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Non-Combat Sea and Underwater Encounters

Your party is sailing or traveling in a submersible (like the Apparatus of Kwalish) and interesting things besides combat happen!
  1. A storm blows in and something strange is washed aboard the ship. You decide! (1d4):
    1. Treasure.
    2. A mermaid.
    3. A strange, half drowned bird.
    4. A dead deep sea fish.
  2. Your submersible travels through a dense forest of Kelp and the propeller gets tangled and the party has to figure out how to dislodge without getting the bends/while under the immense atmospheric pressure under the sea.
  3. The sounds of unearthly singing reach your ears from across the water. You find the remains of ships and sirens (mermaid like tricksters), but the sirens appear to have left.
  4. A whirlpool full of teeth opens up just ahead of your ship and you have to sail to avoid it (think Scylla and Charybdis).
  5. The seagulls are joined by other types of birds in the sky - perhaps something has gone awry on the land (perhaps a major forest fire).
  6. Bio-luminescent jelly fish bloom at night, lighting up the water around you, creating a romantic and breathtaking atmosphere.
  7. You find a dingy afloat all alone on the sea with a child/NPC with a story hook aboard.
  8. The stowaway is revealed after someone finally took inventory of the stowed supplies below deck when the chocolate was disappearing in larger quantities than expected.
  9. Seasoned sailors get seasick as you realize maybe something is wrong with the food.
  10. You see a gargantuan entity on the horizon and the sailors start to tell tales. You decide! (1d4)
    1. Uk'otoa.
    2. Dragon Turtles.
    3. Giant Hermit Crabs.
    4. Sea Serpents.
  11. You hit the doldrums. There is no wind and no current. The ship you are on has to wait until the wind starts again. Escape?
    1. The wind only starts on a natural 20 roll on a d20.
    2. Every day that passes uses up rations and fresh water.
    3. Once the food runs out, and the PCs begin to starve (failed CON roll with increaseing daily DC starting at 10) they may well begin to go insane.
    4. Cannibalism will resolve any hunger issues.
  12. You find a message in a bottle floating near the ship. It's from a father to his children, writing to tell them how much he misses them while he's on the high seas. Optional bonus quest to find the children and deliver the letter.
  13. One of the crew members caught a magical talking fish. The fish claims that if you set him free, he'll grant you a wish.
  14. A dolphin has been following the ship for three days. A. If treated kindly, the dolphin shows the way to a hidden lagoon with treasure. B. Treated badly, the dolphin and its friends make a large hole in the bottom of the ship.
  15. Things are going missing from the deck of the ship. If investigated, it's a bird. The bird has built a nest and is clearly trying to impress a potential mate with its newfound collection.
  16. A strange formation of rocks appears a ways off the shoreline of an island. Closer inspection reveals that these are not rocks, but bones from an ancient dragon. Perhaps the hoard is somewhere nearby?
  17. A sea witch happens upon the ship. She gives the party the "gift of communication" and casts a friendly spell before going on her way. The enchantment is aimed at the ship. For the next 14 days, the ship is sentient and can communicate with the crew. And boy oh boy, does this ship have some opinions!
  18. A wave washes a large shell onto the deck of the ship. It's a instrument, and the first person to pick it up gains proficiency in playing the shell. The shell can lull any baby in a 10 foot radius into a peaceful slumber.
  19. Fair wind: you arrive sooner
  20. Shitty wind: you are forced to sail around your destination to gain favorable wind. Arrive later. Tacking negates this somewhat
  21. A storm rolls in, but is just rain
  22. A storm rolls in and creates fog, travel is slowed, but less than bad winds. A measure of a few hours, not days.
  23. Two ships are fighting
  24. A ship is fighting a kraken
  25. A storm rolls in. Its a maelstrom
  26. A traveling sea merchant rolls by.
  27. Come across ship wreckage
  28. Come across a patch of darker water that slows the ship
  29. Ghost ship arises on the new moon is empty
  30. Ghost ship arises on the full moon and is crewed by skeletons
  31. Smaller ship tries to square up
  32. Bigger ship bullies you until you pay a toll or tax, fights if you refuse
  33. An island is sighted, but is not there when you arrive
  34. An island appears on the horizon where you JUST checked (its an island turtle)
  35. A rock appears where you swear there was nothing beforw (its a Gargantuan hermit crab)
  36. You see an undersea fight that causes the sea to roll and boil, sometimes popping up above water
  37. Coral reef! On a failed perception roll, boat takes damage and must be repaired. On a 1 it must be repaired 2x, once to stop it from sinking, and then again at port. A giant serpent surfaces and eyes the boat, eventually moving on
  38. An empty ship rolls by, slowly. (Mimic ship with oozes below)
  39. The sounds of unearthly singing reach your ears from across the water. You consider going after them, but decide not to (wis save)
  40. Your rowboat ropes start to snap! Make a dex save, mending check, strength saving throw to save it.
  41. A comet streaks across the sky
  42. Aurora Borealis
  43. You hear rumbling off in the distance. A volcanic island is erupting!
  44. Seals follow the boat for a while.
  45. A giant koi fish (river) or whale shark (sea) lazily circles the boat, then flips down to the depths
    1. Takes a chunk of the boat
    2. Bumps the boat off course
    3. leaps over the boat and hits the mast on its way
    4. smacks the boat with its tail doing damage
  47. The waves grow choppy and the wind picks up. Unless intentionally slowing the boat, you get to your destination faster, but your boat might take damage
  48. The bard begins to play a sea shanty. You all join in and have a great time
  49. A massive, huge, giant, monsterous shark fin is seen. It then disappears without a trace
  50. A Blue Whale (100+ feet long) breaks the water and bumps the boat
  51. A Megalodon bites the stern of the boat, requiring repairs 2x. Trip is delayed by a few hours.
  52. The sea grows calm. No magic works. Then, just as suddenly, the wind picks up, magic starts up, everything is normal
  53. You see something sparkling on the beach of a small uncharted island.
  54. You see something sparkling on an uncharted island. Its a message in a bottle
  55. You pass by an uncharted island and see a fire. Its a marooned pirate, someone lost, nothing.
  56. An albatross takes a rest on your boat for a while, then flies off
  57. You see circling seagulls off in the distance. When you arrive there, there are some floating barrels with a dead body lashed to it, rum inside, food inside, repair supplies inside, cannonballs inside, treasure inside, an animal inside, barely clinging to life, a castaway bobbing in a barrel. You see a crate in the water. It has cannons, wood, food, ale, plants, silks, spices, sugar, a note atop showing a delivery island that is where you came from, the island you're going to, an island near it, an island you've never heard of, an island that Nobody has ever heard of.
  58. A giant squid comes near the surface near the boat to warm up in the sun. Curious about your presence, it follows your ship for several hours before disappearing back into the depths.
  59. A dragon swoops by, catching a ton of fish in its mouth, then flying away
  60. A dragon attacks the ship, but is shown to be an illusion. You dont know from where it came.
  61. Baba yaga, but it's an outpost on a rock
  62. Giant hippocampus swims next to the boat and tries to get the party to throw it treats.
  63. You fall off the ship! Before you can cry out the ship is already sailing on its way and you are lost overboard. Just as you begin to despair, a friendly merfolk swims up and asks if you need help. If you explain what happened, they kindly offer to return you to the ship.
  64. As you keep watch, you look over the side. Roll a percentage dice. (1-10, 90-100 its real) you see a small creature tearing out boards to the side of the ship! Then as you look they vanish, and you hear a commotion from the other side of the boat.
  65. A group of sea elves herding whales ask for help locating a missing calf
  66. While sailing at night, the ship passes through a patch of bioluminescent algae
  67. The ship gets lost in a magnetic field anomaly which causes their compass to spin wildly. A DC 17 survival check will get them out but off course. A 20 or higher will get them out while maintaining the proper course
  68. A merchant vessel: a vessel that is a small market place, stocking rope, lantern oil, medical supplies, preserved foods, and other ship-borne essentials, maybe weapon maintenance, potions of healing and water breathing, that kind of thing. put some guards on it: a blackguard, a champion, and a warlord.
  69. You encounter a Kelp Forest, a portion of the sea where the Kelp stalks stretch high above the waves, at least 40 to 50 feet. Who knows what kind of beasts might linger in the fog, nesting amongst the broad leaves and seed pods.
  70. A pod of whales swims along side the submersible, a sudden wave lunges the sub to one side as a Roc dives into the water and grabs a whale. The roc's flapping and thw whales panic make for extremly difficult seas and the crew of the sub will needs to sucseed in a skill challenge to prevent catostophic failure of the machine.
  71. An Iceberg that has been carved to be an Ice lich fortress on its underside sawrms with undead such as Merpires and Great Wight Sharks. The Party will have to find ways to make their vessal steathy or face a dire situation. (If in warmer climes, the Iceberg can be replaced with a floating coral fortress and the Ice Lich with a Merpire (Merfolk Vampire) Lord.)
  72. The Party see a lake of dark liquid on the bottom of th sea bed. The substance is "Brine" super salty water that is low in oxygen, only the most hard bacteria can survive in it. it is used by many subnautical peoples as a holy sight to entomb their dead. . . Often with gold and pearls. When the Party are down in the lake, somethng knocks on the hatch.
  73. The party comes across an abandoned ship, it’s in perfect condition and the party can’t tell why it’s been abandoned
  74. You come across a huge abyssal plane of downed airships on the ocean floor after a dogfight. The ghosts all come to you to help them get home.
    1. home (denial)
    2. travel
    3. ascend
    4. seize (haunt/poltergeist)
  75. A methane vent on the ocean floor causes anything in the area to sink at 10’ per round.
  76. The lookout can see multiple sources of light below the water. If the party investigates they find a small village of sea people living in bubbles 100 meters below the surface. The bubbles contain oxygen and are possible to move through but also stand on.
  77. You meet another ship, a merchant ship. However, you are informed that this particular ship used to be quite known for his crew and their deals … Until they sank 2 years ago
  78. The ship is run aground on a sandbank (more plausible in archipelagos/shallow waters), so the players must find a way to dig the ship out or use enough force to push off from the bank (but not too much force to break the ship!)
  79. You pass ovearound an island recently submerged underwater by rising sea levels (natural or otherwise). The tops of trees and buildings peak over the lapping waves, and if you glance down and squint you can make out the signs of a civilisation eradicated; fish swimming about abandoned hovels, overturned carts floating by, and even the occasional ghost wandering down dead roads.
  80. Far in the distance, you can make out a naval battle raging. The distant thunder of cannons and a faint smell of brimstone linger in the air. Eventually one ship keels over, sinking beneath the waves.
  81. A half-sunken ship containing a hag. She'll promise them anything they want in exchange for safe passage back. Obviously a monkeys paw scenario, helps a lot with the overtly good paladins etc
  82. Found a floating city made from various buoyant materials.
  83. Found a Djinn in a bottle.
  84. Meet a trading Merfolk, selling anything they found on the seabed.
  85. A dormant ship floating on the sea during the day. When checked, all the ship's crew are vampires, sleeping.
  86. Your ship sails into a big area of thick, sticky gloop, stopping the ship's motion, trapping any oars submerged into the gloppy mass, and clogging up any rudders. How are you going to get out of this one? gargantuan sea-gelatinous cube!?
  87. A Triton appears before your submersible anf flashes a big message, word by word, using Minor Illusion: "STOP!" "MIGRATING" "KRAKEN!" "TURN" "BACK" "NOW!"
  88. A long riverboat is seen at the mouth of a river pouring into the sea. A closer investigation reveals it is a casino boat!
  89. A ship rolls up on you, but it's someone going where you are and they challenge you to a race to get there. No magic can be used, some magic, all bets are off. They wager gold, a piece of information, a magic item. They are true to their word, they sail away, they attempt to destroy the ship, they vanish as you approach the island (they're ghosts) and you find the reward in the captains quarters.
  90. You come across a large bed of giant clams/shellfish. They make for good eating and have several big pearls in them.
  91. One foggy night you hear ghostly pirate shanties being sung over the waves. In the fog you can barely make out the black shape of a ghost ship before it disappears.
  92. You spot a large kraken corpse with massive bite marks on it. Who could possibly do this damage?
  93. While traveling through a kelp forest you see a raft of giant sea otters. Killing them for their fur will net you a ton of money at a market but is it worth earning the ire of a local sea goddess for doing it?
  94. In the distance you sea a newly form volcano spewing out fire elementals to battle water elementals rising from the sea to snuff out the volcano.
  95. A giant Octopus is tending their coral garden. They offer gold in exchange for seaweeds from far off places to put in their garden.
  96. Has anyone featured an encounter with black smokers yet? Vents from the planets mantel spewing out pressurized boiling gas, causing pillars of what looks like black smoke underwater and a huge diversity of life that is strange and alien. You could combine that with a giant Bobbit worm made of smoke poking out of a portal to the elemental plane of fire. this is a vague idea.
  97. Maybe come across some merfolk torturing a sapient giant electric eel, they are doing so to capture electricity that powers a magic artifact that keeps a merfolk child alive. free the eel and the child dies. leave it and a living thinking creature is tortured slowly to death.
  98. While you observe the sea you notice a big shadow appear under the boat. A BIG shadow. A massive sea creature appears.
  99. While sailing, suddenly it gets more and more foggy till you can barely see anything anymore. Suddenly you see a hazy ship coming out of the water and getting closer to you. The crew doesn't look normal (Black Pearl inspired)
  100. You travel a long time on a boat with only a few passenger, you eat regularly together in the small tavern style restaurant on the boat and basically know all passengers by face. One day one of them disappears. Next day another one, and another one. The rest passengers get suspicious. The persons are nowhere to be found. The PCs try to investigate. In the end turns out a vampire is on the boat coming out when its cloudy or raining. (Dracula Series on Netflix, Second Episode)
Bonus: Combat Encounters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Edit 1: General comment about struggling with sub-lists. This got deleted in the great silliness of 11:30p on 7/11/2020 (see edit 2).
Edit 2: Well. Dang. That will teach me to edit and post only on a web form without a back up copy I had 78 things with complex lists for some of them and accidentally saved over them and lost all of that data. I'll have to redo it. Please don't down vote me in the meantime. I spent like 5 hours on it this afternoon and I'm devastated that I lost it all...
Edit 3: I've made a simple redo of the 5 hours of work and saved it elsewhere. It does not reflect the synthesizing of comments and repeats, the separating of combat from non-combat in people's suggestions, the removing of cuss words, the grammatical edits, or the embellishing that I did. I plan to do that in the next couple of days, but here is something in case you were counting on this list like tomorrow or something. Please note that the numbers may change on entries and if you comment on a specific entry, you may want to quote some of the content too. There are 20 of these that were originally combined, moved into combat, or otherwise not included in version 1.
Edit 4: the list says 100 but there are combat encounters in there. I still want to re-synthesize the list when I have a couple hours. I want to break out combat separate from non-combat, and possibly separate on the ocean vs. underwater.
submitted by SheriffPanic to d100 [link] [comments]

