – written by Phoebe Waller Bridge, directed by Harry Bradbeer) the major themes and structures are all laid out (Eve’s hair, bathrooms, etc.) that figure into their mutual fascination. This expectation is rewarded in the subsequent episodes where Eve and Villanelle meet on the road while rescuing Frank, at Eve’s house and finally in Paris
In S2, Emerald Fennell has two plot arcs that individually could have filled the whole season: identifying and finding the Ghost and the Aaron Peel with his wonderous software weapon plot. The Ghost was a great creation – the anti-Villanelle. She plans not to be “devastating” and conceals herself by appearing as the nameless faceless ignored part of the service world. Most of all, The Ghost was once someone like Eve – a regular person who somehow crossed that line and embraced her own darkness. Identifying and finding the Ghost would have allowed Eve to delve further into her fascination with danger and Villanelle.
The writers underestimated the importance of this point. In S2 E4 (“Desperate Times” written by Emerald Fennell and DC Moore, directed by Lisa Bruhlmann) the interrogation of the Ghost by Eve was misplayed and fizzled out. The casting of Jung Sun den Hollander to physically mirror Eve and the motif of mirrors, (standard and one way) all suggested that this interrogation would be revealing. It should have been the major scene of the season and written on par with the interaction between E and V in E's house, Heath Ledger’s Joker and Christian Bale’s Batman in The Dark Knight or Robert DeNiro’s Neil McCauley and Al Pacino’s Vince Hanna in Heat. This is only a guess, but suggests a weakness in the writing team with an understanding of plotting of thrilleaction vehicles.
The second plot line had many fine moments (the support group honest moment from V, V slapping Peel, the ending in the Roman ruins) but having both of the plot lines in one season prevented either one of them from being fully formed.
In S3, (“Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey” by Suzanne Heathcote and directed by Terry McDonough), Suzanne Heathcote starts the season in a manner similar with S1. It begins with a death and dispute over the cause. In S1, only Eve states openly the reality – that it was likely a woman killer. In S3, only Eve openly expresses doubt that Kenny jumped – and believes he was killed.
Having established this as the primary task for the season, we then are introduced to other competing tasks: Villanelle wants to be promoted in the ranks of the 12, Dasha wants to go home, Konstantin want out of the spy life, Eve wants to reconcile with Niko, and V wants to have a connection with her family. Because the audience is familiar with the nature of mysteries, these disparate plot lines are expected to somehow knit together or help sort out the main task: finding out who killed Kenny. Of these only the storyline of Dasha and V’s desire to rise in the 12 has a unifying resolution – it was all a con, a fake, to get V back in line and working for the 12. The other side plots either die out or end up unresolved.
By setting up the mystery of how Kenny died, the writers led the audience to expect a classic whodunit. We see the crime scene. We see Eve and know she’ll hunt for the killer, and so this sets up expectations for the whole season that we will follow along with Eve as she sees clues, chases down false leads and ultimately figures out who killed Kenny. The audience expects this pattern and so when Geraldine keeps popping up, we expect that her scenes have some purpose. Theories about the yoga mat, and where she spent her days all flourished in this environment and led nowhere. This failure to deliver on what appears to be a deliberate set up may be why S3 was unsatisfying despite some good individual moments (e.g. bus scene, V meets her family, Konstantin trying to stay cool).
It can be a nice plot twist to set up expectations in a conventional matter and then surprise the audience by going in another direction. That’s fine so long as there is a payoff in some manner.
The classic spy/thriller subversion of expectation can be seen in the The Spy Who Came in From the Cold. Alec Leamus, a British agent believes his mission is to plant information to discredit the chief of East German Intelligence, Mundt. The audience suffers along with Alec as he is allowed to fall into disgrace and suffers because we suspect we know the reason why - to destroy Mundt. Only at the end when his mission has been blown do we realize that his masters in Mi6 have played Leamus. Mundt is a double agent and works for Mi6. Leamus's mission was blown deliberately by the British to quash efforts to unseat Mundt and give him the excuse to eliminate his suspicious rivals. Richard Burton who portrayed Leamus in the 1956 Martin Ritt film was well cast: a brilliant actor who did a lot of jobs because he needed the money, his self-loathing at this compromise and his anger and cynicism at how his life has ended up all come out when Leamus realizes how badly he had been duped. Our expectations were subverted but the payoff was there.
In S2 and S3 there wasn’t an expected or unexpected payoff and while there were many fine moments, the seasons don’t work as well because of this deficiency.
submitted by treetown1 to KillingEve [link] [comments]