Anti-corruption Compilation part 6

This is a compilation of all the posts by user ar_david_hh who summarises anti-Corruption news of the day along with other interesting news in one comment. It is linked from the sidebar->Interesting Threads->Anti-corruption. The list is ordered by date, newest first. Date format: D/M/YYYY. All credit goes to the sub's hero ar_david_hh
Previous compilation threads: Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
Azerbaijan attacked Artsakh on 27 September 2020, making the war to be the main topic, the updates since this date are to be found in the daily Megathreads pinned at the top of the sub for now.

submitted by Idontknowmuch to armenia [link] [comments]

🇬🇪 1️⃣ week ''eastern'' Georgia/ 1️⃣ Woche ''Ost '' 'Georgia/1️⃣ Неделя ''Bосточная'' Грузия/(EN,DE,RU)

🇬🇪 1️⃣ week ''eastern'' Georgia/ 1️⃣ Woche ''Ost '' 'Georgia/1️⃣ Неделя ''Bосточная'' Грузия/(EN,DE,RU)
(EN) Big Tour - Tbilisi, Mtskheta, Kakheti and Kazbegi ✅Day 1️⃣-2️⃣ 🏙Tbilisi is the largest city in the country, the most important economic and cultural center, a modern metropolis developing at an accelerated pace and adopting the best European traits and habits. ℹDuring its existence, the city was destroyed and rebuilt 40 times. The legend about the founding of Tbilisi says that in the middle of the 5th century. ''King Vakhtang I Gorgasali'' was hunting a pheasant in a wooded area, the wounded bird fell into a nearby hot spring. The king was so impressed hot springs that decided to build the City. 👉 The name of Tbilisi comes from the ancient Georgian word “tbili”, which means “warm”. The city where East meets West offers something for everyone. 👉Places to visit: ➕Tsminda Sameba Cathedral - The largest temple ➕Rustaveli Avenue ➕Old town ➕Shardeni Street ➕Sulfur Baths - Abanotubani District ➕ glass Bridge of Peace ➕Rike Park ➕Flea market "Dry Bridge" ➕ Ropeway ➕Narikala Fortress ➕Tbilisi Botanical Garden ➕Temki Monument ➕ Legvtakhevi Waterfall ➕Tbilisi Sea ➕Tbilisi National Park ➕Sioni ➕Metekhi ➕Darejani Palace ➕ Tskneti ➕Funicular - from the city center to the upper park to Mount Mtatsminda 👉Place to stay: 🏨5️⃣ Star-Hotel Radisson Blu Iveria located in the heart of the commercial and business district of Tbilisi, a 10-minute walk from the Old Town. It is decorated in a modern, minimalist style. 👉Hotel services: ➕Spa and Wellness Center➕Restaurants➕Sky Bar➕Fitness Center➕Sauna➕Pool➕Casino ➕Parking Great Location, Breathtaking views, professional staff and delicious food. ✅Day3️⃣ 🗺Discover Georgia's mesmerizing heritage and visit some of the most iconic and popular landmarks of the Mtskheta-Mtianeti Region: ➕Mtskheta Old City ➕Jvari Monastery and ➕Uflistsikhe Ancient Rock Complex. 👉Places to visit: 🏦Mtskheta The ancient capital of Georgia is a city that was the capital of the Iberian Kingdom (Eastern Georgia) from the 4th century BC. e. The old city where the most holy relic of Christianity is kept: (Robe of Jesus Christ) ⛪The Jvari Monastery, immortalized in literature by Mikhail Lermontov (poem "Mtsyri"), is the oldest cult monument built at the dawn of Georgian Christianity in the 6th century (585-604) The temple got its name Jvari (translated from the Georgian "cross") not by chance. This explains the old legend that it was in this place that Nino of Cappadocia erected the Holy Cross, which marked the adoption of Christianity by Georgia. Later, a temple was built over the cross, which was called the Temple of the Holy Cross. 🌄The cave city of Uplistsikhe is one of the oldest settlements on the territory of Georgia. Translated into Russian, the name of the city means "the fortress of God". During the existence of the state of Iberia, the ancient city was its cult center. At the beginning of the 8th century, Uplistsikhe became a major trading point, because it was here that many caravan routes from Europe to Asia passed. ✅Day 4️⃣-5️⃣ It is an amazing region of Eastern Georgia, which borders Russia in the north and Azerbaijan in the east and south. ✅Kakheti is mimino, Father of the Soldier, Alazani Valley, “City of Love” Sighnaghi, ancient monasteries, legendary wines “Tsinandali” and “Kindzmarauli” and national parks. 🍇The lion's share of Georgia's grapes grows here. The first seed of cultivated grapes in the world was discovered in Georgia. This stone is 8000 years old, so Georgia is considered the birthplace of winemaking. 👉Places to visit: ➕Signahi - the city of love ➕ Telavi - the capital of Kakheti, ➕Kvareli ➕Gurjaani -15-meter monument "Soldier's Father". According to the plot of the famous film, Giorgi Makharashvili was from Gurjaani. ➕Gremi Castle is the medieval capital of Kakheti, destroyed by the Persian Shah Abbas in 1615. ➕ Fortress Ujarma - For centuries the citadel of Ujarma protected Georgia from the invasions of the Persians and Arabs - fell into decay after the conquest of Georgia by the Mongols. ➕ Chailuri Fortress ➕House-Museum of Chavchavadze in Tsinandali ➕House-Museum of Niko Pirosmani in the village of Mirzaani ➕ David-Gareji Monastery Cave monastery, one of the main Orthodox shrines in Georgia. ➕Alaverdi is the main temple of Kakheti ➕ Nekresi is a functioning monastery of the 4th century, located on a mountain above the Alazani Valley. ➕ Shuamta are two monastic complexes located at a distance of 2 km from each other. ➕ Ikalto Monastery was founded in the VI century ➕ The St. Nino Convent in Bodbe - the relics of St. Nino are buried in it ➕Hirsa Monastery ➕Ninotsminda Cathedral One of the oldest Orthodox churches in Georgia - was built in the middle of the first millennium AD, ➕Telavsky wine cellar ➕ Teliani Veli Winery ➕Tunnel Winemaking Khareby ➕ Kvareli lake ➕Lagodekhi National Park 👉Place to stay: 🏨5️⃣ Star-Luxury Lopota Lake & Spa Resort is located on the shores of a private lake, from the windows of which you can see the majestic Caucasus mountains. The show-cooking Kakhetian Corner restaurant serves a variety of traditional Georgian dishes made with local organic produce. 👉 Hotel Services: ➕Cafe Bar➕4 swimming pools and a relaxation area➕ spa center ➕ you can go quad biking play mini golf go horseback riding Fishing ➕ bike rental parking A chic place with a European level of service, polite staff, delicious food. ✅Day 6️⃣ 🏔Kazbegi is a municipality located in the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region in eastern Georgia, on the historical territory of Khevi. ℹAt an altitude of 5047 meters above sea level, Mount Kazbegi (or Mkinvartsveri) is the third largest mountain in Georgia and is surrounded by myths and religious traditions. According to Greek myth, it was here that the `` Titan Prometheus '' was chained to the side of the mountain. Prometheus (known in Georgia as Amirani) was imprisoned in a cave at the top of 4000 meters. The cave, now called Betlemi, later served as a home for Orthodox monks and kept many sacred relics, including the tent of Abraham and the manger of Jesus. Mineral lakes surround the mountain, and tremors are often felt in this area. Covered with a glacier of 135 sq. km, Kazbegi is a great place for mountaineering. Darial Gorge connecting Russia and Georgia, stretching 18 km from Stepantsminda to the border with Russia in Upper Lars. For millennia, this mountain pass has been strategically vital and has been fortified since the beginning of 150 BC. In some places, the cliffs reach more than 1000 m, and towering medieval watchtowers, rushing mountain waterfalls and wildlife make the Darial Gorge one of the most incredible roads in the world. 👉Places to visit: ➕Stepantsminda Historical Museum ➕Kelitsadi Lake ➕Gweleti waterfalls ➕Arshi waterfalls ➕Jute Cliff ➕Truso Valley ➕Bethlem hut ➕Gergeti Trinity ➕Darial Monastery Complex ➕Khevi Sioni Church Complex ➕Zakagori ➕ Bath Monastery of the Mother of God ➕Men's Monastery named Elijah Fortuneteller ➕Ketrice ✅Place to stay: Resort Hotel "Kazbegi View" is located in the village of Stepantsminda. To services of visitors: ➕Terrace➕ 24-hour reception ➕Wi-Fi. 👉Stunningly cozy houses with panoramic windows and mountain views. Very nice and friendly staff, comfort and coziness - what else is needed for a wonderful recreation⁉ ✅Day 7️⃣-return to Tbilisi. 👉Privileged package 6️⃣8️⃣0️⃣💲 = meeting at the airport and transfer to the hotel (4 stars) ➕ all inclusive➕Personal driver! ✅Travel with us and accumulate unforgettable experiences❗ (DE) Große Tour -Tiflis, Mtskheta, Kachetien und Kasbegi ✅Tag 1️⃣-2️⃣ 🏙Tiflis ist die größte Stadt des Landes, das wichtigste Wirtschafts- und Kulturzentrum, eine moderne Metropole, die sich schneller entwickelt und die besten europäischen Merkmale und Gewohnheiten annimmt. ℹWährend ihrer Existenz wurde die Stadt 40 Mal zerstört und wieder aufgebaut. Die Legende über die Gründung von Tiflis besagt, dass Mitte des 5. Jahrhunderts. König Vakhtang I Gorgasali jagte einen Fasan in einem Waldgebiet, der verwundete Vogel fiel in eine nahe gelegene heiße Quelle. Der König war so beeindruckt heiße Quellen, die beschlossen, die Stadt zu bauen. 👉 Der Name Tiflis stammt vom alten georgischen Wort „Tiflis“ ab, was „warm“ bedeutet. Die Stadt, in der Ost und West aufeinander treffen, bietet für jeden etwas. 👉Besuchsorte: ➕Tsminda Sameba Kathedrale - Der größte Tempel ➕Rustaveli Avenue ➕Alte Stadt ➕Shardeni Street ➕Schwefelbäder - Bezirk Abanotubani ➕ Glasbrücke des Friedens ➕Rike Park ➕Flea Markt "Dry Bridge" ➕ Seilbahn ➕Narikala Festung ➕ Botanischer Garten von Tiflis ➕Temki-Denkmal ➕ Legvtakhevi Wasserfall ➕Tiflis Meer ➕Tiflis Nationalpark ➕Sioni ➕Metekhi ➕Darejani-Palast ➕ Tskneti ➕Funicular - vom Stadtzentrum über den oberen Park bis zum Mount Mtatsminda 👉Platz bleiben: 🏨5️⃣ Star-Hotel Radisson Blu Iveria Das Hotel liegt im Herzen des Geschäfts- und Geschäftsviertels von Tiflis, 10 Gehminuten von der Altstadt entfernt. Es ist in einem modernen, minimalistischen Stil eingerichtet. 👉Hoteldienste: PaSpa und Wellness Center➕RestaurantsestSky Bar➕Fitness Center➕Sauna➕Pool➕Casino ➕Parken Tolle Lage, atemberaubende Aussicht, professionelles Personal und leckeres Essen. ✅Tag 3️⃣ Entdecken Sie das faszinierende Erbe Georgiens und besuchen Sie einige der bekanntesten und beliebtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Region Mzcheta-Mtianeti: die Altstadt von Mtskheta, das Jvari-Kloster und den Uflistsikhe Ancient Rock Complex. 👉Besuchsorte: 🏦Mtskheta Die alte Hauptstadt Georgiens ist eine Stadt, die ab dem 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Die Hauptstadt des Iberischen Königreichs (Ostgeorgien) war. e. Die Altstadt, in der das heiligste Relikt des Christentums aufbewahrt wird: (Robe Jesu Christi) ⛪Das von Mikhail Lermontov (Gedicht "Mtsyri") in der Literatur verewigte Jvari-Kloster ist das älteste Kultdenkmal, das zu Beginn des georgischen Christentums im 6. Jahrhundert erbaut wurde (585-604). Der Tempel erhielt seinen Namen Jvari (übersetzt vom georgischen "Kreuz") nicht zufällig. Dies erklärt die alte Legende, dass Nino von Kappadokien an dieser Stelle das Heilige Kreuz errichtete, das die Annahme des Christentums durch Georgien kennzeichnete. Später wurde über dem Kreuz ein Tempel gebaut, der als Tempel des Heiligen Kreuzes bezeichnet wurde. 🌄Die Höhlenstadt Uplistsikhe ist eine der ältesten Siedlungen auf dem Territorium Georgiens. Übersetzt ins Russische bedeutet der Name der Stadt "die Festung Gottes". Während der Existenz des Bundesstaates Iberia war die antike Stadt ihr Kultzentrum. Zu Beginn des 8. Jahrhunderts wurde Uplistsikhe zu einem wichtigen Handelspunkt, da hier viele Karawanenrouten von Europa nach Asien verliefen. ✅Tag 4️⃣-5️⃣ Es ist eine erstaunliche Region Ostgeorgiens, die im Norden an Russland und im Osten und Süden an Aserbaidschan grenzt. AkKakheti ist Mimino, Vater des Soldaten, Alazani-Tal, „Stadt der Liebe“ Sighnaghi, alte Klöster, legendäre Weine „Tsinandali“ und „Kindzmarauli“ sowie Nationalparks. 