I used to be a janitor at an mental institution

so my names carter, and for about 5 years I worked at “walker asylum”. for the sake of confidentiality, and quite frankly for the safety of you reading this, I won’t be releasing where it’s located. At first it was honestly just like sweeping the halls of a highschool, nothing but a mundane janitor job.
the staff seemed to genuinely care for the patients, but what confused me is that most of the patients didn’t seem to be insane. sure a lot of them were paranoid, or or a little empty in the skull, but certainly not to the point of insanity. however i slowly noticed that the longer they stayed the more they slipped into losing it.
I assumed it was just due to being locked away for long periods of time, i know...I know what snapped the poor bastards sanity.
One night i had to stay late due to a fight between two patients, leading to one being stabbed, and more than once. This meant I was stuck mopping up the blood, not to mention the piss and vomit from the easily nauseous, and let me tell you it takes more than a wet mop and a bottle of bleach to get all that shit off of tiled flooring.
As I was dumping out my second pale of dark red mop water trying not to gag, Dr. wendals, the head of psychology came in bringing me a cup of coffee. “sorry about the mess carter, If I were able to handle the sight of blood Id give you a hand”. he was a stariotipical nerd. soft eyes behind a pair of rimmed glasses, a tall lanky figure and a rather nasally voice.
I laid down my mop and grabbed a coffee thanking him. “ah no big deal, this is why i’m getting paid, all though I might ask for a raise after this mess.” he chuckled softly and agreed that my next paycheck would be significantly heftier. as I raised my coffee to my lips I looked and asked him. “why are you here so late anyways, didn’t all the staff leave like two hours ago.”
for a very brief second a face of panic, as if trying to find an answer, but instantly composed himself. “yes well, as head physicalist I have quite a heavier load of paper work then your average doctor. I nodded without giving it a second thought, after all it was a solid excuse, givin that running an institution like this one.
after a few minutes of small talk he left for his office as I continued scrubbing and mopping. I did what I could to make the floor look presentable, well, as presentable as an asylum cafeteria can be. after cleaning up my supplies and storing them in the closet I head to my office, which was only a little larger then the actual closet we store the supplies in, heh yeah I know, living quite lavishly.
I grabbed my coat and made my way to the front door when suddenly I heard this fuzzy sound. It was kinda like a deep muffled buzz you’d hear from a bee. I chalked it up to the crappy LED lights, I mean I can’t even remember how many of those i’ve had to change.
I continued walking when suddenly that buzzing sound returned, this time followed by what I could only describe as the screech of a wounded animal. It was faint and muffled but just loud enough to catch my attention.
I figured what the hell might as well check it out, I was already working the graveyard shift, might as well do some exploring. It was strange, no matter where I went the buzzing never got any louder, nor any quieter. I was stumped, I’ve scrubbed this building from every square inch, yet couldn’t find anything.
I was ready to give up my search, when i passed wendells office. It was completely empty, he was nowhere to be seen. I assumed he had left until i noticed that his coat, bag, and car keys were still on his desk. The buzzing returned, and while it wasn’t any louder, I could see flashing lights from underneath his desk.
I went in and pushed the desk over to the side, and underneath was This trap door. The wood was worn down and stained to holy hell, splinters popping up all over the place. I opened the hatch and lifted the door. It lead to a long ladder that was rusted and dented. The buzzing returned, this time much louder, along with the schreeching, however this time it was slurred and mumbled.
Now I can already hear you going “don’t go down there dumb ass”. Now i’ve seen plenty of horror movies, and the whole people being stupid and going into dark basements, but the thing is that the human mind is a curious thing. sometimes curiosity overpowers logic or fear, so after a few minutes of depbating my own sanity while here more yells and buzzing, i went down the ladder.
it was grimy and was rusted to hell, thank god i got my tetnis shot or i would have died on the spot from the first rung. i continued to go down til my boots hit the cracked cement floor.
There were flashing lights in the direction of the sounds. every part of me wanted to climb back up that ladder and run the fuck out of here, but my body moved no matter how hard I tried to hit the brakes. I went down the hall and slowly peaked around the corner, and what i saw made my heart hit my ass.
It was doctor wendells, along with a nurse. wendells was standing in front of one of the inmates, who had been strapped down to an old fashioned restraining board like in frankenstein. the top of the mans skull was cut off, rusty metal rods railed into his brain from various areas, he’s eyes were glazed over, almost like TV static.
“now john you know this is meirly a test. resistance or not we will be getting our studies complete, so why don’t we just try to relax and we will get through this smoothly.” wendells said, picking up what i assumed to be a cattle prod, or stun beton. he slowly moved the prod to one of the metal rods sticking from the mans brain.
It’s then when I learned what the buzzing was from. a strong electric current followed by low staticky buzzing. the man began slurring again as his left arm violently began spazzing out. Wendells began cackling as the nurse also let out this desturbing giggle. “so this part of your brain controls your left arms motor functions, fascinating.”
I screamed silently and kept telling myself to get the fuck out of there, but both my eyes and feet were glued in position. after “testing” the rest of the rods and discovering what controls where, he called the nurse to bring offer his tools. she did just that and they quickly got to work
Wendells grabbed a bone drill, caked in stale blood, and began drilling holes in the removed piece of the skull, each hole corisponding with one of the rods. he slowly lowered the removed bone back onto the mans head. he then grabbed a small hand torch. he fuckin welded the guys head back together. the man still let out slurred screams of help, but they were very quiet and mumbled, which i chalked up to the whole metal spears in his brain thing.
“and now” Wendells said with a twisted ear to ear grin as he reached for the tray. “we move on to the last step of stage one” he finished as he picked up another crimson stained tool. it was a a rusty jagged scalpel, not large enough to be considered a knife but significantly larger than a simple scalpel.
he admired the blades sharp edges. “this is my favorite part.” he said with a wink, before ramming the blade into the lands gut, slowly opening it and removing a large patch of flesh, revealing the mans rib cage and the contents held behind it.
the man finally went limp as his blank eyes stared off into the dark hallway i had been sitting in. without a second passing Wendells got back to work. he began connecting wires to the various rods in his head, as well as nailing what looked like some kind of power battery into the mans heart, and what happened next has haunted me for years.
the cables now attached to the mans brain were attached to a control panel of some kind. “and now, we begin” wendalls announced to the nurse by his side. he flipped a few switches and suddenly the man who was well passed deceased got up from his position, The man made a fucking walking corpse. “magnificent! absolutely magnificent” wendalls exclaimed as he continued to test the rest of the controls that caused the dead mans limbs to move.
it was absolutely grotesque and honestly horrific, but to that psychopaths credit despite being an absolute violation of human rights, the man was a smart son of a bitch. If it weren’t for the fact that I had I saw him get gutted with my own eyes along with the metal rods logged into his cranium, I could’ve easily mistaken the man to still be among the living. his limbs moved flawlessly with little to no difficulty. he was even able to make the corpse pick things up, even move his jaw to give the impression of speaking.
That’s when my lunch finally decided it was time to come up. that was also the moment I had been spotted thanks to my now liquified bacon egg and cheese spilling to the ground. my eyes met with wendalls, where he flashed a smile that would’ve given heath ledgers joker the chills.
I immediately began to hall ass to the ladder, in which the doctors new play thing began to chase me. I turned around met with his empty glazed over eyes, and his still open chest. as I began running I noticed a large tank of gasoline for the generator that powered wendalls little torture room.
as I ran I quickly kicked the barrel as hard as I could, even ended up breaking part of my foot, but my adrenaline was so high I didn’t even notice. I reached the ladder when suddenly my leg was grabbed by the walking corpse. I threw a punch right to his face. well i’m sure you know, dead people don’t exactly feel pain, so my swings were meaningless. I decided to shove my boot into his face which caused him to stumble back, giving me enough time to climb up.
as I reached the top I quickly fished my lighter from my pocket, and for once having a smoking habit saved my life that night. I dropped my lighter into the hole and the ground instantly ignited. I pushed the large metal desk back over the trap door, in which that fucked up physiologist and his nurse began desperately banging on the steel latch door. I’ve never thought i’d have blood on my hands, but honestly I couldn’t care in the slightest considering who’s blood it was.
I called the police before quickly running to my truck and driving home fast enough to run over the flash. I haven’t been the same since, i mean fuck who would be. I was lucky to make it out alive, but now I am in constant fear of becoming a decaying puppet. after all, despite tearing the whole place apart, the police never found a trace of wendalls. they had found the nurses body charred to a crisp, hey like i said, I don’t have enough sympathy for her to feel guilt, along with the now double dead man, who i I did feel bad for. however...wendalls body was never found.
submitted by Drhorrible-26 to nosleep [link] [comments]

‘Do you want to do a superhero movie?’ - answers from directors, writers, actors and actresses (2020 update)

I did one of these a couple years ago and people seemed to like it, but I figured it could use an update.
Take these with a grain of salt, of course, this is more for fun than anything. It’s a pretty long post so I’d probably recommend just skimming through for any names you’re interested in.
Pedro Almodóvar
It’s too big for me! I like to see what I’m doing, to direct movies the same day. You have to wait too long to see the results. I like being able to impose my opinion as a director. I’ve made 21 movies. I’m used to doing it the way I like, not fitting with the Hollywood system. (Vulture, 2019)
Darren Aronofsky
You never know. I mean, Superman would always be interesting. But they’re already deep into reinventing him, so that’s not going to happen for a long time. I think with those films you have to be careful because they are about communicating with as big an audience as you possibly can. Audiences who go to see those films expect a certain type of movie. (CinePop, 2017)
Gemma Arterton
I’m not really into superheroes and stuff like that. But you never know. (HeyUGuys, 2015)
Olivier Assayas
I mean, I enjoy it as a viewer. I don’t think I would touch it as a filmmaker, but I can certainly understand the fun one has with that material, not to mention the admiration I’ve always had for the writers and artists of the comic books. Once in a while, I still do read X-Men comics. I’m just fascinated by the complexity of the narratives and the ambition of the storytelling, which is way beyond whatever they’re doing in the movies. (AV Club, 2015)
Ari Aster
I’ve received some really enticing and cool offers, and I certainly want to hear what the offers are, but I am self-generating. I have so many films I want to make that I’ve written that are so vivid in my head.... Never say never, I definitely want to look at everything that comes my way, but it’ll take a lot to pull me away from these projects that are sort of on the tip of my tongue and that I’m ready to make. (Happy Sad Confused, 2019)
Michael Bay
I wouldn’t want to, it’s not my thing, it’s just not my gig. (Collider, 2016)
Orlando Bloom
I do read [the Marvel comics] a little bit. Who’s the British one? Captain Britain! There you go. Terrible costume, though. (BBC Radio 2, 2018)
Emily Blunt
Not particularly. (Variety, 2018)
Bong Joon-ho
I don’t think Marvel would ever want a director like me. I don’t expect any offers from them anytime soon. Of their movies, I did enjoy the films by James Gunn and James Mangold’s Logan, and I think there are great directors who can handle great projects like that. (Variety, 2020)
John Boyega
I sat down with Marvel years ago, but that’s not the direction I want to go at all. (ComicBook, 2019)
Danny Boyle
I wouldn’t be very good at it. I saw the Spider-Man movie, the animation, and I thought it was wonderful, but out of my league. Normally when you see a movie like that, you think, “I could maybe do that.” I didn’t think “Maybe” with this. It had a sensibility that felt truthful to its origins. Whoever made this, it is part of their bloodstream. You’ve got to recognise that you have no idea how to get there. I don’t think you should attempt one unless it’s in your bloodstream... Comics really aren’t in my bloodstream. (Empire, 2019)
Alison Brie
I would love to. I think especially after working on GLOW, where we all felt like we were superheroes, in a way it has satisfied my desire to do something like that. But in some ways it’s only whet my appetite. (Business Insider, 2017)
James Cameron
I’m not the slightest bit interested in laboring in someone else’s house. (Daily Beast, 2017)
Timothée Chalamet
I want to work with good storytellers and good directors on projects that are fresh, and on roles that feel challenging. Like Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, or Christian Bale in that film, or Tom Hardy and Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight Rises. If it was something of that caliber, then that’s awesome. (Variety, 2018)
Toni Collette
It’d be super-fun to be a superhero. I’m not averse to any particular budget. I’m just averse to a shitty story. (Metro, 2015)
Olivia Colman
I’ve always wanted to play a Marvel baddie. I’m not sure I fit the mould, though. Like a powerful, extraordinary woman. Somebody with superpowers would be really fun, but I’m not sure how many middle-aged women they have in Marvel. (Vulture, 2016)
Sofia Coppola
I love making small low-budget films where I am really allowed to do it the way I want, and I think when you have those huge franchises there are a lot of cooks in the kitchen and meetings in conference rooms. But I’d never say never. (The Independent, 2017)
Bryan Cranston
I don’t want to do a character that has been done several times before. I don’t want to be compared, like, “Well, his Commissioner Gordon was yada yada yada.” I don’t want to do that. I want to take something that hasn’t been done. (ScreenGreek, 2018)
Tom Cruise
I’ll never say no if I find something that’s interesting, and I think an audience would like to see it, and they’re going to be entertained by it, and I feel like I can contribute something. (MTV, 2018)
Guillermo del Toro
Well, I co-wrote a whole screenplay on Justice League Dark for Warner Bros., so that’s your answer. I love Deadman, I love Demon, I love Swamp Thing, Zatanna. That’s a universe, is one thing. I’m very attracted to that side of the DC universe. But I’m not a superhero guy. For me to like a superhero, the superhero needs to be a monster. (ComicBook, 2019)
Leonardo DiCaprio
You never know. They’re getting better and better as far as complex characters in these movies. I haven’t yet. But no, I don’t rule out anything. (ShortList, 2015)
Zac Efron
I would do it in a second. I’m just waiting for the right opportunity. (Elle, 2017)
Taron Egerton
I love Marvel and I love the movies and I’d love the excuse to get in shape. (Variety, 2019)
Robert Eggers
Absolutely not. (Bloody Disgusting, 2019)
Cynthia Erivo
Yes. My body is suited to it. And I’d love to see what that experience is like. I think I could have a good time doing it. (Hollywood Reporter, 2020)
Giancarlo Esposito
I love those guys at Marvel. We’ve been trying to figure out how to collaborate on something. (ComicBook, 2016)
Rebecca Ferguson
I don’t think my goal is to throw myself into Marvel university. I love their stories, some of their characters are great, but I do it for the stories, for the people you work with, for the directors. We’ll see. (Metro, 2016)
David Fincher
Maybe. I was open to doing a zombie movie. I think in terms of stories — I don’t want to have to go and they say, “Okay, you have to dream up something for Meteor Man.” Or whatever. I don’t want to have to cobble together something around a pre-existing mask or uniform or cape or idea. (SXSW, 2019)
Jodie Foster
No, not interested in the franchise hero, superhero movie at all. It’s just not what I do. I’m glad other people do it and there’s always been those kinds of films, and there will always be those kinds of movies. It’s just now there’s been kind of, there’s a word for it in business where features as a business model have been more keen on, 95 percent of what they do is $200 million plus action films that appeal to all four quadrants that are these high-risk action films. It’s just not what I do. (ScreenCrush, 2018)
Cary Fukunaga
No, not really. I feel like they’ve all been taken... I do think there’s a place to make intelligent, big films. It depends on sensibility, too. I loved Guardians of the Galaxy. (Vulture, 2015)
Greta Gerwig
I would be open to doing a bigger film but at the same time I think, for me, one of the guiding principles of what I try to do to make my career as I have tried to make it, I always have a sense of what I would drop everything for and I think the thing that I would drop everything for is my own work that I write and that I make. It’s not that I’m not interested in those things, it’s just that they don’t come first. (Silver Screen Riot, 2015)
Hugh Grant
[I was recently offered one, but] there was a scheduling and family issue. Otherwise, I was absolutely up for it. It was a juicy role. It was a baddie. I love a good baddie. (Variety, 2019)
James Gray