🍇Der Löwenanteil der georgischen Trauben wächst hier. Der erste Samen von Kulturtrauben der Welt wurde in Georgien entdeckt. Dieser Stein ist 8000 Jahre alt, daher gilt Georgien als Geburtsort der Weinherstellung. 👉Besuchsorte: ➕Signahi - die Stadt der Liebe ➕ Telavi - die Hauptstadt von Kachetien, ➕Kvareli ➕Gurjaani -15-Meter-Denkmal "Vater des Soldaten". Nach der Handlung des berühmten Films stammte Giorgi Makharashvili aus Gurjaani. ➕Gremi Castle ist die mittelalterliche Hauptstadt von Kachetien, die 1615 vom persischen Schah Abbas zerstört wurde. ➕ Festung Ujarma - Die Zitadelle von Ujarma schützte Georgien jahrhundertelang vor den Invasionen der Perser und Araber - verfiel nach der Eroberung Georgiens durch die Mongolen. ➕ Chailuri Festung ➕Hausmuseum von Chavchavadze in Tsinandali ➕Hausmuseum von Niko Pirosmani im Dorf Mirzaani ➕ David-Gareji-Kloster Höhlenkloster, eines der wichtigsten orthodoxen Heiligtümer in Georgien. ➕Alaverdi ist der Haupttempel von Kachetien ➕ Nekresi ist ein funktionierendes Kloster aus dem 4. Jahrhundert auf einem Berg über dem Alazani-Tal. ➕ Shuamta sind zwei Klosterkomplexe, die 2 km voneinander entfernt sind. ➕ Das Ikalto-Kloster wurde im VI. Jahrhundert gegründet ➕ Das St. Nino-Kloster in Bodbe - darin sind die Reliquien des St. Nino begraben ➕Hirsa-Kloster ➕Ninotsminda-Kathedrale Eine der ältesten orthodoxen Kirchen in Georgien - wurde Mitte des ersten Jahrtausends nach Christus erbaut. ➕ Telavi Weinkeller ➕ Weingut Teliani Veli ➕Tunnel Winemaking Khareby ➕ Kvareli See ➕Lagodekhi-Nationalpark 👉Platz zum bleiben: 🏨5️⃣ Das Star-Luxury Lopota Lake & Spa Resort befindet sich am Ufer eines privaten Sees. Von den Fenstern aus können Sie den majestätischen Kaukasus sehen. Das Showkoch-Restaurant Kakhetian Corner serviert eine Auswahl traditioneller georgianischer Gerichte aus regionalen Bio-Produkten. 👉 Hotelservice: ➕Cafe Bar➕4 Schwimmbäder und ein Ruhebereich➕ Spa-Center ➕ Sie können Quad fahren, Minigolf spielen, Reiten, Angeln ➕ Fahrradverleih Ein schicker Ort mit europäischem Service, höflichem Personal und leckerem Essen. ✅ Tag 6️⃣ 🏔Kazbegi ist eine Gemeinde in der Region Mtskheta-Mtianeti im Osten Georgiens auf dem historischen Gebiet von Khevi. MountDer Mount Kazbegi (oder Mkinvartsveri) ist auf einer Höhe von 5047 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel der drittgrößte Berg Georgiens und von Mythen und religiösen Traditionen umgeben. Nach dem griechischen Mythos wurde hier der "Titan Prometheus" an die Seite des Berges gekettet. Prometheus (in Georgien als Amirani bekannt) wurde in einer Höhle auf 4000 Metern Höhe eingesperrt. Die Höhle, jetzt Betlemi genannt, diente später als Heim für orthodoxe Mönche und bewahrte viele heilige Relikte auf, darunter das Zelt Abrahams und die Krippe Jesu. Mineralische Seen umgeben den Berg, und in dieser Gegend ist häufig ein Zittern zu spüren. Kazbegi ist mit einem 135 km² großen Gletscher bedeckt und ein großartiger Ort zum Bergsteigen. Die Darial-Schlucht verbindet Russland und Georgien und erstreckt sich 18 km von Stepantsminda bis zur Grenze zu Russland in Upper Lars. Seit Jahrtausenden ist dieser Gebirgspass strategisch wichtig und seit Anfang 150 v. Chr. Befestigt. An einigen Stellen erreichen die Klippen eine Höhe von mehr als 1000 m, und hoch aufragende mittelalterliche Wachtürme, rauschende Bergwasserfälle und wild lebende Tiere machen die Darial-Schlucht zu einer der unglaublichsten Straßen der Welt. 👉Besuchsorte: ➕Stepantsminda Historisches Museum ➕ Kelitsadi See ➕Gweleti Wasserfälle ➕Arshi-Wasserfälle ➕Jute Cliff ➕Truso-Tal ➕Bethlemhütte ➕Gergeti Trinity ➕Darialklosterkomplex ➕Khevi Sioni Kirchenkomplex ➕Zakagori ➕ Badekloster der Muttergottes ➕Männerkloster namens Elijah Fortuneteller ➕Ketrice ✅Platz zum bleiben: Das Resort Hotel "Kazbegi View" befindet sich im Dorf Stepantsminda. Hotel Dienstleistungen: ➕Terrasse➕ 24-Stunden-Rezeption ➕Wi-Fi. 👉 Atemberaubend gemütliche Häuser mit Panoramafenstern und Blick auf die Berge. Sehr nettes und freundliches Personal, Komfort und Gemütlichkeit - was sonst noch für eine wunderbare Erholung benötigt wird AyTag 7️⃣-Rückkehr nach Tiflis. 🅿️Privilegiertes Paket 6️⃣8️⃣0️⃣💲 = Treffen am Flughafen und Transfer zum Hotel (4 Sterne) ➕ All inclusive ➕Personalfahrer! ✅Reisen Sie mit uns und sammeln Sie unvergessliche Erlebnisse❗
(RU) Большой тур-Тбилиси, Мцхета,Кахетия и Казбеги ✅День 1️⃣-2️⃣ 🏙Тбилиси – это крупнейший город страны, важнейший экономический и культурный центр, современный мегаполис, развивающийся в ускоренном темпе и перенимающий лучшие европейские черты и привычки. ℹЗа время своего существования, город разрушался и восстанавливался 40 раз. Легенды об основании Тбилиси гласит, что в середине V в. ''Царь Вахтанг I Горгасали'' охотился в лесистом районе на фазана , раненая птица упала в близлежащий горячий источник. Царь был настолько впечатлен горячими источниками, что решил построить Город. 👉Название Тбилиси происходит от древнегрузинского слова «тбили», что означает «теплый». Город,в котором Восток встречается с Западом-предлагает что-то для всех. 👉Места посещения: ➕Собор Цминда Самеба-Самый большой храм ➕Проспект Руставели ➕Старый город ➕Улица Шардени ➕Серные бани - район Абанотубани ➕ стеклянный Моста Мира ➕Рике Парк ➕Блошиный рынок "Сухой мост" ➕Канатная дорога ➕Крепость Нарикала ➕Тбилисский ботанический сад ➕Монумент Темки ➕Водопад Легвтахеви ➕Тбилисское море ➕Тбилисский национальный парк ➕Сиони ➕Метехи ➕Дворец Дареджани ➕ Цкнети ➕Фуникулер-из центра города в верхний парк на гору Мтацминда 👉Mесто проживания: 🏨5️⃣ Звездочный-Отель Рэдиссон Блу Иверия расположен в самом центре коммерческого и делового района Тбилиси, в 10 минутах ходьбы от Старого города. Он оформлен в современном минималистском стиле. 👉К услугам гостей: ➕Спа и оздоровительный центр➕Рестораны➕Sky бар➕Фитнес-центр➕Сауна➕Бассейн➕Казино ➕Парковка Oтличное Расположение ,Захватывающий вид, профессиональный персонал и вкусная еда. ✅День3️⃣ 🗺Откройте для себя завораживающее наследие Грузии и посетите некоторые из самых знаковых и популярных достопримечательностей Региона мцхета-мтианети: ➕Cтарый город Мцхета ➕Mонастырь Джвари и ➕древний скальный комплекс Уфлисцихе. 👉Места посещения: 🏦Мцхета Древняя столица Грузии — город, который был столицей Иберийского царства (Восточной Грузии) с IV века до н. э. Старый город где хранится наисвятейшая реликвия Xристианство: (Риза Иисуса Христа) ⛪Монастырь Джвари, увековеченный в литературе Михаилом Лермонтовым (поэма «Мцыри»), - древнейший культовый памятник, построенный на заре грузинского христианства в VI веке (585- 604 гг.) Свое название Джвари (в переводе с грузинского «крест») храм получил не случайно. Это объясняет старинное предание о том, что именно в этом месте Нино Каппадокийская поставила Святой крест, ознаменовавший принятие Грузией христианства. Позднее, над крестом был сооружен храм, который назвали Храмом Святого креста. 🌄Пещерный город Уплисцихе - одно из древнейших поселений на территории Грузии. В переводе на русский название города означает "крепость Бога". Во времена существования государства Иберия старинный город был его культовым центром. В начале 8 века Уплисцихе стал крупной торговой точкой, ведь именно здесь проходили многие караванные пути из Европы в Азию. ✅День 4️⃣-5️⃣ 🗺удивительный край-Восточной Грузии, который граничит с Россией на севере и с Азербайджаном -востока и юга. ✅Кахетия – это мимино, Отец Солдата, Алазанская долина, ''Город любви'' Сигнахи, древние монастыри, легендарные вина «Цинандали» и «Киндзмараули» и национальные парки. 🍇Здесь произрастает львиная доля винограда Грузии. Первая косточка окультуренного винограда в мире была обнаружена именно в Грузии. Этой косточке 8000 лет, поэтому Грузию считают родиной виноделия. 👉Места посещении: ➕Сигнахи – город любви ➕ Телави – столица Кахетии, ➕Кварели ➕Гурджаани -15-метровым монументом «Отец солдата». По сюжету знаменитого фильма, Георгий Махарашвили был родом из Гурджаани. ➕Замок Греми -срадневековая столица Кахетии, уничтоженная персидским шахом Аббасом в 1615 году. ➕ Крепость Уджарма-Веками цитадель Уджарма защищала Грузию от нашествий персов и арабов- пришла в упадок после завоевания Грузии монголами. ➕ Крепость Чаилури ➕Дом-музей Чавчавадзе в Цинандали ➕Дом-музей Нико Пиросмани в селе Мирзаани ➕ Монастырь Давид-ГареджиПещерный монастырь, одна из главных православных святынь Грузии. ➕Алаверди является главным храмом Кахетии ➕ Некреси – действующий монастырь IV века, расположенный на горе над Алазанской долиной. ➕ Шуамта – это два монастырских комплекса, расположенных на расстоянии 2 км друг от друга. ➕монастырь Икалто был основал в VI веке ➕Женский монастырь святой Нино в Бодбе-в нем покоятся мощи святой Нино ➕Монастырь Хирса ➕Собор Ниноцминда Один из древнейших православных храмов Грузии — был построен в середине первого тысячелетия нашей эры, ➕Телавский винный погреб ➕ Винзавод «Телиани Вели» ➕Тоннель Виноделие Харебы ➕ Кварельское озеро ➕Национальный Парк Лагодехи 👉Где остановиться: 🏨5️⃣ Звездочный-Роскошный Курортный отель Lopota Lake & Spa Resort расположен на берегу частного озера, из окон которого открывается вид на величественные Кавказские горы. В ресторане с открытой кухней Kakhetian Corner сервируют разнообразные блюда традиционной грузинской кухни, приготовленные из местных органических продуктов. 👉 Услуги Отеля: ➕Кафе-Бар➕4 плавательных бассейна и зона для релаксации➕спа-центр ➕можно покататься на квадроциклах➕поиграть в мини-гольф➕заняться конным спортом➕Рыбалка ➕прокат велосипедов➕парковка Шикарное место европейского уровня обслуживанием, вежливый персонал, вкусная еда. ✅День 6️⃣ 🏔Казбеги - это муниципалитет, расположенный в регионе Мцхета-Мтианети на востоке Грузии, на историческом территории Хеви. ℹНа высоте 5047 метров над уровнем моря гора Казбеги (или Мкинварцвери) является третьей по величине горой в Грузии и окружена мифами и религиозными традициями. Согласно греческому мифу, именно здесь был прикован ''Титан Прометей'' к склону горы. Прометей (известный в Грузии как Амирани) был заключен в пещеру на вершине 4000 метра. Пещера, теперь названная Бетлеми, позже служила жилищем для православных монахов и хранила множество священных реликвий, включая шатер Авраама и ясли Иисуса. Минеральные озера окружают гору, и в этой местности часто ощущаются подземные толчки. Покрытые ледником в 135 кв. км, Казбеги является прекрасным местом для альпинизма. Дарьяльское ущелье, соединяющих Россию и Грузию, протягиваясь на 18 км от Степанцминды до границы с Россией в Верхнем Ларсе. В течение многих тысячелетий этот горный проход был стратегически крайне важен, и был укреплен с начала 150 до н.э. В некоторых местах скалы достигают более 1000 м, а высящиеся на них средневековые сторожевые башни, стремительные горные водопады и дикая природа делают Дарьяльское ущелье одной из самых невероятных дорог в мире. 👉Места посещении: ➕Исторический Музей Степанцминды ➕Озеро Келицади ➕Гвелетские водопады ➕Аршинские водопады ➕Джутовый утес ➕Долина Трусо ➕Бетлемская хижина ➕Гергетская Троица ➕Дариальский монастырский комплекс ➕Комплекс церкви Хеви Сиони ➕Закагори ➕Банный монастирь Божьей матери ➕Мужской монастирь имени Елия предсказатель ➕Кетриси ✅Где остановиться: Курортный Отель «Казбеги View» расположен в поселке Степанцминда. К услугам гостей: ➕терраса➕ круглосуточная стойка регистрации ➕Wi-Fi. 👉Потрясающе уютные домики с панорамными окнами и видом на горы. Очень приятный и доброжелательный персонал,комфорт и уют-что ещё надо для прекрасного отдыха⁉ ✅День 7️⃣-возвращения в Тбилиси. 🅿️ Привилегированный пакет 6️⃣8️⃣0️⃣💲=встреча в аэропорту и трансфер в гостиницу( 4 звезды) ➕ всё включено➕Персональный водитель! Путешествуйте с нами и накапливайте незабываемые впечатления❗

submitted by SFF_Georgia to u/SFF_Georgia [link] [comments]

Why Charming Vicinity Downtown Flats From Top Realtors of Golden City are So Popular

There should be a vicinity whose natural beauty will be seen at Lake Thun and Lake Brienz. There ought to be ready to share with the creation of the rooms that square measure supported the most effective samples of approach to a way to choose the most effective places even in park with guests during which the creation of the rooms square measure on the market at the place wherever a number of the individuals square measure employed to present them directions and additionally to present the way wherever to travel.
Just to allow you to grasp for quiet in beach Downtown Apartments for Sale goes to be the primary alternative for everybody, that during a vacation which might incline rental and additionally may offer you all you wish for an unforgettable vacation. The rentals additionally referred to as dwelling rentals on Vrbo square measure self-contained and supply all the comforts of home, still as access to the most effective attractions within the space.
The slopes that goes to expect you at DownTown apartments , that you'll be able to get options for a casino and at intervals a cabaret. Every flat provides some house for a room with a refrigerator, associate additionally you'll be able to use the associated kitchen appliance, or a hob and eventually you'll be able to additionally use a microwave. a requirement issue that could be a pillow menu, different touches on the market square measure free WiFi and a flat-screen TV. work is offered for the asking.
DOWNTOWN Real Estate could be an emotional urban land developer. we tend to believe our future is within the town, in property renovation and concrete regeneration. Our focus lies on mixed-use in Belgium’s main cities.
The Oxford English Dictionary's initial citation for "downtown" dates to 1770, in relation to the middle of Bean Town.Some have posited that the term "downtown" was coined in the big apple town, wherever it had been in use by the decennary to consult with the first city at the southern tip of the island of Manhattan. because the city of recent House of York grew into a town, the sole direction it might grow on the island was toward the north, continuing upstream from the first settlement, the "up" and "down" language returning from the customary map style during which up was north and down was south. Thus, something north of the first city became referred to as "uptown" (Upper Manhattan), and was usually a residential district, whereas the first city – that was additionally New York's solely major center of business at the time – became referred to as "downtown" (Lower Manhattan).Downtown could be a term primarily utilized in North America by English-speakers to consult with a city's industrial, cultural and infrequently the historical, political and geographic heart, and is commonly substitutable with its central city district (CBD). it's marked by a cluster of tall buildings, cultural establishments and also the convergence of rail transit and bus lines.In British English, the term "city centre" is most frequently used instead. the 2 terms square measure used interchangeably in North American nation.
A real estate broker, land agent or land agent could be a one who represents sellers or consumers of land or material possession. whereas a broker may fit severally, associate agents typically work underneath a licenced broker to represent purchasers. Brokers and agents square measure licenced by the state to barter sales agreements and manage the documentation needed for closing land transactions. In North America, some brokers and agents square measure members of the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the most important trade association for the business .Top Real Estate companies in California have attained themselves a name for being the most effective land agents within the American state. California’s high land agents return from the port of entry, San Diego, l. a. , the Central Coast and every one of the cities and suburbs in between. Their distinctive skills and expertise–ranging from serving to initial time home buyers; to those that concentrate on industrial land, short sales, relocation, investment properties and residential sales in California–have attained them the excellence of being named a high Agent,
submitted by thepropertylabre to u/thepropertylabre [link] [comments]

Halloween Parties and Events 2017 Monster Megathread!