I have no problem with Marvel. I’ve taken my children to Marvel movies and it’s a great experience — a bonding experience. It’s beautiful, and those films are brilliantly made. I loved the first Captain America. Terrific movie. So it’s not about shitting on them. The problem is not that — the problem is only that. It’s like if you went to the supermarket and you saw only one brand of cereal. Special K is all they had. Special K is not a bad-tasting cereal, but if that’s the only one you could get it would be awfully frustrating. If the movie business starts catering to smaller and smaller groups, it’s going to start hurting itself in a major way. I would argue that it already has. It’s my job as a director to try and push back against that a little bit. (IndieWire, 2019)
Eva Green
I really like physical stuff, actually. Even 300, I loved doing the training. It was thrilling to play that very strong woman. You get out of your head as an actor and you find the character through physical training. I’d love to do more of the superhero stuff. (ComingSoon, 2019)
Jon Hamm
It depends on the script, what the story is. I am a huge comic book fan, always have been. I have read comic books since I was nine or younger. And I am pretty knowledgeable about a lot of them. And I like the genre, and I like when they are done well. (Hollywood Reporter, 2018)
Armie Hammer
I haven’t seen a superhero movie in a long time where I thought, “Fuck, I wish I was in that.” You know? So for me there’s not, like, a huge rush. (Happy Sad Confused, 2017)
Neil Patrick Harris
I’d love to be some sort of villain in a big-budget action movie. Or a superhero franchise. That’d be rad. (Interview Magazine, 2015)
Ethan Hawke
I guess I’ve been offered things like that that didn’t appeal to me. You have to be careful about what you’re famous for. You don’t want to be famous for something you don’t love. It brings people a lot of pain when that happens. (ScreenCrush, 2018)
Lucas Hedges
I don’t see myself signing a long-term contract. That sounds frightening. Some of those actors who are in those movies really make challenging material work. That’s really impressive. I don’t see that as a challenge I’m dying to take on. (Hollywood Reporter, 2019)
Taraji P. Henson
I would love to be a Marvel superhero. (The New York Times, 2017)
Ron Howard
I’ve had opportunities over the years. I really feel like you shouldn’t make a movie as a kind of exercise. You have to be all the way in. I was never a comic book guy. I like the movies when I see them, especially the origin stories. I never felt like I could be on the set, at 3 o’clock in the morning, tired, with 10 important decisions to make, and know, intuitively, what the story needs. (Happy Sad Confused, 2015)
Glenn Howerton
If Marvel came along and wanted me to play a superhero, I probably would because I think that would be really, really fun. (GQ, 2018)
Charlie Hunnam
I didn’t grow up a comic book fan and I haven’t really seen any of those Marvel films or the Batman films. It’s just not really my taste.... It’s not part of my vision for my career or what I aspire to. (Yahoo, 2017) taste.
Peter Jackson
I’m not a superhero guy. (Empire, 2019)
Lily James
I want to do more action. I want to be a superhero. (Refinery29, 2016)
Barry Jenkins
I’m friends with Ryan Coogler, and just seeing his path from Fruitvale Station to Black Panther, and seeing that his voice has arrived at Black Panther intact and he’s creating on this scale that I think has far more reach than the scale I’m creating on right now. Yeah, if the right character presented itself — I can’t imagine Ryan directing Doctor Strange, I just can’t. But I think even superheroes are characters. And I think what Ryan did so well in Black Panther was showing the human being that T’Challa is. So, if something like that presented itself, yeah, I’d be interested. So long as I had the freedom to create the way I create. (Houston Chronicle, 2018)
Charlie Kaufman
Of course. But — no one wants me to do that. (IndieWire, 2016)
Jennifer Kent
The opportunity has been there if I really wanted to pursue that path and it still probably is to some extent. I am excited by this aboriginal Marvel character, Manifold. Aboriginal culture is the oldest culture in the earth; it’s so sophisticated and deep. It would interest me to take that out to the planet. There could be some amazing story there. (IndieWire, 2019)
John Krasinski
I would love to be in the Marvel universe. I love those movies because they’re fun, but I also think they’re really well done. And certainly a lot of my friends are in those movies. (Total Film, 2020)
Mila Kunis
No, that’s a lot of working out. Lots of those people are hungry, and you have to be because you have to be in shape and I don’t want to be hungry for 10 years. (MTV, 2018)
David Lowery
I grew up reading Marvel comic books and it’s a joy to see the aesthetic replicated on screen so thoroughly. Yet the aesthetic is so well-grounded at this point I don’t think there’s anything I could contribute to it. So the answer is likely no. But I do love superheroes, so there might be the right superhero movie out there I may want to delve in. (Maclean’s, 2017)
Rooney Mara
I don’t really get offered those parts, or maybe I do. I don’t even know. Maybe I do and I just don’t even realize it and just say no to them. For me it’s just all about the director and it’s all about the script and the story. (Deadline, 2016)
Matthew McConaughey
I did Sing, I did Kubo and the Two Strings. But other than that I’m like, what have I done that my kids can see? ... I’ll be there in a little while! I’ll do something. (Fandango, 2018)
Adam McKay
We’re always kind of talking. I think Feige is just the greatest, and what they’re doing is amazing. (Happy Sad Confused, 2018)
Christopher McQuarrie
I must tell you, the possibility of my doing a superhero movie is remote in the extreme. (Twitter, 2019)
Sam Mendes
The funniest letter I got — they were sending [a packet for] The Avengers, right? For directors to pitch — and I got a package, which was full of comic books, but no treatment; there was no script. But the cover letter said “Marvel’s Avengers will be released on May 3, 2012” or whatever it was. That was the first sentence of the cover letter. Not, “We have the pleasure of enclosing the materials…” or “Here is the script for…” But the release date.... I mean, that’s not my world particularly. I’ll go see it, particularly with my kids, but I didn’t want to make it. (Moviefone, 2012)
Sienna Miller
I feel quite content. It’s a huge commitment to have the ambition to be playing those parts and to be doing those roles. I don’t know that I have that, the ambition that it takes, the drive that it takes. Yes, I think I have subconsciously shied away from that, I think the idea of that is daunting. (The Guardian, 2017)
Helen Mirren
Oh yes! ... I’d probably have to be the baddie. You know, because I’m British. (CineMovie, 2013)
Viggo Mortensen
I’m just looking for good stories, and the ones I’ve happened to find and commit to have happened to be in other countries, or are independent films. I’m not trying to avoid any kind of budget or genre of movies. (LA Times, 2016)
Elisabeth Moss
I don’t think I’m good at the whole green screen thing, but I’m not averse to trying it out. I’m more into, like, a weird concentration camp miniseries [laughs]. That’s a sure path to my own Marvel movie. (MovieMaker Magazine, 2019)
Carey Mulligan
I don’t think I would be very good in something like that. (The Resident, 2018)
Eddie Murphy
No! I’m going to be 60 in a year. Who would I play? The old brotherman? I guess that’d be the character.... Man, fuck that. I can’t be standing around in a movie with a stick and shit, pointing and telling people, “Oh, you should do this or that.” I’m just not down with the whole superhero movie thing. But, if I had to, I guess I could play a villain or some shit like that. (IndieWire, 2019)
David Oyelowo
I tread with caution around the notion of those kinds of characters. Depending on which one of them you’re playing, there’s always a danger you’re going to get so identified with this larger than life character that it could become tougher for audiences to believe you in other roles. (The Wrap, 2015)
Al Pacino
I would do anything that I could understand in terms of how I fit in it. And you know, of course if I could fit in it. Anything’s possible. You know, I did Dick Tracy and I got an Oscar nomination, so come on. (Deadline, 2014)
Dev Patel
I had a wee bit of a scarring experience when I attempted to be a part of a franchise, and it didn’t quite hit the mark. It makes you evaluate what kind of mark you want to leave on the industry. (Esquire, 2016)
Jordan Peele
So many of those properties — it’s a childhood dream to be able to essentially see what you saw in your imagination as a child, watching or reading or whatever you were doing with that stuff. It’s a filmmaker’s dream. But you know, I feel like I only have so much time. I have a lot of stories to tell, and it just doesn’t feel right. It just doesn’t feel right. I’m a comic book and graphic novel appreciator, but I can’t call myself a true fan boy. (Rolling Stone, 2019)
Sean Penn
You asked me with a camera on this face and in this time of my life if I would be a superhero? (laughs) Maybe, if there’s a very funny one. (Reuters, 2015)
Brad Pitt
I don’t think so. I think there’s enough. I don’t think I have anything to add. (24 Oras, 2019)
Daniel Radcliffe
If it was good enough and something I was interested in. I’m not sure if I’d sign up for something that was another seven or eight films or ten years, but a shorter franchise, yeah. (Business Insider, 2016)
Lynne Ramsay
When I was 15 or 16, I had a boyfriend who was an obsessive fan [of comics]. His apartment was so full of comic-books he made a path through the boxes to get places.... My boyfriend at the time was always on about the psychology of the characters, the ones that he really liked tended to have these strange histories. A lot of them are quite Freudian and strange. I liked Bill Sienkiewicz’s work, and Alan Moore is so special.
The ones I liked were deeply, darkly screwed-up reflections of the world – where you can see how they became what they became and that past was super-psychological.... There’s some amazing things in graphic novels and comic-books, and they taught me a lot about filmmaking as well. Someone said to me that You Were Never Really Here’s like a graphic novel. I think I’ve learned a lot about filmmaking through comic-books, in terms of how to tell a story visually. That had an influence on me. If you’re able to do it without a committee, with a real set approach to it, where you have freedom and people trust you, that would be amazing. (Yahoo, 2018)
Eddie Redmayne
I love the films. You know how in summer, when studios compete for people to see their summer blockbusters, I am their dream. I see all of them. I would never rule out the opportunity to be in one. (The Sun, 2015)
Nicolas Winding Refn
I love Hollywood. I love glamour and glitz. I love camp. I love vanity, I love egos, I indulge in all that, but the bigger kind of approaches or the offers that have come my way or the interest, in the end, I’ve always just felt that I wasn’t the right person in the end for it. Doesn’t mean that it won’t happen. I mean I would love to do one of those comic book movies. (Collider, 2019)
Kelly Reichardt
There’s absolutely no danger of that happening [laughs]. But maybe there’s something for me somewhere in between that and my sort of films. I did really enjoy doing my little wagon crash in Meek’s Cutoff. It was one of the most fun things I ever did, and I suddenly realized, “Oh, this is why people love to smash things up. It’s so much fun!” (Variety, 2016)
Boots Riley
I have a problem with superheroes in general, because, politically, superheroes are cops. Superheroes work with the government to uphold the law. And who do the laws work for? Put it like this: We all love bank robbers, because we know that in the two sides of that equation, the robbers are the ones to root for, not the banks. Only in superhero movies and the news do they try to make us think we’re against the bank robbers. (The New York Times, 2018)
Guy Ritchie
I’m up for it.... I’m a guy that likes to work so I’m gonna work. And I’ll work with whatever I can to make it work. I’m not an absolutist about what a genre is so I’m not a no-man, I’m a yes-man when it comes to making something manifest. (Variety, 2017)
Gina Rodriguez
I would love to be a superhero—that’s all I want to do is play a superhero. (E! Online, 2015)
Saoirse Ronan
If a script came along that was strong, interesting, original, I would take it. A good script is a good script. (Vogue, 2018)
Winona Ryder
No one is banging my door down to be a superhero. I don’t know how good I would be. I have low bone density, so I don’t know if anyone really wants to put me in a cape and chuck me out a window. (Collider, 2016)
Josh Safdie
A studio offered us to do a sequel to this huge comic-book thing. We just said, “No, we don’t wanna do that!” But we are interested in working in the studio system. (The Independent, 2017)
Andrew Scott
Absolutely, I wouldn’t say no. But it very much depends on the character. And what exactly it is that you’re doing. I’ve definitely had conversations about that world before, but as yet, it hasn’t transpired. So for me, it just depends on the acting requirement. The films are definitely really cool. So, I don’t know. We’ll wait and see. (Digital Spy, 2019)
Amanda Seyfried
They’re highly enjoyable. I love being an audience member. I just don’t want to put on the suit. Nope, I’m not into [stunts]. That’s not where I see my career going. (Late Night with Seth Meyers, 2015)
Alexander Skarsgård
If you do it with the right tone, then sure. (The Guardian, 2015)
Steven Soderbergh
Well, look, those movies are bananas. I see some of them and I’m like, “I couldn’t direct 30 seconds of that.” Just because so much of my time would be spent on things I’m ultimately not interested in. You look at my career, and it’s mostly just two people in a room. Two people in a room to me is exciting. If you look at history, it's the way gigantic things happen; it’s the result of two people in a room. I’ve always felt that was the richest tapestry you could come up with. So anything that isn’t about that, I’m immediately kind of like, “Well, why isn’t it two people in a room?” So you’re just spending all this time having conversations with VFX people, instead of with actors about what the scene is. And that’s what I’m interested in. It’s not that I’m a snob. It’s just that I wasn’t into comic books as a kid, and I’m not interested in things that don’t have to do with performance. (W Magazine, 2017)
Aaron Sorkin
I happen to have meetings coming up with both DC and Marvel. I have to go into these meetings and tell them as respectfully as I can that I’ve never read a comic book. It’s not that I don’t like them. It’s just that I’ve never been exposed to one. So, I’m hoping that somewhere in their library is a comic book character that I’m gonna love and I’m gonna wanna go back and start reading from the first issue on. (ComicBook, 2017)
Lakeith Stanfield
I would love to play the Joker. That’d be beautiful. (Jimmy Kimmel Live, 2020)
Kristen Stewart
I think maybe what I’ve learned is that I don’t want to do another [big franchise] ever again [laughs] … No, I mean, sure. Maybe. I never really limit myself. (Konbini, 2019)
Justin Theroux
There are younger guys than me that are better at it than I am. I’ll leave it up to them. (Vulture, 2014)
Jean-Marc Vallée
If the script is great, yeah. But so far, it’s not my cup of tea. (Hollywood Reporter, 2016)
Paul Verhoeven
If I could add some other level to it, but if it's the same as whatever those other people are doing right now, then no. No! I'm not saying it's not possible, but, like, when they wanted to pit Batman against Superman [laughs, hands flailing] My God! (Metro, 2016)
Denis Villeneuve
No, because I’m not from that culture. I’m French-Canadian which means that my culture is European. I was influenced by authors from France and Belgium, and Europeans are graphic novelists. Honestly, I know very little about most of them. (Happy Sad Confused, 2017)
Mark Wahlberg
I’m not leaving my trailer in a cape. (American Film Market, 2016)
Lulu Wang
[Big movies like that are] really made by committee. And that’s one of the reasons I don’t want to do it right now. Because I haven’t figured out my voice yet as a filmmaker. (Hollywood Reporter, 2019)
Denzel Washington
I haven’t been approached. You know, we’ll see what happens. (, 2018)
Ben Wheatley
They usually take people after two films, and [Free Fire was] film six. So you can safely say they’ll not come fucking knocking on my door. (Q&A, 2017)
Olivia Wilde
Totally, yeah. Absolutely. (MTV, 2019)
Evan Rachel Wood
I would love to be a superhero or something. (Cinephiled, 2014)
Steven Yeun
I’d like to do anything, if it comes my way and moves me I’m into it. (South China Morning Post, 2020)
submitted by LukeWilsonStupidNose to movies [link] [comments]