Disclaimer: All the following information is from both Honolulu Magazine & Honolulu Family, however, feel free to add / correct / update...WHATEVERS! Because this thread is for you, the fine users of /Oahu. If you go to any of them, please post pics and've got to be tired of seeing me posting all'a the time, so go for it! I'd also advise checking the websites and/or calling to make sure the events are still on and that the information hasn't changed.
From Honolulu Magazine:
Hitchcocktober at Consolidated Theatres
OCT. 3–31
Nothing says Halloween like rewatching some of Alfred Hitchcock’s most iconic films. (Psycho still makes us nervous in the shower.) Consolidated Theatres will be showing special screenings of North by Northwest, Notorious, Vertigo, Rebecca and Psycho every Tuesday at Kāhala Mall throughout October, with a double screening of Psycho at Kāhala and ‘Ōlino Theatres on Halloween. Talk about a fright night.
Kāhala: 4211 Wai‘alae Ave.; ‘Ōlino: 91-5431 Kapolei Parkway, #600, Kapolei (Kapolei on Halloween night only); $10, Tuesdays at 7 p.m.,
Ghouls ’N’ Gamblin’
OCT. 20
Feelin’ lucky? Come in character to the Elite Parking Foundation’s casino night for your chance to win $500 in the costume contest, a trip for two to Las Vegas in the prize drawing and more. This year, proceeds from entrance tickets, casino and alcohol sales will benefit the Special Olympics of Hawai‘i and the Boys & Girls Club of Hawai‘i.
Pōmaika‘i Ballrooms, 735 ‘Iwilei Road, $25 presale, $35 at the door, 6–11 p.m.,
Tim Burton Film Festival
OCT. 20–22
Tim Burton’s films don’t all take place around Halloween, but they’re still creepy enough to get you in the spooky mood. Here’s your chance to see Beetlejuice, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, Edward Scissorhands and Corpse Bride on the big screen in a (supposedly) haunted theater.
Hawai‘i Theatre, $7–$12,
The Rocky Horror Picture Show – Hosted by Tita Tisling and Cast
OCT. 26­–31
Let’s do the time-warp again! Instead of watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show at home for the billionth time, experience the cult classic on a monster-size movie screen. This fully interactive show is accompanied by a full cast of characters and gives you the chance to shout and dance in your seats (and even dress up as your favorite characters. Dibs on Frank N. Furter!). Doors open an hour before start time for cocktails, movie snacks, props and more.
The Arts at Marks Garage, 1159 Nu‘uanu Ave., Oct. 26 and 27 at 8 p.m., Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. and midnight, October 31 at 8 p.m., $20 advance tickets, $25 at the door,
Art After Dark: Kings & Queens
OCT. 27
Calling all scream queens and kings of horror: Come spend the evening with Halloween royalty at the Halloween edition of Honolulu Museum of Art’s Art After Dark. Get down to spooky sounds from King DJ Revise and Queen DJ Tittahbyte, sip on frightfully good cocktails at the iichiko bar and enter the costume contest for your chance to be officially crowned king or queen of the Halloween ball.
Honolulu Museum of Art, 900 S. Beretania St., free for museum members, $25 general admission, 6­–9 p.m.,
Hallowbaloo 2017
OCT. 28
Honolulu’s Chinatown arts district and historic Downtown will once again transform into a massive spooktacular celebration of music, craft beer, food, art and entertainment. This year’s street festival promises Hawai‘i’s largest Halloween outdoor craft beer experience, food trucks, three stages of music and entertainment and the chance to win $1,000 in a costume contest. Then, walk your wicked self over to the after party at Club Hallowbaloo featuring eight clubs and just one cover charge.
Nu‘uanu Ave., Hotel, Smith and Pauahi streets; street festival: 5–10 p.m.; Club Hallowbaloo: until 2 a.m.; $10–$45, 21 and over (unless accompanied by an adult),
Rock the Block Halloween SpooktaculaThe Creepy Tiki Cruise
OCT. 28
Classic cars, pinup girls and … zombies? We can dig it. Put on your favorite poodle skirt, tease and grease up that hair and come on down to Rock the Block in Kaka‘ako for a throwback Halloween party featuring classic cars and bikes, pretty dames, gruesome zombies, street vendors, food trucks, live music by Ooklah, Jimmy Weeks and more.
Cooke and Auahi streets, free, 5–10 p.m.,
Halloween at the Hyatt
OCT. 31
Batmen, Wonder Women, this one’s for you: “League Up!” is your chance to suit up as your favorite superhero (or villain) for a night filled with tricks and treats. Fly solo or assemble the squad for the Halloween costume contest and you could win up to $2,000 in cash and prizes. Don’t want the night to end? Head over to the official after party at The District Nightclub and keep the fun going all night long.
Hyatt Regency Waikīkī Beach Resort and Spa, 2424 Kalākaua Ave., $10 general admission, $20 VIP (includes a glow stick, fast pass to skip lines and a candy pouch), 8 p.m.,
Your Guide to the Scariest Haunted Houses in Honolulu
Haunted Plantation
Your worst nightmares come true at the Haunted Plantation in Waipahu. On Friday the 13th, the Hawai‘i Plantation Village transforms into a haunted attraction complete with crazy circus clowns, gross zombies and a hideous pale woman. More than 70 costumed actors are hiding inside the houses in the village, waiting to scare you. The movie-quality special-effects makeup really adds to the extra creepiness factor. What’s even scarier are the stories of real ghosts reported on the site of this former sugar plantation village. Throw in some spooky music and fog—you’ve got a recipe for a good scare.
Oct. 13–15, 20–22, 27–29, 31, $15 general admission, $20 fast pass, Waipahu Plantation Village, 94-695 Waipahu St.,
Skeleton Key Presents Mummy: Curse of the Crypt by Jorge Garcia
You don’t need to take a trip to King Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings to see mummies—a new haunted house in Kailua is packed with them. Mummy: Curse of the Crypt is Kailua’s newest haunt designed by Hawai‘i Five-O actor Jorge Garcia and produced by Skeleton Key Hawai‘i’s Kevin Keaveney. Your mission is to escape this long-lost Egyptian crypt to survive the mummy’s curse. Be prepared to feel claustrophobic. Tight spaces? You bet. You’ll need to navigate through the dark and winding tunnel with mummies creeping at every turn. Can you make it out alive?
​7–11 p.m. on Oct. 6–7, 13–14, 19–21, 26–31 and keiki-friendly days from 5–7 p.m. on Oct. 21, 28–29, $15 general admission, $20 fast pass, 171 A-Hamakua Drive,
Zombie Paintball Massacre
The undead are after you. You’re armed with a paintball gun and only one goal: Save the world. Good luck.
7–11 p.m., Oct. 13–14, 20–21, 27–31, $10 per person for groups of 10 or more, $12 presale, $15 at the door, $20 fast pass (tickets available at all military outlets, Razor Concepts and UH Campus Center), 919 Kekaulike St.,
Honolulu Family's Halloween Events in Hawai‘i-2017
Sunday, Oct. 1 through Oct. 31
Pumpkin Patch at Waimānalo Farm
Saturdays and Sundays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Weekdays are often for school group visits only. Visit Waimānalo Country Farmsʻ Facebook page for the latest information.
Pick a pumpkin, sip on fresh lemonade and play at the farm at this pumpkin patch on O‘ahuʻs windward side. While youʻre there, stop by the sunflower patch, which will also be open this month.
Waimānalo Country Farms, 41-225 Lupe St., Waimānalo, (808) 306-4381,
Tuesday, Oct. 10
Movie Night at Kahuku Library: Ghostbusters
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
This remake of the classic 1980s movie follows paranormal researcher Abby Yates and physicist Erin Gilbert as their research into modern ghosts proves to be too successful. Soon, they and two other New Yorkers must go to battle when 1,000 mischievous ghouls descend on Times Square. The movie is rated PG-13.
Free. Kahuku Public Library, 56-490 Kamehameha Highway, (808) 293-8935,
Saturday, Oct. 14 through Sunday, Oct. 29
Aloun Farms 17th Annual Pumpkin Festival
Saturdays and Sundays, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Pick pumpkins, sweet corn, beans and sunflowers, then go for a free hayride or saddle up for a pony ride at this working farm in Kapolei. There will also be photo stations, carnival games and rides and a free WiFi hotspot. The first weekend, families can try free educational farm activities. Oct. 21 and 22 will have a free obstacle course and Oct. 28 will have costume contests and free carnival games. Bring two trash bags of gently used clothes to get free entry and a chance to win a family four-pack of passes to Wet ‘n’ Wild Hawai‘i. Pumpkins will be priced according to size. Bring cash. No checks or credit cards will be accepted.
$3 admission, kids 2 years and younger are free. Military Appreciation Day is Saturday, Oct. 28 when admission is free with military ID. Aloun Farms, Old Farrington Highway between Kapolei and Waipahu., (808) 677-9516,
Saturday, Oct. 14
Saturday Afternoon at the Movies: The Little Vampire
2 to 3:30 p.m.
Tony is the new kid in a small, remote village in Scotland, making him the target of bullies. He’s also having nightmares about vampires. One night, a young vampire, Rudolph, flies into his room and soon, the two are working together to help the family of vampires regain their humanity. The film is rated PG.
Free. Hawai‘i State Library, 478 S. King St., (808) 586-3520,
Felted Fall Pumpkins Workshop
2:30 to 4 p.m.
Make a woolly jack o’lantern with a local fiber artist. Felting needles are sharp so parents may want to stay to help their kids. The minimum age is 8, but 7-year-olds may come with a parent.
$20, 8 years and older. Art Explorium, 1142 Koko Head Ave., (808) 312-4316,
Sunday, Oct. 15
Spooky Scenes Workshop
2:30 to 4 p.m.
Kids will make ghosts, pumpkins, spiders and more from air-dry clay then create a pop-up scene as a backdrop.
$20, 5 years and older. Art Explorium, 1142 Koko Head Ave., (808) 312-4316,
Howl-O-Ween Woof-tacular & Doggie Escape Room
3 to 7 p.m.
Dressed-up dogs can celebrate with a costume contest, doggie limbo and trick contests, a pet photo booth and pumpkin prize pull. Sign up early for the Doggie Escape Room, where you need to find your spare keys to get a candy-stuffed Fido to the veterinarian. The family with the fastest time will win a prize pack of dog goodies. The event is a fundraiser for Assistance Dogs of Hawai‘i. Registration for the escape room begins at noon, a small participation donation fee is requested.
Free. 2961C East Mānoa Road, (808) 783-7390,
Monday, Oct. 16
Color Mask: Trick-or-Treat Event
3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Make a superhero mask and trick-or-treat around the library. Kids in grades kindergarten through sixth grade will be given a nametag, which they will need to trick-or-treat.
Free. Mililani Library, 95-820 Maka‘imo‘imo St., Mililani, (808) 627-7470,
Tuesday, Oct. 17
Reading Awakens: This Halloween
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Dress up in your favorite Star Wars costume to join games, crafts, snacks and a selfie photo booth.
Free. Kahuku Public Library, 56-490 Kamehameha Highway, (808) 293-8935,
Wednesday, Oct. 18
Pumpkin Palooza
6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Pumpkin stories, crafts, games, pumpkin pie in a cup and other activities will be available for kids. Young keiki must be accompanied by an adult.
Free. Waimānalo Public Library, 41-1320 Kalaniana‘ole Highway, (808) 259-2610,
Friday, Oct. 20
Halloween Family Camp at Camp Erdman
3:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 21 through 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 22.