[Fri, Jan 22 2021] TL;DR — This is what you missed in the last 24 hours on Reddit


'Fat but fit' is a myth when it comes to heart health, new study shows
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Tokyo Olympics to be cancelled for coronavirus: report
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City of London to remove statues linked to slavery trade
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FBI ups reward to $75,000 for suspect who placed pipe bombs during Capitol riot
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Japan privately concludes Tokyo Olympics should be cancelled due to coronavirus
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Parler loses bid to have service restored by Amazon
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Domestic violence surged by 23% during initial coronavirus lockdowns, driven by an increase in sexual and psychological abuse associated with economic stress, according to a new study from Spain
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New research suggests that the use of terms like “Wuhan flu” and “Chinese virus” by conservative media outlets and Republican figures had a measurable impact on unconscious bias against Asian Americans. The study found that implicit bias increased after the use of such phrases went viral.
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New Maps Show Forests Absorb Twice as Much Carbon as They Release Each Year. The continued destruction of the world’s largest tropical forests - 11.9 million hectares of tropical tree cover was lost in 2019 alone - makes them less powerful carbon sinks.
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NASA Lends Moon Rock for Oval Office Display
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One hull crack located in ISS, another one suspected
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Haggis launched to the edge of space in celebration of Burns Night
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Elon Musk offers $100M prize for best carbon capture technology
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Blind Man Regains Sight After 1st Synthetic Cornea Implantation By Israel's CorNeat
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A personalized cancer vaccine produced long-lasting anti-tumor response in patients with melanoma. 4 years after vaccination, all the patients were alive, with immune system cells active not only against tumor cells with those proteins, but also spread to other proteins in those tumor cells.
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At 9:21 tonight, it will be the 21st minute of the 21st hour of the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century. What will you be doing?
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What is the equivalent of "Apple removed 3.5mm jack" of your favorite products ?
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What brings the worst out in people?
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TIL that US president Calvin "Silent Cal" Coolidge used to buzz for his secret service and then would hide under his desk while they frantically searched for him
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TIL that despite increases in computer power, each Shrek film has taken about twice as many hours to render as the one before it. Dreamworks calls this "Shrek's Law".
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TIL at the peak of the financial crisis of 2008 Volkswagen became the most valuable company in the world for one day despite being on the brink of bankruptcy
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Trump is the only president not to register a 50% job approval rating at any point in his presidency since Gallup began measuring presidential job approval in 1938 (Avg Record-Low 41%)
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For the love of god just strain your chicken stock on the stove top.
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I made burritos for the first time in my life and I think I committed some culinary sins
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My 7yr Old Brother is a Better Chef Than Me
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[Homemade] Ethiopian Dinner - Injera, Yemiser We't, Yetakelt We't, Beef Tibs
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My smoked brisket[homemade]
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[Homemade] Beef Bourguignon
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‘No Time To Die’ Release Date Pushed to October 8
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Mira Furlan Dead: ‘Babylon 5,’ ‘Lost’ Actress Dies at 65
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Bernie The Jewels, me, ink and digital, 2020
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Number 25, Mel Milton, Digital, 2020
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Brrrrnie, Flux Art Glass / Me, Stained Glass, 2021
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Biden Inauguration Captures Bigger Audience Than Donald Trump’s
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Mira Furlan, ‘Babylon 5’ and ‘Lost’ Actress, Dies at 65
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Russell T Davies says Doctor Who should have Marvel-style shared universe of spin-offs
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Welcome back Dr. Fauci!
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Yesterday, I became a proud American! Can’t wait to start my first-gen college here
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I am officially 3 years brain cancer free today! I think my scar has healed nicely..
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Fauci is happier with now
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Party on, Bernie!
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Looks Comfy
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Unused Disposable Surgical Mask under a microscope, focus stacked and with applied wiggling effect (wiggle stereoscopy):
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The way this Dutch company makes the biscuits easier to pick them up
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There is a tiny gnome made of bubbles in the bottom of my glass!
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This warning message came with touchless soap dispenser
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This mirror portrait was taken 100 years ago in Japan
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An amazing view from Faroe Islands
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A German city has installed a number of pods for homeless people fitted with thermal insulation to sleep in
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Yes, Bollywood physics are fun, but we never talk about Mexican TV shows realism
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there's always tomorrow
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Man gets scared when his dog plays dead.
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Doesn't matter how badass you are, sometimes ya just need your pooh bear
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mistakes were made
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Adult German shepherd with dwarfism
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Random Subreddit of the day: dishonored

These are its 3 top posts of all time:
Im not the only one who thinks this right?
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Emily is definitely Corvo's Daughter.
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So inconspicuous
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submitted by _call-me-al_ to RedditTLDR [link] [comments]

My 1st Personal Ghost Encounter (1 out of 3): Silverwood Lake.

“Silverwood Lake”
It was August, 2006. I was 11 years old and my family on my fathers side decided to go camping at Silverwood Lake, near Hesperia, CA. I didn’t like camping much, but it was always nice to hangout with my grandparents and see some cousins since my parents were divorced and I barely got to see them much. To be honest, deep down I always hated going up to Hesperia. To describe the area to you would be simple. Just picture an old, dirty town, then add that the dirt and cacti go for miles upon miles behind some mountains in sunny California. Easy to remember, but that’s also part of why I hated going up there.
Urban legends from friends of my grandparents talk about witches, monsters and creepy stalkers living up there and chasing you out into the desert until you got tired and gave up. I heard these stories everywhere I went up there, so you can understand that whenever I’d spend the night at my grandparents, I’d be too scared to sleep. Afraid that I might see Bigfoot or a creep walking by my window as I laid in bed. I know, a sissy indeed if I was afraid of a window, but I always had my TV and VHS tapes of Space Jam and The Iron Giant to help me relax and fall asleep... So you can imagine the horror I felt when I realized I wouldn’t have a tv on this camping trip. I honestly dreaded spending the night in a tent with only my little brother, Nathan, as our tents were so cheap/old enough that there were already finger sized holes on the top of it. Thank goodness it never rains up in those hills in the summertime.
The day came for us to drive to Silverwood Lake and I made sure to bring the necessities with me. Such as my military flashlight that my grandfather lent me, my trusty Swiss Army knife that I never leave at home on trips and of course my Game Boy Advance SP to keep me occupied. The drive up was easy enough since I just stared down, trying to catch a Pokémon for the whole drive. We got there and as usual, we started to unload our bags and equipment when out of nowhere, my cousin Edgar gave me a big hug and I returned the favor. He was a big kid for his age, almost as big as I was and I am a few years older than him. After that jump scare of an encounter more family started to show up and we helped them unload as well.
Our camping day was going by great and I honestly forgot about the nighttime that was closely approaching. That is, until my older cousin Robert offered Edgar, Nathan and I to come sit with them at the big kids fire. You could imagine how happy that made us because we always wanted to hangout with the big kids. We played cards and told funny stories, but as they say, time goes by when you’re having fun. And so, the night quickly arrived and i couldn’t help but feel like something was behind me and I kept looking over my shoulder. I tried to act like I was fine until Robert came up with a great idea for a walk around the Lake to hopefully find some girls for us guys. My older cousins Evette, Maigen and Janine wanted no part of it and told us not to join the older boys, and so we didn’t. Not because they told us to, but mostly since we honestly were afraid of girls still being as young as we were. I only had one girl as a friend at the time and the only thing we ever talked about was The Lakers, our favorite basketball team, and school. I used to doubt there being any other girls that liked basketball as much as me so I honestly stayed away from them when I could.
It was around 8:30pm when Robert and some of the older cousins, Stewart, Jesse, Guillermo and Caesar, all left the campsite to walk around the lake to crash other camps while looking for girls. Now, Silverwood lake is pretty big. We had walked it a couple times before to find fishing spots and I’d say it would take maybe an hour and a half or so to walk around to the other side if you were just taking your time. Night was getting darker and I continued looking over my shoulder even while eating amazing s’mores and candy.
It was maybe around 11pm when everyone started asking where Robert and the boys were. Us three kids didn’t worry much because we were enjoying our delicious snacks still. That is, until my grandparents and the other adults started worrying more and more and we saw it on their faces. They tried calling them, but they never answered or replied to texts. Although, phones weren’t as reliable as they are now. It was around midnight when my grandfather, being the military vet he is, asked us all to help with looking for them. Everyone eventually calmed down and assumed they were enjoying their night but we didn’t want to argue with him. He was always a very strict and respected man in our family. And who knows, maybe they fell and got hurt somewhere with no help.
The plan was we split into 3 groups. One goes left around the lake, another the right and the 3rd would stay back. If the 3rd group got any message or call from the other two groups about an injury or problem, or didn’t receive word after about an hour and a half, they would run to get help. Thinking back now, I wish I had stayed back with them. My group consisted of Edgar, Nathan, Janine, my grandfather and two uncles I honestly didn't know much about but they always told stories of when we were younger. With my flashlight in hand, I put on a soldiers face and joined the group on the walk. My uncles were pretty old and kept complaining about little things that my grandfather didn’t care to listen to. Eventually we came up to a fork in the road. The two uncles and my grandfather decided to go one way since it looked like it had more road to cover and we went the other with Janine agreeing to meet back at the fork if nothing was found. Now Janine is a pretty chill college girl. She is very tall, maybe 6’4”, athletic and never had time for relationships as she was always in her room reading and studying... maybe smoked too much weed sometimes, but she was always nice, smart and she didn’t mind watching over us three kids for what should have been 15 or so minutes of a walk and then come back if we didn’t see anything.
We walked along the edge of the lake, following the lights from campfires hopeful to find our cousins kissing or chasing girls, but after 8-9 campsites we started to worry more. What if they were kidnapped? What if they got lost and kept walking the wrong way? But Janine calmed us down and jokingly said “If I were them and I struck out on all these girls, I would have gotten lost myself.” It made us laugh until I noticed there we’re no more campsites. Just trees ahead of us. I had my flashlight in hand and just tried to shine through the thickness of the trees. That’s when I saw Janine’s face turn white. She looked at us and said “Do you guys think they would have gone in there? I don’t remember them taking a light or anything to maneuver themselves around the trees.” We looked at each other and shrugged saying “Yeah, they are stupid enough to do that so I wouldn’t doubt it.” We all laughed nervously realizing that meant we would have to go into the trees to at least take a look.
Holding hands with Janine, the three of us started having Halloween maze flashbacks from the year before and it made us all sweat and shake, afraid of somebody popping out. A few minutes of walking through, my trusty military flashlight started to flicker. Now, if you don’t know, these batteries are meant to last a while and shouldn’t be close to dying anytime soon since i also put in new batteries before we came to camp. I tapped it with my hand, turned it off and on again and it eventually just went out. Janine flipped on her lighter and started searching for her phone or anything else with light in her purse. As she knelt down scrambling through her bag, Nathan pulled my shirt. It scared me a bit but I asked him what was wrong and he just pointed out towards the trees.
No moonlight was touching this area of the woods and there were no background fires from campsites that could help us see anything, but I jumped when I saw the outline of a little girl. Maybe my age. I pulled Janine’s hair to make her look. Grumbling she asked “What the hell? What’s wrong?” As she turned her head she noticed the little girl and immediately froze. We could not see her face or any humanly features besides the outline or I guess shadow of her if that’s what you wanna call it. Janine shook her head and asked if the girl was ok or was lost. Surprisingly, the girl shook her own head and with a somewhat deep voice said “No, but I know you are.” Now the voice didn’t scare me much because she sounded like I did when I had a throat infection, but when she talked, she just kept staring at us. And then it became more weird when she started humming a creepy tune in her deep voice. It resembled the “Ashes, Ashes, we all fal down” song. Its just a song, but hearing it then just scared me.
Janine tried asking her where her campsite was and if her parents were near and the girl just shook her head and said “My parents left me here a long time ago and I’ve been looking for them.” Janine, puzzled, asked her to come close. The girl just hummed again and asked us to come close. All the while Janine was trying to look through her purse with one hand to find any light. Out of nowhere the girl said “You know, my parents told me to take a flashlight on the walk before they left me here. Said it would protect me from any monsters.” And Janine kindly tried to keep the conversation going. Asking “When did they leave you? How old are you? Why do you assume they left you and didn’t lose sight of you? We can help you find them.” All while having a nervous smile that we could surely see past. She was scared. So scared. I could only imagine what was going through her head. Was this girl really lost and we need to help her? Or was she part of a kidnapping group who use children to lure other children? These were all likely thoughts.
Likely, until Janine finally pulled out her phone and quickly pointed the light toward the girl and screamed... the face we saw on the girl. My little brother and Edgar screamed with Janine and jumped behind her. I was frozen in terror. The whole of her face looked as if it was ripped apart. Her left eye bulging out while her other eye wasn’t lucky enough to stay in and hung. There was a line cut from the center of her forehead down to her nose and that’s where it seemed she was ripped or split by pulling both ends of her face. Her nose looked as if somebody had tried to cut that out before tearing her face in half, but decided to just let it hang like her eye. And her mouth... the mouth resembled what we all feared if somebody were to put their fingers in our mouth, hook our cheeks and pull them apart. Just picture Heath Ledgers joker, but before he healed his mouth and got those scars. Everything was just exposed and open and I couldn’t stop looking. Janine dropped her purse and put her arms out to try and protect us. We forgot which way we came from, and were face to face with this girl.
The other boys started to cry while I was still in shock of what I saw. Janine must have been in shock to because she didn’t do anything. She was the adult in this situation and all she did was stare at the girl standing in front of us. The girl, trying to talk now but it sounded more like gurgling, said “My name is Katie. My parents left me here after daddy hurt me. Please don’t leave me here to. We can be friends.” As she said that, all around us we started to hear kids laughing and twigs and leaves crunching and that’s when we started running towards one direction and just didn’t look back. We ran and ran until we were out of the trees. We probably should have kept running, but something made us all turn around and that’s when we looked back and saw the little girl behind one of the trees waving at us. Janine just pulled us to keep running. We ran to the nearest campsite and just felt relieved to be around normal humans again. They looked at us like we were about to rob them and stood up asking “What in the world. What do you want?” One man holding a shovel to defend them against us. When they realized we were just kids they lowered their tone and weapon and started to ask what was wrong.
Janine explained everything to them and they just didn’t look like they believed us. Then they pointed us to the nearest security station assuming maybe we found a lost child, but we know what we saw and just thanked them, knowing they probably thought we were crazy or something. We walked back to our camp along the lake... taking glances back over our shoulders, feeling like we are being watched. When we arrived back at our campsite, we found Robert and the guys laughing around a fire with the rest of our family. When they noticed our arrival, we hurriedly tried to tell them exactly what happened. After explaining they all just got mad at Janine saying “You left a little girl out there by herself. She was asking for help and you just left her.” Janine being annoyed that nobody could grasp the concept that the girl didn’t have her face intact got frustrated and said “Fine, I’ll go to the authorities and inform them.” Edgar, Nathan and I tried telling everyone while Janine was gone that the girl was not lost and that she must have been a ghost or a demon or something. Hearing this only made our family accuse us of watching too many scary movies and trust me, that wasn’t true.
Edgar, Nathan and I just walked back to our tent and talked about what we witnessed. Nathan started to cry and Edgar just slid in his sleeping bag looking up at the holes in the tent. I just stared at the zipper door, waiting for something to happen. I was afraid that girl would come into our tent and kill us, or drag us out after killing our family that we just led her directly to... I was just scared. After about 10 minutes my eyes started to get heavy and I figured sleep was the quickest way to get over what happened. I started to slip, when all of a sudden, the zipper to our tent started to unzip and it made us all yell. Janine entered while apologizing. She came to tell us what she learned and even though I’m older now, i still get a gut wrenching feeling from the story she was telling us.
She said that when she got to the security station she reported a missing girl named Katie. The security asked where she was and why Janine left her, and that’s when she tried to explain everything to the officer and he just shook his head. The security asked exactly where the girl was seen and to point it out on a map. When she did, the police paused, looked at her and said to wait. He walked to the back of the room and came back with pictures of young girls who must have all been missing and told her to pick which one she saw. Immediately, Janine saw Katie in the second to last picture. No ripped open face, no hanging eyeball. Just smiling with golden curls in her hair with the name Katherine Johnson at the bottom of the picture. But trying not to show too much emotion, she pointed at the girl and the officer just laughed and said “Good try, you aren’t the first one to try and get me out in the woods to prank me, ma’am. But that little lady has been missing for years. If you saw her, she’d be much older by now. Maybe it was one of the others. Take these and ask the other “witnesses” if they saw the same thing if you are being serious about this.” Janine was not happy that the man had just laughed in her face, but she took the pictures anyway.
After explaining that to us we wondered why the security didn’t at least get in his vehicle and drive to the area she pointed at and go help the girl. She just told him she was lost in the woods. It wasn’t a prank. Why didn’t he go straight there to help her. She brought me with her, as to not cause a big concern in front of everyone at our campsite, to the station and the man greeted me and asked which of the photos resembled the girl. When I pointed at Katie, he just shook his head and said “Are you sure, son?” I nodded my head and he replied “Kid, you and your buds must have been imagining things. That little girl has been missing for 3 years now. We’ve searched the whole area to find her and never got one piece of evidence. You aren’t the only ones to have seen her, though. It’s almost a nightly thing here during the summer. People say they see her walking around their camps or trying to play with their kids. I didn’t believe in things like that until I started working here.” Him saying this to a young kid like me made me even more scared. He finished talking by telling us to literally not worry about it and that we shouldn’t think about it too much. He explained that it’s either ghosts or maybe it’s everyones eyes playing tricks on them or mistaken identity when they see the photos of the girl and immediately point to her. Janine cursed at him. As if we weren’t scared or that maybe he should investigate it. He just didn’t really have interest in what we were telling him.
I don’t know if he was a very competent security officer, he didn’t really care, or maybe he was just messing with us to scare us like a dick. But I do know what we saw. I do know what we heard. And I now know that that girl didn’t go missing. I did research a few years ago and learned that the Johnsons had brought their daughter Katherine with them to go camp with her uncle Fred. Sadly, her uncle was a bit of a loony/pedophile so you can probably guess what happened. When Fred took Katie to walk around the lake and didn’t return, her parents went looking for her. When they eventually found her body, they also found the uncle with a gunshot wound to his head. There was a note saying “We will love and live on forever here, together. Love cannot be broken.” And when they found this horrifying scene, they felt as if it was their fault. And in their grief, shame and doubt they decided this would be a major blow to their families reputation if this all came out on the news, so they chose to bury the bodies themselves and return later to take them and properly bury their daughter. They reported to the police that their daughter was missing. The police searched and searched for the bodies and never came up with anything for years. The parents acted like nothing else happened until finally the father came out and told reporters the truth. After hearing the truth come out of her husbands mouth, the mother committed suicide and her husband has been living in his home alone since then.
News of the story never went huge because it honestly never caught anyone’s attention over the years. And you only really heard about it if you were in or around Hesperia. I look back at that day as the day I realized that evil humans, unfortunate souls and negligence were all as real as the phone I’m typing on. I’ll never forget that face. I’ll never forget what happened to her. And I’ll never forget the consequences that followed after, whether it be what Uncle Fred did to himself, what the parents did to cover it up, or how it all happened years ago and then still came back to affect me. Feel free to walk around those trees at night, but I’m telling you now, don’t go into the trees. And don’t expect any help from the security there unless you have a better story than you saw a missing child... I still hate that guy for how he treated us. But, karma will eventually get him, right?
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who played the joker when heath ledger died video