The not-so-spooky-themed camp for families includes three days and two nights in cabins with showers and all meals. Activities include a costume contest, arts and crafts, a haunted house, scavenger hunt-style trick-or-treating, swimming and hiking. In the past, arts and crafts included tie dying, candle making and pumpkin carving.
Rates begin at $115 per person for space for a tent to $1,240 for a deluxe cabin that houses up to eight people. Camp Erdman, 69-385 Farrington Highway, Waialua, (808) 637-4615,
Tim Burton Film Festival: Beetlejuice
8 p.m.
Arts and crafts, a themed costume contest and entertainment lead into the showing of Tim Burton’s story about two ghosts who test their haunting chops when two over-the-top yuppies threaten to makeover their home in this classic Tim Burton comedy. Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis call on freelance bio-exorcist Beetlejuice to chase the mortals out, but soon find they need to find a way to exorcise the exorcist. This movie is rated PG and runs one hour and 32 minutes.
$12 general admission; $7 for kids 4 to 17 years, seniors and military and students with ID. Kids 3 years and younger are not permitted. Hawai‘i Theatre, 1130 Bethel St., (808) 528-0506,
Saturday, Oct. 21
Pumpkin Picking at Red Barn Farmstand
8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Pick a locally grown pumpkin at this Hale‘iwa shop and eatery. Pumpkins from Twin Bridge Farm will sell for $5 for medium ones, $10 for larger sizes. Then stick around for a live performance by Uncle Wayne and the Howling Dog Band at the Family Pau Hana. Ten dollar stew, chili or curry bowls as well as Red Barn's hummus dip and veggie plate will be for sale. Kids in costume will receive $1 off an entree.
Free admission. 66-320 Kamehameha Highway, Hale‘iwa, (808) 753-4350,
8th Annual Pumpkin Carving Festival
10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Watch a master carver turn a 1,200-pound pumpkin into a character from Beauty and the Beast, watch local high school students in a carving challenge. Families can buy a pumpkin-carving kit do make their own for $35. Proceeds benefit Keiki O Ka ‘Aina Family Learning Centers.
Free. $35 pumpkin carving kits include a pumpkin, tools, gloves and stencils. Windward Mall, 46-056 Kamehameha Highway, (808) 945-1005,
The Great Pumpkin Festival
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Pick your favorite from more than 2,500 locally grown pumpkins at the largest patch in East O‘ahu, then create arts and crafts, play games and shop in the country store.
Free admission. Holy Nativity School, 5286 Kalaniana‘ole Highway, (808) 373-3232,
Halloween Event and Costume Contest at Salt Lake Shopping Center
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Activities, a costume contest and center-wide trick-or-treating will be part of this annual event.
Free. Salt Lake Shopping Center, 848 Liliko‘i St., (808) 735-8822,
Spook Life Park at Sea Life Park
Noon to 4 p.m.
Trick-or-treat through the park, visit a haunted theater, see underwater pumpkin carving, enter the costume contest and play games for a special discounted price. The costume contest is for kids 12 years and younger, with prizes given to the most original in each age group. There will also be a category for costumes using recycled materials.
$13.01 kama‘āina admission with ID, kids 2 years and younger are free. Sea Life Park, 41-202 Kalaniana‘ole Highway #7, Waimānalo, (808) 259-2500,
Tim Burton Film Festival: Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
2 p.m.
Arts and crafts, a themed costume contest and entertainment lead into the showing of Tim Burton’s story about a school for children with special powers. Note, some say this film is a bit scary for younger children. The movie is rated PG-13 and runs two hours and eight minutes.
$12 general admission; $7 for kids 4 to 17 years, seniors and military and students with ID. Kids 3 years and younger are not permitted. Hawai‘i Theatre, 1130 Bethel St., (808) 528-0506,
Sunday, Oct. 22
Pumpkin Picking at Red Barn Farmstand
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Pick a locally grown pumpkin at this Hale‘iwa shop and eatery. Pumpkins from Twin Bridge Farm will sell for $5 for medium ones, $10 for larger sizes.
Free admission. 66-320 Kamehameha Highway, Hale‘iwa, (808) 753-4350,
Tim Burton Film Festival: Corpse Bride
2 p.m.
Arts and crafts, a themed costume contest and entertainment lead into the showing of Tim Burton’s story about a groom who mistakenly becomes the fiancé of a ghost bride and is taken to the land of the dead. Now it’s up to him to get back to his real-life bride. This film is rated PG and runs one hour and 18 minutes.
$12 general admission; $7 for kids 4 to 17 years, seniors and military and students with ID. Kids 3 years and younger are not permitted. Hawai‘i Theatre, 1130 Bethel St., (808) 528-0506,
Halloween Glow Jars Workshop
2:30 to 4 p.m.
Make glowing glass jars with acrylic paint. Creations can be taken home and illuminated with battery-operated candles.
$15, 5 years and older. Art Explorium, 1142 Koko Head Ave., (808) 312-4316,
Wednesday, Oct. 25
Spooktacular Halloween Party
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Kids 12 years and younger can play Halloween-themed carnival games, win prizes and take pictures with Star Wars characters and a roving puppeteer.
Free. Kapolei Public Library, 1020 Manawai St., Kapolei, (808) 693-7050, Saturday, Oct. 28
Gunstock Ranch Fall Fun Day-presale discount
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Spend some time in a petting zoo, enter costume contests, see horses in costume, play lawn games at this Halloween-themed day at the ranch. Kids can also buy script for pony and hay rides, pumpkin chucking, face and horseshoe painting. Lemonade, corn, shave ice and Gunstock Grass-fed beef will be for sale. Bring cash, closed toed shoes, and jogging strollers to help you roll over the sometimes uneven ground. You’ll receive a $3 discount on tickets if purchased online by Sunday, Oct. 15.
$5 admission presale, $8 at the door. Kids 2 years and younger are free. Gunstock Ranch, 56-250 Kamehameha Highway, Kahuku, (808) 293-2026,
Pre-Halloween Event and Trunk & Treat at ‘Aikahi Park Shopping Center
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Enter a keiki costume contest and go trick-or-treating at participating stores, restaurants and cars.
Free. ‘Aikahi Shopping Center, 25 Kāne‘ohe Bay Drive, Kailua,
Halloween Spooktacular
10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Face painting, Halloween Bingo, crafts and games are available. At 1 p.m. families can watch The Addams Family movie. Kids 5 years and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Face painting will be from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Bingo starts at 11 a.m.
Free. Waikīkī-Kapahulu Public Library, 400 Kapahulu Ave., (808) 733-8488,
Mililani Backyard Night-Halloween Event
5 to 9 p.m. Check in for the contest is at 5 p.m. Judging begins at 6 p.m. Movie starts at 7 p.m.
Join a keiki costume contest and do activities before watching the free showing of the live-action film, Beauty and the Beast. Prizes will be awarded for Cutest, Most Creative and Scariest in three age categories: 8 years and younger, 9 to 12 years and 13 years and older.
Free, you do need a wristband for entry. Mililani Shopping Center, 95-221 Kipapa Drive and 95-390 Kuahelani Ave., Mililani,
Kāhala Mall Costume Contest
5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Prizes will be given to kids in eight categories including a family or group category.
Free. Kāhala Mall, 4211 Wai‘alae Ave., (808) 732-7736,
Mililani YMCA 5th Annual Trunk & Treat
5:30 to 8 p.m.
Trick-or-treat from car to car at this family event. For a fee, kids can play carnival games and jump in bouncers. Food will also be sold. The costume contest begins at 6 p.m.
Free. Mililani YMCA, 95-1190 Hikikaulia St., Mililani, (808) 275-4626,
Sunday, Oct. 29
Sunday Afternoon at the Movies: Beetlejuice
1 to 3 p.m.
Two ghosts test their haunting chops when two over-the-top yuppies threaten to makeover their home in this classic Tim Burton comedy. Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis call on freelance bio-exorcist Beetlejuice to chase the mortals out, but soon find they need to find a way to exorcise the exorcist. This movie is rated PG and runs one hour and 32 minutes.
Free. Waikīkī-Kapahulu Public Library, 400 Kapahulu Ave., (808) 453-6566,
Patterned Pumpkin Paintings Workshop
2:30 to 4 p.m.
Draw and paint a pumpkin while learning about patterns and colors.
$15, 5 years and older. Art Explorium, 1142 Koko Head Ave., (808) 312-4316,
Keiki Halloween Costume Contest and Trick-or-Treat at Royal Hawaiian Center
3 to 10 p.m. Contest begins at 4 p.m. Trick-or-treat begins at 6 p.m.
Kids and families can enter to win prizes in five categories: Cutest for kids 0 to 2 years, Most Creative for kids 3 to 5 years, Most Original for kids 6 to 10 years, Best Parent/Child Costume and Overall Grand Champion. All winners will receive Royal Hawaiian Center gift cards. Trick-or-treating will follow at participating merchants until 10 p.m. Parking will be a $5 flat rate for the day.
Free. Royal Hawaiian Center, 2201 Kalākaua Ave., (808) 922-2299,
Keiki Costume Ball at the Hawai‘I Children’s Discovery Center
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Trick-or-treat through the center, play games, do Halloween arts and crafts, ride the carousel, take pictures in a photo booth and have pizza and ice cream at this event for families.
$16 for nonmembers, $10 for members. Hawai‘i Children’s Discovery Center, 111 Ohe St., (808) 524-5437,
Windward YMCA Mermaids Halloween Show
3 p.m.
Watch the synchronized swimming mermaids. The class is offered every Sunday at the YMCA.
Free. Windward YMCA, 1200 Kailua Road, Kailua, (808) 261-0808,
Monday, Oct. 30
Trick-or-Treat Escape Room: Escape the Vampire’s Lair
3 to 7 p.m.
The clock is ticking. Teenagers have 30 minutes to solve the puzzles and decipher codes before the vampire wakes up to claim another victim. Advance registration is required. Seven people are allowed per session, there are four sessions.
Free. Pearl City Public Library, 1138 Waimano Home Road, (808) 453-6566,
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
4:30 to 7 p.m.
What happens when a magical creature escapes in New York City in the 1920s? Newt Scamander is returning home from a trip around the world documenting extraordinary beasts when a magical escapee and a suitcase mixup starts a chain of events that could threaten the wizarding and human worlds.
Free. Mililani Public Library, 95-450 Maka‘imo‘imo St., (808) 627-7470,
Tuesday, Oct. 31-Trick-or-Treat Spots
Ala Moana Center-5 to 7 p.m. 1450 Ala Moana Boulevard,
International Marketplace-5 to 7 p.m. 2330 Kalākaua Ave.,
Kāhala Mall-5:30 to 7 p.m. 4211 Wai‘alae Ave.,
Ka Makana Ali‘i-5:30 to 7:30 p.m. 91-5431 Kapolei Parkway, Kapolei,
Koko Marina Center-5 to 7 p.m. 7192 Kalani‘anaole Highway,
Mililani Shopping Center-5 to 7 p.m. 95-221 Kipapa Drive and 95-390 Kuahelani Ave., Mililani,
Royal Hawaiian Center-6 to 10 p.m. 2201 Kalākaua Ave.,
Wai‘anae Public Library-2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Non-candy items will be handed out and kids can do crafts and games. 85-625 Farrington Highway, Wai‘anae,
Ward Village-6 to 8 p.m. 1240 Ala Moana Boulevard,
Windward Mall-5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Kids 12 years and younger. 46-056 Kamehameha Highway, Kāne‘ohe,
submitted by madazzahatter to Oahu [link] [comments]