Jack Nicholson (Joker 1) WARNED Heath Ledger (Joker 2) 10 AMAZING ACTORS Who DIED While Filming Movies (Bruce Lee ... Due to acting, Hollywood actor went into depression Heath Ledger joker, the dark night, dc How Playing The Joker Changed Heath Ledger For Good - YouTube The True Story Of Heath Ledger's Joker - YouTube Did Heath Ledger die because of The Joker? - YouTube తన నటించిన సినిమా చూడకుండానే చనిపోయాడు  Heath Ledger (The ...

Johnny Depp Jude Law and Colin Farrell stepped in to complete filming for Heath's character Tony in Terry Gilliam's film. Claims that playing the Joker had pushed Heath to overdose were also One of the greatest tragedies to strike previously was the death of Heath Ledger, who played the Joker in The Dark Knight. The actor was found dead in his Manhattan apartment in January 2008 Heath Ledger played The Joker in The Dark Knight. Who played the role of joker in the Dark Knight? Heath Ledger played this role in the 2008 movie directed by Christopher Nolan. Heath Ledger thought landing the demanding role of the Joker was a dream come true - but now some think it was a nightmare that led to his tragic death. who played the Joker in 1989 - and who Max S piers: Heath Ledger who played the Joker in Batman died on Jan. 22 2008, which is interesting because the number 22 is in sync with the Joker tarot card, and being a joker and all that. I’m suggesting that the batman movies have some kind of ritual magic involved…. Heath Ledger kept a chilling diary in preparation for his Oscar-winning portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight. The Australian actor died of an accidental overdose of a combination of For the unversed, The Dark Knight grossed over $1 billion at the box office with Ledger bagging Best Supporting Actor Oscar posthumously. heath ledger sushant singh rajput In fact, the Joker's iconic glare in The Dark Knight is considered to be a recreation of the famed " Kubrick Stare ," the expression that DeLarge, played by Malcolm McDowell, utilized in the film... Playing the Joker hasn't impacted any actor more than it did Heath Ledger. It's the role that some people blame for his death, which is strange when considering he said it was the most fun he'd However, this all changes when we get to Christian Bale’s Batman who, like Heath Ledger’s Joker, is the most dangerous of them all, having killed 26 bad guys across the three movies he appears

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Jack Nicholson (Joker 1) WARNED Heath Ledger (Joker 2)

Before the premiere of the movie, Heath Ledger was found dead in his hotel room, among the burned comic books and the sound of Joker's recordings. Heath Ledg... Welcome to Top10Archive! The art of movie-making is not without its roadblocks. Financial troubles, contract negotiations, and inclement weather are just a s... 7 Actors Who Died During Movie In Hindi - Duration: ... What Happened To All The Actors Who've Played The Joker? ... The Dark Truth Behind Heath Ledger's Joker - Duration: 11:11. Jack Nicholson, the original "Joker" from the 1989 "Batman" movie, says "I warned him" when asked about Heath Ledger's death. Apparently, Jack consulted Heath on the dangers of the sleeping pill ... Join us as we look back on Heath Ledger's iconic portrayal of The Joker as well as his tragic death. Subscribe to our channel: Heath Ledger's untimely death sparked all kinds of rumors that transformed the actor's performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight into the stuff of legend. ... Watch తన నటించిన సినిమా చూడకుండానే చనిపోయాడు Heath Ledger (The Joker) Biography & Lifestyle Sumantv #sumantv : https://goo ...

who played the joker when heath ledger died

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