The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (6/26/16)

·1. Teen shot in the chest near intersection of Lyons Street, Ashland Avenue in Evanston (Chicago Tribune)
·2. While on domestic-battery call, Waukegan police sworn, shot at; three men in custody (CBS 2)
·3. Waukegan Yacht Club celebrates 50th anniversary of Junior Sail Program (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
·4. Woodland Elementary School District 50 foundation to put on golf outing July 22 at Lake Geneva, Wis., to raise funds for schools (Daily Herald)
·5. Diamond Lake Elementary School District 76 providing breakfast for students Monday through Thursday throughout the summer at West Oak Middle School, Gurnee (Daily Herald)
·6. Father, owner of Bartlett-based Sebert Landscaping, and son, field supervisor for Marengo-based Bluestem Ecological Services, team up to bring more native plants to landscaping (ABC 7)
·7. Statue of Donald E. Stephens unveiled in Rosemont (ABC 7)
·8. Online survey drums up 'The Bradley,' ROSY, The Black Pearl, Runaway as possible names for new hotel in Rosemont (Daily Herald)
·9. Mount Prospect promotes senior village planner to assistant to village manager (Daily Herald)
·10. Couples celebrating 60th wedding anniversaries serve as grand marshals in Elk Grove Village's annual Hometown Parade on June 18 (Daily Herald)
·11. West Chicago Elementary School District 33 program encourages fathers to read with their children every day (Daily Herald)
·12. Geneva's Swedish Day celebrates Midsummer, Swedish heritage (Daily Herald)
·13. Republican U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger, of Channahon, says he wouldn't vote for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, were the election held today (Chicago Sun-Times)
·14. Former Cubs great Andre Dawson gives advice to Joliet Slammers players, signs autographs for fans (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
·15. Calumet City bank robbed (Chicago Sun-Times)
·16. Family of man living in Hobart group home sues over alleged assault by employee from Chesterton (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·17. Chicago woman killed in car crash near Horseshoe Casino in Hammond (Chicago Sun-Times)
·18. Judge dismisses manslaughter charge again LaPorte County man, saying police, prosecutors bungled case of wife's shooting death (Chicago Sun-Times)
·19. Cook County Jail locked down after hundreds of workers call in sick on Father's Day (NBC 5)
·20. McHenry County woman, Mount Prospect truck driver taken to hospital after car-vs-tractor-trailer crash on Route 173 in Newport Township, Lake County (Chicago Sun-Times)
·21. 85-year-old Deerfield woman killed, man and infant injured when woman tried to make a left-hand turn onto 137 from U.S. 45 off ramp into oncoming traffic (Chicago Sun-Times)
·22. Construction begins on 18-store Kildeer Village Square mall on Rand Road; opening expected in 2017 (Daily Herald)
·23. Two armed robberies in Waukegan happen four hours apart on Sunday; police uncertain whether they were related (Chicago Sun-Times)
·24. Chicago restaurateur, partners plan Mediterranean-style restaurant for downtown Libertyville (Daily Herald)
·25. Evanston police probe shooting that wounded three teens (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
·26. Arlington Heights Memorial Library ties together summer reading program, Fan Con comic convention (Daily Herald)
·27. Chicago man wounded in shootout with Palatine police on June 16 charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault, unlawful delivery of cannibis (CBS 2)
·28. SUV driven by minor crashes into front entrance of IHOP at Norridge Commons, sending one person to the hospital, injuring six others (Chicago Tribune/Norridge-Harwood Heights News)
·29. Chicago Aviation Department submits 9-month 'Fly Quiet' plan to FAA; proposal would to rotate takeoffs and landings at O'Hare International Airport, designed to reduce noise issues (WGN TV)
·30. Wheeling Township Elementary School District 25 board member among 1,000 school officials that lobbied Congress on equity in education (Daily Herald)
·31. Streamwood-based Elgin Toyota pitches plan for repaidetail shop along Lake Street in Bartlett (Daily Herald)
·32. 4-year-old girl drowns at Downers Grove Swim and Racquet Club; facility closed during investigation (ABC 7)
·33. 48-year-old man dies after car he was riding in during driving lesson flips over into Aurora retention pond; driver still hospitalized (FOX 32)
·34. nursing homes from Naperville, Westmont sue rival company over plans for facilities in Aurora and Lisle (Chicago Tribune)
·35. Oak Park police look into drive-by shooting between vehicles on Sunday night on Austin Boulevard at Interstate 290; driver of a vehicle not targeted suffered minor injuries (Chicago Tribune/Oak Leaves)
·36. 78-year-old man struck, killed in Elmhurst by Metra train on Union Pacific-West line (Chicago Sun-Times)
·37. Lombard fire chief to retire on 30th anniversary of his full-time employment with department (Daily Herald)
·38. Morton Arboretum launches $63 million conservation program to preserve and improve 1,700-acre property (Crain's Chicago Business)
·39. Pew Research: High school and college students finding less summertime work available (Chicago Tribune/Buffalo Grove Countryside)
·40. Gas station, car wash pulled from proposed development at Route 22 and Quentin Road in Hawthorn Woods (Daily Herald)
·41. Lake County Sheriff's Gangs Task Force arrest two men after stop in Waukegan; one was wanted on a warrant for a long list of felonies (Chicago Sun-Times)
·42. Woodstock woman who helped fight legal battle with Rohm and Haas chemical company over cancer clusters in McHenry County succumbs to brain cancer (Chicago Tribune)
·43. Metra Union Pacific Northwest Line train strikes pedestrian near Woodstock (Chicago Sun-Times)
·44. Hoffman Estate board hires consultant to look into TIF refund for 185-acre development, provided the developer reimburses the village for the $28,500 cost (Daily Herald)
·45. Superintendent of Schaumburg Township Elementary School District 54 to get 10 percent pay raise, two years after DUI incident (Daily Herald)
·46. Arlington Heights Village Board approves 15-house development on former Robert J. and Lorraine Henry family estate near downtown (Daily Herald)
·47. Elgin Water Department combats musty, moldy smell in water following algae bloom in Fox River (WBBM AM 780)
·48. Officials at Hersey High School in Arlington Heights warn parents about companies offering fee-based financial aid and college scholarships (Chicago Tribune/Arlington Heights Post)
·49. Palatine woman sentenced for five years in prison for DUI-related crash that killed one person and seriously injured another; her BAC level was 0.24 (Chicago Tribune)
·50. 25-year-old Pingree Grove man charged with sexual abuse of a teen (Chicago Sun-Times)
·51. Des Plaines Elementary School District 62 appoints new board member (Daily Herald)
·52. Sleepy Hollow Village Board creates trust fund to address lack of affordable housing stock (Daily Herald)
·53. TFC Bank branch in River Forest robbed at gunpoint by three people (Chicago Sun-Times)
·54. St. Charles changes massage-business ordinance to reduce likelihood of more problems with illegal activities in massage parlors, following a number of busts for prostitution (Daily Herald)
·55. Engineers: Expect a lot of noise during construction of pedestrian tunnel along Glen Ellyn's Taylor Avenue (Daily Herald)
·56. Berwyn uses billboard campaign to try to draw young adults to the suburb; target is Chicago's River North population (CBS 2)
·57. Downers Grove village officials concerned about pension obligation and its effects on property taxes (Chicago Tribune)
·58. Bolingbrook restaurant owner urges wider celebration of Juneteenth (Daily Herald)
·59. Illinois Toll Highway Authority approves Lee Street exit off I-90 in Rosemont (Daily Herald)
·60. Naperville man who taught at Wilmington High School pleads guilty to sexual abuse of student, child pornography charge (Daily Herald)
·61. 17-month-old boy found unresponsive in Homer Glen pool (Chicago Tribune)
·62. Lincoln-Way High School District 210 removes plaques dedicated to embattled ex-superintendent Lawrence Wyllie (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
·63. Judge gives Calumet City man to two consecutive life sentences for 2009 double murder during confrontation at bar (Chicago Sun-Times)
·64. Diocese of Gary to shut down St. Mark's Catholic Church rather than spend money to renovate 95-year-old building (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·65. Cook County Health and Hospitals executive director: Gun violence 'a public health crisis' (WBBM AM 780)
·66. Waukegan School District 60 to provide breakfast, lunch to children ages 2 to 18 at five locations (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
·67. North Shore School District 112 delays planned school closures, giving citizens committee time to work out solution to prevent closures (Chicago Tribune/Highland Park News)
·68. Glenview Park District investigating 65-year-old woman's claim that she got hit by a golf ball that sailed through open car window from nearby golf course (Chicago Tribune/Glenview Announcements)
·69. Man tried to lure 12-year-old girl into car near Oakton Street and Western Avenue in Park Ridge (Chicago Sun-Times)
·70. Barrington Area Unit School District 220 plan would shift middle-school boundaries, probably move 160 students from one building to the other; plan is part of potential change in start times (Daily Herald)
·71. Wauconda officials consider reinstalling red-light camera at intersection of Bonner Road, U.S. 12, citing safety concerns (Daily Herald)
·72. Bartlett resident starts group pushing to allow chickens in residential areas of the village (Daily Herald)
·73. Elk Grove Village to spend $1 million over next five years replacing trees felled by emerald ash borer (Daily Herald)
·74. Wheaton resident creates online petition to lower Wheaton's citywide speed limit on residential streets to 20 mph in wake of 6-year-old's death after being hit by a van (Daily Herald)
·75. Naperville City Council approves placing two non-binding referendum questions on November ballot which would ask about futures of Naperville Township, road district (Daily Herald)
·76. Proposed Longview Parkway tolls in Kane County expected to be between 50 and 75 cents (Daily Herald)
·77. Two boys report being robbed of iPhone by two teenagers in LaGrange (ABC 7)
·78. Schiller Park woman pleads guilty to aggravated battery to a child for 2015 incident in which she forced her two children to drink apple juice mixed with an antianxolytic medication to try to kill them, then tried to commit suicide (Chicago Tribune)
·79. Oak Brook couple that owned First Mutual Bancorp of Illinois in Harvey indicted on charges of concealing millions of dollars in cash, assets after defaulting on $40 million personal loan (Chicago Tribune/The Doings (Oak Brook))
·80. Aurora man charged in Tuesday-afternoon shooting of two people following argument on city's southeast side (Chicago Sun-Times)
·81. Northlake woman charged with reckless homicide, DUI, driving without insurance in death of 46-year-old man in Melrose Park (Chicago Sun-Times)
·82. Donkey gets party for 50th birthday at Field of Dreams in Maple Park (Daily Herald)
·83. 23-year-old Yorkville man charged with sexual assault of juvenile at Newark motel (Chicago Sun-Times)
·84. Clerk at Park Forest gas station shot, wounded during robbery (Chicago Sun-Times)
·85. Lake, Porter sheriffs displeased with U.S. Congress's failure to pass any gun-control legislation (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·86. Police arrest 20-year-old in connection with drug ring operating at Crown Point High School (Northwest Indiana Times)
·87. Truck with trailing carrying cars overturns on I-80/94 at Indianapolis Boulevard in Hammond (Northwest Indiana Times)
·88. Chicago man found guilty of reckless homicide in crash of Gary church bus in Indianapolis while he was high on cocaine (Northwest Indiana Times)
·89. Lack of regulations means individual towns can charge whatever they want for liquor licenses and that cost is passed on to the customers (Daily Herald)
·90. Illinois signals intent to move ahead with Chicago-to-Quad-Cities high-speed rail line as deadline for federal funds draws to close (Crain's Chicago Business)
·90. Deerfield teen sings duet with her Broadway idol at Chicago Symphony Orchestra performance (Chicago Tribune/Deerfield Review)
·91. Doctors from Highland Park (with office in Buffalo Grove) and Skokie among 301 people caught in federal Medicare-fraud sweep (Chicago Sun-Times)
·92. Ela Township buys 10-acre property for $490,000 with plans for athletic fields just outside Lake Zurich village limits (Daily Herald)
·93. Camp I Am Me lets burn survivors enjoy summer camp, therapy at Camp Duncan near Fox Lake (WGN TV)
·94. Lake County Sheriff's police catch Kenosha man who carjacked a vehicle with a child inside it, after stopping the vehicle on I-294 near Des Plaines (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
·95. Federal Securities and Exchange Commission accuses Lake Forest-based The Ticket Reserve Inc. of Ponzi scheme that defrauded professional athletes out of $30 million (Daily Herald)
·96. Village of Lincolnshire sues Skokie-based North Capital, saying the owner of the former Purple Hotel property hasn't cleaned up the site following demolition a month ago (Crain's Chicago Business)
·97. Woman accused of drug-fueled crash that killed Woodstock nurse is arrested in Las Vegas, Nev. (Chicago Tribune)
·98. Flash floods inundate Arlington Heights businesses, streets during Wednesday night storms (Chicago Tribune/Arlington Heights Post)
·99. Palatine Township Elementary School District 15, park district considering Osage Park property as location for new school, abandon plans for Falcon Park (Daily Herald)
·100. Harper College officials sign off on agreement to build health-and-wellness center with Palatine Park District that would mean indoor pool for residents, students (Daily Herald)
·101. Alan Bombeck, architect and member of Arlington Heights Design Commission since its formation in 1995, dies from cancer (Daily Herald)
·102. Guitar virtuoso Fareed Haque to headline Jazz It Up Glen Ellyn festival on July 16 (Daily Herald)
·103. Elk Grove Village mayor 'offended' by 'inappropriate' comments by residents opposed to proposed Islamic prayemeeting center (Daily Herald)
·104. Neighbors of new Naperville Mariano's complain about all the noise caused by refrigerated trucks brought in to store excess commidities (Daily Herald)
·105. Aurora officials: Water safe to drink despite strange taste, odor linked to Fox River (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
·106. Two teen boys charged with burglarizing vehicles on South 19th Street in St. Charles (Chicago Sun-Times)
·107. Enthusiasts of antique bicycles to have event on July 8 on Prairie Path and in downtown Wheaton (Daily Herald)
·108. Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigating death of man pulled through machinery at Coilplus Inc. in Plainfield (CBS 2)
·109. Ohio man killed after falling from under-construction asphalt tank at International Tank Services in Willow Springs (Chicago Sun-Times)
·110. Sunnybrook Elementary School District 171 raises lunch, activity and technology fees (Northwest Indiana Times)
·111. 14-year-old boy shot in back while in a car stopped at Rose Plaza in Matteson; alleged shooter had followed their vehicle on Lincoln Highway (NBC 5)
·112. Gary unveils new handicapped-accessible boat/kayak launch at Marquette Park (Northwest Indiana Times)
·113. 'Visions of Sand and Steel: Visions of Our Indiana Shore' show runs through Aug. 28 at Southshore Arts Centre in Munster (Northwest Indiana Times)
·114. Chicago Cubs extend contract with Class-A affiliate South Bend Cubs through 2020 (CBS 2)
·115. 76-year-old Porter woman dies after being struck by train in Chesterton (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·116. Dallas, Texas-based Which Wich to open first store in northwest Indiana with sandwich shop in Schererville (Northwest Indiana Times)
·117. Atlanta, Ga.-based Turnstone Group puts 3,000 residential lots, 581 acres undeveloped land in the suburbs on the market (Crain's Chicago Business)
·118. Author of 'New Suburbanism: Sustainable Tall Building Development': Arlington Heights, Evanston provide models for what Chicago's suburbs should look like (Crain's Chicago Business)
·119. Storms touch off fire in Evanston, topple gas-station canopy in Mount Prospect, flood Taco Bell in Palatine (WGN TV)
·120. Island Lake trustee creates 'Irises of Island Lake' project to decorate, add color to village (Daily Herald)
·121. Pharmaceutical company Abbvie, volunteers fix up North Chicago buildings to make homes for veterans (WGN TV)
·122. 9-year-old Norridge boy left at Hanover Park water park while on field trip from Norridge camp; parents learned about situation when he called from a lifeguard's cell phone (CBS 2)
·123. Chicago to renovate O'Hare Hilton, add two new hotels, including one along Mannheim Road (ABC 7)
·124. Harvard man charged with sexual abuse of a minor in Antioch (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
·125. Palatine Village Hall to reopen Monday, June 27, following renovations (Daily Herald)
·126. British press blaming meeting at O'Hare pizzeria for BRexit referendum (Chicago Tribune)
·127. One man dead following five-vehicle crash at Dempster Street and Harlem Avenue on Morton Grove/Niles border; victim likely suffered medical issue that led to crash (FOX 32)
·128. Des Plaines Park District works on acquiring vacant lots at Center Street and Oakwood Avenue for new park (Daily Herald)
·129. 17-year-old Kianna Gavin of South Elgin still missing; police still investigating disappearance (Daily Herald)
·130. Teenage Rolling Meadows girl charged with molesting female friend who slept over at her house (Daily Herald)
·131. Bartlett High School to get new stadium scoreboard after receiving grant from Bartlett Rotary Club (Daily Herald)
·132. College of DuPage board votes for budget that keeps tuition and property taxes at same level as previous year (Daily Herald)
·133. Elderly Bellwood woman dies from carbon monoxide poisoning, smoke inhalation in house fire (Chicago Sun-Times)
·134. St. Charles Community School District 303 board decides against middle-school referendum this fall, after $12,000 poll shows only 40 percent support (Daily Herald)
·135. Bolingbrook police end probe into murder-suicide of sometime-business partners from Aurora, Naperville, with no motive behind the crime (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
·136. Matteson man with the surname Gambles wins lottery second time with same numbers (WGN TV)
·137. Park Forest nail technician/caterer finds getting bumped from 'MasterChef' leads to many new opportunities in culinary world (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
·138. Crete man sentenced to four months in jail, 30 months intensive probation for 'revenge porn' incident involving his ex-girlfriend (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
·139. Schererville buys former Illiana Speedway; town president says its racing days are over (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·140. Chesterton, Portage, Valparaiso fire departments combine to hire, test firefighter applicants (Northwest Indiana Times)
·141. Munster residents object to Town Council's adoption of wheel tax, but president says state law won't allow the town to make exceptions for anyone (Northwest Indiana Times)
·142. 36-year-old Lake Station grandmother, 17-year-old East Chicago father charged in armed kidnapping of 15-month-old boy from foster home (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·143. South Dakota woman with outstanding warrant arrested after being found asleep in the back seat of a stolen car parked behind an abandoned gas station near I-65 and State Route 2 in Hebron (Chicago Sun-Times)
·144. One East Chicago Public Works employee fired in April, another resigned in May as city undertook investigation into alleged thefts of oil, tires (Northwest Indiana Times)
·145. Illinois Secretary of State's Office rakes in $5 million in late fees for license-plate renewals after it stopped sending out reminders to motorists (Chicago Sun-Times)
·146. Divers find body of teenage boy who swam into harbor channel next to Waukegan Municipal Beach and disappeared under water (CBS 2)
·147. Leaders of Long Grove, Hawthorn Woods ask governor, Illinois State Toll Highway Authority to abandon proposed Route 53 environmental-impact study (Daily Herald)
·148. Island Lake officials have eye on 2-acre site inside Converse Park for village's first dog park (Daily Herald)
·149. Lake Zurich issues proclamation joining National Wildlife Federation's efforts to save the monarch butterfly (Daily Herald)
·150. 10 Round Lake Beach police officers sue village over body cameras that continued to record after they were turned off, including while officers were using the bathroom (WGN TV)
·151. Illinois Attorney General's Office settles ethics-violation/workplace-retaliation lawsuit stemming from incident while U.S. Rep. Tammy Duckworth led the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (NBC 5)
·152. Shakou Asian restaurant to open new location on Prospect Avenue in Park Ridge on Monday, June 27 (ABC 7)
·153. Shots reported fired on Route 53 near Jane Addams Tollway (I-90); Illinois State police investigating incident (WGN TV)
·154. Elgin police officers to get 2.5 percent pay increase following relatively short negotiations with the city (Daily Herald)
·155. Woodstock police searching for three men accused of armed robbery of Shell gas station (Daily Herald)
·156. Des Plaines aldermanic committee favors adopting 'City of Destiny' slogan, interlocking 'dP' logo (Daily Herald)
·157. McHenry County Sheriff's Office charge Kane County Sheriff's deputy with possession of controlled substances after finding Modafinil, Zolpidem, Tapentadol during search of her Woodstock home (NBC 5)
·158. Downers Grove man accused of raping two Indiana University students gets plea deal, one year of probation (Chicago Tribune)
·159. South suburbs see large increase in subsidized housing in wake of Chicago Housing Authority's move to demolish high-rise housing projects (Chicago Sun-Times)
·160. Munster police seek information on man believed to have stolen cartons of cigarettes from a Speedway gas station at knifepoint twice (Northwest Indiana Times)
·161. Hobart residents concerned about flooding related to proposed development at 83rd Avenue and Grand Boulevard (Northwest Indiana Times)
·162. Marketing company SERA Solutions Inc.'s move to Michigan City a boon for staff, from LaPorte County, helps poise organization for growth (Northwest Indiana Times)
·163. South Haven woman's push for safe passage along McCool Road north of U.S. 6 leads Porter County to install new path along roadway (Northwest Indiana Times)
·164. Hobart firefighters called twice to Southlake Mall for fire in Wet Seal store, Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurant (Northwest Indiana Times)
·165. Owner of Hill's Haunted Hospital, City of Portage reach agreement allowing him to move haunted house to former U.S. Steel Training Center near Portage Lakefront and Riverwalk (Northwest Indiana Times)
submitted by emememaker73 to ChicagoSuburbs [link] [comments]

The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (7/31/16)

· 1. Antioch police locate man injured in car crash 12 hours after incident following tip from friend (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 2. Oak Grove School in Green Oaks to open Aug. 19 after 5-year, $14.1 million renovation (Daily Herald)
· 3. Saturday (July 23) storms cause extensive flooding in northern suburbs (WGN TV)
· 4. Winnetka residents want village to resolve problems causing flooding (CBS 2)
· 5. Lightning-sparked fire at Skokie apartment building displaces tenants in two units (CBS 2)
· 6. Windy City Bulls unveil new basketball court, logo at Sears Centre Arena in Hoffman Estates (Daily Herald)
· 7. Lisle-based Respite Endowment Organization expanding services to help parents of adults with disabilities (Daily Herald)
· 8. Sunnybrook School District 171 hires new principal for Heritage Middle School (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 9. Lansing Elementary School District 158 authorizes $200,000 purchase of technology (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 9. Porter County Sheriff's Department, production company film dramatized active-shooter situation at Portage High School for instructional video (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 10. Longtime Crown Point tea spot, Tiffany's Tea Room, to reopen in downtown Highland (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 11. Portage Christian School to break ground for 10,700-square-foot addition (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 12. Golf courses in the area have tried video gaming, with mixed outcomes (Chicago Sun-Times/Better Government Association)
· 13. Volo Bog State Natural Area celebrates International Bog Day (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 14. Six New Yorkers charged in 'organized criminal enterprise' to defraud Apple store in Deer Park (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 15. Buffalo Grove teen killed when driver of the car she was in runs stop sign, gets struck by semi truck in Richmond Township (McHenry County) (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 16. Survivor, A Flock of Seagulls, John Waite to perform Oct. 29, at Waukegan's Genesee Theatre (Daily Herald)
· 17. After her car being struck from behind in Long Grove, driver leaves scene, crashes into four other vehicles in Buffalo Grove (Daily Herald)
· 18. Carpentersville, firefighters union reach agreement on contract running through 2019 (Daily Herald)
· 19. Lombard man sentenced to 4 years in prison, boot camp for stealing $4,000 in cash and merchandise from Schaumburg businesses (Daily Herald)
· 20. Two men end up in Des Plaines River after the car they were in crashed through a guard rail on River Road in Schiller Park (Chicago Tribune)
· 21. Oswego woman suffers broken nose in road-rage incident on Aurora's northwest side (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 22. Wheaton man Tasered after creating disturbance during child-custody hearing at DuPage County Courthouse (Daily Herald)
· 23. Carol Stream firefighters, fire district tentatively agree to 3-year contract (Daily Herald)
· 24. Oakbrook Terrace-based Redbox's parent company, Washington-based Outerwall Inc., to merge with New York investment group (Daily Herald)
· 25. Researchers looking into Zika virus protein makeup at Lemont-based Argonne National Laboratory (WGN TV)
· 26. New York-based real-estate group buys Homewood's Washington Park Plaza for $32 million, averting loan default (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 27. Person shot to death in 2000 block of McKinley Street in Gary (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 28. Northwest Indiana charity makes dream come true for 5-year-old with sickle-cell disease (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 29. Lake County investigates St. John Township Assessor's Office in wake of assessor's resignation who made 'offensive' comments to staff (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 30. Hobart faces refunding $414,000 if tax-assessment appeals by big-box stores are successful (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 31. Aggressive Michigan driver blamed for chain-reaction crash on I-94 near LaPorte that sent four people to the hospital (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 32. Valparaiso woman charged with stealing rabbit from Porter County Fair after tweeting about its 'rescue' (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 33. Valparaiso officials express interest in downtown water feature (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 34. Man stabbed to death outside Zion gas station (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 35. Evanston man charged with filming underage girl in shower at his home (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
· 36. Community High School District 128 unveils $98.3 million budget, which includes $8 million for new swimming pool at Libertyville High and second gym at Vernon Hills High (Daily Herald)
· 37. Gurnee-based Lake County Children's Advocacy Center breaks ground for new healing garden (Daily Herald)
· 38. Des Plaines Chamber of Commerce director dies from lung cancer at 68 (Daily Herald)
· 39. Orbit Skate Center in Palatine seeks to raise $85,000 to fix wooden roller-rink floor warped by flooding (Daily Herald)
· 40. Barrington Hills native to perform in Cirque du Soleil show 'Toruk' from Aug. 3-7 in Chicago (Daily Herald)
· 41. Stormwater blamed for partial building collapse that has closed Palatine 7-Eleven (Daily Herald)
· 42. Schaumburg toddler with aplastic anemia gets life-saving bone-marrow transplant (NBC 5)
· 43. Iowa boy killed, two people injured in rollover crash involving two vehicles on I-88 in North Aurora (FOX 32)
· 44. Glen Ellyn/Lombard wastewater treatment body seeks $16.72 million loan to replace aging, outdated equipment (Daily Herald)
· 45. City of St. Charles, park district, River Corridor Foundation to fund study for recreational uses of Fox River (Daily Herald)
· 46. Geneva City Council establishes TIF district, rejecting Geneva Unit School District 302 board's proposal for tax break (Daily Herald)
· 47. Cicero teen held on $800,000 bond for helping gunman fatally shoot aspiring rapper in Chicago (Chicago Tribune)
· 48. Lombard woman charged with aggravated battery, domestic battery after hitting, critically injuring her boyfriend with a car following an argument (Chicago Tribune)
· 49. Glen Ellyn Park District opts to pay off tax-backed loans rather than refinance them, meaning lower tax rate for property owners (Daily Herald)
· 50. Man in custody after punching another man in drive-through lane at Oak Lawn restaurant after driver accidentally pulled into exit (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 51. E-commerce giant Amazon to open third Illinois order-fulfillment center in Romeoville (Chicago Tribune)
· 52. [One year since developmentally disabled woman, 2-year-old nephew disappeared from Gary]( (ABC 7)
· 53. Hammond Redevelopment Commission OKs feasibility study for sports complex at former Woodmar Mall site (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 54. LaPorte landlord fined $14,625 for illegally bringing pesticide not registered for use in Indiana in from China, spraying apartments (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 55. Unemployment rate in Northwest Indiana rises to 6.1 percent in June (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 56. 10 people arrested for scheme using stolen credit card information to post bail at LaPorte County Jail (WBBM AM 780)
· 57. Gary man held in Cook County Jail on rape charges accused of sexual assault of cellmate (FOX 32)
· 58. Man suffers gunshot wound to head in Gary (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 59. Gary police investigate two armed robberies along McKinley Street, near scene of a recent homicide (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 60. U.S. Attorney's Office indicts 36 Latin Kings gang members in greater Chicago area on racketeering conspiracy and firearms charges (NBC 5)
· 61. Simon Cowell: Northbrook teen opera singer 'is why we made' 'America's Got Talent' (Chicago Tribune)
· 62. Mundelein sex offender sentenced to 8 years in prison for possession of child porn (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 63. Part-time firefighter charged with installing a video-recording device in shower to record another employee at the Northfield Fire Department (Chicago Tribune)
· 64. Students get education and pay in Youth Conservation Corps summer program in Lake County Forest Preserve District (Daily Herald)
· 65. Evanston High School graduate to compete for Nigeria in 2016 Olympic Games (CBS 2)
· 66. Zion cop shoots man who fled traffic stop, crashed into parked car and patrol car (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 66. Lawsuit claims staff of Niles senior-living facility allowed harassment of lesbian resident (Chicago Tribune/Niles Herald-Spectator)
· 67. Manager of Schaumburg-based Suburban Home Physicians sentenced to 6 years in jail, $15.6 million in restitution (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 68. Gilberts cancer survivor walks 40 miles in two days, partly for cancer research foundation (Daily Herald)
· 69. Barrington Village Board asks neighbors, developer to come up with compromise over disputed 21-townhouse development (Daily Herald)
· 70. Elgin man sentenced to 10 years in prison for aggravated battery with firearm, drug possession stemming from separate 2015 shooting, traffic stop (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 71. Crystal Lake woman held on $40,000 bond for stealing ex-roommate's PlayStation, pawning it (Daily Herald)
· 72. Coombs Road bridge in Elgin Township reopened after structural repairs completed (Daily Herald)
· 73. Barrington Area Council of Government plans private-well water testing on Oct. 5 (Daily Herald)
· 74. Two firefighters hospitalized after battling blaze at Crystal Lake Central High School (Daily Herald)
· 75. Eight-bedroom, 30,214-square-foot Moorish-style Burr Ridge mansion once known as 'Villa Taj' renamed, relisted for $10.25 million (Chicago Tribune)
· 76. Uber driver returns wallet containing $3,000 to Ukrainian immigrant staying with his sister in River Grove (ABC 7)
· 77. Chicago teen arrested in connection with 5 car thefts, 30 vehicle burglaries in Lombard (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
· 78. Former Quality Inn in Elk Grove Village reopens following renovation as Best Western O'Hare North/Elk Grove (Daily Herald)
· 79. Oak Park native, co-owner of Mars Inc. Forrest Mars Jr. passes away at 84 (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 80. Rockler Woodworking and Hardware opens in Bolingbrook, its second Illinois location (Daily Herald)
· 81. Orland Park police chief, who took a bullet for President Ronald Reagan, uncertain about wisdom of releasing assassin (CBS 2)
· 82. Cyclist struck, killed on Indiana 421 near Purdue North Central campus in Westville (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 83. East Chicago man indicted on drug-trafficking, firearm-possession charges (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 84. Woman, man found stabbed to death in Gary home (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 85. Five correctional officers suspended for 15 days after investigation shows a female inmate was placed with male inmates in medical wing of Lake County Jail (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 86. Bishop Noll Catholic High School hires alumna/teacher as new principal (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 87. Hammond, Hobart council members resign following judge's ruling against city employees also holding elective positions in same town (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 88. St. John resident chosen principal of Chicago's De La Salle Institute (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 89. Gary police get arrest warrant for parents of 3-year-old who died of dehydration, malnutrition on July 5 (FOX 32)
· 90. North Shore communities team up to battle sand drifts along Lake Michigan with help from Illinois Department of Natural Resources (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 91. Mundelein ends 53-year ban on ice cream trucks on village streets (Daily Herald)
· 92. U.S. Secretary of Defense promotes new recruitment initiative, talks about transgender-personnel issues at Great Lakes Naval Center in North Chicago (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 93. Seventh suspect arrested in credit-card fraud scheme at Deer Park Apple store (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 94. Park Ridge residents react to possibility of Hillary Clinton becoming first female U.S. president (FOX 32)
· 95. Mount Prospect-based River Trails Elementary District 26 considers referendum to pay for new $29 million early-learning center (Daily Herald)
· 96. Streets flooded, trees uprooted in Palatine after afternoon storms (Daily Herald)
· 97. Carol Stream Village Board to vote on construction/renovation project that may require moving employees to temporary facility outside Village Hall (Daily Herald)
· 98. Naperville Running Company plans to open store in downtown Wheaton (Daily Herald)
· 99. Actor Harrison Ford takes Westchester teen on flight during Oshkosh, Wis., air show (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 100. Berwyn woman apparently struck by lightning while walking in Bolingbrook (CBS 2)
· 101. Man in court for DUI hearing now charged with aggravated battery, resisting arrest following fight, attempt to flee from Bridgeview courthouse (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 102. Homewood man killed in crash on I-80 in Lansing (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 103. Two bison calves born this week at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie near Wilmington (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 104. East Chicago city officials: Residents of West Calumet Housing Complex would be safer elsewhere, away from lead-contaminated soil (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 105. East Chicago police investigate two separate shootings that injured three people (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 106. Big Ten Conference finds new ticket vendor after federal fraud charges leveled against Lake Forest-based Forward Market Media (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 107. Highland Park woman charged with leaving 13-month-old child in hot car while shopping in Northbrook (CBS 2)
· 108. Illinois First Appellate Court dismisses Woodlawn Elementary District 50's lawsuit to shutter Grayslake charter school (Daily Herald)
· 109. Buffalo Grove heroin-overdose victim becomes namesake for national law to increase access to opioid-overdose rescue drug (Daily Herald)
· 110. Grand Victoria Casino, WTMX team up to bring Food Truck Fest to Elgin on Friday, Aug. 5 (Daily Herald)
· 111. Schaumburg resident challenges village over treehouse regulations, village's requirement that ash trees be removed (Daily Herald)
· 112. Rolling Meadows residents upset with proposal for former Dominick's property (Daily Herald)
· 113. Prospect High School graduate sues Northwest Suburban High School District 214, alleging he was bullied, harassed and unfairly punished by students, teachers because he's black (Daily Herald)
· 114. Rehab work begins on Lake in the Hills Airport runway, hangars (Daily Herald)
· 115. Elgin woman, sister, friends launch 'upscale club for adults' at former unemployment office location (Daily Herald)
· 116. Gail Borden Public Library opens South Elgin branch (Daily Herald)
· 117. St. Charles Community Unit School District 303 projecting $1 million budget surplus for 2016-17 budget year (Daily Herald)
· 118. DuPage Election Commission pulls Constitution Party candidate for County Board District 2 seat from ballot, citing problems with nominating petition (Daily Herald)
· 119. Aurora man given 6-year sentence in jail for selling drugs in parking lot near Aurora park (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 120. St. Charles Community Unit School District 303 begins testing its buildings for lead in water (Daily Herald)
· 121. West Chicago Elementary School District 33 to start mariachi-band program (Daily Herald)
· 122. Ex-Bolingbrook cop Drew Peterson sentenced to additional 40 years in prison for attempting to hire hitman to kill Will County state's attorney (ABC 7)
· 123. Beecher-based Settlers Pond one of last places that cares for exotic, domestic animals (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 124. Lake County E-911 center director leaves post; deputy director to fill position (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 125. Man shot in lower body outside party near Hammond City Hall (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 126. Merrillville Board of Zoning Appeals sends proposed self-storage facility to Town Council with no recommendation (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 127. Gary police looking for shooting suspect after seizing guns, marijuana and cash from his home (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 128. East Chicago Housing Authority now seeking to demolish apartment complex where lead-contaminated dirt was found (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 129. Lake County Court House Foundation kicking Crown Point city court out of historic building (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 130. DuPage, Will, Grundy counties issue warrants for arrest of Joliet contractor, wanted for fraud, theft (ABC 7)
· 131. Denver cable startup Layer3 TV to roll out service throughout Chicago area by Labor Day (Chicago Tribune)
· 132. West, southwest suburbs, northwest Indiana see heavy rains, some localized flooding from Friday storms (NBC 5)
· 133. Highland Park begins 'pay as you throw' garbage collection where trash receptacles are scanned, no more garbage stickers needed (Daily Herald)
· 134. Philippine fast-food chain Jollibee opens first Midwest store in Skokie (NBC 5)
· 135. Big Timber Road, McLean Boulevard in Elgin closed because of large fire (Daily Herald)
· 136. Butera Market scheduled to open in Des Plaines in January, but owners couldn't work out lease deal to keep Caputo & Sons open until then (Daily Herald)
· 137. Glen Ellyn police seek man who groped a female pedestrian on a walking path near Hill Avenue (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 138. Man wearing surgical mask, cowboy hat robs TCF Bank branch in Glendale Heights (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 139. Armed robber wearing Darth Vader mask robs First American Bank in Geneva (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 140. Downers Grove Village Commissioner, College of DuPage Trustee David Olsen chosen to replace State Rep. Ronald Sandack, who resigned over 'Internet scam' (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 141. Tinley Park police search cornfield near village after arresting three people for call about attempted fraud at Sam's Club (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 142. Remains of Marine killed in Pacific during World War II buried in Blue Island (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 143. Homewood-Flossmoor High School District 223 won't explain principal's firing, but records show past conflicts with superintendent (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 144. Lansing police hope to build bridges with community through National Night Out on Tuesday, Aug. 2 (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 145. South Holland still cleaning up after being hit hard in latest round of storms (WGN TV)
· 146. ArcelorMittal retirees hit by increased out-of-pocket payments for health care, prescriptions (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 147. BP to invest $12.5 million in new firefighting building at Hammond facility (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 148. Lake Station expecting 2017 budget to be $700,000 less than current fiscal year's (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 149. Portage buys, plans to demolish city's original fire station (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 150. Demolition of Crown Point Public Works building uncovers old underground tank (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 151. Twincade bar to bring blend of classic arcade games, craft beer to Griffith (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 152. Valparaiso native Jared Arambula named to U.S. Paralympic basketball team (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 153. Locked In brings escape game to real life in Crown Point (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 154. Hammond Board of Sanitary Commissioners preparing plan to combat sewer overflows from affecting residents' basements (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 155. Owner of Highland dog-grooming service upset that town won't let her locate to former hardware store, a site slated for arts-related business (Northwest Indiana Times)
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